Who are the worst kind of roleplayers? As an engineer I think we are the worst
Who are the worst kind of roleplayers? As an engineer I think we are the worst
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Is the man in the foreground tonging that black cat's asshole?
Yes he is. One hand on the boob, and a tongue going right for the pussy's pussy.
don't you DARE judge me
I'm just wondering if it's good luck or bad luck is all...
I've played with a few HR people ad they're annoying
Good live album OP
Typical nerds and neckbeards.
Actually decent players most likely look either like normies note that it doesn't mean they're normies mentally or hipsters.
Your usual "stereotypical" RPG player, be it either overweight neckbeard, unassuming awkward beta or metal fan will be actually shit at it more often than not.
>metal fan
Have to be honest, but what does listening to metal make you a bad RPG player? Is it because most make Edgy McEdgerazor?
Not really that, just most metalheads that are also into RPG usually are into the most distasteful, campy, kitchy shit. Like Dragonforce or Sabbaton. Generally things that are more "plastic: than "metal", really if we have to use materials as metaphors. And their gaming has exactly the same qualities as their music. IE shittiest, kitchiest kind of "fantasy" in existence
Add to that that somehow most of them have extremely unfunny sense of humour, and moreover can't really take game seriously, instead inserting those corny jokes at every turn, spoiling the mood and immersion by their awkwardness.
>How do you know someone is an engineer?
Don't worry, they'll tell you.
Minmaxers hands down.
Woah, an engineer that's self-aware of how insufferable they are. That's a new one.
Ahhhh ok, completely understand where you're coming from. Plus, who's really going to take a Sabbatonfag seriously.
Women of any kind. Not saying all of them are bad, just that as a group they're the worst.
People on roll20. Jesus Christ, some of the worst RP and OOC conversation I've ever had in my fucking life.
Generic TV show and vidya fans.
They expect all high/low fantasy to be LotR, GoT or Skyrim, all sci-fi to be Star Wars or the newest CoD, all urban fantasy to be Supernatural, and all are completely removed from reality.
When you point out something that isn't usually portrayed in shows, like basic physics, chemistry, or even simple cause/effect logic, they look at you like you're joking. Most forget that some rpgs don't start out with players already superhumanly cool or strong, or outright ignore rules or metagame.
You are correct; engineers are the worst.
grown up demon children. that guys brewed on pokemon naruto mountain dew league of legends and call of duty. The kind of people that explain their characterizations by referring to their mechanical class titles in character... 'ExcUSE ME? I'M A DRUID NINJA'
I haven't played any RPGs with engineers but the ones I've played board games with have been grating at best.
As far as RPGs go I'd have to say edgy/lolrandumbs because they can ruin whatever chemistry the group has pretty much instantly.
People that whine when something bad happens to their character
Opinion disregarded; you're evidently either a rapper or a black metal edgelord who thinks that being a frontman should be indistinguishable from an epileptic fit, and that music should be experienced through your feet rather than your soul.
t. Sabaton fan
I basically ruined the tech-use skill for everyone involved in 40k rpgs
money grubbers. I'm DMing a campaign where one of my players is an accountant IRL.
The worst min-maxer I've ever played with, probably has the same engineer mindset, but this guy lives with numbers, and then his character acts that bad in game with gold.
first post best post
>LotR, GoT or Skyrim
>Star Wars or the newest CoD
Neither of those groupings (besides MAYBE LotR and Skyrim) having anything in common besides being popular
>When you point out something that isn't usually portrayed in shows, like basic physics, chemistry, or even simple cause/effect logic, they look at you like you're joking.
You sound like the kind of person who spends hours watching Youtube videos pointing out flaws in popular media so you can repeat them whenever someone brings up the work in question because you think it makes you sound smart. And don't disregard this if you don't do that specifically, because that doesn't preclude you from being exactly that kind of person. They don't look at you because you're blowing their feeble little normie minds, they just can't believe what a pretentious dickhead you are.
Minmaxers who care more about system and mechanics than roleplay and story, lolrandumbs, weebs
As an engineer, I am banned from playing Wizards in several games now.
That's a Hell of a coincidence
As a wizard I'm banned from playing an Engineer.
ignoring roleplay for mechanics and ignoring mechanics for roleplay both irritate the fuck out of me. I was playing in a game where you would be scolded by players and blocked by GMs for playing a mechanically sound character, no matter how well you played them. If you were a martial capable of killing a mook in a single round, you were a filthy munchkin, no matter how well you roleplayed. Then the fights would be 5 hour slogs because the other people were doing 1d4-3 damage per hit at level 3, casting touch spells next to monsters so they could see why they were attacking the party, and throwing bombs into melee, invoking a -4 attack penalty and only hitting their allies. It was INCREDIBLY painful.
On the other hand, I've played with filthy fucking munchkins who ragequit because their fancy pantsy character couldn't surmount a challenge. They would sit around not contributing to any dialogue or character development. They were a tumor if there wasn't something they could roll.
Balance, people. It's all about balance.
Not really metalheads or fans of fantasy music then.
As a beginner the minimum band to pass is Blind Guardian and their music inspires creativity.
I have played with more women then men and this is false. You get the occasional edge lord or person that side tracks the story for petty reasons but these are far more common traits in men. Also you get story hogs more in men and those truely are the worst
Then do the next best thing. Use magical device lets you access far more broken things. One use magical items paired with trap making or other mundane items are very fun
t. Not an engineer...a physicist
What do you think I do man?
Access to the plane of Force is stupidly broken when I get my hands on it. Which is why I'm also not allowed to play a smith in the same games.
Apparently inventing rocket launchers and railguns and cellphones powered by tiny skeletons is considered wrong or something.
I play at a school where everyone's an engineer and it's pretty great. The computer science guys can actually be pretty bad though.
T. Computer science guy
I second. They're okay if you need a specific job done to specific specifications specifically, but you wouldn't want to be friends with them.
This. Also people who are obsessed with their character being or progressing a certain way, refusing to play along with external developments that change them. I hate that sort of quitter attitude.
Well some of that shouldn't just be invented out of thin air cause you know it irl. But new ways of doing stuff shouldd be allowed. I had a necromancer with a metal plated dinosaur skeleton tank with skeleton archers inside. Heavily armored mobile seige machines existed, i just made it out of necromancy.
Oh and skeleton anklyosaurus battering rams are the best