in 40k, what ever happened to the jews? judaism is probably the religion most likely to survive relatively unchanged until the Great Crusade. How would they react to the God-Emperor of Mankind? Would they hail him as the Messiah or pretend to follow the Imperiums religious beliefs as they did when persecuted by the Spanish Inquisition?
In 40k, what ever happened to the jews...
Not even a joke.
Purged. The Emperor had the best interest of mankind in mind.
Technically speaking, they could have survived. They'd have been folded into the Imperial Cult though, very likely, as his appearance doesn't contradict and in fact could fit Jewish Messianic beliefs. You could also see a lot of Conversos, but they'd be persecuted probably just as badly as in the Inquisition.
Given how Jews have had problems staying alive for last couple thousand years I would say that they probably went extinct during the pre-imperial time period.
>in 40k, what ever happened to the jews?
They worship something other than the Emperor or the human form. The same thing happened to them as happened to the Christians and Muslims.
Jews have always had problems surviving, but we're still here. Shit, by 40k there are going to be a lot more "They tried to kill us, they failed, let's eat" holidays.
They won't exist, all religions are purged and anyone who doesn't convert and worship the god of mankind is killed. Even religions that are like "the emperor is a Messiah" are still purged because they don't believe he is the god emperor.
Any religious worship outside of the emperor's cult is instant heresy.
I want to know if in my lifetime I'm going to see the Jews get together for a Holocaust celebration, with little chocolate yellow stars.
>implying judaism exists in the 40k universe
Wishful thinking.
They where named Squats.
The Emperor likely destroyed their cultural identity during the Unification Wars on Earth, and what survived among the stars was likely consumed by the Imperial Cult upon the Emperor's internment in the golden throne.
A few pockets of their religion MAY exist in uncharted space outside the Astronomican's reach, but they'd be completely at the mercy of whatever happens to find them, and as bad as the Imperium is, the grand majority of the galaxy is much, much worse to humans than the Imperium.
This thread reminds me of the Amish Jews in the later Dune books.
There are better days to celebrate, like when Israel repelled 7 armies from all sides.
The earliest archaeological record of the Jews is an Egyptian inscription bragging that they finally, at long last, have destroyed the Jews.
Also, the penal legions of Bar El are strongly implied to be Jewish. Presumably unrepentant Jews discovered still worshipping underground.
Finally, isn't it fanon that one of his ancient daughters converted and became Orthodox? And his son in law was a key adviser. So I think he'd cut the Jews some slack.
There's also a lot of rumors that the Emperor was either Jesus Christ or one of his disciples in ancient history, but that didn't really stop him from stamping out religion as soon as he realized it wasn't worth it anymore.
They founded the Blood Ravens
Xenos scum get purged user. Actually, all three Ordos would have claims to remove them.
In 40K there are thousands of human planets with more history than present day Earth. Humanity has left Earth and been fractured multiple times over the course of tens of thousands of years. The Imperium is a relatively recent human revivalist movement started by basically the only being that would have any recollection of the 21st century idea of what Jews are.
This massive field for variation means that there are Jews exactly as we know them. There are also cultures that all themselves Jews for some obscure technical reason even though they are nothing like Jews. There are also cultures that call themselves Jews because they independently decided to put a J in front of the ew sound for their name. There are also people who follow the teachings of someone named Jay Lewis and call themselves the Jaylewishes, but have gone through several linguistic changes that have shorted the name.
Given that they were saved by mostly christian British and American, and State-Atheist soviet soldiers i dont think so.
Obviously it's all been subsumed by the Imperial cult, like other religions and philosophical concepts, but do we even know that organized religion was still extent for the rise of the Emperor?
Adeptus Mechanicus, albeit a heretical subset:
>We believe in the God-Emperor, and that he was an exceptionally good Tech-Priest, but not the true Omnissiah
Joking aside, there's a good stretch of 25,000 years before the Emperor shows up, and that time is pocketed with artificial intelligence rebellions, psykers emerging, humanity expanding into space and building technological and psychic wonders, unprecedented scientific mastery, and devolving into techno-barbarians. It's unlikely much of anything from the 20th century survives to the 300th. Well Nikola Tesla's skull did at least.
They live on Mars now.
It's "possible." If I remember correctly, Black Library opened up a whole shitstorm about Old Pious Ollianus being a Perpetual whom despite it all was able to hide out in the Ultramar system to practice his Catharic faith.
And if a legitimate Catholic could survive well into the Horus Heresy, what's to keep the Jewish faith from surviving underground? If nothing else, American Reform Judaism nowadays is only two steps removed from atheism anyway.
Of course, the thought of them surviving these millenia completely unaltered would be get another example of "GW Originality" (aka Chapterhouse Dune).
>in 40k, what ever happened to the jews?
Dissolved in the 22nd Century when the Messiah failed to appear, most likely; their prophecies have a time limit.
>Finally, isn't it fanon that one of his ancient daughters converted and became Orthodox? And his son in law was a key adviser. So I think he'd cut the Jews some slack.
So he was making humanity great again?
they travelled back in time and founded Games Workshop
Wiped out in the great purge of 2017.
That would be a fast, not a feast.
Jewish holidays come in two forms:
1: They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat
2: They tried to kill us, we survived, we must not eat.
And I believe that holocaust remembrance has been folded into Zom Gedaliah.
AH, the Messianics took over.
How would the AM do a circumcision?
>his appearance doesn't contradict and in fact could fit Jewish Messianic beliefs
Ehh, not really. Part of Jewish messianic beliefs is that the Messiah is going to lead the entire world to the acknowledgement of the Jewish God as creator and master of the universe, which Emps doesn't really do.
>Magos Goldstein, we have removed your foreskin and the rest of your genitals and replaced them with a plasma cannon
>Praise the omnissiah!
>You fools!
>I already had a plasma cannon down there!
>You were supposed to give one to my son!
>8 days old is the perfect time to wield dangerous weaponry!
And the moyel of the story is...
Wheel of morality, turn turn turn, tell us the lesson that we must learn!
>Lather, rinse, repeat
They were wiped out long before mankind founded extrasolar colonies. Hell, it's practically a necessity.
Since he *is* capital G God then yes he did.
"The Emperor's name is the most important word in the universe because it was the very first word." - paraphrased from Pariah cause I don't have the book in front of me. Horus Heresy is fantastical boasting.
>judaism is probably the religion most likely to survive relatively unchanged
No. Just no.
Judaism has a long history of change: starting from when they were probably making the mulk baal sacrifice of their first-born sons to El and worshiping Yahweh as the son of El and god of Israel to the Deuteronomic reforms under king Josiah, to the Babylonian captivity and Roman conquering to Book of Daniels apocalyptic beliefs in a resurrection and afterlife to modern Talmudic Judaism which makes the most asinine and twisted arguments to make Judaism into something completely different again.
>but we're still here
Yeah and that is working out very well for goys.
Thanks asshole.
Judaism views messianism and divinity as exclusive roles. Plus, there's the whole "non-physicality" of divinity.
That's only a modern conceit. In the Jahwist source of the bible Yahweh is heavily anthropomorphised. Additionally, there's the parts of the bible which resemble ancient Canaanite religion where El or Yahweh are thought to be just one of many gods.
Assuming you mean the Merneptah Stele, no, it's not saying they've killed all Jews, it's saying the Egyptians had crushed their enemies again (they rarely recorded their defeats), in this case Caananites, including the Jews.
The phrasing 'Israel is laid waste, its seed is no more' is part of a larger sequence that describes the submission of the Nine Bows (the enemies of Egypt, one of which at the time was the Caananites) bowing to the Pharaoh; the destruction of their seed (anything from literal seed in granaries to the 'flower of their youth' to use our modern parlance) doesn't mean the Egyptians claimed to have wiped out the jews; why would they want to. You would not be able to pay homage to Pharaoh if you were dead.
Of course, there's debate if Israel or Hebrews are mentioned at all, or if it is merely a coincidence.
If Merneptah ever said anything about those who are now jews (who would have been polytheists at the time) he wasn't claiming to have killed them all; that's just not in his interest. Killing the rowdy ones and restoring Ma'at, that's how Pharonic propaganda rolls.
So had Jesus', yet Christians are still here.