>medieval fantasy RPG setting
>women are universally treated equal to men
>nobody thinks homosexuals are weird and gay marriage is totally accepted
Medieval fantasy RPG setting
Gr8 b8 m8
That's why it's a fantasy
Because it's too retarded to be reality.
>implying this sort of anachronism isn't weirdly prevalent in rpg settings
Because literally no one really cares about that shit except you. Go be autist about your SJW Boogeymen somewhere else.
Who mentioned SJWs?
There used to be a running joke that everyone in Exalted is bisexual.
You do realise that in medieval Italy it was commonplace for homosexual men to visit prostitutes on regular intervals and touch their breasts and receive a "I am definitely straight" card from the prostitute, to absolve them of their homosexual activities?
It became so commonplace that in Venice, some prostitutes would just stand and sit outside the brothel with their breasts bare, so homosexual men could just walk by, pay her and get their card without entering the brothel.
History is fucking weird. Humans are fucking weird. Don't let your retarded politicized anachronistic thinking ruin your view on reality, you fucking cocksucking smegma swallowing faggot sissy autist.
So, dragons, cursed treasures and dragons are all perfectly fine, but modern social norms suddenly break your suspension of disbelief.
Most fantasy settings aren't meant to be realistic to begin with, why shouldn't people be allowed to make their fantasy how they want it?
When have you ever even encountered this? The Jew's hands are not that deep into Fantasy yet, there's not enough money there.
Modern society has been overrun by fags who think they're totally normal and should be accepted, what did you expect?
At least they're not stuffing niggers everywhere yet.
It's nothing new for settings set in older time periods, especially fantastic settings, to have ethical values that more closely reflect our contemporary ones than what would have been prevalent for the time-period.
>The king who ruthlessly slaughters the inhabitants of an enemy/infidel city is vilified as a monster
>Witch-hunts and inquisitors are feared and seen as extremists
>Slavery is universally condemned as evil
>Secular/god-damning folk are just ostracized instead of killed
>Knights who abuse their power and aren't pricks are a minority among steadfastly noble paladins of honor
And so on.
>medieval fantasy RPG
>polytheistic pantheon of fictional gods
>for some reason everyone acts according to real life christian values
magic nigga don't have to explain shit
>magic contraception
>no STDs because magic
>no strength difference in genders because magic
>Greek/Norse variant Gods that provide magic is totally ok with homosex
>Small kingdoms are always good, everything Evil is always the Big, Bad, Empire's fault
>Every creature has to be misunderstood. No, not physically wired differently from humans cause I got them to have different priorities that makes them rub humans the wrong way and cause conflicts, but straight up "Dindu nuffin" misunderstood.
>greentext bait thread
>bait is shit
>people will inevitably fall for it anyway
>nobody thinks homosexuals are weird and gay marriage is totally accepted
Actually, that's more of a Western/Abrahamic sort of thing. There were plenty of cultures and mythologies that treated homosexuality as perfectly normal, and it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that a fantasy culture would develop to see such things as meaningless.
Also, considering there are often godesses and shit and magic is a pretty heavy equalizer? Having a society be treated exactly like our Earth's history is beyond retarded. Also also, the inequality in medieval times was much more prevalent among Nobility because no one gives a shit when everyone is barely surviving in their shitty dirt shack, which would probably all be magnified by fucking dragons and Irish invasions.
u mad evil empire?
What the actual fuck
Are you telling me that Italy once worked by principles similar to the timeless "If balls don't touch" & "Just bros being bros"?
There is this weird thing where Americans think Kingdoms = inherently good and Empires = inherently evil.
Are you one of those guys who thinks that ancient greece and rome were 100% straight because I've got some news for you
Well, this is Italy we're talking about, one of the Gayest countries in Europe ever since the Romans started shoving their dicks up the tight, little, assholes of small, foreign, slave boys.
The Japanese also had a gay old time.
Big martial cultures really liked shoving long pointy objects in things, it just comes with the job.
More like "it's not gay to fuck a man as long as you touch a whore's breasts afterwards."
In Rome, it was considered a little strange to like to fuck guys, but not distasteful if you were the top. Homosexuality was viewed as a 'Greek' practice.
Caesar's political opponents, and one time his own soldiers during a triumph, frequently called him the Queen of Bithynia because he was the bottom to the King of that nation for some years. Allegedly.
Those principles have endured for millennia for a reason.
That reason is that they are 100% true
>Big martial cultures really liked shoving long pointy objects in things, it just comes with the job.
"It just comes with the job dude chill"
Why did this make me laugh so hard
If you don't like it then create your own setting. If you lack the creativity then set it in real-world history. If you're too lazy to do the research then don't complain.
The time has come for a new competitor:
"It's not gay if it's on the moon."
"It's only gay if you take it"
-Dudebro Senior when I was a freshman in highschool
What about 69? Are both on top, or is neither?
More the concept of plausible deniablility.
"me, gay? What the hell are you talking about, I'm visiting the whores every other week."
It's a fantasy world, by definition it doesn't have to work the same way as our world. Also even if it did try to stick close to real world history, history is actually pretty gay in its own right.
>Knights who abuse their power and aren't pricks are a minority among steadfastly noble paladins of honor
To Be Fair, that one is less "our modern ethical values" and more "Optimistic view"
>misogyny and homophobia are solely Christian traits
Pretty much. In other places shit could get even weirder, such as the afghan dance boys or that one homophobic tribe where they drink each other semen to become more manly.
Are you the same reddit atheist who's been posting the same shit in every thread?
>medieval [FANTASY] RPG setting
There you go OP
Did they not have a concept of bisexuality?
Please, stop it with your historical revisions.
Homosexuality was never considered "normal", outside of a few minor tribes. In fact, the concept didn't even really exist until relatively recently, only within the last two hundred years or so.
While men had sex with men in the past, this was not considered homosexuality by the modern definitions of an inherent, immutable sexual orientation, and was instead treated as a fetish, which ranged from being treated as a crime to an unpleasant joke. Even the Spartans, famous for practicing pederasty long after it went out of fashion among the other Greeks, had strict codes against adult males in relationships, reserving their homosexual practice to pedophilic and non-penetratice practice.
All that Christianity did was present the moral ideas of previous societies, religions, and philosophers, but with a stricter degree of enforcement (though not quite as strict as Islam). Arguments against homosexuality can be found in Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Greek Philosophy, and secular discussions around the world, and homosexual acts were always treated with a measure of disdain and ridicule from the majority of the population even among the most homosexual-tolerant societies.
Excerpts from graffiti from Pompeii 79AD before it got buried in ash.
>I.2.20 (Bar/Brothel of Innulus and Papilio); 3932: Weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity!
>I.4.5 (House of the Citharist; below a drawing of a man with a large nose); 2375: Amplicatus, I know that Icarus is buggering you. Salvius wrote this.
>VI.14.20 (House of Orpheus); 4523: I have buggered men
>VII.9 (Eumachia Building, via della Abbondanza); 2048: Secundus likes to screw boys.
>VII.12.18-20 (the Lupinare); 2185: On June 15th, Hermeros screwed here with Phileterus and Caphisus.
I especially like the first one. It's a perfect example of how nothing ever changes. If I had a penny for each time I ran into some angry /pol/ Reddit MRA feminist-hating virgin who got assfucked by a guy because he couldn't get a girlfriend and wanted to at least have sex in his life once... I'd be able to buy the Queen of England.
What's your point? If they had to pretend to be straight it obviously wasn't socially acceptable to be gay.
Buddhism is a bad example, because Buddhistic works have arguments against ALL forms of sexuality.
In fact, some radical Buddhistic works can be summed up as "Go kill yourself already, life is suffering, enter Nirvana now.".
Even modern people from actual civilised cities sometimes have no idea that bisexuality is a thing.
Except we're not talking about particularly esoteric sects of Buddhism.
The point is that people accepted some paper card of "I have fondled some titties" as "proof" of heterosexuality.
It's not that Italians back then actually believed that fondling tits would cure homosexuality.
It was just a way to keep the church off their back.
It's like white guys getting caught by the cops smoking weed. "Hey, go smoke that shit on your own property, and don't let me see you smoke that in public ever again kid!".
At the timeyou were gay if you had a dick in one of your orifice.
>I'd be able to buy the Queen of England.
Why would you need one?
Intercrural is technically not orifice.
What does a discussion about modern day values being anachronistically inserted into fantasy roleplaying settings have to do with /pol/ you gigantic faggot?
>medieval fantasy RPG setting
>everything doesn't smell of shit and urine while people die left and right in their twenties from rampant plague and poor hygiene
>nobody spends twelve hours a day praying in church and burning scholars for heresy
>Intercrural 69
That sounds uncomfortable as fuck.
It's not a pun.
>Playing in medieval settings
Found your problem.
Ever hear of open secret? Everybody knew it, but as long as you have your paper nobody would care.
Ancient greeks fucked boys all the time yet it wasnt "gay" in their society because they were the ones fucking and not getting fucked.
In reality human history has vilified more "effeminate men" than "homosexual practices".
>Arguments against
So because there was an ancient greek version of breitbart we're supposed to assume it was something reviled by people in general?
Don't play daft, it's a discussion about whether gay degeneracy and women should be allowed in fiction.
To smuggle millions of euros worth of drugs of course.
No one is going to check the Queen of England's anal cavity for illegal drugs. It's foolproof.
Quads of truth strike again!
And hell, bisexuals are one of the few groups that both straights and gays hate on. Humans are fucking crazy and really love to divide themselves into little groups
Actually it's more like a discussion about a lack of historical awareness and a puritan movement that traces back to Victorian times is clouding the actual information we have on human lives in historical times.
Order Of The Stick seemed to have a setting that was an example of this, one of the armies seemed to be like 33% female or something. Then again, that setting wasn't supposed to be 100% serious anyway and had a lot of references to modern culture.
>Except we're not talking about particularly esoteric sects of Buddhism.
Buddha left a pretty detailed code of conduct that covered all imaginable sexual acts and that marked them all as forbidden to monks. His followers were really creative when it came to getting their jollies off and he was really diligent in reminding them to not do that.
>In fact, some radical Buddhistic works can be summed up as "Go kill yourself already, life is suffering, enter Nirvana now."
Even the most radical sects generally believed that salvation came from being able to recount the Amida Buddha's praise. Something for which you had to be alive for, or at least have people who were still alive doing it for you.
That's not just a running joke, though. Writers of 2E flat out stated that unless a character was noted as having a preference for one gender over the other they were bisexual.
I don't think there were any Russian hackers in Greece m8.
I made the thread and I'm a liberal who has zero problems with gays or women. Jesus Christ when did people start seeing /pol/ around every corner?
When /pol/ started making shitposts all over the place?
>generic 40k thread
>people posting generic 40k posts
>suddenly some fucking retard starts screeching about SJW's in reply to a picture of Sisters of Battle
Hiroshima should just cut his losses and nuke that fucking shitpile off Veeky Forums.
Sounds like something that an ancient Russian hacker would say.
I'm not discounting the possibility that you're simply a troll either.
>In reality human history has vilified more "effeminate men" than "homosexual practices".
Also men who refused to have kids. It really took a long time until people stopped beating up folks who chose to not procreate on grounds of newfangled believe systems. It generally helped if they had some sort of native cult that proclaimed that sexual and other fasting would grant you wizard powers in the long run (though that could also have the contrary effect, because them wizards be dangerous and have no sense of right or wrong).
See Lack of historical awareness has nothing to do with it.
Hiro should just point the way to wheelschan. Why the hell did moot even filter the name anyway? If someone wants to fuck off to another chan, let them.
>Hiroshima should just cut his losses and nuke that fucking shitpile off Veeky Forums.
Do you not understand the purpose of a containment board?
But that post is wrong, factually wrong. Anyone who has an interest in history deeper than the FUCKING SHITE the American education system throws around knows this.
It's all due to a lack of historical awareness.
>Anyone who has an interest in history deeper than the FUCKING SHITE the American education system throws around kn
I don't know about you but in Sweden we didn't have any gay history studies when I was in school.
Do you not understand that you can just ban people? Doesn't matter if they come back. You just ban them again.
It's not like the janitors have anything useful to do.
What are you talking about OP? I like when every nation in a setting has universal opinions on sexuality and gender despite differing cultures.
>that post is wrong because it offends me
Go back to /lgbt/ if you want your feelings spared.
>People who have opinions I disagree with shouldn't be allowed to post
>No not even in a containment board meant for those opinions
/pol/ should go back to /pol/, you are just being a cunt.
It offends my sense of history being an objective academic field.
History isn't like politics. You don't get to decide what happened in the past based on your (religious) feelings.
Men who refuse to have kids should be shamed. I expect a tax on childlessness in my country within the next few years. Very nearly the most aging country in the world and unless the plan actually was to just import in 20 million Arabs here to replace us all (good luck with that 80 IQ high tech workforce lol) people are going to have to start breeding sustainably.
The Russians recently managed to claw their way back up to 1.8 fertility, which is pretty good. Still not great but give it time. Never thought I'd say the Rus actually did something right. Now they just pay women for every kid they have after the first. I think the Latvians do the same.
I care about historical accuracy and game world feeling real you self-righteous no-fun allowing prick.
>I care about historical accuracy and game world feeling real you self-righteous no-fun allowing prick.
>historical accuracy
Fuck off you fucking sissy.
If it offends your sense of history, perhaps you should try learning things outside of leftist revisionist rags and maybe, perhaps, actually look at history instead of trying to reformat it to suit your feelings.
>deeper than the FUCKING SHITE the American education system throws around
>Literally bitching about American Academia not being ENOUGH of a left-leaning circlejerk
>if people disagree with me they shouldn't be allowed to post
Shitposting is shitposting but you get called a /pol/tard for almost anything these days.
>I care about historical accuracy
That's what makes you autistic. It's fantasy, it's not supposed to historically accurate. That's the whole point.
>Have a setting with feudal or post-modern armies running around
>Peasants don't hate soldiers with such a fiery passion as to raid patrols and kill stragglers because they get looted and raped by scavenging soldiers pretty much constantly
Its almost like our brains are still wired to function as if we were in a small tribal community!
>homosexual acts took place
Go become a statistic.
Everyone knows homosexuals have always existed you daft twat. This thread is about cultural response to them.
>I actually believe the horseshit I read on Gizmodo
*Early modern
It's a fucking FANTASY setting OP
did you really expect it to be realistic?
>cursed treasure
Oh you mean things that were universally accepted as existing in premodern medieval societies? The same medieval societies where the slightest theological differences were often a death sentence? Yeah those things are incredibly fantastic for that setting, real stretching.
It feels like there's a fundamental impasse here, where one side believes that their sources indicate a certain thing is true, while the other side believes those sources to be biased and revisionist. Given this, neither side is going to be able to give a convincing argument to the other side on the grounds that they not only disagree with each other's positions, but distrust any source that the opposition would pose.
With this in mind, I do have to pose the question: do either of you think that you're going to convince anyone save yourself that you've won this argument, or that your opposition is going to consider relenting out of anything other than boredom? What are you getting out of having this argument?
Actually, there's plenty of argument that by the leftist definition, there were no homosexuals, because one important aspect of homosexuality is self-idenitification alongside it being inherent and exclusive. While there were people who had sex with the same sex, the overwhelming majority would be defined by modern terms as bisexuals or even simply fetishists, while the remaining outlier would still be unable to self-identify with the concept of sexual orientation, rather than it being a sexual preference.