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I am? Woohoo!

feels good man



this is a joke right?

u a nazi

>Look! A transaction of 0.2 bitcoin went to a white supremacist group!

That's basically the article in a nutshell.

sooo their trying to make it more popular or ????

non-whites BTFO

Because most people who have it are white men. As we all know white men are all racist misogynistic buzzword buzzword buzzword etc

BTCs Market cap is mostly pajeets and chicks and oven dodgers

doesn't make sense

Same shit the media tried to do with Pepe. Ridiculous.

/pol/ here most of them are retarded anti crypto retards

not really, this board is mostly /pol/ now

I'm a big crypto winner PoC transwoman...probably the only one.

Holy fuck journalism is shit.

Post archive.is you buffoon

As always, women come and suck the fun out of everything.
If you cash out anons, remember not to spend a dime on these blood sucking cock thirsty unsatisfiable beasts. There are sex bots being perfected as we speak, women have lost their use, treat them like the disposable cum dumpster they were biologically designed to be.

Ohhhhhhhhhh this is so good. having my cake and eating it too

Trump is president. the goyim are waking up, Anime is becoming real, Im making thousands per week, completely retired at 23

SIEG HEIL. This was all for you!

another shit journalist

thanks, just bought 100k ethnostatecoin


>white supremacists

Never seen that pic of Commander Rockwell before, neat.

She even has a child already you fucking cuck

>we must cut nazis funding and delete their paypal accounts!
-nazis switch to crypto
>why are the nazis getting rich reeeeeeeeeeee

I'll do my best!

did you provide proof of genes first?

Here is her twitter page. Surprise surprise



Lol. You think /pol/ is 15 year old jobless edge lords huh?

/pol/ here to confirm

>Boohoo! Andrew Anglin and weev have money and there’s nothing we as Jews can do to financially terrorise and bleed them dry like we used to be able to do to any goyim that called us out

Fuck these kikes man

Also Richard Spencer is a salty no coiner

Sure does.

I love how the retarded faggot left always comes in YEARS after the fact with EVERYTHING, then acts like "oh, we were first meh".

Faggots you are NEVER first. Ok?


>one guy right of Lenin buys crypto
>"it's an absolute epidemic!"

/pol/ here, have $1m in assets so far. how you doin

I'm a white supremacist and this btc rally is shitting on my altcoin portfolio

>tfw profited 50k

>tfw NEET crypto gains will help fund right wing death squads


>bitcoin is 'the currency of the alt-right'
nice, make it as unfashionable as possible until we're all loaded up

>don’t want to be a minority in a country you were born in
>get tarred with white supremacist slur
Who could possibly be behind this set-up? These anti-white people would have to have major influence in media, finance, politics and education. Can’t really think of anyone who this may apply to though. Any ideas?

More like acting entitled. They didn't take any risks and now either demand to be let in or condemn it by coming up with excuses like the article.
They always amaze me with their lack of personal responsibility and accountability.

Richard Spencer goes to bat for the British Empire. Of course he's going to hold hands with (((them))) when the shit hits the fan.

The British Empire was the most successful Jewish project in the past 2,000 years.

We need all these new cryptillionaires to become the alt-right’s Soros

If you are white and have 6 digits and not funding alt-right activism that is, disassembling the liberal cosmopolitan cultural hegemony, driving discussion and culture change and engaging with with the collective consciousness, you are worse than the Jews.

Weev is a monerobro now

Sven and Mike have to be rolling in it right now. Those guys are friggen set.

>PoC transwoman

>starving the deer so they eat out of hitlers hand

those deer are more malnourished than wild deer I see around here

>Fuckboi slayer

>The British Empire was the most successful Jewish project in the past 2,000 years.

I think you mean the Jewish occupied American empire.

>If you are white and have 6 digits and not funding alt-right activism
Call me when we get something worth supporting, nothing in the US is Golden Dawn tier, most of them are a bunch of autistic faggots.
>Do it yourself
I'm an autistic faggot so that's not going to work either.

Where do these parasites go once the host is completely destroyed?

No one hurts Pepe on my watch user...

I thought he hates brits

I heard Tay Tay is fat now wtf. She’s still a year and a half away from The Wall

1488 niggers

Asia. They're already getting started on their initial invasion phase, marrying with the locals. Look at Zucc picking up a chink bride. Jews breed themselves into a community while retaining their Jewish identity until the Jew is able to pass as a native while maintaining separate in-group loyalty. In a few generations there will be a "Chinese Jewish" community that will start pulling the same tricks over there that they pulled in the West during the 19th and 20th centuries.

The alt-right doesn’t hate anyone, they just don’t want to live in a Brazilified USA where whites are unable to effect change through the electoral process on account of being outnumbered by non-whites. The British government is pozzed af but the British people? Come on - Spencer - he IS one.

I can’t see it. Chinks have no empathy. They laugh at the Holocaust.

Richard Spencer wallet report. Rec: 0.1234 BTC ~$1,873.16 USD, Spent: 0.0000 BTC ~$0, Bal: 0.1234 BTC ~$1,873.16.



Doubt that'll work for them, Asians aren't particularly sympathetic people. Have you seen the videos of them dying in escalators and shit and the ones around them just carrying on like absolutely nothing happened?

Not weev here but i think we are in the stage in which we have to leak into and permeate into the culture fighting the culture wars, soon moving onto education, politics, law etc.

I’m going to say a few things which I think are worth finding due to the huge audiences they drive to the alt-right and cultural jamming they do normalise our ideas and subvert the establishment:

- Andrew anglin and the daily stormer
- Sam Hyde and his future projects
- The Daily Shoah guys

I'm usually on pol


They are already laying down the groundwork. In the 20th century is was the west. The 21st century is going to be the century of Jew subversion of Asia.

>to effect change
*affect change. The alt-right should really get a better grasp of the English language if they plan to fight off all those scary non-whites.

I would assume they will try to appeal to their industrious nature. If there is one thing chinks love, it's building shit and making money. I bet the new crypto-Jew Asians will try to get them to import foreigners for "economic benefits". I could see that working.

that's where you're wrong kiddo

/pol/ and Veeky Forums are the only boards I browse

Richard Spencer is a salty no coiner


I wouldn't say "think"

>The alt-right should really get a better grasp of the English language if they plan to fight off all those scary non-whites.
>tries to act intellectually superior to white nationalists
>"corrects" something that was right to begin with into something that has an error
You're not as smart as you think you are.
>What does affect change mean? Affect change is an incorrect version of the phrase effect change.

>jews are subhuman they just care about money they are so greedy
>omg what's the next 10x coin I want a lambo i want to get so rich I can rub my dick in everyone's faces


why does this feel so good

You realise this is a /pol/ board right?

>tfw he is going to be a single termer because normies under 40 are just liberal shits

Fuck you and your bullshit “high verbal IQ” Shlomo. I was right. Also, there you go pathologizing a normal desire to associate with one’s own kind as an irrational fear. Just fucking go.

>jew board

Why are Brits so delusional?

I can't stand Spencer but he's not a nocoiner, he was pushing bitcoin back in the early part of this year. He just thinks its overbought now that its to the point that all the normalfags are getting in and once a dip happens they'll panic.

You realize /pol/ is just reddit right?

A wise man once said the only person more cheap than a Jew is a white supremacist.

The white supremacist is more conscious and aware of Jewish tricks than the Jew himself who is only operating under their subconscious biological instincts and evolutionary strategy.




sure thing buddy.

Do liberals just despise money overall?

It's always them getting salty about how other people get rich.
Like fuck.

/pol/ Veeky Forums Veeky Forums

frequently browse
Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

fucking tiki torches from Home Depot lmfao

/pol/ Veeky Forums /diy/ Veeky Forums /k/
Need to be ready for the race war with weapons, home made gadgets and a fast car bought with meme coins.

Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums

holy trinity.
occasionally Veeky Forums

The Jew does not only care about money. What the Jew wants is power. It all stems from the Jew's lack of a homeland. This lack of a land, of roots, has created a void in the Jewish soul that the Jew seeks to fill by usurping the homelands of others. This is what they have always done and this has gotten them kicked out of every land they have settled in for 3000 years.

This is why the Jew seeks to turn the whole world into a series of rootless, multi-ethnic cosmopolitan hives. This is where the Jew thrives. With no unifying identity, no cohesive 'them' to come together and purge the Jewish poison as has been done so many times, the Jew is free to carry out his nefarious plan for dominance undetected and unfettered.

These. Stay away from the weeb shit, and don’t EVER go to the hellfire of degeneracy known as /b/. It used to be a flowing meme spring, that’s now /pol/.

kys faggit

Veeky Forums was around before /pol/ you fags are the newfags

this is more of a true /pol/ board than current /pol/. it is full of people skeptical of the jews

FTN got a whole Bitcoin lol, the far rights been stacking sats for a hot minute

/pol/ is taking over bitcoin so we can buy our own whites only country since you faggots are already ruining the ones our grandfathers built