Hey /tg, how do I make a character with an imaginary friend that isn't cringy or edgy? Like, an extension of their own subconscious which adds to roleplaying.
Hey /tg, how do I make a character with an imaginary friend that isn't cringy or edgy? Like...
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Unless they're beneath the age of six, there is no way. Even then, it's vaguely strange. But still, for what purpose?
Just make your character religious.
Well in Pathfinder you play a class that either gets an animal companion or an Eidolon
>Give the imaginary friend a stupid name, like Clarence
>Constantly voice Clarence's opinion on every issue, no matter how small
>Interrupt other players during roleplay with "WHAT'S THAT CLARENCE? YOU THINK [PLAYER] IS A LIMP DICK?"
>Spend entire sessions arguing with the DM over whether or not Clarence gets to roll for attacks
>Sob loudly over Clarence's imaginary dead aunt
Something something attempted tulpa
I like it!
As long as you don't take it too far, this could be a fun joke.
The character shouldn't do it SO much as to annoy people, but rather just enough that you create the expectation in people's minds.
Oh, he's going to say something about Clarence? Clarence liked blue flowers!
If done right, the other players may speak to Clarence as much as you do, even though they cannot hear him.
Rip, Clarence's aunt. You will be missed
A semi-insane sorcerer who's with Multiple Personality Disorder who talks to himself is interesting in my mind.
You could also get an Eidolon.
Make it clear that the character is suffering from some heavy trauma that manifests itself.
Best way: pen pal.
Have your character consistently waking up with letters from his best friend, saying he's watching, always ahead scouting out. Turns out your just a Fucking scizo who scribbles this crap during fitful sleep. Work with the gm here so the players are unsure Wether this dude is really some antisocial tracker or is the player is nuts.
Your comic makes me sad
I like this too. I don't even need the friend to be imaginary, if they aren't present. Their influence can be felt without ever speaking to them.
Especially if the friend never writes back, and my character isn't sure if their friend even gets the letters
Dobson has that effect on people
He's just one of a hundred people who are still finding their stride.
if you ignore all the bad stuff, he has some good stuff.
You either go the Minsc route, or you go all the way.
Do it like says, except you also spend a few character creation points on it and have the DM sometimes secretly give you some minor details on the plot. Clarence brings them up casually in discussions.
No, he is infact a pretty bad artist and a horrible human being
>and a horrible human being
That's a good trait in a comic artist.
Unfortunately his comic is bad.
look up for examples of brain damaged, but functioning, people or make him partially possessed
>That's a good trait in a comic artist.
No, it's not.
Creating a Tulpa is unhealthy user
Another good idea. How about he's possessed, but not by an edgy demon. he's possessed by a pixie who plays pranks, usually on him.
The pixie is a friendly spirit, who enjoys playing in his dreams, and doesn't want him to die (because then IT dies) but other than that, the pixie wants every day to be as fun as possible, or it gets bored.
Dobson doesn't have as big an impact on us as it would on /v/, so please keep it there when possible.
Also try making the player a paladin of a false god. At first he's a fighter with some extra moral restrictions, and over time with faith and maybe a converted believer or two, it begins to manifest itself as a real deity. By 12th level you could be the greatest follower of a great god.
Just ask your GM and fellow players first before playing anything like it to make sure it's okay and not hogging up the spotlight.
>that pic
I'm a bit annoyed which is way angrier than anyone should be about strangers believing some Foster's comic was a fan theory. Time to get tested for autism!
Dobson is every board, you fuckin neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd.
Ever play Deadly Premonition? No? Go do that. Or watch an LP, I recommend the TBFP one. It should help.
Isn't that right, Zack?
I would play it if the PC port wasn't shit
I bought this game and tried it on my friend's 360 but for some reason it chewed up the disc
It's painfully obvious you're still the same 12-year-old who tried spamming gore and horse porn earlier.
You don't know how raids work, do you?
>imagine being at computers
Your friends 360 couldn't handle all that ham. That game is bonkers.
I think it's more likely he's making fun of a shitty comic. There's more than one person posting things you don't like on Veeky Forums
You are excessively paranoid, assuming everyone you dislike is the same person.
Also a couple of dobson images in a thread after someone posted a dob OP image hardly constitutes spamming.
Ah holy shit, I didn't even read the comic before replying. My bad.
And then I selected the wrong reaction pic.
Fuck this, I'm going to bed.
i'm somewhat surprised no one has mentioned fight club yet.
>mc donalds night
>it's clear day
That sort of thing doesn't work as well in the hands of a player. I could see a DM passing notes to other players and just not letting the crazy player know that an NPC he's been talking to the whole game isn't there, but if the player actually expects that it wouldn't really be as fun
I have a hard time wrapping my head around just about everything I'm seeing in that comic
What sort of twat walks into a shop with the sign saying closed?
The same sort of twat that gets up and randomly screams about "McDonalds Night" in a room full of classmates he doesn't know?
Its too bad the Omikron playthrough killed the group, David Cage trolled them so hard the infighting caused the boss to suffer a breakdown
Bah, they can manage without Matt just fine.
Its Woolie I want to watch out for. Did you see what it said under the last of Reboot?
Speaking of Cage, Beyond Two Souls is a good example of how not to do an imaginary friend.
Dobson is a waste of life
It's fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, Woolie has been clean on his murder-addiction for years now
Turn him into a puppeteer. It's a half solution since his "friend" isn't really imaginary, but it might work provided you have enough charisma and comedic timing to pull it off. The puppet can then "interact" with other players too.
dobson is a true internet hero!
In my current campaign, my fighter and I kinda skimmed the guidelines for how to RP an Aasimar's celestial guide from VGM. Apparently, It's only supposed to appear at crucial times or in visions and shit. We just use it as a holy tulpa pretty much. Only he can hear and see her and can call upon her pretty much any time. She serves as his moral guide because my player wanted to play the idea of Lawful Stupid personified.
>"Yes, but it's not nice. This old man hasn’t done anything to you or anyone else. Please leave him alone, the gods of good would not look kindly upon this."
>"...okay, will do it your way."
>"Good, glad we sorted that out."
When you are wearing sexy cosplay you should be able to bear people taking photos of you.
This is dumb.
To be fair, you can demand to not photograph you, because you are selling your photographs at a huge mark-up. Like some of the Japanese cosplayers.
This is obviously the best solution.
>Clarence thinks there might be some bandits ahead.
>Clarence says that merchant is lying.
>Clarence! That's not very nice! The Paladin is not a limp- wristed faggot.
>Clarence won't go in that dungeon. He says it's filled with trolls.
Make most of your skill checks Clarence related.
>Pass an Appraise check
>Wow, Clarence, that's a lot of money. Do you really think this idol is worth that much?
>Fail a Sense Motive
>Clarence believes you're telling the truth, so I trust you, too.
>Do really well on a Profession (unrelated job)
>Yeah, Clarence used to be a carpenter. He says you need to sand WITH the grain. Also, you need better quality nails.
Clarence is a better man than all of us.
Just watch the Ring before going out in your skimpy outfit and there shouldn't be a problem.
But how else will Dobson be able to defend his imaginery women?
I don't get it. Can you rephrase that?
Plus, he hates people taking his picture, so pretty girls must hate it too
This should expain it.
>I don't want exposure
Isn't he a desperate artist selling his work at a Con? You'd think exposure is the primary reason he has a table
Shitty shoopwork is shitty.
his twitter is aids, so Im not surprised he wants to hide his fat face
He wants exposure for his goods, he doesn't want exposure of himself as a person. At the same time, he's too much of a cheapskate to afford booth staff other than himself.
When and why did he start drawing himself as a fucking teddy bear?
>dress like a litteral whore
>act like an attention whore
>wow, people are treating my like a whore D:
Women, not even once
Well, he sure is as menacing as one.
some time ago and who can fathom his mind?
The theory is that because people mocked his avatar being a younger, thinner version of himself that had hair - i.e. what he thinks he looks like - he decided to switch to a blue bear instead because 'comic-me isn't actual-me so I'm making the difference clear to all you haters and trolls'.
This explains it
Why are we discussing this dobson guy instead of the topic?
Are people really that triggered over this guy?
>Veeky Forums classic blunder.png
Little kid.
Yes. They truly are.
>Things that I like and noone else cares about
How can you fuck up this hard at the very first point? Amerilards love it so much they have an entire holiday dedicated to it. It's like that "me vs other girls" post in that it's all entirely fucking mundane shit that most people kind of like but hipsters pretend only they like so they can stand out without actually being noteworthy in any way.
>A sexist, mysoginist jerk is assaulting an innocent damsel by doing nothing that actively harms her or without even touching her?
>Excuse me while I put him in a wheelchair, m'lady
I don't even read this faggot's comics and I hate him already.
I don't understand people who use facebook and share everything. I can understand why he doesn't want himself to be photographed. Neither do I. Around here where I'm from, you can take pictures freely but if you are going to publish it somewhere, you need the permission from the person you are photographing.
Also. I bet he cares for the exposure for his art but not his face and that is perfectly understandable.
Someone post the cap that explains why Dobson is among the most hated people on the various boards
>he can't play dnd
Fucking seriously? Run a basic combat encounter and you've already got the gist of it.
The joke is that DnD is almost nothing but combat encounters.
Yeah, pretty much, i like it though.
I don't. Therefore I can relate to Dobson in that. But if he means RPG's in general. Then I don't relate.
>90's children's cartoon references!
>aren't we so quirky?!xD
Fair enough, at the very least we can agree that dnd's math and mechanics aren't really that insane, especially with 5e.
> when a girl says no she means yes
> Why does Dobson act like sexism is real??
>not understanding furries
ayy good bluff