What's your favorite kind of Wizard?
What's your favorite kind of Wizard?
the studious kind
study and practice is the basis of any good wizard
Gods slumming it.
Whimsy or Serious?
Do shamans count as wizards?
I love chaotic wizards with skewed morals. They are a menace and there's a real reason to distrust them, and it's not just "muh prejudice".
They can be good people and have good intentions, but the mere use of magic will eventually drive them at least slightly loony.
It really only works when the population of magic-users is very low, though, and preferably not available for the PCs use.
Pic related.
I love the idea that through either years of seclusion and study, or just knowledge of the arcane in general that their minds get warped little by little to the point that to an average man, an every day moral dilemma would be clear/cut and dry with intentions left in tact but to the wizard it would turn into some sort of extremely abstract metaphysical equation in which the normal laws that guide people get blown to proportions a commoner couldn't understand without being equally as insane as he is. Even the most evil wizard probably isn't that bad of a guy by his own standards, he's just detached from any semblance of reality and would be a better fit for the role of medieval mental patient than wandering around adventuring or assuming a high position in society.
A wiley guy who reached 30 years old in a monstergirl encyclopedia sort of setting.
I love the Gandalf-esque mysterious wizards. Their magic is very undefined. They don't have a set of specific spells for use. They simply seem to be able to modify reality around them to their will. They're very intelligent and wise, and each has their own set of morals independent of the other. And, finally, they're rare.
OH look, its another thread about wizards
I like the stereotypical, power hungry wizard who's steeped in arcane lore and obscure knowledge. I generally don't do anything evil when I'm playing that type, but I'm opportunist as all hell.
I like that kind of ide as well. Not necessarily full "no sense of right and wrong", but that wizards will over time become so focused in studying the arcane arts and doing other wizard things that they grow detached from normal life. A lot of moral dilemmas seem meaningless to them because they don't really look at things from the perspective of normal person or play by the rules of the society. Particularly old and powerful wizards tend to become fully absorbed in their specific field of interest and have little interest for anything outside of it.
The most powerful NPC wizard in my setting just chills around in his teleporting magical tower with his artifically created daughter, trying to unravel the mysteries of the universe. While he's a very nice person if you actually meet him, he doesn't give a fuck about any regular human concerns like war or famine, even if he could use his magic to easily solve the problem, because that's not his department and it'd just be a waste of his time and effort when he could instead be discovering the fundemental particle of magic.
My favourite kind of wizard is a pinball wizard.
Can you stop trying to make this a meme? Most people just don't visit threads with subjects they don't like, you know.
Insane. Drops out of the sky yelling at his flying broom, breaks it, requests help from the party to get back home. Does a bunch of batshit crazy shit and talks about things that don't make sense. When he gets home he can't find his gold to give the players a reward, so he teleports to the bank to get the gold and come back. Players dumbfounded that he could have just teleported home the whole time.
Someone post the picture with all the different kinds of wizards.
I once had a wizard that had enslaved a small farming village, but the villagers were all fairly okay with it.
The only thing he demanded from them was to have someone make/deliver dinner to him every day, and had magically altered the land nearby to be more fertile, so he's basically paying for himself at that point.
In all honesty, the only reason he did it in the first place was because he couldn't be bothered to spend the time making money/getting food himself. So he literally just teleported his entire tower into the village and told them all he owned them.
My favourite is a sort of variant on this. All his study and seclusion made the wizard so detached from the rest of humanity/life, he has become the "ultimate utilitarian". What is the slaughter of a bunch of infants when it can save ten times that number that are most assuredly to die or at least suffer greatly otherwise.
The cute kind
I don't have favourite kinds of wizards, what the fuck would even be the purpose of that? I have wizards with personalities and goals and methods that I like. It's all about the individual wizard.
I do however have kinds I dislike, like this dumb shit here.
He stands like a statue, become part of the arcane!
Wizards of the coast
That's my least favourite kind of wizard.
I've really come to dislike the studious, academic type of wizard. The "for the love of knowledge" kind, you know, or the "want to unravel the mysteries of magic" kind. I like wizards who learn and use magic for a purpose, who aren't afraid to throw themselves into worldly affairs. Recluses and bookworms aren't my shit.
>being deaf, dumb, and blind from random trauma
>forming a pinball cult
this tbqh