>there is no Warhammer 40k trading card game to compete with MTG
I'd play the shit out of it.
>there is no Warhammer 40k trading card game to compete with MTG
I'd play the shit out of it.
What is wrong with Warhammer Conquest?
Does it have regular expansions and a competitive community with tournaments around it?
>regular expansions
>Reasonably sized competitive community
Like anything that isn't MTG or YuGiOh, no. To be honest if they wanted to get a card game that people actually played they would have to do an online one.
It did. With FFG losing GW's licensing, the game is discontinued (and wont show up again, since the copyright is owned by both companies and would be illegal for either of them to reprint it) though I heard a rumor that a fan committee of some sort will be continuing to release free to download printable datapacks. (boosters except no blind purchase)
The card layout here is straight unappealing. GW should just steal everything they legally can from magic's card layout.
Also commission new and not shit art. Every pic their sucks.
Gonna end when FFG loses their rights to 40k stuff in feb
I will be sad, as they have done some great stuff but also looking forward to new stuff as they have now just sat on their older 40k products and done nothing.
>Gonna end when FFG loses their rights to 40k stuff in feb
The fuck? Why? I thought GW was pimping out their IP to everyone and their cousin.
I remember there used to be one one that had dice results printed on the cards, such that - kind of like Doomtown - your deck construction also had to take into consideration how likely you would be to get anything done. Vaguely recall that it involved fighting over objectives too, sort of like the old Spycraft card game.
My recollection is pretty fuzzy, but I remember a bunch of us at university gave it a shot and found it quite fun.
It's more profitable for FFG to be a direct competitor to GW with the X-Wing and Runewars lines than it is to pay for the use of their IP. And their contract won't allow them to do both.
What happens to the 40k rpgs?
no longer on print
>there is no MTG miniature wargame to compete with Warhammer 40k
I'd play the shit out of it.
I really hope they come up with a new IP that they release a !Dark Heresy 3e under. That'd be cool.
I... I might have something that works. Sort of. If any of you have seen the Fading Embers threads, we've managed to create a fairly expansive setting with flexible rules using the Advanced Songs of Blades and Heroes system. It's really a Your Guys Skirmish game, with the ability to stat up any model using combinations of traits.
Give me a few minutes and I could probably stat up any creature card as a unit.
>compete with MTG
>40K RPG becomes the new OGL
>GW realizes what an opportunity this is and opens up 40K
>Models sales triple as people start to play again when someone publishes codices with a modicum of internal and external balance
Welp, it sounds like a really good idea, so it can't possibly go wrong, what with the Satan trips and all.
Lotus Cobra, go.
Not gonna happen, no card game is gonna compete with MTG. It's literally the 40k of card games. Can you expect a MTG wargame competing with 40k? Obviously not.
Hah... got me stumped in one go. The problem with Lotus Cobra is that it's a mana generator... of which there is almost no equivalent in the system. Each unit can perform up to three actions each turn, which can either result in a turnover of actions or a backfire(spells only) if they fail.
Mana, which is used to determine Action economy in MTG, which has no equivalent, so while I could stat up a snake no problem, I have no way of representing the mana ability of the cobra.
I mean, my first thought (without knowing how the game works) is this: Whenever a unit within 6" of this unit takes an objective (some kind of territory usually), refresh the actions of another unit.
>No TGC of 40k
Dots cuz TCGs iz shite
Ah, yeah, in that case the closest equivalent would be a modified version of The Inspiring Presence trait, however, without knowing how to balance it against other traits, I have no idea how much that particular trait would cost.
The game itself feels most like a Commander game, but the game is usually 400 pts, with the average unit costing 50 points, and something like a dragon being around 240, meaning that it's really a Skirmish game above all else. Expanding it any further would allow for more units, but at the same time, the game is built for a small number of specialized Units that can do any number of things.
We'd Need a system that's more in line with MTG's huge armies concept... off the top of my head the only thing I could think of would be to translate MTG cards to Heroscape or another WHFB hack.