Operation: BBB (Bring Brendan Back)


ok fa/tg/uys, leddit had its selfish secret santa bullshit, how about we do something good for a man down on his luck this christmas?

Other urls found in this thread:


And stay there.

>Editing somebodies head onto the Emperor makes it Veeky Forums

Well I suppose the president for it has been set now.


this pertains to all of us


Fuck off, cancer.

and a merry christmas to you too

how about doing something nice?
it takes 2 minutes

So does sucking my dick until I come. GET ON IT.

hey dude can you fuck off? we're trying to legit get shit done in here and we don't need losers like you coming in here trying to troll

Literally kill yourself butthurt roastie

I signed the petition, but I don't think most people here will give a shit and the thread will prolly be deleted because off topic soon

Wow the Veeky Forums mods are almost as autisticly obsessed with the rules as the /v/ mods.

All I have to say to you idiot cancerfucks is what your parents should've had the good sense to tell your pathetic asses years ago: get the fuck out.


Who the fuck is that guy and why should I fucking care?
I don't watch TV and I don't watch normie movies. Tell me why I should care.

who is brendan fraser?
underage b&

he was a pretty successful actor way back in the 90's and early 00's, and a lot of 20-something's would remember him from their childhoods.

he's a been a bit down on his luck lately, mainly due to his ex wife demanding $900k from him every year, causing him to take increasingly minor roles to make the payments, effectively ending his career

you don't have to care, but it might be something nice to do, as it is christmas time after all and it only takes about a minute

He's a /tv/ meme.

O'Connell's in trouble?
Count me in.

bump for just guy

Get the fuck off my board you filth

Anyone mentioning plebbit on 4chin is a newfag tryhard trying to fit in
Leave this website and go out to lose weight

Also, bump of JUSTice to UNJUST ourboy

>he doesnt know

Kek how do you newfriends even function irl

>Bumping off topic threads instead of putting sage in the options field

Seems more your speed, champ.