Get in now or forever cuck yourself.

Ripple going to $1 overnight.

Last chance


Nah, Ripple is going to bleed to death. Might reach $1 next year when it's on winklebase.

>tfw I got in at $.21

Same. Follow the technology brah.

it's on the rise!

You wish, looks more like the fate of LTC.

OP bought the ATH now hes scared as fuck rofl

>You wish, looks more like the fate of LTC.

LTC is a copy of BTC so obviously. Ripple can actually make transactions

i bought at $.80 and it immediately dropped to $.70
I sold some earlier at .69 and it went to .85

Am I doing this right?

You are about to witness why this shitcoin is called cripple.

can this fucker go to 4500 so i can drop my bags off

kek be with me, digits confirm

Blame your own IQ then, my money x2 on this.

Lol no hodl

for how long? hour? overnight?
with my luck if I leave it, it will tank
If i sell it, it will moon

just sell yours now retard, lower prices for those with a functional brain

Yes, this is called the Veeky Forums method.

Dude don't make my mistakes, just buy and hold, you will never beat the market no matter how hard you try! Lost 5k ripple trying to do that, learned my lesson

Is this your first coin?

Is this what mooning looks like? A 28% drop?

ripple selling off

not going to a dollar tonight

Im on the highest priced exchange atm ( cause I cashed out early.

Anyways XRP reached $2.00 there last night for like 2 mins, then rapidly crashed down. Went up to $1.75 then down again. I made $800 profits but was stupid and bought in at $1.80 which is probably like $1.30 on other exchanges.

So Im holding with a high sell order till that pays off, then I'll rebuy at some dip. Right now theres a big dip I'm seeing, so good time to consider buying in.

yeah, on xrp has literally just tanked half its value from $1.40 to ~$0.70, rip I bought a lot at $0.50 last night and was considering selling for $1.50 but held off and now it's dropping.

The only things getting rippled are the assholes of bagholders.


This will go to 12k sats by XMAS.

was NOT anticipating that dip & bitcoin shooting up. Thought I bought the dip for a quick flip, but came back after doing homework to getting absolutely fucked while bitcoin shoots up. Bought around 4400, how long do y'all think it will take for XRP to return to that spot? Just want to get back to my XLM flips.

XRP is not coming back.

with luck it will flatline at 25 cents

it's coming back right now

I want to die

is this what "coming back" looks like?
its come back 5 times in the last hour but actually its still going down

are you guys talking AUD? Ripple was never $2, it hasn't even cracked 1 yet

>scalping the waves all day
>make some nice profit
>btc decides to moon for no apparent reason
>everything dumps
>lose all profits within 15 minutes
like clockwork

I sold half my stash at .70 and bought back in at .61

It briefly exceeded $2 on the highest priced exchange last night, about $2.20-2.50 max. I thought it was going to $3 but I played it too early and now im stuck holding.

I think a sell order of $1.70 should cover my losses after this BTC storm passes. Just gonna set it and forget it.

Are you me?

Ive been holding since june and was like, fuck this is the shittiest coin. But now i like it a lot

cex data says highest push was 1.5. and why the living fuck would you pay $1.5 for something valued at half that price on other exchanges?

Where should I buy ripple? Is it easy to sell?

meme shilling nigger

stop believing this faggots

ripple is crashing and will never reach $1, at least not until some time late next year

I'm a normie on Coinbase/gdax how do I get in?

Because other exchanges do not take fiat USD.

The ones that do (which I'm trying to find) take a 2% transfer fee (from Cryptocapital), so if I was gonna do arbitrage and move USD to the cheaper exchange, buy XRP, move back, sell XRP, rinse and repeat, the transfer fees would kill my profits.

Idk. Do you know any cheap exchanges (with cheap XRP) which take USD? Maybe I can win back my loses doing arbitrage.

best exchange for it?

I love this. It will moon 5$ within the first month on coonbase with all the normies buying it up.

Oh and just to answer your quesiton better, because in moving to I cashed out my BTC profits from the highest price. Thats why I was there initially investing in XRP

>or at least not till next year
fucking brainlet

tfw I got in at 0.0053571


fucking monkey

Still not to late to buy in. Will be 10$ a coin EOY 2018

waiting for my ltc to convert on coinpayment... its so slow. been waiting since 2pm

$100 per coin by end of 2018. It’s replacing a 100 trillion dollar swift payment system


Linkies will shill this thread now.

lambo if true


How can Ripple reach $100 with that market cap?

Your valuation is crazy

Got in at $0.20 with 1000 XRP, and just turned some LTC into more XRP. Coinbase listing is basically confirmed, even before anyone says anything official about it.

Pretty good shot at the moon for 2018.

When was coinbase confirmed? All I saw were fake screenshots and speculation right?

Confirmed by dev on their telegram lol

Wait about 3 days. Cuckbase is adding cripple confirmed

bittrex, send coin over from normie base

idk if bittrex reopened their registration though, they shut it down earlier today for server updates i think

ikr can't wait im all strapped in

>thinks coinbase will add a crypto that supports and helps the "dying" banks

We just kinda knew it, since they want to add "many" more coins, and it's one of the biggest. People will jump on the low price like they did with Litecoin.

It's moon time nigger

I lost out on bitcoin and I'm trying every single friggin exchange trying to buy ripple but it won't verify my id card. I'm on disability so I don't have a job but I'm going to try and hit faucets like a madman when I get at&t, can anyone on here sell me some ripple?



reported, ya lousy bumb!

Tfw when bought in at .01 over a year ago

Oh shit

Stop trying to day trade if you don't know how to do it.


false flag nigger. No way he would need to post the bait OP tagline if he knew, they would brief him on company policy
regarding that shit. and no way coinbase lists Dash. rest are possible.
Jesus you are dumb. Last night I pussied out of switching all my ETH to XRP so today I fomod and switched over half at 0.83. And I thought that made me the dumbest nig around. At least Im hodling.

Dub dubs confirm

>keys are unclaimed
>fingerprint isn't even registered in any public key servers
>no proof he works at coinbase

Here we go boys. Also is binance always this laggy?

FOMO bought at 82c earlier today. already recovered. Nice.

1 ticket = 1 moon

Up we go lads

D-Don Trumpolta?

>cardano mooning as well
Nice, I split I portfolio 50/50 between XRP and ADA

fuck it i strapped in at 4650 sats, tired of missing moon missions

do you know what the daily volume of the banking sector is? over 2 trillion...
see you at 100$

hope you like sucking banker cock

Set my buy order at 3010 last night. Why gods

you be aight. i bought higher than that and i'm not worried

what wallet do you guys use for ripple?


Ripple is doing fine but now I realize how I fucked up.

I bought high in the exchange, but the prices were artificially high due to the low volume. It was like 1.80 even 2.20 at the time.

Now I need to sell at THAT price just to break even. Should I just short half my stuff (lose about $2500) and invest in other coins to recover my loses? Or should I just hold for however long it takes for Ripple to get to $2?

it was $2 on And it's 87c now? is that where your coins are now?

Thats incredibly unrealistic short term if you ask me. Maybe you can sell it at that exchange for that price if it pumps over 1 USD.

Give this guy a warm welcome to Veeky Forums

Takeoff hasn't happened yet, were still boarding.

About 2.5k gone. I made about $800 and then lost it so I should have quit while I was ahead.

Now the price seems to be closer to what it is on other exchanges.

god i hope i dont wake up to a big red candle

huge if big

Ripple will be one of those

No joke

man i bought at like 4900 sats, it tanked to 3500 or some shit and recovered in like an hour.
this is just what it feels like when rocket boosters are igniting

What does Veeky Forums legitimately think the % chance is that XRP is being added to coinbase in January? And if so, what does the price go to in the first day, week, and month?