Roll 1d10 to determine whether or not the Space Marine Chapter is a Legion Warband or Renegade Chapter!
Roll up a Chaos Space Marine Warband!
Rolled 7 (1d9)
come on, Renegade!
Rolling an actual d10
Rolled 1 (1d10)
Wait fuck
I can't accept this, it has to be a 1d10.
The Chaos Space Marine Chapter is a Renegade Chapter, once a loyal Space Marine Chapter, it now serves Chaos!
Roll 1d100 to determing the Reason for the Chapter's Fall!
Rolled 39 (1d100)
The Chapter attempted to fight heresy wwith heresy. The Ordo Malleus made them pay gravely for it when they were discovered.
Roll 1d100 to determine the warband's progenitor!
Rolled 35 (1d100)
Please no smurfs.
Damn, I was hoping for Blood Angels myself, but the dice gods have spoken and we must abide by their decision.
The Chapter's progenitor is the Ultramarines.
Roll 1d10 to determine the Chapter's devotion to the Dark Gods!
What have I done?!
Rolled 10 (1d10)
Hoping for Fanatical.
You've fallen into Tzeentch's trap! It is far too late to turn back now, we must stay the course!
Your wish is granted. The Chapter has an unshakable, fanatic devotion to the Dark Gods. The marines of the warband are highly devoted to their God(s), willingly submitting themselves to the Ruinous Powers and viewing possession as favourable.
Roll 1d12 for the Chapter's Alignment! By all the powers that be, please don't roll Khorne.
Rolled 12 (1d12)
R-rolling for not Khorne.
Rolled 4 (1d12)
Come on Slaanesh
Rolled 11 (1d12)
C'mon, 12!
Damn, that's interesting! Roll 1d12 again, twice!
I have redeemed my earlier smurfroll! Praise the Ruinous Powers!
Why not use the two other rolls after it or what do the rest of you think?
That's a fucking spectacular idea, and you should be proud!
The Chapter venerates both Slannesh and Tzeentch's in equal measure! Hedonist Sorcerers are a go!
Roll 1d100 to determine the Form the Chapter's Beliefs Take!
Rolled 77 (1d100)
We Tzlaaneech now.
>Hedonist Sorcerers are a go!
And given the Ultrasmurf background, a thing for empire building? With lots of anally constructed architecturally wondrous temples in the glory of our gods?
That was faster than I'd expected. The Chapter believes that Battle is Glory, and that to fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. The best warriors are held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic!
This is turning out awesomely! Roll 1d10 to determine the Chapter's Demeanor!
Rolled 56 (1d100)
A whole new meaning to the words burning sensation.
Rolled 3 (1d10)
Tzeentch be with us.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
Roll 1d10, brother.
I was late for the last roll
Does that mean we're autistic Magical Realmers who discuss in depth our fetishes, even going so far as to calculate how many spiders fit in a vagina?
The Chapter follows the philosophy of Take No Prisoners! These warriors are butchers who slaughter all who stand before them. Even those who are willing to submit to the Warband are ripped limb from limb!
Of course, this only applies to enemy warriors foolish enough to engage the Chapter in battle, those who surrender themselves beforehand may be spared, and potentially enslavable civilians aren't butchered without due cause.
Roll 1d10 for common mutations/deficiencies, er, I mean, the blessings of the Dark Gods!
Rolled 3 (1d10)
No it means we fuck you in ways that cannot be conceived by mortal minds.
Mobius reaming.
non-Euclidean threesomes.
Eldritch handjobs.
With no survivors.
Ah, temporal warp displacements are a bitch aren't they?
Excess doesn't just mean sex. Any extreme obsession can fall within the realm of Slaanesh.
Why not both? There's much to be discussed about the correct mathematical range to achieve quasi - dimensional orgasms.
That just means it covers autism as a whole, with Tzeentch giving it a STEM field.
> Why both both?
Ah yes, but there's nothing saying that the Chapter doesn't also indulge in excessive sex inbetween perfection their Sorcerous Art.
No Rest For The Wicked! The Chapter's Marines never sleep! As they're Slaaneshi, this takes on a whole new meaning!
Roll 1d10 for Common Mental Flaws!
The Warband picks it's targets like a planetary serial killer, having intricately planned the horrific massacre of flesh-art they intend to create months ahead of time.
*Perfecting, not perfection.
So Ultramarine successors, who worship Tzeentch and Slaanesh, and fall was caused by using heretical weapons, with an emphasis for glory.
I'm just spitballing, but maybe the Chapter actually despised the Codex Astartes, as well as the Ultramarine worship some of their fellow successors carry out.
They were a bit outside the box, and placed a heavy emphasis on the individual achievements of marines within the chapter. Eventually after a prolonged war with some heretics, they started using heretical weapons to fight back. At first it was as last resort, but as those wielding Chaos weaponry earnt more and more praise and glory, the weapons became coveted.
Soon large chunks of the Chapter had chaos corrupted weapons, and before you knew it the Inquisition came along and got all pissy.
Don't know where to take it from there, but I like the idea of their glory based ideology originating when they were still in the Imperium.
Rolled 4 (1d10)
Rolled 3 (1d10)
C'mon. I mean I have no idea what you can roll here since fanatic is pretty rare, but C'MON!
I think forbidden sorcery works better than chaos weapons, given that they worship Tzeentch.
I like it! But how did they come to fanatically worship Ttzeentch and Slannesh in particular?
The Chapter is LOUD AND PROUD! Chapter Marines feel the need to announce their arrival to their foe, making it clear just who the hell they are and that they are here!
Roll 1d100 for a Champion of Legend!
Maybe it was some combination? Their Chapter Librarian began to wield Witchcraft against heretics, one or two Dreadnoughts began to wield Chaotic Weapons in combat, eventually they'd gone too far to look back.
Ultramarines turned Word Bearers?
Autistic, hedonistic, sociopathic Wordbearers, but in a nutshell, yes.
Chaos: we can be whatever the fuck we want.
One of these days we'll roll up a set of chaos Brony Marines, just because we fucking can.
True. Glory In Battle and Slaanesh obsessiveness suggests they're obsessed with, well, winning glory in battle. That can mean both individual duels and group tactics, and using combined arms works for that.
Rolled 68 (1d100)
That's more horrifying than anything the Immaterium can comprehend, let alone unleash!
The Chapter's most revered Champion was an exremely zealous/possessed Champion of Chaos!
Roll 1d100 to determine Deeds Of Legend!
Rolled 70 (1d100)
Well, that makes sense for a bunch of fanatics.
Ah shit. "Corrupting a sector" doesn't make sense for the legendary champion whose warband's creed is Take No Prisoners. You can only corrupt the living, after all. Reroll?
To be truly horrifying you have to depend on humans. The gods can only go so far.
There are some porn videos where Slaanesh stops fapping for a moment, comprehends what they're actually seeing... and forwards it to Nurgle.
Wait, I take this post back. Take No Prisoners can simply be a newer creed, while the legendary figure was the one who pushed the chapter to fall to Chaos. So what if they do thing differently than their legendary champion if they remain devoted to Chaos?
Perhaps they corrupt planets with suicidal end-times cults that spread word of their impending arrival before falling on the planet and butchering everyone, taking the few who prove themselves worthy into the warband.
No, remember, they're fanatics. He managed to spread the worship of Tzeentch's and Slannesh to an entire sector, causing them to fall to Heresy! Those who fought the Chapter were slaughtered, and the sector worships the Ruinous Powers to this day!
Roll 1d100 for the Chapter's homeworld!
Rolled 91 (1d100)
Building off from what I started here, with the new rolls, maybe their corruption of a sector was accidental due to the level of heresy they were using, but when they fell to Chaos they started playing it off as if it was intentional. Not sure about this idea, just food for thought
Being Loud makes sense as their glory-hounds, as does having an exceptionally zealous individual as their favourite champion
You have a point. Take No Prisoners doesn't extend itself to those who turn or submit more or less willingly, it just means that whoever doesn't submit right away are going to get killed.
Actually, it does specify that they kill even those who submit.
>>These warriors are butchers who slaughter all who stand before them. Even those who are willing to submit to the Warband are ripped limb from limb!
That doesn't prevent them from corrupting the populace for extra insult to the Emperor before they slaughter it wholesale.
Maybe this chapter was assigned direct rule of a world ruled by powerful sorcerer-kings who pledged themselves to Tzeentch or Slaanesh. In order to bring the entire world under the Chapter rule their Librarians and commanders had to adapt and learn the secrets of the heretics to defeat them in psychic duels (the population of this would highly respected ritualized magic duels in order to decide succession of the sorcerer-kings).
Im thinking the classic greco-roman aesthetics of the smurfs with a bit of persian.
"All who stand before them" is pretty vague though. Like, literally everyone they meet? Or just those who oppose them? Someone can submit after being defeated, after all. The rule says "No Prisoners", but you're not automatically a prisoner just because you let yourself be converted to Chaos worship.
>maybe their corruption of a sector was accidental due to the level of heresy they were using, but when they fell to Chaos they started playing it off as if it was intentional
That doesn't make much sense to me, to be honest.
I'm thinking going further back, to Troy, or at least the Trojan War as depicted in the Illiad (by the way, why the fuck do Anglos spell it "Troy" but then "Trojan"?), which is filled with bloodshed, glory, and gods interfering.
The Chapter bases itself in a stationary non-planet, such as an asteroid or deep space station! I feel like an enormous, hollowed out, heavily defended asteroid fortress whose interior has been turned into a pleasure palace/enormous library/shrine to Tzeentch and Slaanesh is in order. Depending on the Chapter's strength, perhaps even a network of temple fortresses spread throughout an asteroid belt. Of course, if anyone of you has a better idea, I'd be ecstatic to hear it.
I suppose the option to roll for homeworld terrain is invalid here, so roll 1d10 for the Chapter's Combat Doctrine!
I think it would extend to anyone who dares to meet them in open battle. The enslavement and brainwashing of Imperial civilians who surrender immediately, rather than face the Chapter is acceptable, they're Slaaneshi-Tzeentchians, after all, they need a steady supply of pleasure slaves and grunt laborers. They probably wouldn't have any issues with enslaving civilians who attempt to resist them, to use them as sacrifices to the Ruinous Powers. As for actual soldiers and enemy Space Marines? Death to them all!
Rolled 7 (1d10)
The Chapter makes massive use of Daemons and Daemonic Sorcery in battle! That makes sense, all things considered.
Roll 1d100 for Special Equipment!
Rolled 85 (1d100)
Rolled 49 (1d100)
Daemon weapons surely?
Rolled 76 (1d100)
These two are so much better than Is it an iron-clad rule to choose the first or what?
The Chapter relies on its unique Armor, and to a lesser extent, unholy wargear, and fearsome daemic engines!
Now, roll 1d10 for the Chapter's current strength!
Brother, we follow Slaanesh, no rules are sacred!
*Daemonic, not daemic.
Rolled 2 (1d10)
C'mon 10!
Yeah was trying to fit it in with the fact they don't show mercy. Hard to corrupt when you kill everyone
Makese sense considering how they fell in the first place
Oh! The Chapter is severely weakened, and their numbers are few!
Roll 1d10 to determine the Cause Of Diminished Strength!
Yup. I mean, if you think about it, a Chaos Marine's USUAL m.o. would be to kill anyone who don't submit and enslave those who do. This chapter has to go beyond that to be remarkable in that department.
This has turned into a very contradictory mess. On one hand, their Champion is noted for corrupting a sector, but the warband butchers almost everyone. Glory in combat is the greatest thing they know, but they rely heavily on summoning daemons to fight for them. How do you achieve glory in battle by making warp entities do most of the fighting for you? They can't even be instructed in tactics.
Well their greatest champion was very zealous, so maybe to them nothing is more glorious than fighting alongside Daemons themselves
Rolled 1 (1d10)
You can slaughter them after corrupting them for sacrifice. Their slaughter is an exquisite, strange and pleasurable honor.
Rolled 6 (1d10)
I kinda like OP's idea, here,
Maybe the Champion spread corruption to many primitive backwater worlds in the sector, who accepted the message willingly, and they recruit new Marines from lesser warbands, traitors, and exceptional primitive?
The rest of the sector was more advanced, and when the Chapter easily defeated and brutally tortured every surviving Imperial Guardsmen and PDF they didn't outright slay in glorious combat in sacrifice to the Gods, the majority of the sectors populace surrendered, only be enslaved, sacrificed, and worked to death on an industrial scale.
The few who resisted were publicly and horribly sacrificed to Tzeentch and Slaanesh. The Chapter then resettled the former Imperial Worlds with loyal, formerly primitive cultists to replace the almost entirely exterminated slave populations. The Champion effectively conquered a miniature heretical Empire of almost 30 worlds.
As for fighting alongside Daemons being nonglorius, I don't know what you're talking about. The Chapter is made up of fanatical Tzeentchians and Slaaneshi, they are glorified as they shape reality itself with their perfectly honed psychic might, and bring glory to the Gods by calling on their Daemons.
And who's to say that the Chapter Marines aren't on the front lines, rending their foes asunder with their blessed blades and sorcerous destruction?
>As for fighting alongside Daemons being nonglorius
It's also pretty much a no-brainer when you think of our Renegades being at low strength. Literally nothing wrong with it.
Let's combine the two. The Chapter's Flagship was lost to the Immaterium during an unexpected Warp storm, and the Chapter Master died, or was as good as dead. Unfortunately, he left no heir, and like the treacherous Tzeentchian backstabbers they are, the suddenly leaderless Marines went at each others throats in a bid for power.
By the time the long and bloody conflict was resolved, almost half of the Marines were slain. Many others deserted the Chapter to spread Chaos on their own terms, leaving the Chapter at a fraction of its former strength.
Roll 1d100 to determine the Chapter's Allies!
Rolled 28 (1d100)
A fellow Chaos Warband or a specific Chaos Lord is allied to the Chapter! But which, exactly? The Thousand Suns, the Emperor's Children, or another minor warband or heretical Chapter? If a Chaos Lord, who?
Roll 1d100 to determine the Chapter's enemies!
Rolled 71 (1d100)
A specific Inquisitory Agent or Force is opposed to the Chapter, but who?
OK, that's it for the rolls. I'll catalog everything we've rolled so far and we can start working on the fluff.
In the meantime, what's the Chapter's Name? I was thinking Astral Crows would be good.
> The Chapter is a Renegade Chapter, once a loyal Space Marine Chapter, it now serves Chaos.
> The Chapter attempted to fight heresy with heresy, by employing Daemonic weaponry and vile witchcraft. The Ordo Malleus discovered the Chapter's heresy, and excommunicated them.
> Originally, the Chapter was part of the Ultramarines.
> The Chapter has a Fanatic devotion to the Dark Gods, willingly submitting themselves to the Ruinous Powers and viewing possession as favorable.
> The Chapter worships both Slaanesh and Tzeentch in equal measure.
> The Chapter believes that Battle is Glory, and that to fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. They believe that the best warriors are to be held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic.
> The Chapter follows the philosophy of Take No Prisoners, their warriors are butchers who slaughter all who stand before them. Even those who are willing to submit to the Warband are ripped limb from limb. Being Tzeentchian and Slaaneshi, they are not opposed to enslaving those who surrender without a fight on occasion
> No Rest For The Wicked! The Chapter's Marines are blessed/cursed by a mutation that removes their need to sleep.
> The Chapter is LOUD AND PROUD! Chapter Marines feel the need to announce their arrival to their foes, making it clear just who the hell they are and that they are here!
> The Chapter's most revered Champion was an extremely zealous/possessed Champion of Chaos.
> The Champion of Chaos is renowned for corrupting, sacrificially butchering, and enslaving an entire sector, forging a miniature heretical Empire of nearly 30 worlds.
> The Chapter bases itself in a stationary non-planet, such as an asteroid or deep space station.
> The Chapter makes extensive use of Daemons and Daemonic Sorcery in battle, that's not to say that they don't fight themselves, they do, with a frenzied, ecstatic zeal.
> (cont.)
> The Chapter relies on its unique blessed Armor, and to a lesser extent, unholy wargear and daemonic engines.
> The Chapter is severely weakened, and its numbers are few.
> Recently, the Chapter's Flagship was lost to the Immaterium during an unexpected warp storm and the Chapter Master was lost. With no leader, the remaining Chapter Marines fought a long and bloody war of succession, slaying almost half of the Marines, and causing a large fraction of those remaining to desert the Chapter, leaving the Chapter at a fraction of its former strength.
> A Chaos Warband or a specific Chaos Lord is allied with the Chapter.
> An Inquisition Agent or Force is a bitter enemy of the Chapter.
We could fluff their "Take no prisoners and kill everybody" with Slaanesh's perfection aspect. Everybody at arms has to perish so it's truly magnificient and pleasing to the lord of debauchery.
Sadly, I'm really bad with names, I can't help you with a Chapter name. What I would think of is that the Chapter's remnants renamed themselves after their succession war ended and the few survivors rallied to underline that they truly cut ties with the Imperium and are a whole now organisation now.
Here's what we've got so far. The Chapter became Renegade when their use of Daemonic weapons was uncovered by the Odo Malleus, and their most hated enemy is an agent or force of the Inquisition, right? What if their Inquisitional enemy was the same Inquisitor who discovered the Chapter's heresy, and now wants to completely destroy the Chapter for their betrayal?
That's a pretty decent concept. Here's some fluff to explain how their Take No Prisoners ideology doesn't conflict with their practice of taking slaves.
> The Chapter is fanatical, and reveres combat above all else.
> They view the foes they slay in combat as sacrifices to Slaanesh and Tzeentch, respectively.
> The Chapter views itself as an extension of the will of Slaanesh and Tzeentch.
> Anyone who takes up arms against the Chapter is challenging Slaanesh and Tzeentch, which is blasphemy, which is unforgiveable.
> Blasphemy is punishable by death, therefore, no-one who takes up arms against the Chapter can be allowed to live, as it would insult the Dark Gods.
> Those who completely submit themselves and surrender to the Chapter have accepted their place beneath the Dark Gods, and have not committed blasphemy.
> As they have not committed blasphemy, they may be allowed to live as slaves to benefit the Chapter, which in turn benefits the Dark Gods.
> Those who completely submit themselves and surrender their souls to Tzeentch and Slaanesh have accepted their place as servants of the Dark Gods. These mortal cultists are not to be treated as lowly slaves, but rather, the servants of the Chapter.
> As the Chapter's Space Marines are more powerful and higher than mortal men, their will is higher as well. Therefore, cultists must follow the will and commands of the Chapter, as it is the will and commands of the Dark Gods.
> Khornates are bloody idiots and need to be exterminated.
> Thoughts?
I could think that the Chapter never really had great ties with the specific Inquisitor that branded the Chapter as heretics, maybe it was an Ork Snipers move and the Inquisitor really hated our Chapter for what they did as Loyalists and just wanted to get rid of them, as it was found out that they were using Daemonic weapons (I'd suggest that our Chapter originally operated near the Eye of Terror or another major Warp Anomaly and was tasked with safeguarding it), the Inquisitor was more than happy, as they finally had a reason to get rid of their hated Chapter. As their task force pursued the fleeing marines, the Chaos Gods finally managed to fully corrupt the Chapter: They assured their Chapter would live, but they demanded their everlasting loyalty as a price. Due to Tzeentchian planning and genius, the vastly superior Inquisitorial task force was lured into a trap and got absolutely BTFO in the resulting fights.
What do you think of this, elegan/tg/entlemen?
That's a pretty decent concept. Here's some fluff to explain how their Take No Prisoners ideology doesn't conflict with their practice of taking slaves.
> The Chapter is fanatical, and reveres combat above all else.
> They view the foes they slay in combat as sacrifices to Slaanesh and Tzeentch, respectively.
> The Chapter views itself as an extension of the will of Slaanesh and Tzeentch.
> Anyone who takes up arms against the Chapter is challenging Slaanesh and Tzeentch, which is blasphemy, which is unforgiveable.
> Blasphemy is punishable by death, therefore, no-one who takes up arms against the Chapter can be allowed to live, as it would insult the Dark Gods.
> Those who completely submit themselves and surrender to the Chapter have accepted their place beneath the Dark Gods, and have not committed blasphemy.
> As they have not committed blasphemy, they may be allowed to live as slaves to benefit the Chapter, which in turn benefits the Dark Gods.
> Those who completely submit themselves and surrender their souls to Tzeentch and Slaanesh have accepted their place as servants of the Dark Gods. These mortal cultists are not to be treated as lowly slaves, but rather, the servants of the Chapter.
> As the Chapter's Space Marines are more powerful and higher than mortal men, their will is higher as well. Therefore, cultists must follow the will and commands of the Chapter, as it is the will and commands of the Dark Gods.
> If there is no possibility of victory, retreat is permissible, as a Marine who fights a dozen more battles punishes more blasphemers than a Marine who fights a futile last stand.
> Khornates are bloody idiots and need to be exterminated where found, if possible.
> Thoughts?
Accidentally posted before I finished.
This is the actual post.
Sounds quite legitimate and I support it, but what about the Chapter's worship of Slaanesh?
That's where I was hoping for inspiration from other anons, but this thread sadly isn't that alive anymore. Maybe they turned to Slaanesh later after they really started enjoying their new Tzeentchian bookreading and magic fetish and wanted to perfect it? Maybe, as the Chapter was retreating into the Eye of Terror/other hideout, they were mentally weak of all the stuff that just happened and Slaanesh was pleased with how the Marines fought and simply decided to get involved too? Maybe our Marines were always very warmongering and loved honing their art. As they scrambled supplies when retreating, maybe they did some absolutely heretical things due to Slaaneshi involvement? Or, to come back to my story with the Inquisition forces, maybe they were fighting SoBs or the Inquisitor was a cutie and Slaanesh took over in the mayhem, causing them to go apeshit and start their heretical acts earlier and broadcasting them to the Imperium?
This is all just brainstorming (and I'm somewhat tired, too), nothing serious. Pick what you like.
Man, this is some "forgive English, am Russia" tier English I'm using today. Maybe I'm more than just "somewhat" tired.
Sorry if it's hard and unpleasant to read.