what are some settings that do surrealism fine, and possibly subtle?
any own ideas on quests, settings and plot devices?
what are some settings that do surrealism fine, and possibly subtle?
any own ideas on quests, settings and plot devices?
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really no one?
Define surrealism bucko
Set your entire campaign in the world of The Middens / Gingiva
It's Dada surrealism, it's also a videogame RPG with stats and stuff, which is free to try.
It actually has a coherent story line and characters, interdenominational nomad fleeing from cultural degeneration, talking omnicidal buddihst gun, keyheaded factory working woman gone militant suffragette and a sentient mouth looking for redemption, to name a few of the main characters.
>Dada surrealism
So is it Dada or is it Surrealism?
both i guess.
it's not that cut and dry y'know
This is a nice thread.
I'd argue that it is very cut and dry in terms of what is Dada and what is Surrealism, never in the history of arts have there been something one could call "Dada surrealist", could there be confusion and someone mistaking a Dada for a Surrealist? Sure but in theory both ideas are different, one focuses on symbolism and taking your inner self into a work of art while the other is a reflection of a senseless world. Are they connected? Yes, very but both are intrinsically opposite of each other and their only similarity is their seeming nonsensical nature.
My first ever RPG group would always meet late at night (around 9PM usually). Our regular DM had insomnia and had to take Ambien before our sessions. He was also kind of an alcoholic, and often drank on top of that. Sometimes shit got weird. One time the party was walking along the road when we came across an old man and a young boy. The old man was named Norbert (I actually forget the name, but I remember it was real but unusual). The boy was also named Norbert. They were travelling to a city called Norbert. The old man had been travelling since he was a young boy, when an travelling old man named Norbert asked if he would accompany him on his journey.
Honestly, text doesn't capture the full experience. It was downright eerie when the DM was recounting all this in a flat, soft, trancelike voice
Yes, yes we're all very impressed, user, but that doesn't change the fact that they mean essentially the same thing informally, outside of an art history context. You might as well say "It can't be surrealist because Andre Breton is dead."
Don't Rest Your Head and Noumenon come to mind immediately.
Well excuse me princess for trying to use concepts like they're meant to, next time I'll just say "whacky random stuff".
>like they're meant to
Hey, if you want to turn this into an autistic pissing context, definition is determined by usage (in English and outside of a technical context, anyway). Both terms are widely used informally to refer to "whacky random stuff," so it's actually you who's using them wrong (or at least, in an overly narrow way).
Fallout 2 best Fallout
Prove me wrong faggots
i couldnt even if i wanted.
i wish we could have a remake with polished mechanics and mod support
I don't quite understand what you're meaning by surreal OP, let alone 'subtle Surrealism'.
I mean there's some really fucking demented shit like FATAL and World of Synnabarr, and then the shit where it's like 'oh you meet a dwarf who speaks in half ryme ain't that kooky?
Well, again, excuse me princess for assuming we were discussing concepts like they are generally defined and not in an enitrely colloquial manner because its not like OP defined what he meant by "surrealism", now I know he clearly meant "whacky random stuff for the lols".
Whats the point of using words when they dont mean what you mean? If I say "this" I generally dont mean "that", I mean "this" and when I say "Surrealism" I mean shit has to do with dreams not "random and a general lack of sense", when I refer to an idea that has a clear definition I dont generally say "No you're wrong I meant this other thing that isnt that related to that other thing".
Whats the point? I guess there is none and words have no value.
I don't know why we haven't, given the popularity of the new ones.
I just couldn't get into 1 and 2. I wanted to like them, but the UI was too clunky and archaic to be enjoyable.
I know what surrealism literally means you dumb faggot, I'm asking for context. It's like asking "hey are there any systems that support 18th century Impressionism?"
Literally any system can support surrealism in the "ooooh things are getting weird" way since that's entirely on the GMs shoulders dipshit.
Don't ask for help if you're an uncooperative little bitch boy you stupid headed fuck
Again, they do have meanings. Those meanings are defined by usage as I clearly stated before.
I explained why you were wrong, yet you continue to cling to the formal definitions when OP's fucking Fallout image makes it clear exactly what kind of surrealism he meant
There's elements of both, it borrows heavily from the visual themes of both.
i dont think that was a question of system to begin with.
everybody except you got that
there are patches for 2 out to make the UI easier to use, and add a bunch of stuff.
Thanks. I'll give it another shot
Fine, sorry, I wont ever start discussions on anything ever as everyone clearly means the simplest definition on everything ever and discussions are meaningless.
OP here
if you want to argue about semantics, fuck off to Veeky Forums
This is the gayest thread of all time. Full stop.
Use your goddamn words. No one replied for the first two hours because you put the minimal effort forth to start a post like a beggar, who isn't even really saying what he's asking for.
Literally ANY setting can deliver surrealism.
what are some settings that do surrealism fine, and possibly subtle?
any own ideas on quests, settings and plot devices?
i asked the same question on different sites and no one but Veeky Forums had any problem knowing what i was asking for.
well, what do i expect from people that hang out online because they are too retarded to find a gaming group?
Every setting. That's your answer. Give me more to work with than "what setting can do surrealism fine, maybe subtle?"
Every setting. Give us the scale and scope and more to work with. Are you looking for a surreal quest or two? Are you looking for some sort of Salvador Dali Alice in wonderland campaign? Like, your asking about the aesthetics and theme of a game, and most settings are more than capable of accommodating any play style.
What system do you plan on using? If you don't have a system in mind, ask about that too since if we are looking for fear / mind altering mechanics there are vast swathes of games that don't even support that as a concept mechanically and it would be all on you to make that happen.
Also nice assumption, kid.
You can't throw out a bone stripped of all flesh at us and say "make my favourite meal for me" when you aren't giving us the cooking tools or even telling us what your favourite meal is.
If your question is "what settings are more surreal / otherworldly than others" then that's what you should have asked in the first place.