It looks like the price of LItecoin is being controlled right now. It also looks like it is going to moon hard within a week. What do you guys think?
Anyone else feel that Litecoin will moon soon?
Other urls found in this thread:
sure we're due for a bitcoin moon followed by an LTC+ETH moon
No it literally just did
BTC is going to go lunar
>200~ million tether printed
>difficulty adjusting +22% on the 18th
>sideways movement for a while
>alts already pumped and dumped
Feel the same +500
litecoin is only getting started
but it will be suppressed by any huge bitcoin run like we might be seeing right now
who knows sometimes it runs with bitcoin too
Tether printing doesn't always cause bitcoin to moon though. Tether isn't always used to pump bitcoin. You'd notice this if you carefully followed the printing and the bitcoin moons. Some of the recent tethers printed were likely the cause for the ripple moon for example.
You don't think futures will suppress a bitcoin movement?
Tether is going to be used to fuck over everyone who's trying to short the difficulty adjustment. They're gonna moon this bitch so hard you'll pass out from the G's
after another bitcoin run, people who want to move their shit around / cash out etc are going to use litecoin causing a spike in price. thoughts?
Fucking hell, the dumping is real. I'm holding, but it hurts.
It was because bitcoin was testing the huge 1150 bitcoin sell wall. It failed.
me too friend, me too.
>it hurts
It was 98 dollars like two weeks ago.
Any coin on normiebase is a good bet long term. Don't sweat a small dip.
me too my brothers we are warriors
been holding since 2013 lmao
get on my level
Wouldn’t difficulty adjustment cause it to drop? Or cause bch to rise?
ETH 1500 when
lmaoing @ whoever bought this higher than 250
>bought 18 of them on the 7th of December
>sold 11 near ATH
>holding onto 7
I'm still in the green and got a great return, but I kind of wish I unloaded them and just cashed out of crypto entirely.
I have cashed out my original investment, so no matter what I'm not really losing anything. So i'm in for the hodl boys.
The influx of normies panic selling has thrown things off kilter.
>ltc is only getting started
no its not
futures don't have a real effect. None of them are actually deliverable, it's just a secondary gambling market.
>$4 ltc : "ITS DONE FOR"
>$40 ltc : "ITS DONE FOR"
>$120 ltc : "ITS DONE FOR"
>$300 ltc : "ITS DONE FOR"
the absolute state of biz
>$300 ltc : "ITS DONE FOR"
>250 ltc: "uh guys"
>200 ltc: "it'll go back up the "tech" is sound!"
oh no ETH price is dropping too, better sell
it's only because BTC is mooning faggots, calm your pants
too much dumping and not enough pumping for litecoin
its had its run
its done for now
prepare to hold your bags
Bitcoin is so slow and can be expensive I dumped some for LTC which is instant like it should be.
Problem with LTC is that it's a ticking time bomb to get absolutely slaughtered once BTC Lightning is released (regardless how you feel about it politically)
how does LN hurt litecoin
cup and handle
i mean i understand if bitcoin is instant fast that takes some of the value of litecoin away
but litecoin will also be part of LN and there will be atomic swaps and all that
litecoin is the established silver at this point
LTC will probly go up very high a few times in the following months but I don't think it will go up insanely high or insanely low
158 and 238
Thank fuck
No way. Litecoin is just beginning. There are still tons of people barely getting into this craze and they are going to want to start with more affordable BTC competitors, particularly the ones that are easy to access for beginners and have superior technology (that's only ETH and LTC). If you have a lot of money in it you are probably watching it moment by moment and freaking yourself out.
No you fucking retard. Futures have a huge effect. Officially they should not. But loads of institutions manipulate exchanges to make their futures come true. You would have to be an idiot to not see this.
>tfw even if it drops to 150 I'm still in the green
Shit tons of normies bought at the top and are fucked holding their "pending ltc" for 9 days or so on coin base. Bought in the low 80s Saw the writing on the wall and sold in the 280s. Made a few G's. I'll probably buy more if I can find out where the fuck the floor is on this silver cunt of a coin. Lots of coins will be freed up a few days before xmas. Any predictions?
Bunch of nerds with kids will buy them litecoin for Christmas. Lots of ppl think that kind of thing is "neat"
I went in at 390 and wasn't prepared for this anal evisceration. Starting to think I should just cut my losses, but I'm also thinking about putting more money in while it's still low
Do you guys seriously think it's going to go up again? What makes you think that?
>moons 500%
>buh when moon??
I thought it was, but it looks like its heading back to what it was a few days ago.
LN will only help LTC with atomic swaps being implemented. I imagine LTC becoming an actual transaction currency, used to move your BTC after you atomic swap it.
Ultimately it will never scale as smoothly as DAG tech, and I think we need some sort of atomic swap with tech like GBYTE.
this is what i'm expecting, especially since you can buy someone One Litecoin for a reasonable Christmas-present price instead of buying someone One One-Hundredth of a Bitcoin
Why wouldn't it go up? It already happened once. It's the cheapest coin on coinbase. Becoming more well known - performs transactions better than bitcoin. I'm not selling while it's going down. No fucking way. I will grit my teeth and buy more. Especially while bitcoin is still over 15k. No reason it shouldn't surpass bitcoin at some point.
this, people are so fucking dumb. I remember being mad that CB takes so long to complete transactions when I locked in LTC @ 70, but was so thankful it forced me to hold it for so long.
This market moves fast and you could spend a month riding out a dip or you could cut your losses and be up 200% in a week. Your call.
And lots of Chad's will cash out and ruin those cuck's Christmas when their $300 gift plummets to $80.
They think because they're delusional and it's in there best financial interest for it to go up.
It's been the cheapest coin for awhile, no one started using this strawman normie argument until after it mooned. Why can't you just give it the technical credit it deserves? It's the wide open freeway to BTC's clogged up toll road.
bought LTC at 346.22 but the profits from having bought it at 100 still have me at ~$1100 profit
+ $200 from the 1 ETH i bought at 464
so i'm not not shitting my pants, just gonna hold
>losing everything at 150
Tough luck kid. ;)
You only lose money if you sell like an idiot, retards need to be patient.
>need to be patient
This is the key to it all. I'm a new crypto investor, but I've been playing the stock market a long time. Patience is very important. The rest is just not picking junk.
Been in since 30, then again at 70, then again at 50.
Feel Luke buying more at 190. Any TA magicians out there think i'll get the chance in the next dayor two?
>think i'll get the chance in the next dayor two?
Not after the Bloomberg news.
$280 now, been on a slow recovery, go go go LTC!
There gonna be some MSM pump tomorrow?
r we mooning
I haven't ready any posts but heres whats happening.
Retail investors (Normies) are buying LIGHTCOINS (Litecoin) because they can't afford a whole BUTTCOIN and don't know what a satoshi is.
Oh it's Christmas i'm going to get my nan some fucking LIGHTCOINS... *Buys more at ATH*
So they buy it and shrug... Now what? Guess i'll forget about it and be super rich in 10 years time.
So that massive amount of sideways support is people not knowing what in the cunt to do with it.
It's up to the whales from here.
holding 6.7 ltc right now but i'll probably buy more if it drops to ~250
6.7 ltc sounds comfy. Hoping on a moon.
Just hold. Just fucking hold.
Bought 4 at 250 for shits and gigs, mooned to 320, exited, and probably never coming back.
5.06 LTC owner here. I have the same plan as you.
Unilad posted an article about Litecoin. That's a bigtime shill.
5.8 @ 250
desu it's probably going to fall below .01 again. Even Charlie Lee knew it was being pump and dumped.
Just cashed out at +159%. Riding the normie wave for a week was fun, but I'm not greedy. Good luck, hodlers.
I bought 4 at $56 and 11 at $86. Im up a few Grand but fuck that im in it for the long run.
Hold your nutts, itll be alright.
Have 9.6 LTC Bought @ 140 should i sell some and put into eth or wait?
Keep them. LTC will be worth more in the long run.
They're both good holds, but it's better to have close to 10 then practically 2 or 3 ETH
At that rate? Sounds like a keeper
Ok, thanks.
Raising a three year old little girl after her mom passed from breast cancer. Any help would be appreciated.
shit needs to hurry up and fucking dip for real
gooks are going to wake and and panic sell
then buy back in while im asleep
fucking asians
All from $30 to $80
Charlie Lee, I will give u succ, thank u
And I'm still buying at these prices btw
The fact that you haven't yet sold this and waited for the correction makes you an idiot.
Oh yeah what the fuck are you going off of? You realize markets like this are more about psychology and fundamentals right?
Sold my 6x on OMG and 8x on NEO for BTC profits when they surged, but experimenting with riding this wave longer. Something an idiot would do I guess.
Bitcoin is ALREADY being manipulated hard by rich old money types along with the legion of existing Bitcoin whales. The existing whales are trying to push the price up, and the old money is suppressing it's growth.
Welcome to the fucking game.
> to make their futures come true
its another "dumb fuck doesn't know what futures are" episode...
--- REMINDER ---
LTC has 1/4th the marketcap of ETH, with half the total supply
LTC is 5 fucking percent the marketcap of BTC
LTC isn't even on Japan exchanges yet
LTC is the cheapest coin on NormieBase and this thread proves you all will still trip over each other to buy $250+
No forks, no bullshit, fast
--- REMINDER ---
Bought at 95
Panic sold at 260
Bought the dip 246
Sold at 265
Just on flipping the dip, up my wagecuck salary. Just on LTC alone 2 years of wagecucking salvaged.
Crypto is real nigga
>No forks, no bullshit, fast
this. litecoin is a long-term hold for me. it could drop to $100 but i won't flinch. i have other short-term stuff that is going on but ltc is in my back pocket
LTC was a PnD, get over it
We need a new acronym for Pump To Get The Norm's Attention Then Let Them Bleed Out Slowly As It Goes Back To $60.
By that logic, BTC was a whole bunch of "pump n dumps" over tears?
wew lad
When did BTC triple in few days after faggots on CNN recommended everyone to buy?
The historical first PnD of a major coin brah
Looks like old money milking normies and everyone else
Not if they pump the price first, which is what happened with the last DA