Do we have one of these up? If not, let's get one going. I'll start.
What I Made / What the DM Saw / What I Played
Playing almost exactly what the GM thought you were going to play is the worst, 2bh.
dumb farm boy paladin creates am ideal nation and thus becomes a king.
I don't get good guy Greg. He looks like about as much of a scumbag as scumbag Steve. How did they decide that he was such a self-evident representative of selflessness and conscientiousness?
Pretty much every wizard player ever.
>Weed lmao.
Pot smokers were considered chill bros back at that time
Your character was super good at playing the flute and fucked every woman in a 100-mile radius?
And to finish, my current character.
I took Dangerous Beauty. Some lion bushi threw herself at me and I went with it. Shortly after she died in a tournament to become the new Emerald Champion and the tale of our tragic love somehow spread across Rokugan. I used that to bang every woman we came across.
Why didn't the translator just translate keikaku instead of saying that it translates to plan. Or are those subtitles and Light just said half of the sentence in English and finished in Japanese?
That's the joke.
From my last game.
It was all Japanese. It was just a stupid translation decision - y'know how in fantasy and scifi anime, translators will often leave proper nouns unique to the setting, like special weapons or magical techniques, untranslated, and provide and note explaining its' literal meaning? The dude fansubbing Death Note decided that "plan" was a unique enough term to warrant this treatment. It was daft enough to spawn a meme, with a bunch of other fansubbers doing the same thing with other series, and eventually a spin off meme: "Everything is going to be daijoubou (daijoubou means "okay")".
i think it even got an official reference in the yotsuba& translation
dude, I would kill to play a game with a Requiem werewolf.
Where is the gms template?
forever gm here
Is your character trap? Because for girls it will be "Зaмёpзшaя" (Zamerzshaya).
I don't speak Russian, someone else suggested the name to me.
This is one I want a story on
Well. now you can put some twist in his/her development.
>Sequel campaign ran by a fellow player from original game.
>Modified Greyhawk, one change being the Order of Bones which the DM's old character founded.
>My character starts off as a bone mystery oracle that later prestiges into Bone Knight.
>All other bone knights are super serious all the time.
>Joining the campaign partway through, I adjust my seriousness to match the party.
>Blind curse, can only see 60' away.
>Defending a besieged castle.
>Can't see army, so I assume it's just the one guy that's shouting.
>"Surrender now and we'll spare your lives!"
>I tell him to fuck off.
>Make a bag of tricks and abuse it constantly.
>Name my skeletal horse Skydancer
>Name all the undead I raise Skydancer II, Skydancer III, etc.
>Campaign ended prematurely.
Only played for a session, because this one was a gimmick.
It's a good game.
My hero
It's fun playing the guy who has a fear of death in a party of badasses.
5th ed game
I don't get it
Oh wait
Just got it
haha, no. You just wish you could play a small character who smashes the hell out of people's nuts.
>tfw I want to read this book but it's so fucking long and I have no time
Can I have that caution sign in full size?
Sorry, that was the fullest size I could find it when making it.
That game went to some strange places.
My very first character.
and what I know, they are
Black Legion campaign?
The template is so stupid. How is what you made different from what you played? This supposes that the player is can't plan ahead.
A what I played / expected / got template makes sense, but this doesn't.
Shadow-faced Warlock played like a harmless villain, complete with lots of cackling, hand rubbing, boasting about his "evilness", coming up with "evil" plots that can only backfire, and stepping on grass or sitting on wet benches just to rebel against the signs. Also has lots of mental and memory issues. He's only still with the party because he's keeping them "prisoner" and only follows through or adds to their plans to "make sure they're whole" for when he hands them over to the BBEG. He won't say it, but he never will. He loves the party too much now.
It was received with a lot of raised eye brows initially, but they like him a lot now.
Are you me? Because that's pretty much how my Pathfinder Gunslinger turned out.
remembered me about this dude
Does anyone have the campaign version of the template?
This 'un?
Righteous Middle-Eastern themed paladin of justice
Vatican Special Forces with a keffiyeh
High level Pathfinder.
Not that guy, but thanks.
I have zero computer skills so...
>what I made
A cat paladin
>what the DM saw
A cat paladin
>what I played
A drunken mix between a southern redneck and Al Capone.
>Wood Elf Bard who was allowed to use writing instruments in place of musical ones
>Start off young an idealistic, searching for a way to bring some kind of real freedom to the people
>Flavor it as me actually writing in arcane script producing magical effects
>Start taking all the spells that allow me to charm or manipulate others' minds
>Character begins to doubt his concept of freedom truly exists after a few levels of breaking into people's minds and basically making them whoever he wants them to be
>Quest for their freedom takes a new form
I don't have a copy but I think it goes "What I made, What my players saw, What I GMed" or somesuch
I like this
>I took Dangerous Beauty. Some lion bushi threw herself at me and I went with it. Shortly after she died in a tournament to become the new Emerald Champion and the tale of our tragic love somehow spread across Rokugan. I used that to bang every woman we came across.
/purposeful slowclap
did you just out Hoturi... hoturi?
Could I have that picture of the girl with the dragon?
Also - that bottom player sounds (looks?) fucking terrifying.
It actually does - or at least, it can.
A lot of people use this in such a way that the 'what I made' refers more to your build or some of your primary attributes that are readily observable to an outside party, such as your profession or the like.
In this case, the personality or unique function of the character was either a surprise, revealed during 'what I played' and previously only known to the player, -or- the player allowed the character to develop organically, which is under the vast majority of circumstances, far more natural than following a rigid initial plan and ignoring all circumstances. In such a case, it doesn't mean they 'couldn't' plan ahead, it means they went with the flow.
alright i'm curious.
You're pretty good
my Pathfinder Inquisitor abandoned by his inquisition I for some reason started playing as Abyssal Bloodrager using Veiled Moon discipline from level 3 to 12, at some point he just stopped caring for obvious reasons
that's quite the transition
what even happened
indecisiveness on my part, that's what happened
but the schlocky explanation me and the DM agreed upon was like this:
short story long: he already had a little bit of demon blood in him which was triggered by something happening in the campaign, instead of just manifesting some strange powers his original soul was devoured by a demon which assumed his place, thinking it was the original inquisitor. the character just stopped caring at this point about life in general and went along with the campaign with a very devil may care -attitude.
when the campaign ended he went to have Bizarre Adventures with fellow demon ripped bros in the demon realm, a fittingly schlock end for a schlock character
But in that case, it's a question of "look how clever I was", kind of like laughing at your own joke. I mean, this is Veeky Forums and you're going to be the only one laughing at it anyway, but still, it just comes off wrong.
I am going to make a thread about this when I get home from work.
Here ya go.
And bottom player is terrifying. She's mixed her soul with a high-level Ashura Oni, and has a Draconic Pact with Orgus Zangros, Dragon of Combat and Sick Gains.
Her mission in life is to kill the other two, once they can provide her with an actual challenge. She's currently five levels above the other two, due to her player dropping out, but leaving instructions for how she should be run.
The other two players have no idea just who this demonic woman, currently threatening to kill their families if they don't provide her with a challenge soon, actually is.
True story.
I like this
I'm not sure how teh DM manged to see that. A medical officer from an EK?
>that daffy duck
Why in the fuck does looney tunes use Daedric runes?
This. GGG is what 17 year olds on reddit think a "cool" guy looks like.
I always did want to play Zap Rowsdower.
Hadn't noticed that detail.
Probably they cheekily lifted it from Oblivion; I doubt Bethesda has copyrighted all their indivisual runes; abstract geometrical shapes are sort of hard to "own".
Well we ended up having our Rogue Trader miss several sessions right from the start, leaving everyone else to carry on the game without him until it became clear that he had just plain dropped out of the game. At that point noone really wanted to drop their character when we had all just settled in, so what we decided to do was, working with the GM, declare that the Rogue Trader had actually died, and the command crew was running things like all was normal.
My character was the Seneschal, who was a disgraced Rogue Trader who'd lost his ship TWICE, and had 20 Insanity points to start with (eventually rising to 40+).
March van Ryan was a crazy, ruthless, utterly dedicated servant of the Rogue Trader house he had been fobbed off on by the Inquisition. So it was no surprise that as soon as they declared the Rogue Trader dead, he gradually began maneuvering to take over. As well as conspiring with the chief Tech-Priest to make a clone-son of the Rogue Trader to 'secure the line of succession'.
He often came off as a complete blustering buffoon (ie: pre-beard Riker), with no long term plan, but he'd consistently surprise the others by stepping in and doing something crazy that would win the day, as well as gradually accruing the loyalty of the ship because he controlled all the finances (though it was an ongoing and friendly rivalry with the other players).
He once threatened a daemon into retreating when they were both trying to seize the same artifact, they'd had a history and it knew he was crazy enough to actually call down an orbital bombardment on his own position just to spite it. He got each of his arms cut off on two separate occasions, by Dark Eldar Incubi who did not take kindly to us murdering some of them and stealing their shit in a previous encounter. He had them replaced by Best quality bionics that were coated in gold, and kept one of their Blaster pistols.
Eventually we were all torn apart rather messily by Genestealers.
Oh, forgot one more pertinent detail.
When the Rogue Trader's actual heir showed up we humored him for a while, the Void Master challenged him to a duel for control of the House. The tech-priest wanted to work for him. The Arch-Militant and I were having none of this shit though, and were plotting from the start. We didn't get around to making a strike though, since he was a rogue psyker who summoned a fucking daemon for his duel with the Void Master (it was an aerial duel and she actually won, and then the Rogue Trader told her he didn't care), so we took things slow and careful for a change, and played the part of the loyal servants.
We lucked out when the Dark Eldar decided to raid the world he's caught up to us at (we were in the middle of the Expanse at the time), and after fighting our way to the nearest shuttles and promising to come to the Rogue Trader's location to rescue him, we promptly fired up the ship's engines and left him there to die without so much as a "goodbye".
Dark heresy game where my assassin stole all of the towels from a hotel for no reason towels kept being used and brought up throught out the campaign.
The joy of playing a Face with .165 Essence in Shadowrun. And even that remaining shard of soul is just a few paychecks away from disappearing. Plus, he recently 'became an Adept' after finding his Mentor Spirit in the form of a door which he now carries into battle as a gore-soaked combination of a pavise, a tower shield, and a ballistic shield.
Sometimes the most interesting character is the one that's played entirely to type.