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Is kill team fun? Is it good for poorfags/newfags to play together?

Have you taken any offered in the last... 6 threads?

i`d add more Cultist, you cant have enough of them

Just kiddingm you list looks fine, but i`d say that it lacks variety.

Thus far the only feedback has been to take fortifications.

yeah, it is fun, sometimes even more than bigger games.
Heralds of Ruin is also fun, at least many people told me so

So, will that work?

Why is the dp not a psyker?

What will you do against vehicles?

Pray to the RNG God for good Heretek powers or just try to scrap it off with bolters. Its still only 750 pts, the heaviest shit you`ll find is a Leman Russ.

Heralds of Ruin is free and far superior.
I enjoy it more than regular 40k these days.

Technically it would be possibly to fit an baneblade into an 750 points game, but that would be a dickmove

does the inquisitor weapon options bother anyone else?

You'd think all inquisitors would have access to all 'standard' imperial weapons like boltguns and power fists...but no.

I really hope that my LGS enforces the 25% rule on lower point games. Im new to Warhammer so I dont know

I didn't think it would be worth it.

Thousand Sons lack good anti-armor, at least at low points.

dont worry, no one will do that and even if someone does, then it wouldnt be dishonorable to just leave the table.

I happen to work for a store and i would give you some useful house rules to fight the baneblade

Imperial Agents, as RAW:
Lets you use 6e editions SoB with IA SoB. That means Celestin is not gone. Neither Priest as old.
Also Inquisition is still valid by the same thing. You can have your servo skulls.

Why do I say this? Well because the wording for every faction inside the IA is the same for both armies that do not existed till IA like the navy, and the ones that existed already and just had a codex recently like Deathwatch.

If it meant it replace them as in RAI then why use the same wording or the "formations" in GK and DW make reference to units that are not inside the IA codex?

Unless stated by GW, RAW lets you keep servo skulls if you use an Inquisitor from the codex Inquistion (more expensive power armour oh wow) non retarded acolyte squads, unless you want cheaper power armour acolyte with bolters for some reason.

waacfag are happy, waac are happy and the rest are just confuse and sad.

>work in a store
I always thought it would be a really good job for a fa/tg/uy. Is it easy to get it and is it worth it?


Your list is illegal as you have too many heavy support....

Do you even traitor legions?

That means the contents of IA are off limits if you want Celestine or servo skulls then.
And somehow Psychotroke grenades are still a thing.

>get e-mail from GW
>the new canoness is back in store
>e-mail is 22 hours old
>go to the store
>GW's face when


Oh right....troops are oblits.

I was asked by the manager because i am friendly with the Community and know the Fluff. I didnt even need to apply or anything.
Sometimes it is exhausting, but most of the time it is fun, i can recommend it if you dont mind the occasional Idiot/Kid.

I can also do my friends some favours, such as reserving new products for them when they really want it, but cant come to store on Saturday .

I also get 50% of GW products, Black library products and 15 % of FW. I also get some free stuff and Knowing what will be released in the next week is also cool.

Holy shit that sites makes entire tables of minis look tiny

Bullshit. And even I am a sisters and inquisition player.

The saint was terrible anyway......

>50 % of GW products
I sure hope they also need fluff-nerds in Poland

Nop, how the wording is made.

Example DeathWatch on their codex are the same Faction as the one in IA, since the formations in IA let you use shit not in the codex but inside the DW one.

Same wording is spread all over the place. The Enginseer is for the Cult Mechanicus Faction so for 50 points you can add two more canticles (seer and servitor) that also works for the IG.

The codex is a mess, but how things are written by RAW codex SoB, Inq, GK and DW are still valid and can use the shit in IA no problem just if they where inside their respective codex. The Assassins section is even more copy pasted than the rest of the codex but still by RAW it permitted the older data sheet. Why would you do it? No idea.

Should I get this? I thinking of splitting up the box with a friend since I already own a Commander, 7 Broadsides (which I may sell it to him), and 6 Stealth teams.

My first attempt at a list, no fucking clue what I'm doing.

Dark Eldar - 1000 points
Combined Arms Detachment
Archon (1) - 135pts
1 Archon: Power sword,Blaster,Haywire grenades,Shadow field

Kabalite Trueborn (9) - 199pts
2 Kabalite Trueborn: Dark lance,Close combat weapon
4 Kabalite Trueborn: Blaster,Close combat weapon
3 Kabalite Trueborn: Splinter rifle,Close combat weapon

Raider (1) - 100pts Dedicated Transport
1 Raider: Disintegrator cannon,Enhanced aethersails,Shock prow,Night shields,Splinter racks

Kabalite Warriors (10) - 130pts
1 Sybarite: Splinter rifle,Close combat weapon,Haywire grenades
1 Kabalite Warrior: Dark lance,Close combat weapon
1 Kabalite Warrior: Blaster,Close combat weapon
7 Kabalite Warrior: Splinter rifle,Close combat weapon

Raider (1) - 100pts Dedicated Transport
1 Raider: Disintegrator cannon,Enhanced aethersails,Shock prow,Night shields,Splinter racks

Kabalite Warriors (10) - 110pts
1 Sybarite: Splinter rifle,Close combat weapon
1 Kabalite Warrior: Splinter cannon,Close combat weapon
1 Kabalite Warrior: Shredder,Close combat weapon
7 Kabalite Warrior: Splinter rifle,Close combat weapon

Raider (1) - 100pts Dedicated Transport
1 Raider: Disintegrator cannon,Enhanced aethersails,Shock prow,Night shields,Splinter racks

Reavers (3) - 63pts
1 Reaver: Splinter pistol,Close combat weapon,Splinter rifle,Cluster caltrops
2 Reaver: Splinter pistol,Close combat weapon,Splinter rifle

Reavers (3) - 63pts
1 Reaver: Splinter pistol,Close combat weapon,Splinter rifle,Cluster caltrops
2 Reaver: Splinter pistol,Close combat weapon,Splinter rifle

Just ask your local GW whether they need another Keytimer or check this site regulary to find out whether they need new managers for their stores jobs.games-workshop.com/category/vacancies-by-country/continental-europe/

Knowing the Fluff isnt the only important thing,you also need ot be able to sell things and be cool with the local community and stuff like that.

I already bought two Battleforce: Adeptus Mechanicus Eradication simply because they are so cheap or me

Use your smartphone.

>more tau on the tables somewhere
That is always a bad thing.

Yah the Saint was bad it was only there to add an extra punch to Seraphim so you could had 4 hand flamers and one heave flamer. But it is an option still thanks GW that can't into rules. As shown in the stream.

Now I will assault with my marines from a Rhino!

Like how sprue crons are valid thanks to their GW shit only.


You shouldn't remove bad units, you should make them viable.
Or do you want Orks and Tyranids cut?

>6 Stealth teams.


I meant 6 Stealth Suits.

You need to run all Rubrics as one squad for the Soulreaper. The question is: is it worth it? Would you trade the ability to fire at 2 squads for a kickass weapon? do it the cannon is badass

Did you get the new character model?

12 precision strike/shot buble for everything........tanks, units, awesome.

GW may have sent out that email to avoid backlash, but in reality you're explaining to your opponent that your army is drawn from 2 publications, an edition apart.
Celestine used with the new detachment wouldn't sit well with me.

Why does it not have sisters of battle?

The digital Dex got updated to 7th ed.

Still looking to see if anyone has Shadows of Ullanor.

Yes, black library

It happens all the time.....people are way too sensative about a game. Acting like the saint was some staple character is retarded, she was in zero fluff, did not exist before ward, and sucked as a battlefield model.

They didn't remove anything in th IA that is my point. They just added options. For some reason they spread the acolyte squads and now you can use Inquisitors with and without access to servo skulls.

She's also the only SoB character.

The fuck is that image?

Because now one has made it. Maybe you could do it? I can't be ass to do it.

discussing a good waifu

>Acting like the saint was some staple character is retarded, she was in zero fluff, did not exist before ward, and sucked as a battlefield model.

She's in both the 2nd and 3rd codexes, long before ward

We're talking about Celestine, which in fact has been cut.


How do i add to it?Can't find anything on that site

Before ward?
She has existed since Witch Hunter.

people discussion thier perfect girl? Mowhawk guy has the best taste in my opinion.

Alright, so I fixed it no bully for +4pts

Well, he's not far from the truth, most were cut from 2nd to 3rd ed that are sororitas, and going from 5th to 6th cut a priest. Now that Celestien is also out we are left with a single priest cahracter

Fuck, here`s the picture.

From IA, SoB codex for some fucking reason is still valid by RAW in IA

My entire point is that IA agent didn't remove anything just added crap.

Damn people are dense today.

what is this site anyway?

I have the second ed which she is not in. Witch hunters was the first so we are both wrong there.

Same shit applies, she was a 135 trash model that too many morons used. T3 non eternal warrior model.....ooooooo

Uriah is better in every way. The new chick is also better in every way.

Who is this semen demon (male) ?

In the damn OP.

>>List Builder if BS doesn't add enough bloat for you

You don't need to remove a lovaeble model and fluff for rules that should be reqritten in the first place.

Damn it wrong picture. A friend of mine that is flat chest


Sure, as if most people would accept that.
Do you even play?

How do we make Chaos Space Marines as cool as Chaos Warriors?


This is bait.

>tfw CSM are not only usable, but pretty good
>tfw my favorite legion and unit is great agian
>tfw it was just as planned

Yes, lucky for me my local are not waacfags. Maybe waac.

What is your points, those are the rules, not my fault GW are incompetent. Beside non retarded acolyte is the only thing I miss.

Is the Archon there to be a melee beatstick? If so you're not playing him to his advantage (wwp) and should take a Succubus instead. Since you don't have a melee squad to back them up, however, you should just drop the power sword.

Too much toys on the raiders, stick with just night shields and add racks only for the teams with splinter cannons. A few also need dark lances to threaten vehicles.

Mixing weapons always makes a squad underperform. Group all your dark lances into a second trueborn squad (points come from all the raider toys you let go), and demote all the Sybarites to regular warriors.

Reavers are always good.

Chaos warriors have none of the things that make CSM cool, ie. the Primarchs, the Traitor Legions, Renegade chapters.

In fact their depiction is quite generic barbarian horde. Also, Abaddon > Archaon

So I'm going to be playing Space Clowns for the first time today. Any advice on making a decent list?


I collect both.

There is a necron player that tries to waacfag bringing decurions and wriath spam.

Constantly gets table by an ork player and by my penitent engine spam. He is so bad that when ever anyone feels bad or wants to try stupid shit they face him.

He is actually a nice dude, but so bad player and waacfag that is sad.

> Don't let them get into stabbing range (I6 minimum).
> Remember your bolters can bring down all their vehicles (AV10 2HP at best).
> Ignore their cover, otherwise each model has a 5++ including vehicles.

Vindicare swole as fuck. Do Tau even lift?

I got the mail as I was checking my mail. Go straight to the GW page. Already gone.

Is like people really want SoB or at least get the model to re-sell it to the 10 SoB players. Which is a bad idea.

I bet some idiot is going to buy it and then make is explode just to make a video saying BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Need another sorcerer

how so?


check eBay, it's what's happening.

I got mine yesterday and it's that disgusting finecast "resin" - not the forgeworld stuff.

I spent ages cleaning and I still have more to do before I can prime

As I recall, the War Cabal needs 1-3 Sorcerers/Exalted Sorcerers and a leader Sorcerer/Exalted Sorcerer/Daemon Prince

So, what you're saying is.

It's scalpers doing this?

friend send that to me, mind helping in identifying which box is it?

Well, fuck guess I'll play at 1k points (see what I did here?) and finally get some wargear for my Sorcerers.

They're causing the unnecessary demand yes.

There would still be demand but it's being exacerbated by neckbeards thinking they can make an easy £20 flipping it

I seriously hope no ones this retarded.

Recaster quality nice job GW.

Hope not, it's EXACTLY the same thing that happened with the 25th Anniversary Marine.

All sold in minutes.

Appear on eBay at 500% price.

doesn't sell, pricer lowers... and lowers... and lowers... eventually going for RRP or less (and they still have to pay auction fees etc)

Neckbeard stick to tabletop and leave the jewery to the professionals

Riptides can explode with enough force to destroy a moon. How would you reflect this part of the fluff on the tabletop?

Fucking idiots.

Why do you tryhards paint your shit in seperate pieces like this as if you couldnt do it with it attached... Look at me! I'm a master painter!

Hello, can I send an Exterminatus request for the planet I'm living on? I'm pretty sure it's infested with Heretics.