>All bards are now female
how does this change your setting?
>All bards are now female
how does this change your setting?
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It makes the collective boner half my party has for our bard less gay. Fuck you for ruining our game.
Like, retroactively? Or is this some kind of magical curse that happens one night?
I suppose a bard that romanced a witch is to blame for this.
My character is no longer the only female on the party.
there are much fewer single mothers
Wouldn't all bards becoming female technically raise the number of single mothers?
Male bards often leave multiple single mothers behind in each city and female bards can only become single mothers. So, no.
So what do female bards do with their babies? I doubt it's safe to take them on adventures, and not just because there's a chance of someone taking the baby and shooting it out of a cannon.
Blood magic
The game become idolmaster rpg.
>already playing a female bard
>the one other bard-type we've encountered was also female
...It doesn't?
She insists any monster can be solved by out-fucking it.
Perhaps there's some sort of magical birth control?
Most settings have some form of "Night Tea" that works as a contraceptive.
Which is weird, you'd think they'd stick with Silphium.
The orphanarium business is really booming these days.
And all those little girl orphans just grow up to be bards themselves, further fueling the problem.
Before long the countryside will be overrun with bards, most of them pregnant, seducing anything that moves.
I'm pretty sure this is someone's magical realm.
Apart from the Draconic State of Yevan deciding that the entire bard's college should be forcibly inducted into the Emperor's harem, not much.
Well it's mine now.
Those poor, poor bastards. A regular imperial harem has more then enough power, now you want it to be run entirely by pissed off bards?
Bard sluttishness increases an order of magnitude.
I need more information, OP.
Did the change occur far in the past so that all Bards were always female, or did every male Bard in the setting suddenly become female?
Nothing in my setting. Probably get a ton of players that want to play gender confused males thou.
> >All bards are now female
> how does this change your setting?
Queen becomes an all-female band.
Elvis Presley is now known as Evelina Presley.
The artist formerly known as Prince is now the artist formerly known as Princess.
Louis Armstrong is now Louise Armstrong, with all stereotypes of a singing fat black lady that ensue.
And don't even get me started on shit like Weird Al.
Daft Punk are still two robotic fucks, though.
>all x are now female
it wouldn't, because I'd drop that setting in a heartbeat
> >All bards are now female
All males are now STEMfags, I guess.
David Bowie is now Davina Bowie and still looks weird.
Kiss is now made up of entirely of costumed up women.
Micheal Jackson or Michelle Jackson makes some groovy beats and was accused of /ss/.
The thought of all bands being gender swapped is kinda of fun thought.
>A shitload of pregnant, beautiful young women with supernatural musical talent running around trying to seduce everything
Pic related
if fantasy worlds are not allowed the humble potato in Veeky Forums-autist land, what makes you think Silphium is permitted?
posting bards
Is she from something? Google isn't giving me anything.
and that's it
Do what any true Bard would
Invent "transfer pregnancy" spell first
Then leave the child with whoever you grabbed for a one night stand
Considering the setting was all male, it would have mattered if there were bards in the setting.
So now you have a bunch of pregnant guys running around? That would probably kill them, so bards would be like succubi.
Or maybe it also turns them into women? Then many would try to get that spell too, creating more bards. So bards would be really weird vampires I guess? Bard-ness an STD?
>queen becomes an all female band
>all that masculine depth and warmth gone from freddy mercury's voice
Literally not worth it. I would destroy that world.
Well I meant more of a comical, "man got pregnant, man gave birth, please don't think too hard on it, they're trying not to"
But magical STD that turns people into a female bard is good too
Actually why aren't magical STDs more of a thing?
Because they would rarely come up in a standard campaing and only screw the player that rp's non-essentials like sex or romance.
Anyway, we now have STD that turns people into female bards if they got their partner pregnant. The question is, would this make more sense as background for a zombie apocalypse game, or should the players be on a grand quest to recover the ancient technology of condoms?
I almost want to have a player make a stupid "all X becomes Y" wish in a campaign so that I can ruin their magical realm with unforseen consequences and world building.
>would this make more sense as background for a zombie apocalypse game
Horde of rapist she-bards?
Though honestly I'm not sure I'd do either, having it as a background thing going around in a more comical campaign is more how I'd use it
>gay bard nursing a crush on the ranger
Good end I suppose.
Monty Python troupe becomes all-female.
Videorelated sketc still happens, though.
Most "bards" in my setting already are female. Women in combat or other adventurous situations are expected to charm magic, singing/playing/dancing to frame the narrative of the conflict in such a way as to ensure divinity aids their side. The men are expected to fight. Of course this is just the expectation not the rule, but still all bards being female wouldnt change the general culture of the setting much, someone would probably notice the obsolute lack of outliers and interpret it as meaning god is a pervy man. This too wouldnt change much, except that women would probably dress sluttier to take advantage of the new discovery.
If all male bards are transformed to women, then emphasis falls very, very heavy on the second point above. Men become a bit uncomfortable in the knowledge that god prefers women, women alternate between smugly superior and a bit creeped out.
>Zeus turns bards into girls
>Demigod kids for everyone!
I really don't get this way of thinking.
>Have any sort of problem, difficulty, obstacle or inconvenience of any sort and magnitude?
>No problem, just magic it away, and if there's no magic that works that way then there is now, because I said so.
>No I'm nobody special, I just happen to be able to shit out whatever magic I want just because.
>I mean, can't everybody? Is not every setting populated entirely by godlings who have absolutely no limits on anything so long as they use the word "magic" in some way when talking about it? It wouldn't be fantasy otherwise!