How about it, Veeky Forums? Are there any good systems for playing a swashbuckling campaign, good duel rules and so on? Everything I've ever managed to lay my own hands on is terrible shit, like 7th Sea.
Swashbuckling Games
You want one of the old school classics like En Garde! or FGU's Flashing Blades
How rules heavy/light do you want it to be? How heroic/simulationist?
Isn't En Garde! sort of a board game with no real object? I always had the impression that it's so old it didn't really manage to become an RPG because the makers couldn't work out which parts were the important ones. I'd be happy to be corrected, though.
I'm not incredibly picky about rules weight, I'd mostly want the fencing rules to be credible but fun and the rest of the system to be not shit.
I guess I feel like "swashbuckling" is its own defined level of heroic, but frankly I'm interested in any suggestions you might have that don't just leak all over the place.
I got some swashbuckling rpgs, but they're mostly in french.
Recently, you have the second edition of Swashbuckler, published in 2009.
I've heard good things of Flashing Blades, and it seems to be what you're looking for. No idea on how well it has aged, though.
>I got some swashbuckling rpgs, but they're mostly in french.
I'd love to hear the titles anyway, I won't pretend I'm great at French but I might be able to make my way through one.
7th sea?
Try GURPS Swashbucklers OP. Lots of fun options for dueling there.
>Flashing Blades
Anyone feel like giving me a rundown of the system, or linking a good review? It'd be much appreciated, all I've been able to find is FGU's own uninformative blurb they repeat on every page dedicated to the game with no added detail.
It's like you hate me even though we've never met.
Sad can't-bump-my-own-thread bump
>can't bump my own thread
Oh huh, apparently I can? I thought that was disabled.
i recommend Honor and Intrigue. uses the barbarians of lemuria system at the core, which is easy and intuitive. the dueling and social combat rules are great. i played a Moor merchant living in Paris who was very good at strangling people; it was great.
Fifteen bucks for a PDF?! Christ, it's cheaper to buy the print edition of Flashing Blades.
Still, thanks for the tip! I've only heard good things about BoL, so that's promising.
"Mordiou !" is great, cheap and easy to read:
Hey cool, with a Gascon accent just like d'Artagnan in the books :D
Furfaggotry aside, I hear Furry Pirates is good.
Isn't that a bit like saying "besides all the human feces, Shit Pie doesn't taste that bad"?
GURPS is a legitimately good option though, especially when it comes to combat. Swashbucklers is more of a setting deal with some premade stuff however, you only need Basic Set and Low Tech for some fancy fencing fun.
>GURPS is a legitimately good option
Why do you lie to this man when he's done nothing to you?
He asked for a fencing system that's fun to play and you offer vanilla GURPS with a setting? There must be some sort of German term with twenty letters and five umlauts for this shit.
All For One - Regime Diabolique
Make sure you get it under the Ubiquity System, it actually achieves what 7th Sea was trying to do i.e: Creating pulpy/cinematic combat, except it's not designed by a retard.
Furry elements in most settings are mostly paint.
I've run Albedo games without the furry (because I like tactical hard sci-fi), and it ran just fine.
>1626, le Gant & l'Epée
>Capitán Alatriste (spanish)
>XVII, Au Fil de l'Ame
>Les Lames du Cardinal
>Mousquetaires de l'Ombre
(last three with fantasy elements)
D'artagnan meets Van Hellsing ?
While we're on the topic - any games inspired by Pirates of the Caribbean and Monkey Island?
I mean swashbuckling mixed with krakens, undead zombie pirates, Tortuga, three-headed monkeys and untold hidden treasures and other fun campy stereotypes of the pirate fiction.
IIRC, Maelstrom had such themes. It's a bit dated, though.
Do you have an actual reason why it is not a good option or are you just memeing? Have you even tried playing the game and using a age of sail rapier at any point in time?
Flashing Blades PDF. It's a little dated now for obvious reasons, but I enjoyed it when I played with some glorious oldfags.
thanks man.
Oh yeah. Lots of great Gothic style horrors to stab in the face if that's what gets your rocks off. But it's also a really great book if you just want to play regular Three Musketeers action adventure.
Unaussperglichen Wütendwunsch
Where did this idea of every fencer being a flamboyant swashbuckler even come from? It's like there are no more fencers left who aren't closet homosexuals.
>being so insecure that you think a sweet hat is inherently homosexual
There's such a thing as repression, user.
I don't know about hats, but codpieces are pretty fucking gay.
Nobody in that picture's wearing a codpiece, though. That's more of a Tudor thing.
I should really give it a shot someday. Probably soon.
Grümph should translate some of his stuff in English. But apparently he's always working on a dozen projects at the same time so I guess he doesn't have the time to translate stuff.
7th Sea 1e has what you need though. It just needs a GM that exercises restraint and a chunk of house rules to take some of the Wick out of it. It is however, kind of a giant swashbuckling kitchen sink rather than a specifically 3 Musketeers or Pirates of the Caribbean or Zorro themed game.
IIRC the house rules needed to make 1e work are:
>150 HP to start, not 100.
>Award 3-5 XP a session instead of 1-2.
>Granted Drama Dice give you an extra XP immediately, you don't have to hold onto them and cash them in at the end of the session.
>Don't use Cathay.
>GM, don't overuse your Drama Die pool. You will always have more than your players.
I think there's a .pdf of someone's house rules are floating around that contain these plus some other houserules in one spot.