Welcome to the thread for d20 station, a rules light, medium RP Space Station 13 server.
>What is Space Station 13?
It's a 2D top down atmospherics simulator with who dun it gameplay layered on top. Each crew member aboard the station has a specific job to perform, while a select few are selected to be traitors (assassin/spy/thief).
>Why is this on muh Veeky Forums?
d20 is a server made for fa/tg/uys by fa/tg/uys
>How do I play?
You'll need to download the BYOND client.
BYOND Download link: byond.com
A BYOND account is HIGHLY recommended
To connect: Open BYOND, click the gear in the upper right. Click "Open Location" and paste in the IP below (Visual guide: i.imgur.com
byond:// OR byond://d20station.ddns.net:28014
>I'm new, and I don't know what the fuck to do. How do I swap hands?
Use OOC (backspace say" in the bottom, type OOC and hit enter, or: i.imgur.com
There's also wikis dedicated to documenting the spaceman way of life, but they vary widely from server to server.
>What are the rules?
The rules are very relaxed and admins try to take a hands-off approach to administrating. Admins will generally only intervene if someone is explicitly playing to ruin the game. Reminder to read the rules in-game.
>What map/code do you run?
We run a heavily modified Ministation map with mostly custom code. Most jobs on Ministation are merged with similar counterparts and head roles have been re-enabled.
>When does everyone play?
The server is mostly populated with Americlaps, so peak times are usually between 7pm-3am EST
>Who are these tripfags?
Usually admins/coders for the server.
Miscellaneous inks pastebin: pastebin.com
SS12 d20 Station: New OP Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
im glad our server is back u-
That's what you get when you wake someone up to post the OP you bully
Its ok bb
its not like i can deep fry this thread and feed it to you like i did with that security hardsuit
I just hope there won't a spam of narcisstic greentext in this one too.
let this thread die and remake it or contact everyone and tell them to search the catalog for ss12 instead of ss13
Oh dont worry everyone knows,i made sure
who was doing that
So more space manning tonight?
Who has time to play when? I have time ~7 hours from now.
I can play much later aswell
I'm overseas, so can't play, sadly.
if I were back home I still probably wouldn't play but might throw the link to some other people
I don't know, I managed to find this thread and I've never even been on this board or played this game before, though I did come here with the intention of trying it out
Neat, why don't you pop in for a bit when there's people playing?
It's fun I promise.
Is that fucker Father Relaxe who constantly complains about R&D still here? This server goes to shit whenever he's around. All he does is bomb shit and spray people with mutagen literally every. single. fucking. round.
sounds good to me, I guess 7 pm EST then
Do not respond to farther relaxe posters
Anyone up for a game? I got done early and lurking the lobby with SgtGummiBear.
It's time nerds
New round starting, join pls
That was a pretty gud round
>blood vomit and (semen probably) EVERYWHERE
>dead bodies
spaceman is good
Is it me or is the wiki down?
>father relaxe sockpuppets on the server
>father relaxe sockpuppets in the thread
I corrected some errors I made in the OP and added missing punctuation.
Link: pastebin.com
Use this next time we need a new thread instead of copying the OP from this one.
We have evidence that this father relaxe shitposter is actually just nernums acting devilish -T FBI
The wiki is down for me too
So 11 players yesterday, are we trying that again tonight?
Patched the server for some minor stuff:
>Fixed an issue where aliens were unable to click on anything.
>Replaced the autoloom in the HoP's office with the specialized autoloom.
>Removed some syndicate black hardsuit stuff from the cargo surplus packs.
>Circuitboards for machines should now show the correct amount of items to be used 100% of the time.
Didn't nernums ban him in the first place? Nernums is the only goodmin.
And we all know whose fault that is, don't we?
the chaplain is powergamer tier and needs a nerf
his exosuit holds an object that holds items and he also gets his dick ass null rod that has 15 force and 10 throwforce and a w class of 1
>when there's an oil spill under the conveyor belt and it's on and you have a braid hairstyle
astv can you PLEASE ban hipekans again he's still ruining the server whenever he can with his powergamer bullshit
This. Can you get rid of him? We have PROOF that he's the shitter who ruined everything, and ruins every thread with his rabid anti-science shitposting.
>playing as an icky girl
>having braided hair
deserved it
I'll cut you
Can we get a ban on this chucklefuck? THanks
honk honk
at least no one's carrying your brain around
what did I do to deserve this?
what? what did I do?
This when?
>at least no one's carrying your brain around
oh shit, was I not supposed to post anything about that? sorry, I didn't know, still kind of new at this...
delet this: It reveals IC (in character) information OOC (out of character)
yep, I got it, sorry about that again
Sitrep, mangos.
air canisters were a mistake
>2017 minus 10 days
>being Hungarian
I'd just kms if I was
Stamina was a mistake
nernums was a mistake
y-you too
Hey guys I'm still alive will be on tommorow. Don't know if anyone remember me. :) -pouchythepirate/Scruffy Waterson.
>being a fuck who spams icky in oocky
Can we get a ban on this chucklefuck?
i remember you
>being such a hothead over some newfriend icky oocky
these threads are a bully free zone so please apologise to the nice newfriend
>he isint capitalizing his "i"s in a vain attempt to mimick me
never gets old
>everyone who doesn't use punctuation is pretending to be me
Can I come back?
I'd rather you back than father relaxe and his chaplain powergamer bullshit.
>lee thinks he's worth mimicking
embarrassing tee bee haych