Alright lads, we're constantly having threads about fixing Orks, Chaos, and Sisters, but what about these fine gentlemen here?
How to Fix Harlequins?
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Harlequins are fine, one of the best armies if played correctly. They don't need a fix.
>how to "fix" Harlequins
>implying that "Dark Eldar, but actually decent" needs to be fixed
Literally all that codex needs is more units.
Remove Overwatch.
Actually have HQ choices. Otherwise they're fine. Actually hard to play right with high risk, high rewards playstyle. A fuck up and your army get shredded but if you play it right your clowns will dance around any enemies and tear them a new asshole. You just need to remember every aspect of your army and never overlook the smallest details.
And pic related is a beast.
How would you run 1000/1500 of pure Harlies then?
Seriously, Harlequins are fine. If you take them either in a small game or as an Eldar/Deldar ally, they're an excellent army.
ALLLLLLLLLL the monies of course
I recently got this and the DE codex. The Solitaire is an absolutely beast. Better than Lielith and cheaper. His blitz ability looks ridiculous.
Want to run a DE/Harlie army.
I really like the looks of both of those armies. What color schemes you thinking of for yours?
>Problems with Harlequins:
>1. It's hard to take the psyker as an ally without spending a million points
>2. ??????
Look up Dr Faust Dark Eldar on YouTube. That colour for armour and their vehicles is definitely what I want to go for.
The Harlies you can be a bit more free with but I think I'm probably going to have to invest in a spray gun as I want to make voidweavers look cool with the different diamond patterns.
Both armies have some amazing looking models.
Damn those do look amazing not bad at all. I like quick hit and run armies it's icing on the cake that they look baller as fuck too.
Starweavers, Venoms, Raiders, Skyweavers, Raiders, Ravagers. So much mobility and firepower.
The Harlequins have 12 warlord traits. One of them is +4 to sieze the initiative. The Solitaire has the following stats:
WS: 9
BS: 9
S: 3
T: 3
W: 3
I: 10
A: 6 (increases to 11 with blitz and furious charge
Sv: 3+ invulnerable (eternal warrior)
Pair them with Haemonculi Covens. Harlequins work best when paired with a Grotesquerie and the Talos+Cronos+Haemonculus formation. Covens' leadership penalties pair really well with the Harlequins's leadership based powers, and the covens provide the thing the Harlies need most; toughness.
Holy shit harlequin are the worst whiners
Harlies are fine, just treat them like the Inquisition or Skitaari. They ain't meant to be your main army, but rather allies.
Make the voidweaver either a lot cheaper or actually useful (or remove it as the formation tax)
I don't know, if you want a masque that can actually go into CC you need to spend ~765 points at a minimum (3 troupes with 6 clowns, 3 caress and haywire, 3 starweavers w/ two as fast attack, voidweaver with prismatic). If you want to use any elites or skyweavers, it's going to cost even more.
For the fluffy masque, it's even more (around 1550 depending on upgrades).
Either way, unless you go 50-50 then using them as a masque rather than a single cast of players/heroes path it's surprisingly hard to use them as a secondary allied army without gimping yourself points-wise
got the quotes the wrong way around
The solitaire is surprisingly squishy, not many wounds at all and a 3+ really isn't that good when you're T3. Anything that can pump out lots of shots will destroy him (e.g. bolters or las).
On the other hand, I still love mine when I take him in a heroes path formation. That way you get stealth+shrouded and you should be able to permanently be in CC or be in 2+ cover if you play him sensibly
I dunno about fixing... but they should actually have Mimes as a troop type.
And more things to emphasise the musical theatre aspect. Have a psyker who manipulates the warp through song, like a bonesinger, but not with wraithbone.
Scrap their retarded design, for starters.
Solitaire is actually useless solo (ironically) since a solid round of overwatch would slaughter him anyway. But coupled with a Death Jester's fancy panicking shots, some Shadowseer's concealing powers and grenades, and some smart positioning, and the Solitaire can slaughter any squad he comes into contact with. He exemplifies the Harlequin army perfectly: a glass knife that needs intense synergy to properly work. You either crush the enemy or gets crushed yourself, no middle ground.