Stat him
Stat him
Annoying ass who doesn't know what he's talking about.
+2 to fatness every level up.
He looks kinda like pre-Super Saiyan Guy Fieri here.
Like this?
That's the ticket.
Joe please.
Level 2 Youtube Sellout
Barbarian, lowest stat is strength. Every time he becomes Raged his strength score becomes average.
Pesos: 7
Uh, what was his name again?
Mal Humorado Player
Peeved pedro
dude dont make fun of angry joe he has depression. thats why he hasnt made many videos recently
30 pesos Jose
Rustled Ramiro
+20 to bluff
Raging Fernando
Jokes aside, he is a pretty solid reviewer though. He is not a brilliant guy, but he looks out for the everyman consumer. He just has to stuff it in that stupid gag format.
At least AVGN had that self aware nerd charm, and actually insane plotlines within the gags.
level 2 follower the old witch picked up with her leadership feat
That sure explains how he manages to make even less videos than a guy who spends 90% of his time by dying from asscancer.
Count Cheska
Irritated Ignacio
+20 to pointless, boring movie reviews nobody cares about.
>Past tense
Do you mean he no longer has it or he no longer is making new videos? Last time I was watching anything from him, it was 2010.
holy shit he got fat
is that a real picture of him now?
There is on average at least one thread per week on /v/ poking fun out of how fat he got
irate gamer?
This is by far the worst stat thread I've ever seen.
Upset Ulysses
I made this thread and even I am disappointed with you guys for letting it live this long.
Enraged Eduardo
Guess that the Mountain Dew&Doritos diet really has taken its toll on Perturbed Pablo.
Oh fuck that man has no ears
Someone help him
Mad Chad
Human Commoner 1
James doesn't really do AVGN anymore. He feels it's kind of played out and tired at this point, and he isn't completely wrong.
He still uploads a few episodes a year, but only on special occasions, like Halloween, or if he has a particularly unique concept to make a video for, like his Berenstein Bears video.