Games Workshop Expensive?

Is GW too expensive or are you just too poor to afford it?






As a "hobby" - It's fine.

As a game - it's too expensive.

The only way I can afford it is because I am an adult that makes a deck salary with a load of unnecessary tax free bonuses .
I can't see how teens could ever afford this hobby

Get a fucking job. If you think this is expensive you are in for a surprise when you get out of your mother's basement.

Go home redshirt.

If Space Hulk was made by any other company, it would be a $45 game at most.

I just buy GW stuff through discounters, Ebay, or Chinacast. Of course paying MSRP is silly, but you can't deny that there are options.

hurrf durrf

Seriously, get a job lazy cunt.

>I can't see how teens could ever afford this hobby
same way they could afford it twenty years ago

Having jobs and not having to pay for food, housing or utilities. Yeah it'll take longer for them to assemble an army than a working adult, but that was always the case.

The companies profits aren't that high, so on one level then no, GW isn't too expensive. Compared to rival companies and other hobbies, they aren't wildly costly either. Their mistakes arise because they've relied to much on inflating their prices to keep their profit margins up in recent years. Ever larger armies and more bloated games were a means of milking their current customer base instead of expanding it. Thankfully the new management has made changes which promise to send the company in the right direction, which suits me just fine as it's seen my shares rise by over 20% in the last few months. In the end, though, if you think that GW should be half the price then you're on a hiding to nothing. The company would lose tens of millions a year, even if they doubled their sales.

The cost is appropriate because it's a niche hobby that relies on a dedicated fan base willing to shell out for a premium product.
Then you've got design, manufacturing, shipping costs.
Also, a model - once assembled and painted - you generally don't need to buy another - you only need one Ulrik the Slayer or whatever unique HQ.
Then you need to charge more because people are outright stealing the product and producing counterfeits.

Except 20 years ago, it was AUD$20 for a box of 10 marines, now it's AUD$70 for 5. I remember the old letter system, most single models were $14, now they are in the 60s for a single guy.

Welp there's your problem, move to a real country.

>As a "hobby" - It's fine.
Well nope, models are expensive as fuck so as Citadel hobby tools, especially since they aren't better than their cheaper versions.

>t. shareholder

It's not expensive per se. Really more that the cost vs value ratio is bad.
If I'm looking for competitive miniature game WarmaHordes or even Infinity are better options.
If I'm looking for eye candy miniatures there's Kingdom Death and Malifaux.
And if I'm looking for wargaming on budget, there's Kings of War and Frostgrave.
GW used to be #1 choice in all three of those fields some decade ago but they have been falling behind since.


>models are expensive as fuck
stop this meme

Space Marines are 4 dollars a model. For that quality you will not find cheaper anywhere. Period.

Pewter is 12 dollars an ounce. Yes they old pewter models are expensive, but so is the material they are made from.

Yes, but most of Veeky Forums cares more about the lore than the game anyway, and those that do are generally hobbyists that play Kill Team when they can.

If we really wanted to play 40k, we'd just use Tabletop Simulator. Nearly all the 40k models have been made as Steam Workshop downloads for it.

Me, personally, I want to run a FFG 40k rpg campaign one of these days, but until I have the opportunity, I'm just waiting for the next of Shoggy's updates.

20 years ago the models were dogshit compared to now

>20 years ago, it was AUD$20 for a box of 10 marines, now it's AUD$70 for 5
it's AUD$65 for 10

and unless I'm seriously mistaken about your currency, it was at least $35 for 10 in '98 (which is what the americans were paying). Canadians were paying $40 for the same box in '98.

Marines are literally the worst example you could have picked for price inflation. Especially when the heresy kits exist.

>stop this meme
>100$ for 3 models is meme
>35$ for individual models is meme
>For that quality you will not find cheaper anywhere.
Infinity makes better models and cheaper than new GW releases.
>Yes, but most of Veeky Forums cares more about the lore than the game anyway, and those that do are generally hobbyists that play Kill Team when they can.
Nice try redshirt.

don't cherry pick

>don't cherry pick
It's not cherry picking, it's example of GW actual price policy.

I know for a fact that several of my friends who say Warhammer is too expensive have spent hundreds and hundreds on Magic over the last year alone. For that amount you could build a 3000 point army in 40k or fantasy.

The problem is the cost of GW is all upfront, whereas other expensive Veeky Forums games operate in the incremental microtransaction paradigm.

>and cheaper
this is the spiciest meme

>implying kirby's batshit is "normal" for GW
4 dollar space marines are also an example of GW price policy

"Expensive" is always relative to what you are getting for the money, more than the sticker price itself.

For example, I can easily afford GW miniatures. You can easily have build a small but playable army for a couple hundred bucks, if you want. But a couple hundred bucks would also buy me a great collection of another company's miniatures, which are as good or better, so why bother? Or I can buy some good food, invite friends over, and play a game with papercraft tokens.

It is expensive. Perry Twins can put out more of the same stuff for cheaper price despite being a smaller company. They also price their stuff depending on how powerful it is in the game, not on how much it costs to produce.

>this is the spiciest meme
Warhammer Varanguard 3 mounted models - 100$
Infinity Operation Red Veil starter box - 100$
Except thee fact that box aren't new.

Yes. It is expensive compared to other wargaming companies. Many of the comic book shop games are only expensive because GW has established that people are willing to pay GW's price, so GW's direct competitors charge at their level.

>on par in terms of quality
ha ha no

I love perry, but their quality is not the same

fine you want newer? what about the 5 dollar a model thousand sons? cheaper than the old CSM + upgrade kit (was around 70 dollars, now just 50) and with better detail.

Isn't demanding that a company make their product more affordable just reek of self entitled narcissistic behavior? Like "I want it so it should be within my price range."

GW doesn't owe you anything.

>what about the 5 dollar a model thousand sons?
You mean rubric marines? Dude they are ugly as fuck.

>Arguing up the price of something you want to buy

Whether you can afford something and whether it is priced fairly are completely fucking different matters.

I cannot imagine anybody who would even think of a question this full-force fucking stupid being in a position to call others poor for very long, not without being Trump-level invulnerably rich. There is a limit to how backward your thinking can be before it begins to impede your ability to function in the world.

To even conceive of this issue in a way that puts GW ahead of your own interests so thoroughly shows that your very personality has no gag reflex. It's so ingrained in you to allow others to fuck you and fuck things you care about that you actually resent it when other people stand up for themselves.

That's just like, your opinion, man.

Actually no, I just make $250 an hour.

>my shares
You are litterally the evil boogyeman beyond the shitty GW choices.
Never ever mention muh shares again here.
Go die in a fire.

We will see about that when the revolution starts

what a wonderfully objective comparison you've got there

>red veil- $100 (14 miniatures)
>dark vengeance- $110 (49 miniatures)

Infinity is a cheaper game to play, but individual miniatures are more expensive. My maghariba guard was almost the same price as burning of prospero.

I've been around since 2nd edition. The miniatures are twice as expensive as they should be. I would rather have 2nd, and 3e prices & level of detail. I play it as a game and not a painting hobby. Regular people dont see $50+ for a box of toy soldiers, find out they need 4-10 boxes, then buy in.

As a fluke last year I spent $15 little green soldiers ant tanks. i used imperial guard codex and older rules.I introduced some friends that where curious but turned off by the money commitment. Every month we now have a huge imperial guard battle on a 12' x 4' board. They bought their own little green miniatures. Sherman tanks converted to to lemans and hell hounds roll forth. One buddy bought a 1/35 tank and uses it as his Bane Blade.

Good times are had.

how about the 4 dollar a modle tzaangors then? surely you don't find them ugly?

but either way, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For ten detailed multi-part miniatures, you will not find cheaper from any manufacturer

>Your not allowed to look out for and promote your interests because it's selfish
>Only companies like Games Workshops are allowed to do that
>You should be sucking their dick because for allowing you to pay exhorbitant amounts of money to buy their models at all

You'ld think we were aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise from how much of a redshirt this guy is.

Actually I'm a criminal defense lawyer and my price far exceed anything GW asks for and you can either afford me or you can't. I don't have an obligation to sell my services for what you can afford.

I moan about prices whilst simultaneously maintaining a vast backlog of unpainted miniatures, model kits and various other half completed projects.

>I love perry, but their quality is not the same
Well you are right, they are better.

>implying GW's margins don't vary depending on market

Even accounting for exchange rates, anybody outside of England pays more for models.

5 Cadians = £6

That means in USD it should cost 7.50, but the actual price is $10.

It means in AUD it should be 10.25, but the actual price is $14.

Aussies have to pay up to 50% more for some models. Cadians weren't a great example at 30ish percent, but it's the first thing that popped into my head.

>>red veil- $100 (14 miniatures)
>books with rules and fluff, terrain, gamefield, useful armies
>>dark vengeance- $110 (49 miniatures)
>useless for future army models not even 750 points
>Infinity is a cheaper game to play, but individual miniatures are more expensive.
Yeah CB aren't overload system by number of models.
>how about the 4 dollar a modle tzaangors then?
You mean static monopose?

>You mean static monopose?
how much can you repose infinity models

Not to much, but they looks much better than GW poses.

>Criminal Defense Lawyer
>Subhuman Scum, who makes a living keeping other subhuman scum out of prison
>Shilling and defending money grubbing Jew tactics
Wow, what a shocking turn of events.

And are more detailed as well

I remember 4th ed when I joined whfb, people were screaming about steal prices back then too.
Time passes, nothing new really.

For what it's worth I do not believe that you're employed in the first place.

Yeah okay, until you or one of your family members or friends needs help. Like having a DWI makes you scum. Like you've never done anything illegal in your life.
Presumption of innocence, what?
Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, huh?
Making the government prove it's case - that's stupid.

Actually applying to be a prosecutor, but whatever.

if you cant afford 30 bucks a month on a luxury item, you have bigger problems then worrying about if gw prices are too high. the problem is everyone seems to want to buy an entire army at once, instead of 1 box and paint it at a time

>Yeah CB aren't overload system by number of models.
Sweet backpedalling, mate. You're a champ.

non-american/british markets have been fucked on pricing since at least the 90's, though. Currency conversion rates, a lack of production facilities (at the time) and general inertia from GW being GW means they've been stuck in that permanent "paying more than they should be" state for yonks.

I'm not sure they'll ever equalize them, either. Then again, it's not like GW's the only people guilty of that. You can see markups of ~$20-30 MSRP on some manufacturers stuff when crossing the border.

a lot of people buy 40k for the game, but that is stupid to do

if you want to play a game, buy a video game

if you want to paint models, buy models and paint

>Like you've never done anything illegal in your life.
>every people are equal in my eyes, usual citiziens, rapers, murders, scammers
Fuck off jew.


I can afford it.
I don't consider it to be worth the money.
Especially when compared to other games I could be investing time and money in that I would (and do) enjoy far more.

>useless for future armies
>implying nobody plays Chaos or Space Marines

u actually wot?

Actually I'm an atheist but English/Irish/Swiss ancestry.

>Arguing about presumed innocence while accusing someone of illegal activity with no proof

>english/irish/swiss ancestry
>code for "i'm an american"

Presumption of innocence is different from actual innocence.

My job is to defend, not to acquit. I have to make sure you get due process under law. If the state doesn't prove it's case then you are entitled to acquittal no matter how I feel about you or what I know since I don't have any obligation to disclose unfavorable facts to the state.

Yeah, pricing has always been an issue. I think the smaller forces over on 40k side, blister packs for assassins & heavy weapons, and 6 troopers in a box for $12.50, helped a lot for getting armies started for kids and poor people to get to play too.

Back in that time a legitimate starting army was a $10 space marine commander and a $30 terminator squad.

GW models and games are not particularly more expensive than any other miniature game. It just asks you to buy a lot of them, and prices the best models highly which makes it a bit of pay-to-win. They have begun to buck that trend though, releasing discounted starter armies and smaller, self-contained boxed games again.

No: GW isn't that expensive.

>implying anyone use choosen marines or Helbrute, or more than 10 cultists
So you are Jew?


I have way enough money for that but their minis just don't interest me.

They have lost what made them good in 15 years ago.

Oh you jelly.

Sorry you're not a citizen of the only superpower in the world

>Entirely oblivious of own hypocracy, argues tangenital point

>Like having a DWI makes you scum.
It does though, those motherfucking motherfuckers. Just because it's banal doesn't mean it isn't evil.

No they weren't. A lot of the late 90s metal models are far more detailed than their plastic equivalents.

What can you get from GW for 30 bucks? A single brush?

>Back in that time a legitimate starting army was a $10 space marine commander and a $30 terminator squad.
mmnhhh, even then you'd want the $40 (or was it $50? I forget the price on the pewter marines) tactical squad for some bodies. Though that would be just about a ~1000 point army all together.

Yeah, I've had close family killed by DWIs.
Execute 'em all.

You are sophist
>super power

What is, "Alpha Legion"?

What is "objective squatting"?

What is "infiltrating special weapons"?

What is "an admittedly shitty formation of shitty hellbrutes"?

What is "Renegades and Heretics"?

Try again, Loyalist.

Not him, but really man.. feel free to shot yourself in the head.

>Europoors this afraid of Trump

>What is CSN without spawns, drakes, knights or daemons
Try again roleplayer

That doesn't work because the services you offer are completely different. You are a lawyer, you Are in a field that offers personal services, and one lawyer can only handle so many requests. GW is a Tatbletop game company which is an industry where people Can buy products that are available at the same time.

If someone doesn't agree with your pricing, there's no garuntee that they are going to find another Criminal defense Lawyer available within that time frame. If someone doesn't agree with GW pricing, they can just start playing Infinity or something at the same store (or if it's a GW store, go to a different one and play there).

Perhaps you should stay out of Economics and stick to what you know, keeping Jamal out of prison.

if you compare late 90s metal to late 90s plastic sure

modern plastics have craptons of detail

Oh really? Does your country have 12 aircraft carriers?

Citadel paints are pretty good for the price, although the bottles suck. The price of the models is a joke. The rare times I ever see a GW model I like, I buy it cheap off eBay and recast it.

>implying I am Europoor
>implying Trump isn;t the end of american superpower-meme

> Does your country have 12 aircraft carriers?
Does your carriers useful against against anit-ship missiles?
>inb4: Aegis-meme

Man, I'm not sure if we have 12 functional aircrafts right now.

Yeah, but you could get the army started and every squad added a lot of points.I completely agree it was still not cheap, but it was the era I saw a lot of broke people able to join the game.

Gaaaah, you really got me there, bud. I play the game to have fun with my friends instead of being a WAACfag.

But seriously, have you ever played the game in a non-competitive setting? Completely different experience.

I bought a few grand of shares around when Kirby left, on the basis that the company would make some improvements. It's not a bad idea to invest in companies that you're a customer of. What's the matter, don't you neets own shares in anything?

I'll happily spend a few hundred quid on a meal several times a year, or go on holiday, or buy bottles of wine for £20 a go. In the context of a normal adult life, GW really isn't that costly.

>that you're a customer of.
But you are shareholder, not customer, meanwhile wtf are you doing here on Veeky Forums?

You're not aware of how far an aircraft carrier can anchor itself out in blue water.