What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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Did it go wrong? It's just now a thing, yah?
Performance mostly but this is the wrong board
I don't think it did. Pretty good game. If I had people to play with it'd be even better. Good visuals, good gun sounds, very satisfying amount of gore, it's pretty much exactly what I was expecting and hoping for.
No it's not, we talk about Veeky Forums related video games all the time here.
I heard it was unoptimized trash
game devs need to learn that gameplay comes first, visuals come second
Probably relates to the framerate issues, whenever there is a horde of enemies (there will be) you can expect rather drastic drops in framerates to occur. For a game where you primarily go down tiny corridors or massive rooms filled with hordes, this can be a problem.
I noticed it's not coming out on consoles until 2017. Big fixes coming up?
>No it's not, we talk about Veeky Forums related video games all the time here.
/v/ memes stay on /v/, and "What went wrong?" is, in fact, a /v/ meme that's asking solely for trouble.
Very very poor optimization and A.I. that isn't very attentive at times.
it was a 40k game that tried to be an action game instead of a strategy game.
It's Streum On AND WH40k, it passes the Commander Keen Rule. But I concur, it's a /v/-tier OP made of cancer and should GB2/v/.
Except that wasn't a problem for Space Marine, that game was fucking great.
The problem with Deathwing is that it's all form, no substance. The gunplay is just bad.
Poor optimization, but that'll be fixed with patches. As far as the game itself, I have no complaints.
>I heard it was
>I haven't actually played this game, but I'm going to tell you all my opinion anyway
Less actual content than Vermintide.
Literally just "you're in a level, kill things that are preventing you from doing objectives"
What's a narrative?
Massive letdown.
>graphics issues
Didn't have any. That doesn't mean they don't exist however.
I have few to point out that could be a problem if Streum On doesn't add more content later being the enemy variety. This is a shooter more so than anything else, the rpg is just the extra. It's not the real meat and potatoes of the gameplay, the gunplay is. For this reason, you need a plentiful amount of enemy variety and right now Deathwing really doesn't. Genestealers; Broodlords, Lictors(?), and cultists is not enough enemy variety. Enemies, we need enemies.
Why can GW not just make a CoD clone with Imperial Guard?
Because even CoD fans would find a game branded 'Astra Militarum' a fucking joke.
God, the stupid fucking names they're pushing on things...
You do not like Orruks fighting with Aelfs? Did someone shat to your Acup of Acofffe?
Seriously, comparing to AoS we are still being fucked with a limp part of the dick.
You expected an nobody dev to deliver triple a "quality"
I found that disabling your last core in the task manager affinity setting fixed the performance issues. Not sure why. I had reasonable fun in single player. Gonna play co op tomorrow.
I really want to see their faces when people say shit like this. To see that actually come out of someone's mouth.
board purity REEEEEE fags killed Commander Keen ded
nothing? It's pretty fun
>Makers of EYE Divine Supremacy
>An nobody
Performance issues mostly but when it doesn't goof up its really fucking fun.
I haven't played it yet, can you be a librarian?
>implying EYE is a good game instead of a giant terrible mess
You are playing as a librarian in single player
Yeah, it would be much better if they were nobodies, rather than "that studio that makes the same Sven coop mod with useless stats and terrible design and UI over and over, and people still fall for it".
It was a solid game. Now if only I could actually connect to MP I would be happy
Did they add anything like that in EYE? Fuck no they didn't, only maps canned from release for coop grinding and a really terrible PvP multiplayer. Don't count on it.
Shit optimization. If they actually bother to fix that it'd actually be pretty playable.
E.Y.E a terrible mess that happened to be a good game. Deathwing is a terrible mess
>The gunplay is just bad
Deathwing is not bad ... it just does nothing new or exciting. Very okay, middling, passable ... there's nothing about it that stands above modern shooters, except for the fact it has a 40k facelift.
E.Y.E is a terrible mess with a demo that sells it as a terrible mess. If there is a good game in there, I haven't seen it.
Am I the only one who thinks the plasma cannon looks/sounds incredibly weak? Especially after the one from Space Marine that you could overcharge to fire a big glowy ball of doom.
>the games party buffing/ressurection class is tactical marine
>Not a fucking Chaplain
Are terminator apothecaries actually a thing?
They are for the deathwing.
Streum On made the mistake of keeping close to Space Hulk fluff and atmosphere in a time where everyone throws a bitchfit for the dumbest reasons. Also, massive QA fuck-up in regards to the optimization. It's a total crapshoot as to whether it'll run great or shit.
>What's a narrative?
Did you want to play a fucking Terminator VN? Because there's one on Steam that fits your desires.
>What's a narrative?
A thing you can get away with not having or barely having in a game and still have a good game.
See Devil Daggers, Hotline Miami, DOOM, Quake, Risk of Rain, FTL etc. etc.
Hotline Miami and DOOM 2016 both have pretty solid narratives. Heck, FTL is an excellent example of emergent narratives as a result of gameplay, every run tells a different story.
Your point isn't wrong, but your examples were a bit odd.
I should have elaborated a bit, both Hotline Miami and DOOM 2016 (really you could extend this to the original to boot) Have by and large an excuse plot to get you into the action.
Hotline Miami you don't really get a narrative reason for some of the carnage until midway through with jacket when he gets shot by a mob assassin then swapped over to biker, yet at no point was a story necessary for overall solid gameplay.
DOOM 2016 right at the start bucks any idea of the story really having any importance to you (and doomguy) when doomguy straight up tosses aside both the computer screen and Hayden (essentially the story). You're here to kill shit and do so in style, that there's a story is just window dressing.
FTL does indeed let you make a narrative out of your playthrough, but that really could've been done without it just as well.
I guess what I'm getting at is all those games were good games first, with some of them happening to have interesting narratives as well, but work entirely on the gameplay first and foremost.
A very simple, straightforward narrative is still a narrative.
Lord rape.
Genestealer marine hybrids are a retarded concept. Also genestealer forms that never appeared in the TT fluff.
There's actually quite a lot of different enemies, they just forgot to have 80% of them make any difference to gameplay.
Like, there's 3 types of cultists but it's just divided into the ones with rockets that can take a like 10 bolt rounds to the face before dying and the ones that don't fucking matter. Like, sure, one of the ones that doesn't matter is the psyker who's zapping everyone for sizeable damage constantly, but you'll never pick them out of a crowd of other cultists, so you kill everyone just the same.
There's also a few different types of genestealers, such as ones with bioplasma etc. that can shoot back at you, but they all form up into the same swarm that runs down a corridor at you, so you either gun them down before it matters, or die regardless of whether you realise there were different enemies mixed in there.
Lictors and Broodlords? Yeah sure they're a bit different, but they aren't exactly common.
>Literally just "you're in a level, kill things that are preventing you from doing objectives"
>What's a narrative?
>complaining about narrative in a game about Emperor's murderbots purging
Tyranids are dumb, slow mobs.
Storm bolsters take like 4-5 shots into a single human.
No bosses, no characterisation, no fallen.
Would have been nice to see allies running around the battlefield doing their mission, meeting up at cross points in the map. Would be cool to have my squad meet up with others, have a conversation and then peace out.
Maps are pretty clean... Too clean at times
The storm bolter fires way too fast as well, I was clicking and thought that, then I realised it was proper full auto. I know stormbolters are meant to fire fast, but it doesn't work well for the game.
can't connect to most MP games, and if i do, i'm DCed after 5 minutes
also, optimization
Honestly I'm going to go with the AI. The pathing is retarded, and you can only get flanked by Stealers spawning out of both sides of you, the AI just shoots them straight at you in solid lines that you can turn into bottlenecks and murder holes at your convenience.
The weapons feel...weak. It takes a bucket of shots to put down even hybrids, and I don't think there's any kind of headshot benefit. The assault cannon just sounds puny. Hell, if they'd just ripped the sound of the minigun from Terminator 2, that would have sounded beefier. Honestly, if the sound of the shotgun bolter (I already forgot the name) was made the default sound for the Storm Bolter, I'd be satisfied.
Also, the friendly AI are dipshits as well (yeah, yeah, muh multiplayer) that just won't WALK THROUGH THE FUCKING DOOR I NEED TO LOCK.
I'm in the Oceania area, and there's no games being played, so I'm stuck with the worthless AI's.
As for the goods, it's fucking beautiful, and Toby Longworth is my favorite BL narrator.
Optimization(seems like they didnt checsk age old audio drivers), lack of a proper ending, stupid twist, forgetting to tell kiddies that content isn't locked behind "progression"
Then explain what is bad about the gunplay.
In words, not feels.
From what I've watched the gameplay really doesn't seem to fit the Space Hulk theme.
It seems to look and sound the part, but while Stealers should be easy to shoot to death they should do massive damage when they actually reach combat.
That would result in a real fear of them getting close instead of just "oh no I've been cornered I'll just swing away for a bit then if I was really cut off go and find the medic".
It could be that I've only seen it being played on lower difficulty settings and that at the high end a single Stealer getting in close can do real damage but I doubt it.
Also many of the animations are fucking awful and the terminators move way too fluidly and quicky.
All this on top of the crashing and stuff...
If we restricted this to people who had actually played the game, the thread would be near empty
kek, this.
Also frustrating is doors open for Genestealers flying through the air
Is it unfair to shit on video games for looking the same as they did 10 years ago?
Your abortion.
The crashing has been mostly eliminated since the beta. That said there are still some issues with absolutely massive framerate drops related to CPU/Sound devices.
The genestealers are actually dangerous and have good AI it's just the maps are not allowing them to shine. The problem with the maps is that it doesen't allow them to find other paths to you so 90% of the time they can only come from the front. If they get you from the sides/back you can go down in basically no time. This could be helped if they'd give some of the bigger sealers the ability to bash down the smaller doors, and if they'd place air vents & stuff that you can't enter but they can.
>terminators move way too fluidly and quicky.
Why shouldn't they? Terminator armour doesn not inhibit movement, the fact that it does the opposite- boost it- causes non-veterans to move too slowly just to be careful, but in theory they could run from one side of the golden palace to the other in record time
Just order them to move to the other side with G
The only 40k shooter with non shit plasma is eternal crusade
prove me wrong
protip:you can't
Story in Hotline is hidden and you only see the whole story after you find all the letters.
Eternal Crusade is 60% off on steam for the next few hours. Is it worth buying?
Also, what's the best 40k shooter?
I find everything about Eternal Crusade to be a pale imitation of space marine. Just compare the two plasma overcharges.
It's worth it for the game if you like a lobby shooter for short bursts of fun, but the community is slowly dying despite regular updates. They'll add terminators soon.
Have you actually played SM in mp back then?
Everyone hated the plasmacannon, and for good reason
It was fucking ridiculous, like it was out from another game
I found looking at the door console helps, but they're still not quick about it.
Fair enough but they should still have more weight to them.
I'm not wanting them to be like a Mechwarrior Assault mech plodding along, but they should at least feel heavy even if they are moving fast (like a Light Mech does to carry on that comparison).
There was one point where I walked off a ledge. Landed on the ground below with no thump, no dust, nothing but a brief ducking motion.
YUP! In fact the unlock that makes the plasma cannon overcharge faster actually requires you to get a bunch of multi-kills. But for all that power it was still balanced, plasma dominates the mid-range but long distance shots take a lot of skill because the projectile arcs. Devastators move slower and can't melee stuff as well, which allows Assault Marines to get close and counter them. The payoff was of course the overcharge and it's delicious 40ft radius of room clearing, heretic purging annihilation. You can SEE the shockwave coming off of it, it's glorious.
The eternal crusade plasma cannon is kinda meh by comparison. Yes it kills stuff in one hit and sends ragdolls flying, but it doesn't look or sound powerful and the projectiles arc very little. You can see in the video that you can snipe people from across the map and kill them in one hit with relative impunity.
The Deathwing plasma cannon is even worse. All it can muster are these pissweak "poik" sounds and there doesn't seem to be much of an impact sound either.
Fair enough then.
Yeah,they need to work on that
A dreadnought mech warrior game would be rad
All i remember of that dreck was that is was supremely laggy and with a really bad netcode. Meltaguns were also ridicolous since they were thigs that shot big cones of death, which synergized well with the lag.
Not to mention the lack of anticheat and no way to kick someone thanks to console development
>They'll add terminators soon.
Let me guess, they are looking worse and animated even poorly than OP?
All of the weapons are weak. The stormbolter doesn't even feel like a stormbolter.
It's basically just worse Vermintide.
Still a good game, but I'll probably forget my genestealer murdering forays in a year or two, while I still bash rat skulls in occasionally.
Well if you like buying failed games sure go ahead!
It was a good concept for a game that went through development hell and was forced out into public release about two years too early. The fanbase shit all over them for it, and has been steadily dying despite the fact that the devs keep promising to push out massive updates, none of which have happened yet, though they do pump out a smaller update every week or two.
It -could- shape up to be a decent game still, but the playerbase likely won't live that long.
bugs bugs bugs.. and i don't talk about the tyranids.
It's unplayable for me even though I have a nice rig. It seems the horrendous framerate problems are with AMD machines. Hopefully patch soon.
Some musings:
Not enough weapons. You've got two plasma cannon, two assault cannon and three stormbolters but no combi-weapons, plasma blasters, multi-meltas or volkites. You're exploring space hulk with wrecks dating as far back as the Horus Heresy, it's the perfect excuse to lift weapons from the Age of Darkness army list - instead, it seems like the entire game is built around the contents of a box of Deathwing Knights.
By that same token, nonexistent customization. You get some fancy shoulder pads towards the end of the game but you can't actually change the look of your Terminator. You don't even have to go gear-crazy like they did in Dawn of War II with +1 Breastplates of the Custodes and Crusade Pauldrons and whatever, just let me switch up the look of my character.
But if you did want to go gear-crazy, maybe now would be a great time to do some alternate suits of Terminator armor like Cataphractii and Tartaros? Unlock them with achievements or something and use them to change the gameplay dynamic for a bit of variety in an otherwise extremely repetitive campaign; Cataphractii would be offer greater protection but be unable to run, Tartaros would be lighter and more agile.
Getting away from the terminators, themselves, I think that the game would've been more enjoyable as a Metroidvania with one huge map separated into discrete areas; but from which you can navigate one end to the other and back again. I'm not even sure why they didn't - the transition from the Cadian ship the Inquisitorial one is literally just an elevator ride, the end of the one and the start of the next are the same engine room. It's also a cheap and easy way to pad play time - some people have been complaining that that there are only nine levels, but would they be complaining if there were nine zones on a huge overworld? You could even have teleportariums scattered around for fast travel.
I have other thoughts but I'm going to play some more Space Hulk right now.
Why? Shots blow off limbs from enemies and you get a decent kickback with deep sound; in fact, the recoil is actually much higher than what a termiantor should expeirence
>doesn't understand the depth of the material
Performance needs some work, but they captured the design and aesthetics perfectly. Best 40k game to date from that standpoint. The environments and atmosphere are amazing.
>Tyranids become what they eat
>Tyranids adopting fused ribcages from eating Astartes is canon
What's in the game is perfectly acceptable from a canon standpoint. Good on the devs for going outside the box a bit.
What said. Most of the weapons are fine.
Namefags get out REEEEEEEEEEEEE
you can't slice bread with an ice-cream scoops
Runs fine for me, you should get a better computer.
None of the Genestealer forms were radically different from their TT counterparts.
The basic stealers were literally the same.
The Stalkers were just stealers with scything claws and biological camo.
The Warriors are just mini brood lords with acid spit.
The Scythe strains are just big and well armored stealers with Scything talons.
Because tyranids, the faction literally designed to be the opposite of eldar, is not known for adaption and change, yeah?
It IS badly optimized. People with top-end computers have issues. I have a few-year old rig and it runs acceptably. My friend who has a roughly equal rig suffers from crashes and freezes.
Can confirm, I'm running a dual SLI rig and it runs fine until the memory starts to leak after an hour or two and then it becomes unplayable. People with less robust rigs experience the problem a lot sooner and much more severely.
The weapons all feel very weak, and recoil all over the place.
This. Bolter shells should be detonating cultists with every single hit. Genestealers should be able to shrug a few off, depending on where they hit.
Instead, unless you score a head shot you can pepper cultists with round after round and genestealers will charge headlong into a deluge of fire and not even notice it. Don't even get me started on broodlords. Worst part of the fucking game is when they star showing up two, three at a time.
Actually, I take that back. The WORST part is that if you equip anything other than your stormbolter, you may as well not even bother with your psychic powers because their cooldown is tied directly to which force weapon you have equipped; and you can only take a power fist if you use a different close combat weapon.