Black enters the 40k galaxy intend on wiping out all ningen.
How does he fare?
Black enters the 40k galaxy intend on wiping out all ningen.
How does he fare?
He dies to SSGSS Golden Cell on the first day.
>Character employing power of X
>In a setting where X is a non-factor
Every time, doesn't fucking work.
okay, ive not been keeping up with the latest db retardation but what the fuck is this shit?
It's not real.
A little after Golden Frieza became a thing, people we're talking about what would happen if Cell made enough Cell Jr's to do the SSG ritual and then trained for 4 months like Frieza.
How many times do I have to tell you guys, putting X in 40k simply does not make for a good thread. It only worked that one time with the Tarrasque, and only because we had a Writefag on hand who actually gave a fuck.
>power of X
Okay, pic related shows up. Assuming he's got his ultimate armor and can copy a suitably destructive weapon, I think he's got a good shot as surviving quite some time.
Y'know, as he's hunted by the Imperium for being AI.
I dunno, he is a very advanced piece of archeotech made to closely mimic Humans while also getting rid of unruly robots. He might be kept as the Admech's personal assassin if they can be convinced/fooled that at least some part of his process Orcs are meat. And not to mention what would happen if he took down a Necron Lord and took his Gauss gun power.
Suffering Circuit activates, shit gets fucked
Did they ever put a cap on which kind of weapons X could copy? Can you imagine the type of bullshit firepower he would have if he copied some 40k weapons?
Dare I say could he get Enuff Dakka?
I swear I heard that X can only copy weapons because every Repeloid is based on his template somewhere.
ignoring op's bullshit suggestion, the idea of x in 40k is actually pretty interesting.
He gets cut in half by a Space Marine with a power sword.
That makes sense. Every Reploid is reverse engineered from X, so X can copy their weapons, the same way the original Megaman is made with the same technology of the Robot Masters, so he can copy their weapons with his Variable Weapon System.
It's not as scary as sexiest Primarch.
>reverse engineered from X
I'm pretty sure the power swords don't run off of magical love energy. I think that's the only reason Trunks could do it.
Considering fucking Roshi is capable of blowing up the moon from the surface of Earth, a sufficiently strong Dragon Ball character wreaks havoc on shit until heavy duty mind control comes into play. Someone this strong winds up getting manipulated by some Chaos god or some shit and they win.
Can't get manipulated by Chaos if he has 0 links to them.
One punch man wins
>power swords don't run off of magical love energy
Don't you love GOD EMPEROR OF MANKING, user? Are you heretic?!