Elves are the worst - edition
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Elves are the worst - edition
>General's Handbook pdf is up
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first for president kroak and vp vortex
Chaos Dwarfs reporting
What are you working on /aosg/?
Have the lesser factions thanked the Stormcast for liberating them today yet?
Have the Stormcast thanked their gracious lizard overlords for keeping Chaos out of Azyr?
holy shit user that's really coming along nicely since last time you posted.
I just went to my local store and bought all my stuff to get started in AoS! Cost me about 200 after tax but i'm hypeeee
No army and Seraphon battletome reporting.
What should be my 2nd battletome?
I'm certain I'll be adding more grots to my moonclan hordes after the holidays so I am eagerly awaiting that
That sphinx is coming along nicely by the way, good work
The only thing the Seraphaggots are keeping is the bench warm.
I have 3 sphinxes all WIP
I'm planning on doing the last one in blue
Bonus shot of my WIP casket of souls
nice user, they will surely make some people jelly.
the green one is made to look like jade yes?
Red one is what? red marble stuff?
what child of the eighties or ninties can dislike dinosaurs shooting laser beams?
Different shades of marble
I want these to be centerpieces that stand out from my regular skelebros
Help me build a Slaanesh army.
I recently bought 30 daemonettes of slaanesh and 10 seekers of slaanesh (because GW made to order Diaz daemonettes).
I basically want to make something like a Chaos lord and his harem of daemonettes
This as to be the biggest bait ever.
I guess pic is realated.
Order already got 5 FUCKING BATLLETOME!
Also i guess sylvaneth are TOTALLY NOT! Elves now.
Point me the new AOS models for death please ?
>More spoiled than dwarf players (they already got releases)?
Also they just created a new dwarf army were NONE of the model you ever bought are used.
That like if they fucking shit a battletome SEA ELVES that disappeared 20 years ago and everyone is like -"lol you got a release what are you complaining about
>Elves have been no where to be seen in tournaments. They have won zero, placed high in zero tournaments. (if you can find a counter example please show me).
So now i need to find results online for 20 years of gaming and 4 editions all around the world (i presume) or it will be nothing else but "a local meta thing" ?
This as to be bait. Or you are 14.
In late 8th Dark elves were consistently top8 because of all the reroll everywhere and anti magic.
Early 8th High elves AND dark elves were tabling everyone thanks to pendant great banner faggot and Lion Hordes
in 7th they were the brokenest just after demon
In 6th ALL THREE ELVES were consistently scoring high.
In 5th AKA ELF HEROHAMMER, Wood and high elves stomped everything
In 1992 in 4th edition They were already so widespread they got into the starter. Simplified the statline made elves OP (lol best movement, best shooting and best magic in the game lolol while being tied for best melee and best monster)
Introducing a card-based magic system the new formula for determining point values of units made them absolutely undercosted for what they were.
Im really sorry that THIS YEAR they aren't top3 like they were in the past 25.
Alternatively the game is also composed of 12 other former armies and now 4 great allegiance divided in more or less 100 faction (15! of which are elves)
no recommendations?
Dear /aosg/ bros,
What should my next army be? I've got some Christmas money coming in, and I want to find a good use for it.
I currently have Bloodbound and Slaanesh daemons. I've been eyeing other grand alliances, but I don't know what to start first.
Order: I'm interested in Wanderers/Wood Elves and have been for some time. I never played WHFB, but I would have picked them if I had started a few years ago.
Destruction: Ironjawz. Never was a huge orc fan but these guys are cool. I'm also curious if they play nice with bonesplittaz. IIRC, ironjawz don't have they're own benefits and traits and shit in their battle tome right? Would possibly adding some bonesplittaz in the future cause me problems?
Death: Bone Zone. The appeal of this is pretty self explanatory. Also I think the morghast models are badass.
What should I get first dudes? Odds are good I'll probably start all of them eventually.
Secondary options are to wait for rumored new elf stuff to see if I like it better, wait for new Slaanesh (maybe forever), or just buy something totally different.
Well you already have 600 points and 2 battle line.
Pic any lord and a slaanesh deamon chariot and you have a 1K point army.
>using type of currency to discredit other posters
>muh slavshit
wow it's nothing.
Can't stand opinions of others?
Better call them shitposters and insult based on place of birth, that will surely show them.
Not to forget caps-lock
>Also i guess sylvaneth are TOTALLY NOT! Elves now.
they aren't. They are treekin-ish race
dude stop being butthurt, you create more salt and shitpostage than the other dude and he probably didn't intend to argue with anyone
Destruction is the only real and non edgy faction of the settings.
They also have the best monster diversity thanks to FW and can counter anything.
All the big monsters are viable and strong, Giants are cool and the global aesthetic is truly great.
I use my moonclan a lot with monstrous arcanum reinforcement. Basically all destruction army are really strong, and you have monsters spiders that looks so great.
Death well.. only have FEC fleshed out right now, and there wont be another battletome before at least 5 elves battletome judging by the last 10 AoS generals.
If you like them its cool tho.
They are great because re-spawning isn't MAGIC, its just a passive ability.
Morghast super cool and i field the ones with 5 attacks a LOT given how much more useful they are now compared to WHFB.
really depend on what you'll like to paint the most between green and white i guess.
Elves being strong in the span of the last 25 years isn't an opinions tho.
Sorry i nailed it on your currency tho ;^)
most shitpost do revolves around people screecaping GW's website with all prices in PLN, slav.
Play Moonclan ya git!
But in all seriousness I'd say wait. Who knows, maybe in the summer there will be some new AoS releases. It'd be a shame for you to start a new army just to see something you like release and then have no money for it.
> No army
> but wants ideas for a second one
Here is my recommendation user:
Make your first fucking army.
>Order: I'm interested in Wanderers/Wood Elves and have been for some time. I never played WHFB, but I would have picked them if I had started a few years ago.
i'm interested in Elves myself but i would wait for some type of battletome or anything that would sum up at least one race nicely.
>Destruction: Ironjawz. Never was a huge orc fan but these guys are cool. I'm also curious if they play nice with bonesplittaz. IIRC, ironjawz don't have they're own benefits and traits and shit in their battle tome right? Would possibly adding some bonesplittaz in the future cause me problems?
Ironjawz are very strong but their movement is incredibly slow. You can boost them with usage of surprise charges and stuff though. They have some mechanics for that
>Death: Bone Zone. The appeal of this is pretty self explanatory. Also I think the morghast models are badass.
I didn't think about anything from Death, at least yet.
Myself i would ask you if it would be better to get Khorne Bloodbound or just go Slaves to Darkness and make them into whatever i want?
Love the green, not so in love with the red marble.
Thing is the Lord of Slaanesh have a command ability that only targets MORTAL SLAANESH, so basically either only himself or the hellstriders of slaanesh, which im not going to buy because I really don't like how they look.
(Although is there a cool way to convert them cooler?)
Go start a blog or something, because that post is too fucking long.
Make your point in three to four sentences or get the fuck out
k bro, whatever floats your boat
+ i am not this user >
make of that whatever you please
Then get a nice keeper of secret (sorry for the 30 years old ugly overpriced sculpt in failcast)
Alternatively take the FW keeper of secret since he isn't that expensive, and you'll be able to use it in bigger game as the exalted version.
You just need that and a chariot, really.
Or you could take a mounted Slaanesh Mortal hero and some Slaanesh marked chaos knight.
(I have one FW Keeper that is in its box for now 5 years i could send you for free if i wasn't 18 330 kilometers away from my home)
I feel the same way.
The red was more difficult to do because my process involved mixing white and black pigment into the same base colour, but mixing white with red produced a pink colour that I didn't want. I like the way it turned out but the green one definitely looks better.
damn you live in the other side of the world or what?
usa to australia?
thanks for proposing anyways user
Can you zoom on the green one ? on the pattern most specifically.
What is your goal to finish the gold ?
Green/blue + gold fits much better than red+gold.
nice work user
fw exhalted keeper just got new rules too.
what about daemon prince of slaanesh as b0ss?
I indeed fled France to New Zealand..
Most of my models are still in the boat.
Heres an older shot of the green warsphinx
Photos dont do it justice because of the ardcoat
Isn't the fluff terrible for AoS?
Like utter and complete shit.
> France to new Zealand
>Isn't the fluff terrible for AoS?
>Like utter and complete shit.
more like there is barely any fluff right now.
Old world died and new was born of remnants.
Which means new lore has to be made over years.
Some deities and heroes might/comeback but changed.
Like Gorkamorka which is Gork + Mork combined
I unironically enjoyed the Realmgate War series
I've read over 100+ BL books
They've overtaken 2 shelves and a wardrobe
I would love a pic of that
>tfw got a 50% discount at gw
>only want to collect tomb kings
Nah its alright. I havent been dissapointed but I havent been blown away yet. Im waiting for the fluff to stop establishing story and setting and get more specialised. I want to know more about the seraphon, I found the battletome a little light on what I wanted to know about.
Got a battletome of Seraphons,
which one would be nice next?
Preferably something from CHAOS allegiance
Read Skaven pestilens legends book in OP. Got more stuff and a hilarious backstabby skaven clan.
I love an idea of army made of big dinosaurs and lizard riding lizards.
I don't think that I'll use anything form start collecting besides big dino, so I'm looking at:
Is this box a good start point? I'd probably add skinks screens or saurus guards along with them. And mandatory lazer platform.
well for being what they are, they are strong. Engine of the Gods has insane bonuses that can fuck up the whole game for the enemy like additional turn for you.
Carnosaur is strong af.
Bastiladon with lazor melts people.
Only thing i dunno much about are ripperdactyls
I'm planning on going to a tournament which rulled all spells, artifacts, and abilities to be randomly rolled. I was planning on just bringing a generic 1k Kunnin' Rukk list, but randomly rolling has made me humor going general Destruction and swapping out my Wargogg Prophet and Weirdnob Shaman for something else.
What do you think, Veeky Forums? I'm not going to have much use out of them if I roll shitty spells. Should I just pack an extra 20 archers? Try to squeeze in some sort of hammer unit for when the archers turn into an anvil? Take 2 squads of Big Stabbas? I've been pretty underwhelmed by boar boys in the past, but I guess I could pack 2 squads of those.
The core I'm running boils down to:
Kunnin' Rukk
Savage Big Boss
10 Savage Orks
10 Savage Orks
40 Arrow Boys
TLDR: 240 points left what do
>40 Arrow boys
I want to see
>40 Shoota Boyz
in a few years, after GW make end times and age of emperor in 40k.
See a problem with that?
After reviewing my options, I'm thinking of taking an Ork Warboss on Wyvern or some Mangler Squigs just to split my enemy's focus. Only issue is finding the Wyvern Boss model.
buy whatever monster you can with the other 240, or some fast units like boarboyz
You have no physical hammer.
You'll stomp with a list like that anyway.
If you want big dino monsters then check out the Thunderquake Starhost
Boss is webstore exclusive. He means you're a cheesemonger for running 40 arrow boys in a kunnin rukk.
>being triggered
he is super triggered
So how many people uses third party minis in their army? I'm making most of my Free Guilders out of historical minis.
>out of historical minis
Heroic Scale i hope.
True scale looks terrible when put side by side to heroic scale.
True scale. I like to think of it as the other way around.
There is only so much fun to be had in a competitive setting. I plan to have all of it.
Trust me when I say the Arrowboys never leave the case at the FLGS. There's no joy to be had in rolling 300+ dice a game at 1k points.
The Lord on Daemonic Steed can work. He can always cast the command ability on himself and he trigger the loci of the Daemonettes because he has the Daemon Keyword.
It does not replace a KoS, but he works well in smaller games.
How's this for a seraphon list? I've got 1 sc box so far but I'm having trouble incorporating all the models into a decent list.
+++ Seraphon (Age of Sigmar v8) (1500pts) +++
++ Pitched Battle (2,000) (Grand Alliance: Order v26) (1500pts) ++
+ Uncategorised +
Allegiance [Seraphon]
+ Leader (220pts) +
Saurus Sunblood (120pts)
Skink Priest (100pts)
+ Leader/Behemoth (580pts) +
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320pts)
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260pts)
+ Behemoth (200pts) +
Stegadon (200pts)
+ Battleline (400pts) +
Saurus Warriors (100pts) [10 Saurus Warriors]
Saurus Warriors (100pts) [10 Saurus Warriors]
Saurus Warriors (200pts) [2x 10 Saurus Warriors]
+ Battalion (100pts) +
Battalion: Bloodclaw Starhost (100pts)
my 400 zombies are kings of war zombie.
superior in gw ones in everyway and i got the lot during a wayland sale for like 120€.
400 zombies for 120€.
played them a lot in whfb 8th and i never saw someone desagreeing their superiority compared to GWs.
Most Vampire count players asked what it was the first time i bring them and they basically all ended up ordering from that same sale batch.
GWs have no saying in our tournament scene and most GW store dont even accept games anymore due to lack of tables.
so its not a problem for us.
Most of our terrain comes from Tabletop World. Also tremendously superior to GW's offering.
Illegal list, you don't have enough valid heroes for a Bloodclaw Starhost - it requires an Oldblood and 3 other Saurus heroes
>Mostly Tabletop World
Are you guys made of dosh? Lucky.
I have the sunblood, priest and scar-vet
>>Aenarion the Defender
Skink Priest is not a Saurus hero
Oh damn I thought it called for 3 heroes, well I can convert a scar vet on cold one pretty easily so ill run him instead of the priest.
+++ Seraphon (Age of Sigmar v8) (1500pts) +++
++ Pitched Battle (2,000) (Grand Alliance: Order v26) (1500pts) ++
+ Uncategorised +
Allegiance [Seraphon]
+ Leader (220pts) +
Saurus Sunblood (120pts)
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Cold One(100pts)
+ Leader/Behemoth (580pts) +
Saurus Oldblood on Carnosaur (320pts)
Saurus Scar-Veteran on Carnosaur (260pts)
+ Behemoth (200pts) +
Stegadon (200pts)
+ Battleline (400pts) +
Saurus Warriors (100pts) [10 Saurus Warriors]
Saurus Warriors (100pts) [10 Saurus Warriors]
Saurus Warriors (200pts) [2x 10 Saurus Warriors]
+ Battalion (100pts) +
Battalion: Bloodclaw Starhost (100pts)
A slow melee army cannot do well in competitive AOS.
You have almost no ability to focus fire key units (stegadon bow is good but not enough by itself) and your opponent can easily outmaneuver you, or position defensive units in your charge path and then cripple you with a riposte.
You have low rend across the board aside from the Stegadon, and it will get poked down before it gets to melee so it will usually be at Rend-2. Combined with the lack of mortal wounds you will struggle to deal with high saves.
You don't need to force a Bloodclaw Starhost, the bonuses aren't that good and you are spending too many points on Warriors. Swap the 40 warriors to 15 knights or 10 guard + 5 knights, swap one of the Carnosaurs for a Bastiladon (gives you a powerful ranged attack and an anchor to build a defensive line) then bring a Skink Priest and Skink Starseer for support.
If those are the models you have then it's not a bad list.
they gave some crazy deals a couple years back. just wait for christmas each time.
Also saved 480€ by buying Kings zombiew instead of GW. even if i only ever used 200 tops in huge games after so many turn of nehek.
Thats a lot of tabletop world scenery for 480 with christmas deals (basically all you will ever realistically need and more)
the other 200 fill the diorama at home and the shelf. Given the price i wont complain.
Vandus would rek Aenarion.
I only have what comes in the sc box, the carnosaur is magnetized so it can be whatever. My plan was to buy another sc box and a bastiladon to keep costs somewhat down, as two carnosaurs seem quite good. But like I mentioned before , I'm having slot of trouble building a decent list, everything costs slot of points and seemed to need quite a chunk of support
I was a little overwhelmed when I started, too. Just get out there and play games. Seraphon feel overcosted but they usually perform very well.
Second all of this as excellent advice. This is literally everything wrong with my army, which I am now trying to fix.
>so much focus on competitive play and Waac
>by the time I finish my army and show up to my first game it is going to be kroak vortex bone zone mortal wound raiders every game
I too am worrying about that. I've only painted 5 brutes and a mega boss on foot and it's taken me like 2 months. I was going to get the start collecting box next since it seemed like a good deal but already reading "don't bother with gore grunts they are shit". This is just 40k again isn't it.... I swear the ease of collation of information provided by the internet has ruined a lot of vidya James and table top. I hope generals handbook 2 fixes point costs in things people are calling shit.
Gore Gruntas killed my Warden King on turn 2 today on their own so...not bad? Also wrecked a unit of Quarrellers.
Does a formation need to be of the same allegiance as the army?
Example I have a bunch of beastclaw and gutbuster stuff, could I run it all together as a destruction army and have gutbuster formation and beastclaw formations?
just dont play WAAC neckbeards.
Gore gruntas are nice, just not brokenly retarded like some people want them to be.
you can do whatever as long as you have enough Battleline and leaders.
Would I need battle line units for both factions? I mean to fill the formations I likely already would
I think you just need battleline to fill the requirements of play, not for both factions. Needing to fill full army requirements twice seems rather silly, yeah?
hey bros, got Seraphon battletome but i feel like one more army.
What would you recommend?
Chaos allegiance preferably
Which army looks cool?
Isn't this the 3rd time you've posted shit in here? Go get an army dweeb.
wat da fuk man
Anyone know what sort of round base a Warboss on a Wyvern goes on? Not even GW's site seems to have the round base size in the description.
so it turns out the only slightly nearby (still over 2 hours away) game store only plays AoS on nights I have to work late, and there are no clubs around that I could find.
Even 40k barely has players around here. I don't understand if I am honest. The city I live in has a million people, but none of them like plastic army men?
That's hard to believe, I live outside a city of a couple hundred thousand and we have three FLGS and sigmar is played weekly at at least two
3 Tenebrael Shard Leader 360 points
2 units of 10 Darkshards Battleline 200
1 unit of 10 Executioners 200 points
1 Cauldron of Blood Leader Behemoth 220 points
3 units of 10 Witch Aelves 420 points
1 Exiled Blood Cult formation 80 points
total points: 1480
The highlights about this list is that it is very good at dishing mortal wounds. The three units of Witch Aelves and the Executioners will generate a mortal wound on a to wound roll of 6.
The Executioners already do 2 mortal wounds on to hit rolls of 6.
The cauldron of blood command ability grants one unit the ability to pile in and attack twice in the combat phase. The Cauldron of blood also grants a +1 to wound bonus to one unit per turn providing nice synergy with the mortal wounds on 6+ to wound.
The battleline tax is darkshards who will screen the flanks and try to be available to sit on objectives while they shoot.
The Tenebrael Shards teleport during the hero phase to any location on the board within 3 inches of any enemy model and if they kill any model can immediately make a move of 8 inches when their attacks are resolved. They aren't the best at killing high armor save targets but they can do the job of back line harassment and enemy movement blocking very well.
The general strategy is to use the teleporting assassins to lock down the enemy high value targets and pick off priority enemy characters / war machines. The Cauldron of Blood, witch elves and executioners deploy and move very aggressively up the field (probably getting turn 1 due to 5 of the units deploying as a formation). Lots of choppy choppy and mortal wounds later everything should be dead or on the run.
Looking for feedback here. last thread archived with no responses. any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations?
Pic is a mash up of everything cool about the army.
I thought I told your ass to FINISH THE FIRST ARMY YOU FUCK
Why wouldn't you just spam cauldrons for the stacking save instead of pussyfooting around with the Shards?
Buy start collecting box.
Will give you big dinosaur and all the battle line you will need.
Two not! Allosaurus better than one
asking the same question here.
That's extremely tiny. I've seen 120x90, 100mm round, and 105x70 tossed around, though.