This more belongs on /x/ than Veeky Forums...

This more belongs on /x/ than Veeky Forums, but I decided to post it here since Veeky Forums is better at "gaming the system".

I suspect that I have recently acquired a notebook which causes anything written in it to come true, within currently unknown limitations. I suspect it operates through something similar to prayer, given that the notebook has bible quotes on every page.

My first experience with the notebook was the first thing I wrote in it; approximately that a recent scary experience of mine was a learning opportunity. Shortly after doing so, I was overcome with a sense of calm analysis which was an intensely interesting experience where I felt very in-tune to everything happening around me. Sharp mentally. The bible quotes on that page was Josh 1:9 “Be strong and courageous! For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”

Well, I hadn’t suspected anything immediately. Until today. Today, idly musing to myself “what if it’s a magic notebook, haha”, I wrote on two separate pages that “I will win the lottery with the ticket I am about to buy tonight, the 18th of Decemeber 2016 A.D.” The first page written on had the quote Ps. 100:3 “He made us, and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture.” The second page written on had the quote Ps. 55:22 “Give your burdens to the LORD, and He will take care of you.”

Notice the wording of what I wrote. When I went out to then buy some tickets, the machine was closed; I couldn’t win tonight if I didn’t buy tickets!” I then went to a second location, the entirety of which was closed. Sufficiently spooked and unwilling to try a third location due to the cold and distance, I decided to return home and write this post.

I am not convinced of any power, of course; stranger things have happened and I could easily be stretching interpretation. That’s why I need tests. Relatively foolproof things to write in this book that are also very rare. Rule boundary tests would also be useful so long as they are not dangerous.

The next quote is Rom 12:2, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”, followed by Matt 5:9 “God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.”

Bonus points if the tests do not presume or suspect an absence of power, as I fear that may offend the source of that power.

Duh, you just write "I will know how the journal works." Bam, problem solved.

Try the lottery again, only write "I will win the lottery with the next ticket I buy." Then buy a ticket.

Excellent, unless anyone can think of any way this can be twisted to terribleness, I will write that, though replacing "the journal" with "this journal"

Do you want to destroy every convenience store in the country? Because that's how you do it.

What if I do? It's not my country anyway.

>I suspect that I have recently acquired a notebook which causes anything written in it to come true, within currently unknown limitations.
so the first thing you wrote was "op is a faggot".

And then you will know that it's a journal. You write things in it. When the page ends, you turn it. Later you can read things you wrote. That's how journals work.

Let's say I'm in charge of the journal (I'm not) and I'm a total tool bag (jury's out)

1. The knowledge of the exact workings of the journal are so sublimely true that they undo your very understanding of self, driving you mad.
2. I make you aware of the fact that the journal doesn't answer questions about itself by not answering your question at all.

Roll the dice, I guess.

>that it's a journal. You write things in it. When the page ends, you turn it. Later you can read things you wrote

Dealing with omnipotent beings through a limited medium is tough. Genies are hard enough, but at least you can hypothetically say enough words to cover ever angle, contract-style. Writing on a single journal page will never be enough to foolproof myself, it seems.

Maybe this is chinese finger-trap style and the more I try to work against it, the worse it works for me. In that case, should I use it at all? After all, I don't know if it's malicious.

The safest way would be to just test it with small, but very specific things and gradually climb the ladder of unlikeliness.


If you're willing, I could write that I would know your name and location. Then you can confirm or deny after I write in the notebook, followed by post in this thread.

>write smaller, paper is limited
>try to influence random numbers as a test. write a string of dice results and check the accuracy.

How about "I will gain new insight about the specific workings of this journal."

Dumb test, he just can lie.

Oh, I like this better than the name and location thing. I could know a string of 10d6 or whatever, noting my knowledge in the same post that I make the roll.

You just happened to proposition a leisure time demon summoner. I ain't afraid of no book. Do it.

Don't be lazy, numbers are not big, do a few hundred.

Rolled 2, 4, 2, 6, 6, 3, 4, 1, 6, 2 = 36 (10d6)

I wrote that "I will know the outcome of all dice rolls, real or virtual, 30 seconds prior to observing them." on the changing the way you think page. Hope this doesn't break my brain!

5, 3, 4, 1, 2 , 5 , 4, 1 , 2 ,5

But if it works like the lotto thing won't his computer shit the bed?

Okay so either what I wrote didn't work or the book doesn't work.


So what next?

I guess I'll do the name thing for funsies on the same page to see how the book reacts to writing more than one thing.

>rolling dice on a computer

I would have done physical.
The next numbers I will roll are, in order: [number string]

Wouldn't even open a window to my mind via "knowing" if I suspected such a thing to be real.

I've collected my (you)s to avoid fraudulent posting.

Okay, I just wrote that "I will know the first, middle, and last name of user #50763179 from Veeky Forums who has posted in my thread, and also which country they are in, and this knowledge will be freely available to me to recall at any time I want, such as when I need to post about it."

You live in Denmark and your name is T(a)ylor Jessen...I can't gather a middle name, maybe you don't have one?

Wait, what if he used similar wording for the name and location thing? WHAT IF HE CHANGED MY NAME AND LOCATION THAT'D BE SICK.

Oowee, not close at all.

Alright, book bunk thread over.

Fun temporarily playing with potentially cosmic powers, though!

heres the trick to these things, you end whatever you write with "exactly to my expectations"

that could murder you, be afraid

Hey, if it worked for you personally that's still super helpful. Keep trying stuff out. Maybe it only works on you?
Oh gods, what if it's YOUR book? Like, everyone has a book and you found yours. Cue cosmic horror, keep that thing Fucking safe.

...I just tore out the pages where I wrote the things from this thread.

Of death? Hell no. COME TAKE ME AWAY, BOOK. I'M READY.




Fuck that! If the power behind the book is a tool bag then I'm fucked no matter what. If they're kind, then I'm fine no matter what. The worst that can happen is that it loses it powers, which wouldn't that untether me from fate or something? Sounds pretty cool, actually.

Yeah ok, that works too I guess.

>wouldn't that untether me from fate or something?

>No longer affected by fate
>No longer affected by determination, so no longer affected by causality

Enjoy spontaneously ceasing to exist because some of your molecules decided they wanted to be something else.

That implies that my own causality can cease from the things that make up myself ceasing to be. If anything, I've obtained the truest immortality possible.

As I understand it your evidence that this thing should have powers is so far that;
>You wrote something in it and felt clarity or changed
That is sometimes what putting out thoughts on paper does, man.
>You asked for an actual miraculous event and it did not happen
The fact that the store and machine were closed tells you nothing about this book.
>Now that you have tested it, and it didn't work as you hoped, you are tearing out those pages
Look, tearing them out won't change the fact that the evidence of "magic" here is super-tenous. You can't undo your asking for shit that didn't happen by tearing these pages out. They can't detract from the already unconvincing magic nature of this thing.

Yeah I mean as far as the universe goes, that's probably the right answer.

Look I just like to go on flights of imagination, okay?

I love when people take their "you're taking this too seriously" post too seriously.

What the fuck is this are you people for real?



He can't do magic irl

fuckin duh

Shockingly, people often enjoy potentially interesting situations that make them think and use their imagination, even when only fantastical and for the purpose of their own amusement.

You know, especially on certain boards. Boards that are LITERALLY DEDICATED TO THAT.

Jesus christ, it's like you're a teenager screaming at a bunch of adults that Santa doesn't exist.

Write that you would like to learn more about a rival or dissident of yours. See what happens at work/school over the next couple of days.