I can hear screams of space marines, saying that it's over powered.
however their puny Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport is nothing compared to what is coming...
Praise the Leviathan!
I can hear screams of space marines, saying that it's over powered.
however their puny Mastodon Heavy Assault Transport is nothing compared to what is coming...
Praise the Leviathan!
>Praise the Leviathan!
Damn, That wants to make me want to make a lovecraft inspired imperial guard regiment.
Not sure if this is a forge world employee gloating or someone shitposting?
That's a Colossus you fucking retard.
What's the Leviathan then?
I used to play SPACE MARINE / Epic 40,000
whenever I played Squats I would take a Reaver Titan group.
All armed with Warp Missiles.
Warp Missile rules were silly, they had insane range, they went through void shields and auto rolled damage on titans.
But with SHV they were just removed.
On my turn I would point to his Land Train, Colossus, Cyclops.
"Those ones please, off the table, thanks"
Ha ha, good times.
The Leviathan is a transport, the Colossus is a gun-truck.
There is also the Cyclops.
No, that would be the Land Train.
Although I *might* just have found a way to get my 3 year old on the plasticrack...
Related, does this mean that 'ol Arkhan discovered this as well? Because "Land Train" otherwise makes no goddamn sense, even in the context of 40k-logic...
This seems confusing, considering they've named Tyranid Hivefleets "Leviathan" and "Colossus".
It makes perfect sense. It's a train in that it is a series of linked together modules pulled by engines, and it's on land as opposed to requiring rails.
They're named after the vehicles, duh. They wanted a Hive Fleet Leman Russ but feared a rebellion within the Space Wolves.
>rebellion within the Space Wolves
How would they be able to tell?
>implying it won't be for Mechanicum/Legion use
>implying Army will ever get anything nice
>He's never heard of a land train.
>Squats are literally Australians
I loved Epic's crazier aspects.
I guess that makes nids literally emus.
Gyrocopters and Zeppelins for the guard when?
Nids are Emus?
figurative emumind