When I first played 40k, I thought Space Marines were the best thing ever

Now, after I stopped playing and 8 years later, I realize that the Imperial Guard is so much cooler.

The pure idea of normal humans fighting against H.R Giger aliens, Orks, Demons and technologically advanced space japs and somehow holding their grounds is the best.

Reading about Spess Mehreens winning isn't really exciting, because it's kind of the expected outcome in fluff. But the rare occasions in which the Imperial Guard is grinding out a victory by itself? Amazing.

All glory to the Imperial Guard, ay?

The best part is diversity is not just bolting ethnic bits onto your armor.

IMO, the Imperial Guard are the best friends of artists, modellers, and those with imagination.

That looks amazing, jeez.

>Find picture of historical armies, units, and cultures
>Write fluff for a fan regiment based around that culture and/or aesthetic
>Basing their doctrine around that particular military force is optional
>Instant IG regiment.

Maybe artists, since there's the whole uniform aspect often demanding quite a bit of thought and planning to make something good and new out of, but I'd say orks have more creative and modelling potential.

Man, those are some nice looking Guardsmen. Simple conversion from the Cadian kits, too!

I actually started off playing Guard, for much the same reasons you came to like them. I'll admit, I'm a newfag, started in 6th edition about three and a half years ago. Have about 10,000 pts worth of models for them, now.

Hell, it doesn't even have to be a historical army. I once made IG fluff based around Armored Trooper VOTOMS.


>Take pretty much any model or toy
>slap on bits from another model or toy to make it look more thrown together
>Instant ork battlewagon, all the players at your LGS love it

>Those pics
Good taste, user? Or did you just like the reaction image?

Childhood is when you idolize space marines

Adulthood is realizing that the Imperial Guard makes more sense

Same user. I only use that reaction image if I see models that I quite like. So, maybe both.

I had a small IG army back when Apocalypse came out just to throw them in with my SPESS MEHREENS at the local store's big events.

Back then, I was really into the Alien movies and I remember personalizing all of my Soldiers either by swapping out heads or "war-paint-ing" symbols and words on top of their cadian armors.

I even characterized my recruits, by making their helmets silver and nicknaming them "steelheads", due to their tendency to run headlong against the wall until they tore it down.

Oh and I always hated Laser Rifles. I spend a shit-ton of money and begging to acquire spare Boltguns and cutting off the magazines to turn my lasers into assault rifles.

I meant same user who posted the Neat pic

I was asking if you too knew what that pic was from, because I know where it's from.

It's that Krieg Monstergirl comic where he's travelling to a mountain.

I was always a little bit annoyed that there aren't any female cadian or catachan soldiers.

Not a feminist rant, just thinking that sprinkling one or two female models into those 100+ squads of standard troopers would bring a little more diversity into it. Especially from a building/painting perspective, since painting the same guy 1000 times can be quite tedious.

There's always Victoria Miniatures, but then you might have to go with her male Cadians as well.

I would agree, but...

>Guardsman get horny
>Fuck female Guarsman
>Demon of Slaanesh is spawned into being in the middle of an IG camp


>when a man and woman have sex they give spawn a daemonette
Oh dear. Did nobody explain the birds and bees to you?

Having marital sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of creating more cadian soldiers is 100% encouraged by the Ministorium. In fact, I would even think that in Cadia, the priests go around marrying young teenagers serving in the whiteshields just so that they can fuck around and produce even more and more little babies in the military camp.

he meant rape maybe. then it could spawn a daemonette if it had happen frequently enough

Uh...the Imperium is more advanced than the Tau. The Tau are fucking primitives compared to the Imperium, damn Space japs ain't more advanced.

actually the only good guard was in second edition. that was the shit. current 40k is a literal diarrhoea for children.

if this would happen even 1/100000000th the time the imperium would be crawling with daemons

>inb4 implying it isn't

Tfw when you think ig is really cool, but buying an army of them is way too expensive.
Fuckin gw

OP here, it is? I stopped playing when the 6th edition came along, because I thought the rule changes were bad.

When I was a young teen, hated guard and marines, thought they were just boring human faction.

Now that im older I actually like marines a little but the guard are just cool and do feel a lot more badass and interesting

IGs don't scale up in that regard, huh? Do they still use this system that makes having 2x 25+ guys mandatory for your core picks?

That would be 80$ just for one core pick? Eew.

No, you can just go with 2 x10 veterans since 5th edition (altough you'd better put those vets in a chimera if you want to make them count).

It is just that on the one hand, most guard units are cheap and efficient pointswise, and balanced around there costs, so you need a lot of them. But on the other hand, the vehicle models (that you will probably buy a lot of) are rather expsensive, and buying enough dudes to fill up a 1500 point army can get expensive.

And of course, if you want extensively customise those guardsmen, or buy different models then the standard cadians or catachan, you are paying a lot extra.

Plus I'm in Australia so it's even more expensive, because fuck anyone who cares about their wallet


Me too bro me too, got 170 infantry and 30 tanks. Been playing since 2005. Stupid australian market.

Ive kinda gone full circle, marines are cool again

Same here. I started in 5th edition with Space Marines. Took 6th edition off. When I came back about a year ago, I tried out Death Korps and SoB, and found I enjoy their lore/playstyle much more.

You mean the Astra Militarum?

When I first got into 40K I thought IG were the best thing ever. I wanted an Armored Company army featuring a Baneblade and tons of Leman Russes.

Then I realized how stupid that was and Space Marines were much better in terms of hobbying, for both variety and convenience.

We're in the Guard, son.

but pew-pew guns are awesome

>In the Grim Darkness of Far Future
>There are no gays.

But your image. Look at it.

>female trooper
>exact same issue armor
>no boob plate or bare skin
>practical military battledress
>10/10 would salute

With a helmet on you wouldn't be able to tell the difference at thirty feet. She'd look like everyone else.

I'd agree, but there wouldn't be much difference. Maybe get some Delf or SoB heads or something and give them a Cadian helmet, or just file down the chin and cheeks a bit on an existing Cadian. Women don't have long flowing hair in the military, so it wouldn't be visible, and most boobs aren't big enough to be noticeable through a breastplate.

Yes. Yes, this is true. An extra ration of decaf has been deposited into your account.