How much danger would a man wearing plate armor be in during a bear attack?
How much danger would a man wearing plate armor be in during a bear attack?
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Does the bear have a knife, or a poleaxe?
No random encounters with bears for a man in plate armor. The noise would scare the bear away.
less than without it, but, if you learn about "project grizzly" you will see how insane the criteria is for bear safe armor. basically you need an armor that a truck can hit you and throw you off a rocky cliff and you fall and roll 20 meters on rocky hillside and a tree-trunk stops you and you can get up like nothing happened.
also this:
Scratches and mauling is less of a danger, but you can still suffer broken bones from the impact or have your wrists, ankles or neck crushed if it gets its jaws around you.
A normal guy? He'd be straight fucked.
Is he a Knight of Zelthen? If so, I'd be more worried about the Bear.
You still fucked if it's a grizzly, mass win out. But for a black bear...well honestly yoy can drive those off with nothing but a knife.
is he kill?
Still a fairly enormous danger. You won't be punctured or slashed by its claws/teeth, but the bear is still 4 times your size and strength.
Normal plate armor does nothing to protect you against range-of-motion injuries. If the bear grapples with you, you can still have your joints bent backwards, breaking bones.
Unless it's a polar bear or a really hungry grizzly.
Then it's a dinner bell and you are really fucked.
Not very. A beast could probably kill a man in plate.
But animals aren't bezerkers who fight until the death. If they rub across subverting weird and violence doesn't work they usually run away.
See: 120lb bull mastiff versus a vacuum cleaner.
Still shitload of broken bones AND a lot of armour bend-in, which is painful like hell.
In short - it wouldn't scratch you and (probably, that depends where it bites) wouldn't maul you, but that's literally it. You still would be lucky to survive such encounter.
Yona btfo.
user, if a bear already attacked you, you are WAAAAY beyond the point it can be scared.
And if you are unfortunate to meet a female bear with cubs, you are pretty much dead. Ever heard the term "mama bear" about vicious mother that won't stop from nothing to protect her children? It's not an exaggeration in case of bears.
Or one of those horrifying hybrids that aren't afraid of people.
Unless the plate armour can divert kinetic energy and several ton pressure i would say still in high danger.
Do these count as daggers?
Oh just look at the time, it's Nope o'clock.
>And if you are unfortunate to meet a female bear with cubs,
This has happened to me. I walked up on a grizzly and her cubs. Fortunately she didn't want to distance herself from her cubs, so she only threat charged me.
Jesus. You're very lucky.
Zelthen may be formidable, I'll give them that, but all the 'Roided Knights Templar strength won't save you when you're eating chunks of dirt and choking on a sudden hailstorm... and then you get mauled by bears.
I know. Took me about ten minutes until I was able to move again.
Blasphemer! Mere animals and vile witchcraft cannot stand before noble skill-at-arms and the cleansing light of Zelthen!
Only marginally less than a man without armor, it's claws and teeth become less of a danger but a grizzly could just knock him over and stomp on his chest. Big bears aren't like a lot of predators where their sharp bits are the only normal mode of attack, they're huge enough to just kill you with their mass and they know it.
>Normal plate armor does nothing to protect you against range-of-motion injuries.
That is not true. Or at least, not completely. The lames allowing for articulation on elbows and knees only overlap to allow motion in one direction, bending the joint in the other (wrong) direction is functionally impossible. See pic. Even something as strong as a grizzly would have a problem with it, because it's having to overcome multiple layers of bent metal - it's like bending an I-beam sideways.
With that said, your shoulders and hips have no such protection, and are thus vulnerable to the situation you describe.
Neck and wrists depend on the specific armor worn; some gorgets lock sufficiently to provide resistance against whipping action. And a long hourglass gauntless can protect that joint, while a short hourglass is much less likely to do so (although you'll probably have mitten protection on the short hourglass, so your fingers aren't likely to get snapped).
Basically, I'd consider a person wearing fullplate getting attacked by a grizzly to have gone from "99.9% of the time you dead" to having a pretty good chance of surviving and a 50/50 chance of walking/limping away. It will suck, and not be an experience you'd ever want to repeat, but it should be survivable because the bear isn't likely to stick around and keep fucking with you once it's tried a couple of bites and claw swipes. Animals don't like the taste of metal, generally, and if you aren't reacting in the way it expects it's very likely to stop bothering after a minute or so.
1: "plate armour" is not specific enough, during the period where plate armour saw use you had both unhardened mild steel armour and hardened steel armour.
2: in either case, plate armour was designed to stop reasonable attacks made by weapons that were in common use. They are always a compromise between being as light as possible and being as protective as possible, but so were weapons, that needed to be fast to use but have enough mass to injure an armoured opponent, or be stiff and pointy enough to be used in the gaps of the armour.
3: a bear is straight up several times as strong as a human, but it's not exactly evolved to prey on animals covered in steel. You are still at a great danger from being knocked around, from your limbs being bent the wrong way, and from severe crumpling of the armour if the bear gets a solid hit in. The bear can definitely kill you, but it's not going to shred the armour or anything of the sort.
Your biggest risks are broken bones, dislocated limbs and neck injuries.
Not a big deal. You might have to put some limbs or ribs in a cast, but you'll survive (in record time).
There is a reason why medieval nobility hunted animals WITHOUT armour.
Because with armour, there is no danger. There is no fun.
Just enough danger to make him wish he brought a weapon as well.
The biggest threat to the man would be the blunt force trauma, and he'd have to resort to punching the bear or something like that until it decides that it's not worth it anymore and leaves.
Honestly, depends on the individual.
Some civilian? Hell no.
A well trained individual, with good weaponry, and who knows how to deal with pain?
Bear is ded.
>A well trained individual, with good weaponry, and who knows how to deal with pain?
>Bear is ded.
This is why fighters are better than druids, btw
If your "cleansing light" is so great, why doesn't it allow you to grow enough food for your people to not starve to death?
You are so fucking stupid
>He thinks you can kill a bear when you are already attacked by one
At that point you should rather pray the bear will get bored with mauling you before you die due to internal bleeding and having half of your bones broken.
Assuming this happend, sincere and honest congrats of being still among us, user.
>he doesn't know that a 400 year old master crafted Odachi samurai sword could slice through a charging killer sperm whale
Stay shit gaijin.
Thank you, user. I needed a good laugh.
If a man who's unarmed and unarmoured can kill a bear, then why the fuck wouldn't a man who is armed and armoured be able to?
Because bears are immune to swords.
The bear weights at least half a tonne. And unlike most of big animals, it knows about it. It can literally crush you with sheer weight, armour or not.
Which is in fact how most of bear victims die - crushed. Sure, the damage due to claws and mauling is considerable, but what actually kills you are all the broken bones, smashed organs and internal bleeding.
Unless that weapon is a large gun, bear-grade pepper spray, or perhaps a very sturdy spear and the assumption that you'll have enough time to set it to kill the bear on the charge, a weapon is actively counterproductive to surviving a bear attack.
The most relevant factor in surviving a bear attack is whether the bear gets bored before it kills you, that's why the standard anti-bear tactic is to play dead. If it's already in the process of attacking you, wounding it will just make it angry and more determined to kill you.
But what if the armor is just to disguise the fact that you are a bear yourself?
Bear hide and bones stops smaller caliber rounds from hunting rifles.
Rings you a bell how useless a sword is?
Wow, that's some crazy mary sue shit right there. Something else to make sure I never allow in my campaigns.
depends on how effectively he can discourage it from attacking.
probably it would just try a couple of bites and slaps, get confused when they dont work and rethink things. or just not try to eat things made out of fucking metal in the first place.
if it keeps at it though itll find something to bite into or just maul you to death with concussive force eventually.
The funny part is the pepper spray is more effective than the gun, when it comes to stopping power.
Because the bullet can end up only pissing the bear more, while the spray will make it actively unable to attack you... while still trendemously pissed.
Swords don't have as much power as rifles, but their penetration ability is pretty good (if you have a stiff and thrust specialized sword).
bears don't know that though. what they know is that being stabbed stings like a bitch.
animals tend to only have one determined charge in them and they can still get spooked out of it.
How are you going to use it, while being pinned to the ground by half a tonne of extremely pissed predator? Ever taken that in the account?
And here is a tip - thrusting it forward will break your arm, because unlike the movies, where physics don't work, the bear weight half a tonne and your arms can lift what? 50 kilos? Assuming of course you are ripped. Your elbow will simply bend due to the impact power and, what would be worse, your shoulder joint is going to end up displaced. So you not only pissed the bear, you also just painfully dislocated your own arm.
If a bear is charging at you, it's ALREADY determined to fucking maul you.
And if you attacked it in the process, then it's now treating it as a contest and will not only try to maul you, but outright kill you.
And God forbid if that was a female.
Why, yes, spears are more useful for fighting bears.
>just not try to eat things made out of fucking metal
Unless they're starving bears don't usually eat humans, even when they kill them during an attack. Bear attacks are almost always motivated by territorial or protective aggression, or sometimes simple curiosity which turns into a dozen broken bones because a male grizzly on the small end of average is still 600 pounds.
>How are you going to use it, while being pinned to the ground by half a tonne of extremely pissed predator?
So long as you hold onto it the bear would provide the thrusting power by jumping on you.
In theory. Maybe.
I am not convinced this would work for anyone who isn't Batman.
>the bear weight half a tonne and your arms can lift what? 50 kilos?
No, you see, thrusting is about penetrating the bear, not about pushing it away.
That is very hard to believe, sir.
This is the only documented case of a man killing a bear bare-handed, out of thousands of attacks. It's a fringe case.
Yeah, but is man wearing plate-armor going to be barehanded?
>Put pommel against ground
>don't put your arm in position to break
>Assuming your gloves are pated too, punch and attack sensitive areas, like nose, eyes, rip and tear at ears.
You don't need to kill the bear, just convince it killing you isn't worth it.
the point was that it will figure out you're not made of a material it can bite or claw through
>No, you see, thrusting is about penetrating the bear, not about pushing it away.
To thrust it, you need a point on which the entire weight of the bear will be put, so it will impale itself on the weapon.
If it's a sword, it's pretty short. The bear won't just jump on you or try to lay low on you. It will just pound you with claws and try to maul. So your entire leverage is what you can produce with your own arm, as you can't use the ground below you.
In short, the sword is fucking useless. Especially since it's too long to be wielded in such situation. You would be literally better off with a hunting knife whan with a sword.
And before you even try - it's impossible to stop a charging bear, so don't even think you can do that and "keep it at bay" to use your sword.
I know this will sound like a massive faggotry, but go see the scene from the Revenant with the bear. That's the closest any film ever get to representing how being mauled by a bear works. Laying low and pretending to being dead while it's busy ripping you apart is literally the best thing you can do, as it will just get bored with you eventually.
Unless it's hungry, that is.
A grizzly would just swipe your head off.
>I have no idea how bear attacks
Newsflash, bitch - you would get charged and then continously pounded while lying on the ground. The bear is too far away to use the pommel on the ground and it's only attacking you with paws and jaw.
In short - you can't do any of the stuff you listed.
If you need a perspective, imagine you are trying to fight with a small city car that is trying to bite your head off. That's how big and heavy a bear is.
>In theory. Maybe.
Unless you get very lucky your arm would probably buckle before you fatally wounded the bear. There is a lot of dense nonvital bear meat in the way and unless you're using a vorpal frictionless super-sword most of the force from the impact is still going to be translating to whatever is holding it in place.
That's part of the reason spears designed to kill large charging things are hilariously long, the impact has to go somewhere and the long haft gives you enough shock absorption that you aren't thrown twenty feet backwards with one or more broken arms when the warhorse slams into the pointy thing you were holding steady.
At least someone here understands basic physics. Thanks, user, this has been a long day for me on Veeky Forums
>If it's a sword, it's pretty short.
It's also excellent at penetrating things.
Now I will not pretend that I know how good a bear's protection is exactly.
But standing in front of something and thrusting your sword into it is how swords are meant to be used. That's how they work.
It doesn't matter how heavy the bear is. In fact, the heavier it is, the easier the penetration will be because the less it would be rocked by your attack.
As I said, I don't pretend this approach will work. I just think it might, if you are superhuman. And lucky.
Just read and stop being such trendemous faggot
Also, a honest to God question - do you even know how a bear looks like?
It's also too long to be used for stabbing an animal laying waste on your chest
And you won't stand, because you are pinned to the ground at this point. It's that fucking simple - the moment a bear attacks you, you are on the ground. And there is no way you are going to get up, unless the bear will leave you alone.
Armor is weak to bludgeoning damage and you're not "slashed" by a bear, you're mauled by it.
What? Don't you know what plate armour is? It is essentially a metal exoskeleton, held together by its on cylindrical shape.
We are talking about a fucking bear, not a pneumatic steel press.
>Revenant with the bear
That's pretty much a good illustration what NOT to do when a bear attacks you. After initial attack, the bear got bored and decided the guy is no longer a threat. And that moron, rather than waiting things out while still being in pretty good shape (all things considered) dediced to attack the bear as it was already leaving him alone.
Cue the bear getting all pissed and motivated to rip him to shreds
And you clearly have no idea about bears, armours, pneumatic steel presses or basic physics
Wait what?
Do you seriously imply that jamming a sword into a bear would cause some magical bear-impact-blowback? Are you retarded?
Fuck off bearaboo.
And since when do bears have metal warhammers for hands?
Getting mauled by fleshy paws while in metal armor doesn't have the same effect as on bare skin.
Ever heard about vectors? I think that's the first thing kids learn on physics anyway, so you probably did heard about those.
Anyway, assume a bear, with a force of 500 kilos times the speed of charge, impaling itself on your arm. Now, how much weight does your arm need to be able to hold to effectively stop the bear? 500 kilos times the speed of charge, of course.
Are you you seriously going to pretend that's possible to do for human?
It could be, if you were using some very long spear, like noted by this user, because the lenght of the spear would take the impact, the longer, the better.
But you have your arm holding an unflexible piece of metal, less than 1 meter short.
Meaning you can't take the force of impact, because you are just a human, not a Superman.
>And since when do bears have metal warhammers for hands?
It's basically a racial trait.
Kodiaks like the one in the picture above regularly shrug off supersonic bullets of large caliber before killing people who shoot at them. Do you honestly think 4 pounds of flexible steel is going to actually do anything more than annoy the massive two ton bear before it picks up up and shakes you like a ragdoll?
You remember poniards, those daggers used to pry plate open and stab people with? Bears have 8 of them, called 'claws', and they are piercing weapons, which plate is notoriously vulnerable to, since they tend to get into all those little overlapping bits.
Brown and black bears tear open actual houses and sheet metal to get at food. A man in armor is not really going to be safe for more than it takes to annoy the bear into killing him. An kodiaks are second only to polar bears for murderous intent.
Going by your logic, a boxer wearing gloves should be unable to knock out cold another boxer wearing a head protection. Which happens roughtly in 1 out of 5 fights.
Ever heard about impact force? Or weight? Jesus fuck, I know one can be stupid, but you are literally qestioning basic effects of being hit, because "muh armour". The armour is just a thin sheet of metal with relatively thin padding under it. It's most definitely not going to stop a wild animal pounding on it, since it can be bend by a human armed with a mace.
And you are inside that tin can. With your lungs, liver, spleen and guts. Have fun getting those literally smashed.
The real issue is the raw strength of the bear pinning the man down regardless of armor. It take longer for it to crack you open but you likely wouldn't be able to fight back much if it went full out on you.
Your best chance to fight a bear isn't armor but a good weapon that can kill it before it gets in on you.
>Brown and black bears tear open actual houses and sheet metal to get at food
And cars, and they are especially mean to campers/RVs
The best chance to fight a bear is to kill it from a distance so big it doesn't even know you are around. And preferably while sitting in a secured, high-ground position, just in case.
As an addendum to this, even if we assume you manage to angle your impossibly sharp sword perfectly and get a full stab in, I hope you're a charging bear anatomy expert and hit the heart in one go because a full length of steel inside it won't actually prevent the bear from ripping you apart. It might die from blood loss hours later if you hit an artery, or infection even later than that, but neither of those things are immediately helpful to the guy being mauled.
>fleshy paws
Yeah, but those happens to be bear paws.
user, here is a clue. It's not some sort of meme that bears are dangerous or scary. They REALLY are. This is the type of animal that will rip you to literal shreds without even getting tired.
The standard Anti-bear attack recommended by park rangers/DCNR in PA at least is to stand your ground, and stay the fuck away from cubs, as for more aggresive bears playing dead only makes them maul you, because all bears are scavengers they're gonna bite a dead thing and claw it and scratch at it to see if it's tasty/ edible.
Bear vs. Man encounters the man will always lose because of fear.
Hop a man on some PCP and give him a knife, he'll charge the bear with a berserker rage, and while probably dying in the process, do horrific damage to it unless he is killed in the first blow.
Wasn't there a documented case from Kamchatka where a bear got shanked by a hunter and survived another year, with a fucking knife in its neck?
Well yes, but that's only during the period where the bear hasn't made up it's mind on whether fucking your day up is worth it's time. Once it's decided that ruining your day fits nicely into it's schedule is where playing dead comes in.
Only good posts in thread.
Bears are not magic murder machines, and armor is not magical "keep you safe from everything" clothing.
Armor means the bear attack is survivable, while it normally is not. Anything beyond that is too far into the realm of speculation and fight-specific events to ponder.
Got you covered, senpai.
>Bears are not magic murder machines
Which is a good thing, they are dangerous enough without magic.
Black bear maybe, grizzly wins with one bone shattering organ rupturing flesh tearing swipe.
>Bears are not magic murder machines
Thank god, because they can dismantle a car with their bear hands without magic.
The equation of bear attack survival is [BEAR ANGER] - [BEAR BOREDOM x Time] = [Blood Loss + Broken Bones]. The armor is basically just a bit of extra time tacked on at the start of the encounter.
>Bears are not magic murder machines
Try telling that to a bear.
If you really think armour will help I suggest an experiment to test that.
You put on armour, then have a friend hit you with a car going 40. It's a pretty close approximation.
No, playing dead is idiocy, stand your ground and show no fear, and at least black bear's are much more likely to leave you be, than maul you, Grizzly's are too aggressive so your best tactic is to wait see waht it wants to do and then run through the trees in a zigzaggy way so they can't charge you, because little do most people know human's have the greatest endurance of all other animals on the planet, we can run farther and for much longer without stopping than anything else.
>All this "You would survive it" bullshit
Have any of you smartasses ever had anything broken? Or was stabbed?
It fucking HURTS. And it hurts like a bitch. You scream, you yell, you twitch...
And in case of bear it means making it even more eager to get you immobile by killing you. So anything after the first swipe is pretty much you being dead already, only waiting for it to happen. The only way to survive it at this point is the bear getting literally bored with killing you.
This user gets it
>No, playing dead is idiocy
At least try to understand what we're talking about. If the bear has resolved to attack you the option to "stand your ground" is already off the table. It's a pre-attack prevention technique, and a good one, but its not at all relevant to what we're talking about.
Playing dead is only good if the bear already is attacking you and still only a 50/50 chance to make it through. Standing ground works BEFORE it attacked you. If it's charging at you, it's too late