Which is better?
>Supernatural regeneration
>Supernatural durability.
Is the ability to quickly recover from damage better or worse than preventing damage in the first place?
Pic unrelated.
Which is better?
>Supernatural regeneration
>Supernatural durability.
Is the ability to quickly recover from damage better or worse than preventing damage in the first place?
Pic unrelated.
It depends on the setting and how common people able to bypass and hurt people with increased durability is anyway.
Supernatural Durability is useful if you can ignore most of the setting's weapons. Otherwise Supernatural regeneration is better for surviving injuries.
As said, it depends on the setting. If you're 'plato ideal nonchanger', durability can work.
Regeneration has the side benefit of anti-aging implicitly though, so again, another setting component.
Supernatural regeneration doesn't protect you from dying when your brain gets turned to mush and replaced by a different brain.
In a lot of settings it does. 'Regeneration from single surviving cell' mechanics with genetic memory.
It's better not to be cut than to be cut and regenerate. Durability would help you survive injuries that would kill you before regeneration had time to set it. Remember that Wolverine's regeneration wouldn't be worth shit if not for his adamantium skeleton.
What settings?
I would say durability because regeneration implies that you will revert back to a state you were prior to being injured. Imagine, if you will, that you can't cahnge your form because you'll regen back to the way you were when you gained the ability.
It really depends on the situation. Supernatural regeneration is better where instances of injury are common, but rarely exceed anything beyond broken bones or lacerations. Supernatural durability is better in instances where you're not going to be injured very often, but in a situation where a single injury could very well kill you before regeneration is even factored in, like playing a game of "dodge the artillery shell".
Marvel for one. Or is it DC? I think both have regenerators with "regrow from a drop of blood" bullshit.
Marvel definitely has that, I'm trying to think for DC, I'm pretty sure they do but I can't think of anyone off the top of my head. Swamp thing maybe?
And as for settings that had this, Dragon Ball had this with both Cell and Buu. Some other characters, like Piccolo, had regeneration, but not 'from a single cell' regeneration, they needed their brain intact.
Realistically regeneration. There are times when you need to be hurt, like if you need an injection, or if you need some sort of surgery, or things like that.
Not that regeneration wouldn't interfere as well, but it would at least be possible.
It would be best to have like, some sort of cap on pain though, otherwise things are gonna be pretty miserable. Especially if regeneration means drugs don't work on you.
>have wolverine powers
>writers will impale you and tear your arms off every 30 seconds to remind the readers you've got them
>have durability
>worst that will happen is you'll get knocked through a building and your costume will get a bit grubby
Easy choice desu
Character can actually die in RPGs while comic characters can live for over 60 years irl.
At one point not only could lobo regenerate from a drop of blood, drops of his blood would grow into separate lobos.
Prototype's another.
Regeneration. It might hurt like a butch right now but at least you'all be fine in 30 seconds.
>Get hit by grenade.
>Lose both legs, my eyes, and an arm
>get back up in five minutes to shoot the fucker who did it
>Get hit by grenade
>shrapnel removed an eyeball, everything else is okay.
>After battle still have no eyeball.
If you've got a high pain threshold, regeneration would probably be better. It also comes with a host of other side benefits.
It depends. An enemy that can regenerate is good for evoking a feeling of desperation, knowing that you have to put this guy down real fast or else all your work would have been for nothing. Durability on the other hand can make a guy seem invincible and give a really satisfying moment where you punch through the armor to actually inflict some damage.
The problem is both have the potential to be really frustrating and demoralizing, so you have to be careful about how you use them.
Regeneration either slow down aging, or speeds it up from forcing full cell cycles.
Durability might also mean cells don't degrade properly in the first place, slowing down aging.
Durability also might be "cellular immortality", meaning cells don't seperate and any damage is permanent.
And they don't take any damage, ever.
So they can't build up their muscles either.
Would someone with regeneration or invulnerability be able to have cancer?
If they were able to have cancer, would they be able to fight it, or would their regeneration/indestructibility keep the cancer from being destroyed?
Depends on how much you have of either of these, wheter you're going to be a lone wolf or aided by allies, and what kind of situations you're going to face.
Supernatural durability is better in that it allows you to survive blows that would otherwise one-shot you without any chance of regenerating.
Regeneration, though, will be more useful in situations where you're taking only minor damages at a time or the occasional serious injuries, assuming you're able to survive long enough to let it do its job.
If you have regen and cancer, you know what you do?
Lop that shit off. Regens fine, problem solved.
What if it's Brain cancer?
Sounds like a Deadpool thing, and he's immune to death or some shit like that.
Depends on how good those two options are.
>inb4 they are equally good
I get it, but how durable are you and how fast can you regenerate? What are sideffects?
Cut that shit, it will grow back.
>implying you don't have a soul
If regeneration protects the cancer, it's probably just going to go all the way and turn it into near-instantly fatal super cancer.
One of the few times .50 cal aspirin is a legit cure for something.
So.... uninjured?
Deadpool is the answer to that question.
There was a Marvel guy like that named Butterball.
Wolverine vs Colossus, I've thought about this a lot.
At the end of the day, I go with regeneration. Yeah shit still hurts, but you get the benefits of anti-aging, you'd be very strong, and could combat any disease.
I really, really like the idea of being The Ultimate Shield too, though.
cursed by Thanos with the inability to die from what I remember.
something about him being a bitch boy that Deadpool pulled in Death's pussy before Thanos could hit it
Oh, Greed. Man, he's the one that made me like super-durability.
Is it better to lose things a lot and always get them back, or to rarely lose things and rarely get them back?
In any case, regeneration unless i'm friends with someone with a healing power.