This is huge
LTC to be joining BTC on the NYSE!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Wish I had more than 3
Just when I decided to dump my bags because of the constant drops over the past days.
What a surprise >_>. Litecoin is most likely to be the second d coin to get futures BTW.
using >_> on this site.
You goddamn low test faggot.
>reddit spacing
>Giving a shit about a smily :^)
kys niggers, I don't need to confirm to your idealisms.
>buy high sell low
>Ignore ratios, focus on usd
Stay poor
Huge if true
True if true
True if huge
If true huge
Recession incoming they know their shit stock ponzi is up
>being this butthurt
fuck off edgy faggot
anyone who uses >_> is probably older than 25, respect your elders
Means more forbripple than little titty coin.
Pajeet shills get justed soon enough. You got warned. The ride is over for this season
Extremely Big if Not False
>want milky
Who's got the Hodler vs. Daytrader comic?