So, is there any particular reason why /qst/ threads are hated on here?
I thought Veeky Forums was known for stuff like Ruby Quest. Is it like how /v/ hates visual novels because they're more text based or is the problem deeper than that?
So, is there any particular reason why /qst/ threads are hated on here?
I thought Veeky Forums was known for stuff like Ruby Quest. Is it like how /v/ hates visual novels because they're more text based or is the problem deeper than that?
Oversaturation and a lack of quality. Ruby Quest was really good (from what I've heard), but then you get Generic Anime Quest #5892 and all its ilk flooding the board.
The short and simple answer is oversaturation.
Many people on Veeky Forums felt there were too many quests on Veeky Forums, especially when they began to degrade in average quality or be entirely unrelated to Veeky Forums beyond being quests. So after many incidents of arguing and calling for quests to be removed from Veeky Forums, /qst/ was made so quests could have their own board for quests.
The intention was that Veeky Forums would be a discussion of traditional games without threads being bumped out by constantly updating and emerging quest threads, where /qst/ would be where quests happen without the continual bombardment by anti-questers and thread derails attempting to turn it into arguments and shitposting. In short, it was supposed to be a mutually beneficial arrangement.
However some questers, despite having their own board for questing, complain about being restricted from making quest threads on Veeky Forums for some reason I cannot comprehend, and occasionally a cunt drags his ass over to /qst/ to shitpost even though the separation has been made.
Is it really any worse than any other spam thread clogging up the catalogue?
I mean, even if it's garbage, at least it's OC right?
There is a point where it needs to be considered a different topic.
Much like Pokemon, MLP, and splitting V & VG
When 100% of the front page are quests (happened many times for hours), and you can in to talk about MTG, D&D or 40K. What do?
I think most people didn't really hate quests. There was just too many of them and it clogged up the front page. I wish /qst/ all the best and hope they have lots of fun times, but I'm glad they have their own place to do that now instead of having to compete for space with "stat me" and "X in 40k, what happens" threads.
I don't think quests are hated on Veeky Forums, outside of a vocal minority that constantly harped on quests not fitting in with Veeky Forums's niche of traditional games.
To be honest, I find it a lot better now that /qst/ is its own separate board. Before /qst/ was made, the front page would easily be about 3/4ths quests at any time. It was kinda difficult to find other threads relating to other Veeky Forums topics like 40k or D&D between the various amounts of generally liked quests and Bullshit Quest number six gorillion.
When you have 15+ threads at once being filtered out on a regular basis it's too much
The problem with quests was the mods herded them off their boards of origin, most notably /a/ and /co/, and forced them here. This resulted in a significant chunk of the questfag population that did not give any shits about regular Veeky Forums content and in turn led to the proliferation of shitty meme threads that threatened to become so-called board culture.
This. The mods of other boards refused to let one quest onto their board, so they decided we could deal with 600.
ignore me
>However some questers, despite having their own board for questing, complain about being restricted from making quest threads on Veeky Forums for some reason I cannot comprehend, and occasionally a cunt drags his ass over to /qst/ to shitpost even though the separation has been made.
with the caveat that I have never written a quest, I see their point to a degree. Their biggest complaint is the lack of viewership they get by being segregated, which prevents new people from seeing and engaging in the story - creating a circlejerk party that Veeky Forums was kind of designed to prevent. Most people didn't come to Veeky Forums specifically to read the quest, they came and saw the thread in passing and went "hey that sounds pretty cool, let's look a bit deeper.". To that same end, most people will not go to /qst/ specifically to look at quests, because it was never their intent.
The oversaturation of the board is a real concern, and as an earlier user mentioned the mods shunting otherwise off-topic quests to here did not help. But I do still question the "every thread on page 1 is a quest" complaint. Do people just not use the catalog? There's nothing stopping you from making threads to bump the others off either.
>implying that Anime Magical Butler Harem Quest part CXVII: In which we peep on Hatsuko's Panties is not a circlejerk.
Memeing for the sake of memeing is not going to help your argument.
This is another thing that gets the /qst/ crowd mad, asking simple questions and getting that kind of "LOLOLOL TROLELD XD" answer. It's like trying to play chess with a pigeon - the bird will ignore the rules, shit all over the board, and strut away confident in its victory without doing anything.
This. Pretty much all quality quests were on their 50th or so thread, which meant it just wasn't worth it to read all the accumulated background material before taking part, assuming it existed at all anymore. Most of the new quests are shit, so there is no room for casual questfags.
I don't hate quests, but the sheer number of them and the fact that most of them were only tangentially Veeky Forums-related got them board, which was probably for the best. As per site rules,
>Veeky Forums - Traditional Games:
>Board games, paper games, war games, card games, etc. go here!
...quests really, really stretched that "etc." part.
Like most hate here, it's mostly just a vocal minority on either side.
The opinions voiced so far in this thread tend to be the prevailing opinion: Quests were generally fine but there were too many. It is what it is.
I'm just proud of Veeky Forums for getting a dozen posts into the subject without the usual frothing.
Tbh /qst/ was a mistake, it should had been /fg/ - forum games and also contain stuff like risk and hunger games.
The dude abides. It's pretty much that simple.
also it seems like this user genuinely doesn't know why, as opposed to metathreadfag
/qst/ threads go on /qst/. Literally have their own board devoted to them.
You must be new here
That's true too.
Nope, but it is true that /qst/ threads go on /qst/ and not Veeky Forums now.
No need for /qst/ on Veeky Forums now that we have /qst/.
I mean, OP said /qst/ and not quest, making it obvious he's talking about the present.