Covering all the bases-edition
Old thread >Pastebin:
CYOA Choose your own adventure /cyoa/ /cyoag/
Postin fresh build in fresh bread
The Sword
Dark Tower (love me some high tower and books/vampire research are cool)
Lost, Rich, Bloodoil, Bloodspring
Pale ones, Hunters, Demons
With the sword, my form and my queen, we're going to beat the shit out of the pale ones, for one. Then we'll do trade deals with demons to get some sweet weapons (since we're a knowledge country we'll trade with access to facilities or knowledge I guess, make the tower usefull) and we'll try to bring the hunters on their knees at some point. Since we're not a very military nation except for the leaders I think we'll try to assassinate/corrupt their leaders first and take hold of their weapon stashes. Mortals with pointy sticks can't compare to us mighty vampires.
I'll try not to die in the process, we have a lot of time after all, vampires live for a long damn time.
Double Combos
>NullxDestruction: Now things I was gone are permenantly gone. No evidence I destroyed a thing.
InsightxDestruction: Whee. I have many ideas I want to kill. Like the stupid tiny laws people always are forgetting. Like the idiotic ideas in the world not backed by masses of paper. Lastly that pre-ripened cunny is anything close to tight. (Gee, I wonder how long deleting this might last. Also that's it's acceptable. Also that authorities WILL find things out.)
InsightxNull: Gee, a photographic memory. Sounds useful in buisness.
Single Options
>Destruction: Superceeded by DestrcutionxNull. Good for raw materials for making things when bored? Making statues?
>Null: Bullet Stop (as seen in The Matrix(tm).)
Insight: I'm a telepath working got myself to know what the other guy is going to say in negoiations. Whee.
I will remind you again of the poll that will take in January. An arbitrary number of CYOAs will fight for the title of the best, author of the winning CYOA will get the "Autistic Choice Image of 2016 Award".
Nominate CYOAs which you consider deserving of participating. Only restriction is that only CYOAs made in 2016 are allowed.
>This idea sucks, I want to prevent this stupid poll from ever taking place
Get enough anons on your side and I will vanish into oblivion, never to be heard of again.
Maybe have it where an author who has multiple cyoas listed, should have their cyoas fight against each other first?
You have lots of offense,for sure.
Why did you pick bloodoil over other options?
I wanted to satisfy the inevitable scientists that will develop nightmareish blood fueled weapons for my conquests.
Or simply have this oil for their research since it's stated they need it and we have "riches" so we can abduct/hire mortals that have the knowledge to build oil rigs. We're going to be a powerful nation that spends way too much in military and annex shitters, then do deals with the demons to help them against heaven provided it doesn't do us too much arm/they help us good against the hunters. I just want to get rid of the hunters, overall.
When was this made?
Mystery box whenever someone else posts it.
>When was this made?
Started working on it in May, finished it in June.
>Mystery box whenever someone else posts it.
Here you go. Reminder that it doesn't apply unless you pick "Revenge" from the "Relationship alterations" category.
One, Waifu Blues.
Two, this idea does suck so count me in on that.
Is it better with or without a textbox?
If yes to textbox, should the color or anything else be changed? I worry the bright color clashes with the serious nature of the cyoa.
No text, move the title a bit higher.
>No text
F u c k. No box.
Box is a bit much.
As it is I prefer without.
perhaps changing the text box to pure white would be beneficial.
I wanted the title to be so the bottom of the text is on the black line that frames the image, but okay. Lifted it 10 pixels.
trying with a white box. Probably leaning more to no box then.
With white box I think either looks good, though no box gives it a cleaner less weighed down feel to it.
Also, if i present you with a row of four seasons, must I add a line that says to pick one, or is it obvious to everyone you are supposed to pick just one?
>This idea sucks, I want to prevent this stupid poll from ever taking place
I dislike the notion of arbitrarily ranking CYOAs/pitting them against eachother. Completely pointless.
Consider me a signatory to the "fuck off" resolution.
This may just be me, but the text in the box got some subtle shadow effect which makes it look blurry.
>Lifted it 10 pixels.
Much better.
>I wanted the title to be so the bottom of the text is on the black line that frames the image
The thing is, it doesn't work exactly because it's a frame and not a line. Though even if it was I line, I think lifting it by 3 pixels still wouldn't hurt.
Fine. But I want it on the record that I think it's dumb.
No box looks cleaner still. Points for trying though.
Body Synchronization (23)
Enhanced Hair (22)
Enhanced Top (21)
Enhanced Bottom (20)
Controlled Milk Production (19)
Altered Production (18)
Genital Synchronization (17)
Either (16)
Both (15)
Sex Fluid Production (14)
Continuous (13)
Selective Fertility (12)
Extra Body Parts (11)
Extra Body (10)
Part Replacement (9)
Tele-Parts (8)
Normalize (7)
Pheromones (6)
Min/Max (5)
Micro/Macro (4)
Age Change (3)
Shape Change (2)
Existing/Undecided (1)
And I guess Enhanced Parts (0). Not sure between that and Enhanced Muscles, but I think I can probably just adjust my tone with Shape Change. Enhanced Muscles look like they're more to become a tumor person, and that's not my fetish.
Glad I didn't pick Revenge. I'm honestly pretty well disposed towards her for making these kinds of changes to my life, and I'd feel really awful about destroying her will for it. Anyway, explains why this CYOA feels so generous, and why I only had to make one slightly hard call. It could probably stand to have fewer points.
Found this on /v/, have never seen it posted here so I decided to drop it off
Would Creation-Destruction be best for shapeshifting or Life-Insight?
>Body alterations
Body Synchronization >
Enhanced Hair
Controlled Milk Production
Altered Production
>Genital alterations
Genital Synchronization (Female) >
Sex Fluid Production
Enhanced Parts
>Strange alterations
Age Change
Shape Change
Extra Parts
Extra Body
Part Replacement
>Relationship alterations
3 leftover points because I seriously don't need them at all, what the hell.
I nominate Picking-A-Goddess.
Making a scifi cyoa set in a derelict space station with a survival theme featuring a number of factions such as malfunctioning station droids/space pirates and interlopers/biological anomalies and such. Probably a darker tone and less about adventuring with a greater emphasis on getting the fuck out.
Does this interest anyone?
Yes, please
Only if the result is worth it, otherwise it'd just be a great reason to kill myself and not bother.
Hey Just wondering does anyone have the latest version of the universal war CYOA
You probably can't shapeshift, unfortunately. Creation-Destruction makes changing a living thing "nearly impossible," and you can't change things with Life + Insight. You'd need all four to pull it off, in all likelihood, and you can only get three.
Although I think I'll also grab Enhanced Top/Bottom for the small perks and Adaptive for, I dunno, something. Won't hurt.
Oh well, worth asking I guess.
>Body synchro
Enhanced hair
Enhanced top
Enhanced bottom
Enhanced muslces
>Genital synchronization
Sex fluid production
Selective fertility
>Strange alterations
Extra parts
Part replacement
Got leftover points but that's already all I need (and that's already a lot of stuff)
Shamefully reposting
Cool, just add reasonable CR. Many authors believe that average Veeky Forums poster is lost primarch and spear is only weapon your nead to kill kaijus and armies of superhumans with modern weapons.
>Cute Orb
>Life Orb
There, I solved the core problem. The Evil is now cute and harmless.
>Insight Orb
Immortality achieved.
>Reading the changelog
>"Finishing the novel and working on the game"
Jesus christ, highlander's going all out.
Mad props
>he fleshed out the secret text at the bottom of the document from just an easter egg to a whole mission
>Not sure between that and Enhanced Muscles, but I think I can probably just adjust my tone with Shape Change. Enhanced Muscles look like they're more to become a tumor person, and that's not my fetish.
Looking over the notes, it seems that with the right alterations, both can be used to be a tumor person, although by not picking Enhanced Muscles you'd be missing out on Enhanced Bodyparts' shared qualities 2 (easily carried around regardless of shape/size), 3 (enhanced sense of where parts of your body are in relation to one another, in this case the bulging muscles in particular), and 5 (the ability to squeeze them into or through spaces that shouldn't be able to accomodate them normally).
>I'm honestly pretty well disposed towards her for making these kinds of changes to my life, and I'd feel really awful about destroying her will for it.
Not destroyed, just under your control. It's kind of like that Persona Magic mentioned in the notes (with the exception that you're in charge and it only applies on her - the power of the curse enables overcoming the "self-cast only" thing). You could have her act as if she wasn't enslaved at all, and she'd probably be quite thankful for it. Also no danger of accidentally giving orders (the curse is "smarter" than that).
>3 leftover points because I seriously don't need them at all, what the hell.
As I've said time and again, I'm a greedy bastard.
If you lose the stroke on the letters on the creme colored text box then it's fine. As it is the white is blending in to the tan/creme color and making the letters hard to read.
Guys do anyone has the rest of this one? I can't find it anywhere.
lol he did it again!!!! madman.jpeg.gif
Highlander is making TT a game now?
what? what did I do?
Asked for the rest of an unfinished multi-page CYOA, when only the WIP of the first page has ever been released.
Some user (who may or may not be you) was begging for the author to finish it some threads ago, and now people basically assume that anyone asking after that CYOA is the same person.
Ohh Comfy!
Hmm gotta take some weissfu
to prevent her from burning down the house
>ice skating
then some fun exercise afterwards
>cinder malls
overalls are SO in
yummy yang. gonna need stress relief after that mall adventure
>cosplay party
i'm not going to dress as weiss, really!
>Tfw you just check this for the first time and notice one of your builds got in but it wasn't the one you spent literal days on
haha I didn't know it was unfinished, sorry. I was just going through my saved ones and couldn't find the rest anywhere. I'll wait patiently until it appears one day then. Thanks pal
Magnet/Flash hammer, gotta smack fast
>Get enough anons on your side and I will vanish into oblivion
Sign me up.
Do I need to bring some proof that I am not sock puppeting?
While I support talking about the distinct qualities that make particular CYOAs good or bad, a popularity poll is absolutely the wrong approach.
Apparently some user has been pestering /cyoag/ about this CYOA being unfinished for over a week now.
I am the guy that made that mistake last thread.
You repeated my request almost verbatim, making us both look like trolls.
Yes. And add a malfunctioning sexbot
The one on there right now are only the first batch. Apparently Highlander is planning on putting around 150 builds on there before wrapping that up.
Barring the Magnet + Flash "parries don't break combos" exploit, either
>Shadow Hammer
>Mimicry Hammer
and potentially copy entire parties' collective enchantments, or
>Root Hammer
>Chain Hammer
And 'parry' other weapons Katamari Damacy-style.
you fucking know it mate.
Neato. Hope i made mine good enough to get on there.
Remember to masturbate BEFORE going on Veeky Forums.
Use Janitor Space Prison CYOA for easy inspiration. In fact you could hint at a possible connection, like a prison escape failing because their ship tried to hide from the authorities in the same nebula as your station.
Well looks like I'm not the only one who liked this CYOA then. Sorry for the confusion guys
Why? Do you want to masturbate two times in a row?
>Get enough anons on your side and I will vanish into oblivion, never to be heard of again.
count one more to that side
I am honestly intrigued by this one.
I'm all for it since it seems like it'll piss a lot of people off.
this may help give you ideas
mite b kul.
I support it on the merit of gouging public opinion in a direct and honest manner, not matter how hard some people might find themselves hurt.
Megumin, I lost track, Independent, Explosion maniac [F] [M]
-Jungles of Mezatiax; Feathered God
Low-Tech Understanding
Master Ethereal Manipulation
Natural Beauty
Horse Power
Field Leader
-Explosion magic
Siege Master
MagisterTM Tier Robes
Yuta Brace
-Upgrade 1
Elder Staff
Codaori Rings
Basic Survival Kit
Basic Bag
ID Card
Bottomless Bag
Traveller Psyker Hood
Hat Closet
Flux Generator
Faustian Bargain
Leader Line
Overclocked Telken-Chip
Spiritual Transfusion
Forever Alonebx2
I don't need no Governa's dalla! x8
My Best Friend
Explosion Born
The Lonesome Road
The Temple of the Wild Gods
Kuro Neinta ‘???’ True Travellers, Yarihei’s ‘Cat’
Gilgamae, 361, Fighters, Noble Legend
The Summoning Grounds – Might of Magic
Terra-D2368 - In Which the Future is blank
>Admin has just cleared us to wipe this whole planet, the agreement is that this entire atrocity of a planet
can't be allowed to exist any longer.
The Unbreakable
Be it a goblin, a demon, an army or a planet if you need it blown up I'm your goddess.
Disclaimer: Megumin can only be used once every 24 hours. Megumin requires protection for 2-3 minutes before Megumin is usable. After use retrieval of Megumin or Megumin's personal articles if former is impossible is required. Failure to do so shall be met with fines.
>Janitor Space Prison CYOA
>didn't post it
>I'm all for it since it seems like it'll piss a lot of people off.
>Likes the Culling
>Baits Angelanon
>Picked all of the Red "Bring Armageddon" options in Traveler
>gouging public opinion
make (a groove, hole, or indentation) with or as if with a gouge.
"the channel had been gouged out by the ebbing water"
synonyms: scoop, hollow, excavate; More
make a rough hole or indentation in (a surface), especially so as to mar or disfigure it.
"he had wielded the blade inexpertly, gouging the grass in several places"
cut or force something out roughly or brutally.
"one of his eyes had been gouged out"
overcharge; swindle.
"the airline ends up gouging the very passengers it is supposed to assist"
>I like your style
People like this supporting
Your idea is proof positive that it should not be done.
>Get enough anons on your side and I will vanish into oblivion, never to be heard of again.
>+1 from me
Anyone have the template for the profile-builder thing?
Some guy posted the exact same thing the past few threads. I think the creator says he will be done by New Years.
Wait a moment.
Where is the Hammer that can "Stop Time"?
Alright, here we go
>Work Hard
We're gonna need a montage...
>Get Your Game On
Attempt to tutor Ruby in fightan games despite my meager knowledge of fightan games that aren't smash
>Ice Skating
Time to finally git gud at skating
Rather than ask for sex like the description implies, I have a more fun idea: Operation Sandbag
>find Pyrrha
>ask her to unlock my aura like she did with Jaune
>go back to Yang
>"Yang, I need to to start punching me repeatedly. Don't stop until you feel better, or if I throw you off of me and ask for a towel"
>blindly hope that I spontaneously develop a semblance that helps me deal with the onslaught of pain that I brought on myself
And if I somehow survive...
Yep, thanks
Sorry for the delay.
No, thats Monster Hunter that will get updated by NYE. Like its already been explained before multiple times including in this thread even immediately after that fucking post you replied to, Most Wanted is a WIP that wont get finished.
How the fuck can people read through the posts made as a reply to someone, then proceed to pull their own completely erroneous explanation out of their ass? You're cancer man, fucking metastatic cancer in the brain.
what font should be used?
I went with Times New Roman. Always had a thing for the classics.
why 4ch and the internet harps on cancers when prions are so much more interesting is beyond me
So you're saying that it's entirely 100% impossible that simply misremembered which CYOA was promised a new-year's update?
>Cinder Dolls
Gotta see this.
>Work Hard
Find the symptoms, and treat the cause. Nine out of ten early therapists recommend it!
>Nap Time
Of course, that much activity would completely wear us out, so a shower and a nap-pile it is.
>Cosplay party
Aaand a nice way to wind down after a busy day. If Mercury's going to perform the puppet show here, I'm tempted to take Cinder Mall and put her in something skimpier.
Hey, whatever happened with the other thing this guy was talking about making? With the magical girls or whatever. Did that ever happen?
No, it didn't.
Prions OP pls nerf.
The retardation from that person came from reading THE VERY NEXT POST MADE which explained it quite accurately and still replying with false info. The fact that he misremembered just further compounds the idiocy.
Last time I did this I had to wait over two hours for somebody to post two CYOAs and I lost all interest. Never again.
That's too bad. Hunter's Legacy is still one of my favorite cyoas.