Veeky Forums in Pictures

Let's have a thread dedicated to memes ONLY.

Small talk is fine, but let's some high quality Veeky Forums related memes in this thread.

I'll post some examples to get us started and show you what I'm looking for.

They don't have to be funny. They can be informative, funny, a reaction, etc. Have a nice night and weekend, anons.





anyone else barely browsing their main board during this recent mania? i've been a lot happier off of /pol/


What do you think they like to talk about?

Probably kardashians and where they get their nails done.

/pol/ is best in low doses.

yep, i'm hardly on /sp/ recently

/pol/ is absolute trash these days my friend.
It's been taken over by human filth.
It's no wonder you feel less happy while you are there.
Crypto is going to fall to the same fate but at least values will rise because of it.
That said, at least we got Trump elected even if /pol/ had to be sacrificed. This bubble wouldn't have been possible without his administration.

This is the last one I have.
Any others that get dumped and are good I will save.

I would fuck that backwards hat girl in the mouth and I'm not even joking


why would anyone think you're joking?

Are you old as shit? Or female? What makes that statement hard to believe?




Yeah I rarely go on /pol/ anymore.



Somehow I have never seen this one before.
I like it.



more thots pls.








someone pls post the tether printing machine meme PLS

holy shit.

last one i have


forgot this one

Im glad i migrated. It’s an expensive waste of time

I took a break from /a/
Its probably for the best

I'm the OP from that thread. Glad to see it still gets posted.

I'm the opposite. Veeky Forums is my main board and the higher this goes the less I can stand being here so I'm browsing other boards.

One of the newest FUD memes

Now I can't help to notice that the clown in the right might be a Hisoka reference.

Hot off the presses


i opened a folder to gather the memes


Well I guess the thread is dead now.
I appreciate all those who have dumped good memes.
I saved the good ones.
Until next time gents.

the king

I'm back to resurrect the thread. I had to take my last final exam.

I'll post the rest of what I got.



This is a tipical daily pnd crypto shit lol

Top kek