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>How to Jumpchain
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>How to Jumpchain
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Look at this thread, that I just found.
Ship choices for Space Hulk so far are as follows. As the hulk gets larger the enemies inside get more deadly and more numerous.
Light Cruiser
Grand Cruiser
Fused Abomination
You can choose any heresy era Imperial ship class appropriate to the classification of your Space Hulk (No Abyss class or Gloriana class for Battleship though). Also the last option is just a fused mass of other ships so this won't really apply to that one.
Are there any issues with this or any particularly appealing ships not covered by this?
We are number one except with your waifus
I can't escape this fucking meme.
Even getting off the internet.
When I say go, just give it a shitpost.
What do you mean, user?
At least it helped the actor pay for hospital bills.
Pretty sure he's talking about the "We Are Number One But X" and/or "X but Y (every time Z happens)" meme(s)
Sounds good, though the fused abomination might be a bit more difficult in writing because at its nature as just a bunch of ships smashed together, writing how something like that becomes operable in the sense of an actual warship might be tricky.
But you seem pretty on the ball so far, so you probably can handle it.
I've kept fairly clear of it. I only go to a few slow threads on Veeky Forums these days and have zero involvement with social media. I recognize that it's basically the same thing as the Bee Movie script, but that's it.
OP is a faggot
This and the fact that I hear about it and the damn song in real life now.
Would "someone was retarded enough to glue a bunch of otherwise identical ships together" be a valid hulk? Or do they have to be different ships?
Have you done any nice things for your spouses lately?
Shitpost at him, not me!
Ugh, let's try something else.
At least we got some nice remixes out of it.
So...I'm not the only one who interpreted that one yozi perk in the Infernals jump as We Are Number One Except With The Ebon Dragon right?
Sorry, what jump is this again?
anyone mind if i just...ya know...pop out a space station 13 jump?
Go ahead senpai.
I DIDN'T bring them to Exalted.
Because as much as I love the setting, it's kind of a shit-hole at the moment.
I don't really see how a bunch of the exact same ship class could have gotten fused into the same Space Hulk without any others.
Space Hulk, you are a group of (origin faction here) sent by the Imperium to purge and restore a valuable heresy era imperial ship that has re appeared as a Space Hulk.
So long as you do it justice. There's some delicious science in there that I need. Some of the fun chemicals that can be made are a good example.
More jumps are always welcome.
I was thinking of the same kind of idiot that prompted the "random asteroids are not a valid method of Exterminatus" pdf I've seen floating around.
>I'm only allowed to have 5 ships, but that's not enough.
>Surely they won't notice if weld several together and call it a single ship.
>Whoops, I forgot to take anything into account.
I'm no expert on Warhammer, but that seems like a great range to me. You're definitely on the right track with this Space Hulk Jump.
Lately? It's been mostly small things during these years in Strike Witches. Spending a little bit extra time with them instead of on my own hobbies, dropping by with a snack and staying to chat, that sort of stuff. Except for the Neuroi battles once or twice a week it has been a fairly relaxing time.
The last big gesture was a few years ago, near the end of Forgotten Realms. I sectioned off a corner of the Warehouse and turned it into a miniature library for Raven. Did it all by hand. No magic or anything. Took a few weeks and a little help from Santa, but I managed to finish it without spoiling the surprise.
The smile it put on her face was priceless.
I kind of want to see that pdf. . .
I hope the clowns won't be too uncontrollable, but even so it'd be a good jump to have.
Whoops, it was a jpeg. Close enough for image board work.
What do you mean lately?
I constantly cook for them, make them clothing, build jewelry for them, upgrade their wargear, improve their entertainment systems, and I always have at least one copy of myself hangout with them while I'm off messing with the plot.
My plan from the start was to shower them with affection in the hopes that it will prevent them from leaving me.
So I seem to remember a jump that focused on generic fantasy rpg-shit, except it also had a few scenarios and huge beasts. Like, there was a scenario where you could side with either a kraken or a ghost pirate who was servant to a death god, and you could fight with/against some turtle people. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
Ragnarok Online, one of Dirge's jumps.
We got a Dog. I also import her as much as possible.
That must have been a very confused dog the first time it was imported.
I literally just saw this pun two threads later.
>I always have at least one copy of myself hangout with them while I'm off messing with the plot.
Why not send the copy to mess with the plot while you, the original, hang out with your spouses?
Powers that create weak copies are more common than ones that create combat useful ones, and unless you're planning some highly vigorous activity should be fine with the right sort of control perks.
Is the Fuck Me, Sidereal! drawback in the Exalted Mortals gauntlet a trap? Who is a half-caste sidereal whose name starts with a Y, and is she likely to murderize me in my sleep?
Teen Titan has a perk that lets you create one full-powered clone.
She's a Yandere who's a sidereal half-caste, she's not a canon character. That's it.
Fluff just where she is on the Yan-scale on your own.
She's full on Yandere for sure, but I believe the specifics are for you to fluff beyond the implication of her trying to kill your other loved ones if you fuck up your social fu.
Definitely a Yuno expy, though. Or at least based on a Yuno expy from one of Gaunlet's Exalted sessions.
So, news. Just read the Devil Survivor manga's ending, and here's what I learned:
>Haru route is canon as far as the manga is concerned, though Naoya and Loki show up as well
>The powers of absorbed Bels can be called on, to a limited extent. Not Beldr's invulnerability, though.
>The Bels attempted to corrupted Abel from within once all were gathered, though they could be brought to heel with strong will and/ or the power of friendship
>Cloak from the Overlord ending comes with the title of King of Bel and actually has combat abilities, both to grab/restrain enemies and slice/impale them
>Abel goes with the other demons when the Song vanishes the demons, though returns upon causing the power of Bel to go dormant.
>Amane's mom is still alive and she is allowed to live with her in peace, though the government does keep an eye on her
>Naoya can be talked down as long as Abel doesn't go back to God's side AKA Law ending
I only got to read the final volume/ending though, so I can't answer questions about power levels or stuff like that. Looking into finding a way to buy all eight volumes, Barnes and Nobles had all eight though volume five wasn't in stock. Just thought I'd share this information.
Jump 227: Classic Sonic
>Page of Wands: Inner fire that can drive away fear and replace it with fury.
>Location: Little Planet
>Identity: Freedom Fighter
>Drawbacks: Super Drowning Skills (+100), & Knuckles (+100), Metal Destruction (+200), The Eaten Time (+600)
I'm not taking the metal version of me along, so I get the points. But no, he's not coming with me. Especially not if it took multiple Robotniks to put the thing together to chase me around. I don't care about getting the credit, either. But damned if I'm going to go into the water - if the Hydro City Zone ends up dry as a bone, don't blame me for it.
>Super Attitude (Free, Freedom Fighter)
You know, it takes a lot to keep up the attitude that the heroes of the Sonic series have. These guys have seen some shit, without question.
>Super Peel-Out (Free, Freedom Fighter)
Well, I technically can already do this. But now, I can do it with style.
>Blast Processing (1800, Freedom Fighter)
Amped-up reflexes, reacting a few hundred times faster than anyone else normally could... this is going ot be very useful.
>Fastest Thing Alive (1500, Freedom Fighter)
Well. Perhaps not technically the FASTEST considering some of the Sonics that are out there, but I definitely rank up with them. Especially because I have the Blessing.
>Power Enriched By The Heart (900)
This is the silliest phrase that means "it's magic, I ain't gotta explain shit" that I have ever seen in a video game. No, second silliest. Silliest was "nanomachines, son." Still, in all seriousness, being able to harness such energies is promising, not to mention being able to use a super form far more easily, thanks to being Blessed.
>Smooth Criminal (Free)
A pity I didn't have the points to spare for my own level, or I'd happily get music for it. But there is just NO WAY TO EVER HAVE ENOUGH POINTS. Jumping is suffering.
>The Blessing of the Little Planet (600)
It's where I started, I can hardly do less. Not to mention... going super with one emerald? Top speed being in the range of Mach 25? Yes, this will work nicely. I could run from Los Angeles to New York in less than ten minutes if I wanted.
>Super Shoes (Free, Freedom Fighter)
I'm overdue for a good set of shoes, honestly. I think I've got clothing that I've bought with points for literally everything except shoes, and I'm going to need them now.
>A Forbidden Treasure (0)
Now this, I can definitely use. The price for this is running the risk of destroying the local multiverse if I screw it up too much, but the reward... most definitely useful.
As my eyes opened for the first time on the Little Planet, I found myself immediately beset on all sides, surrounded by machines of all shapes and sizes. Some clearly purpose-built weapons of war, some comical in appearance, some robotic mockeries of what should be. Every one of them armed to the teeth.
"Now this isn't right," I started to say, right before they all simultaneously opened fire on myself and my companions. We scattered, we retaliated, and we triumphed. Even against an army, quite honestly when you have companions who are themselves adepts of various magics and have had hundreds of years of practice in combat... it takes more than an ill-designed mechanical army to defeat them.
The problem, of course, is that the average zone in this universe has around three or four dozen badniks on average, give or take. Looking around at the field of combat, I counted a number that was a couple orders of magnitude beyond that, and as such, I quickly told my companions to make themselves scarce - to head into the warehouse and prepare for the worst.
This was scarcely done before the next wave arrived, largely more advanced machines. I called up and Sajuuk moved into position for fire support ... then suddenly it wasn't there. Problematic. Well, I could still deal with it, it just meant breaking out some of the more advanced magic I seldom use and my beam saber for close-up work. It worked well for the most part, though doing it alone took much longer than it would have taken with group working together. Still, in the end I was still standing, even if bloodied.
By that point, the villains of the hour made their appearance. A show of force in sheer numbers, though they remained at a distance. I raised my saber before extinguishing it, offering, "Parley?"
It was all rather surprising to me, honestly - it's not as if I know what is going to go wrong in advance, and seeing Robotniks in plural wasn't something I would look forward to seeing any day. After all, it isn't every day that you can look up and see multiple Death Eggs in the sky, several copies of the Flying Battery and Air Fortress, and... quite frankly I was pretty sure that I counted just over a hundred and fifty Robotniks in total. More than a gross of Eggmen. And that's not even including the various Metal Sonics standing with them.
You ever have one of those days? I feel like I'm about to have ten years' worth of them all at once.
>The Eggmen took out the Sajuuk
How would I go about mass-storing my library digitally?
Digital scanners, interns, and a computer.
>Thread Edition
Damn you OP
Jump 1:Pokemon
Origin:Drop In
Combat Training(750cp)
Blend In(600cp)
You brought this upon yourselfs
I did the math, incidentally, about the assorted Eggmen you end up getting with The Eaten Time.
You get 153 of them. A hundred and fifty three. One from each present, Good Future, and Bad Future. 51 times you face off against Robotnik in the pre-Dreamcast era.
Also, while I didn't count for precision for their sake, I'm reasonably certain that there are about two dozen or more Metal Sonics, and about thrice that number of mini-bosses.
The best part about the Eggmen getting to cheat with time shenanigans, though? They can put their forces in storage in the past in a zone, wait until the Futures, bring them out from both good AND bad futures, then go back to the Present and bring them out, then go back to the Past and not store them at all. And it all works.
You know why time's getting eaten? Because those guys are paradoxing the hell out of everything. Time isn't running in a line, it isn't in a knot, it's not a wibbly wobbly ball of timey-wimey stuff, it's twisted into a five dimensional ouroboros that's chewing its way through its own sides and then going back into its mouth ending up looking like it's Saturday night and time is some kind of whore desperate for rings but we're not going to name any bat-faced rogues' names.
Seems like a different canon.
What are some good early-chain memory perks?
I didn't go for savant in Pokemon trainer and I'm looking for an alternative that I can pick up fairly soon.
Thanks! On the subject of the gauntlet, I am unsure what is involved with A Deal Made in Good Faith. Do you just kill a person a day for three years, or do you have to transport them to the Ebony Forest, or what?
I think I'd go Fae-blooded Savant and take the deal - an Odysseus-style hero seems very doable. But I see that Lintha-blooded also get lots of creepy powers. I'm curious why one would take A Part of the Family rather than Breeding Program, however. The latter seems better in every way, unless I've missed a discount somewhere...?
Things seem a little rotten.
>Damn you OP
>Goes along with the thread title
Be happy I didn't pick "Get In The Thread, Jumper Edition".
What are some good perks for making the technology needed to properly run an intergalactic civilisation?
KOTOR. The memory perk in there was written as a work around for the high-cost of Pokemon's Savant.
You sure are overly presumptive. As someone around when the jump was made, no such thing was ever stated.
Supreme Mind from EMH.
Just go to Stargate, let a few Repositories of Knowledge hook up to your face, and you're golden.
Bad news, guys.
some unfortunate luck hit me and now my laptop's trackpad is on the fritz. Everything was on google docs so nothing was lost, but progress will be halted on the sailor moon jump for now until I can get a mouse or get it fixed
It's about 60-65% done. I've also included a lot of fun drawbacks that'll make things interesting.
Could we get a wip in the meantime?
I'm not well versed in star wars so I'm not sure how survivable the setting is. Would it be reasonable to take 2-4ish jumps after Pokemon trainer. Or best case scenario, right after?
I don't know how people can tolerate track pads.
Because they insist both on having a laptop and not carrying anything other than that laptop.
You can easily go to a modern (scifi) city and live normally or meditate in a jedi temple for ten years.
Star wars is super survivable as long as out stay out of the plot
I don't mind track pads.
Soon. I don't consider it presentable yet, even as a WIP. But very soon. Sometime next week if things are favorable.
>meditate in a jedi temple for ten years.
>implying it's safe to live in a temple full of people who get genocided whenever the writers decide to rehash an old enemy
Just wait until you hit the hardware switch that turns it off and have to work out that it exists and where it is.
That was fun back when I was doing deskside support. It was a fast ticket, but people got so mad it looked as easy as I did.
There is a button/shortcut that disables trackpads, could you have hit it by mistake?
The Ebony Forest is wherever it needs to be for the plot.
It's part of it's story, so when you have a soul ready it's not far off.
I think you have to transport them there instead of just killing them, but since you can do it in bulk it's not so bad.
Well besides the soul murder, but that's par for the course.
I spilled chicken noodle soup on it like a goofy goof and too much of the juice seeped into the cracks under it.
Yikes, that sucks.
It's survivable, but I highly recommend you don't go looking for trouble unless you know you can handle it. You start off as a competent padawan level Force user so the most dangerous things you'll have to watch out for are Mandalorians, experienced bounty hunters, hostile Jedi or Dark Jedi, really big monsters, and overwhelming numbers.
Don't take part in the war unless you know you can handle it. Go drop in, Grey Jedi or Dark Jedi if just want to fuck around. Or take Jedi and leave the order right when the war starts.
See Not only will the Jedi probably not let you do that, but one of their major enclaves gets destroyed during the jump and the other is abandoned because the Sith start hunting them down.
You goof. I hope you've learned your lesson about having liquids near your laptop.
I seem to remember the thread talking about a Charm that could steal prayer meant for other beings. Am I misremembering?
yup, I learned my lesson.
Does anyone else miss the golden days of Newgrounds Sprite animation?
Even if it got really autistic, I had a lot of fun with them.
I miss joy.
I do...they were the cornerstone of my childhood.
Not steal, but Cecelyne has a charm that allows you to eavesdrop on prayers directed towards others so long as they're made in desolate places, and can answer them as well.
I think I know what you're talking about.
It was the one that had the blasphemy effect of loud mocking laughter happen in heaven for a year.
I don't know the name of it, but I remember discussion of it here for sure.
Sounds like it would be either a Cecylene (for her theme of "jealous god") or Ebon Dragon (for his theme of "fuck everyone") charm. I'll look for it.
That's an Ebon Dragon charm.
Do we have an Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen jump?
No. Do you plan on making one?
The idea had occurred to me. Not quite sure how I would approach it, but I am thinking about it.
Was that it? I found that Charm but I thought there was something else. Something about whether you'd have to recast it in each world?
I don't remember the laughter part exactly, but I do remember the discussion being a few days before turkey day, I think.
That series loves personality quizzes.
Exhibit A:
The Bearer asks: "Bear which burden?"
The Wanderer asks: "Walk which path?"
The Builder asks: "Design which plan?"
The Sage asks: "Swear which oath?"
The Leader asks: "Share which vision?"
The Almighty asks: "Shape which future?"
What are followers? Someone mentioned them as an alternative to companions but I'm not familiar with the term in the context of /jc/.
They're not a thing?
I suppose that works as a name for things like Light of Terra NPCs that don't actually count as people, but it's not some kind of set terminology.
So a few changes! Nothing price-based
*Lock-On is clarified to be multiple purchases
*Eager Digger SHOULD specifically say that the tunnels can be left for others to crawl into
*Clarification on the geography of Mobius and the Time Stones
Where can I get some passive "danger sense" type perks? Preferably something that's useful in /and/ out of combat, or at the very least out of it. Basically, something that works without seeing the danger, so not like KnK's Precognition or FMA's Wrath.
Judgement Day (Terminator)
Deerish (Prototype)
Danger Sense (Fire Emblem Elibe)
The Force (Star Wars)
Killing Intent (Akame ga Kill)
Croak Dream (Adventure Time)
Satori (Samurai Deeper Kyo)
Red Dot Sense (Predator)
Precognition (Marvel)
The Race Is Not to the Swift (Gonzo Journalism)
Danger Sense (X-Men Movies)
Newtypes (Gundam Universal Century)
Red and Black (Etrian Odyssey)
Unknown Menace (Etrian Odyssey)
Close Game Life (Ikki Tousen)
Survival Instinct (Siren: Blood Curse)
Perception Sign “Precognition” (Strike Witches)
Precognition (Code Geass)
Combat Precognition (Familiar of Zero)
Foresight Eye (Mushoku Tensei)
Precognition (Kara no Kyoukai)
Web Warrior (Ultimate Spiderman )
Wrath (FMA)
Danger Sense (Ender's Game)
Melodic Expectation (Aquaria)
The Black Wind Howls (Chrono Trigger)
Good to know, thanks.
Okay, I found it. Wasn't exactly what I thought.
That it does. I'm hoping to be able to work that in somehow.
Oh, yeah, that's a homebrew Heretical charm. That's why we couldn't find it, it's not actually in the books.
I'm thinking of several background components that give a discount or two each, but I can see why that'd be a pain in the ass.
Also, people not wanting to work with the traditional alignment and element mechanics.
Homebrew Charms would count as custom ones and could be learned as long as they're Essence 5 or lower, right?
Also, Snapdragon swords would be entirely too tempting for certain Jumpers.
>tells annoying main character the scroll will give them ultimate power as a sword