How much danger would a guy in power armor be in during a bear attack with four bears?
he would be in 1 danger
The bear is a monstrous creature and is strength 6, 2 attacks, initiative 2 and 2 wounds with a 4+ save. A man in power armour would attack first but only wound on 6s. Honestly the man's fucked if he doesn't kill the bear.
Brutally fucking murder it, especially if it's a space marine. You only get to be a space marine in many chapters by killing a dragon when you're a child with your bear hands.
Guy, or Space Marine? An average dude in human-scale power armor might just be in trouble when being mauled by four bears, assuming properly large grizzlies. Brother Bearicus, though, is only performing his morning meditations upon the ursine spirit, and when finished will stop being a chew toy and manhandle his totem animals back into their holding pens.
The bear hands that you presumably ripped off the dead bear you had to kill as part of your initiation?
more like
WS2 S4 T4 W2 A1 I3
the thick hide provides a 6+ armor save
bear's gonna get thrashed unless the dice gods are on his side
Brother Bearicus sounds like a dick.
Nah, he meant only children with bear hands are selected for initiation.
Strange, that this kind of mutation is a ok though.
He said four bears, so four danger.
we need a bear themed space marine chapter
>The emperor's maw
>Ursine sons
>The ursas claws (possible traitor warband)
Is it a POWER bear?
Is that tech heresy?
Well, it's a robot bear as opposed to a robot human. SO technically no, but you're gonna raise a whole bunch of cyborg eyebrows at what it clearly skirting tech heresy.
not to the lacyraemara
Artificial Intelligence is STRICTLY forbidden within the Imperium of Man.
>needing power armor to take on a bear
Bear wresting is to prove who is worthy of being a space marine. If you can take it on bare handed, you are worthy.
>2 attacks
Bullshit the bear has one attack at most but it's rending.
Please tell me that nose is a skull.