>the fairy insists she owes your party a favor
>she refuses to leave until you take her up on it
The fairy insists she owes your party a favor
I use the favor to have sex with the fairy
You can do me a favor by going away forever.
Be friends with me!
This is probably a plot hook, so yeah, I take her up on it.
That's actually funny way to railroad for stupid players.
Everytime they ignore a plot hook, a fairy comes up and starts bothering them until they pick it up.
By the end of the campaign they'd have an army camping on their bags.
Deals with the Fey never turn out as imagined. Ask her to fetch a nearby rock or stick or something and then dismiss her.
I'm not exactly sure what we did to earn a favor from her, nor am I sure we should accept. Hopefully the Wizard has enough knowledge of these creatures to identify just what it is she's asking of us.
I'll keep them around as a pet.
Reminds me of the time the DM complained about us not taking any plothooks on our way down a main path.
I took it up. Nobody else wanted to bother with it and I was rewarded with death by getting instantly jumped.
do me a favor and get outta my way
Ask her why, and evaluate if she can either help my old folks or do some espionage on the king-sanctioned cult.
She picks up the rock and it starts an avalanche.
How many cigarettes would be needed for a fairy to literally turn into tar?
A donut. With sprinkles.
Does she steal your cat?
Freeze her solid.
Well get busy, it ain't gonna suck itself.
Let's find out!
Was she a fairy?
Hey! Listen!
You are the new party scout. As you can infer, the last scout was killed, eaten by a bugbear warrior. Have fun.
Ask her to retrieve a Wish scroll which is not owned by anybody.
If you ever see her again, you'll be happy.
>turns out fae property laws pretty much consider possession to be ownership
>therefore, any wish scroll is considered unowned once she steaks it
>from the king's royal wizard
>who spent months searching for one at the king's behest
>in order to save the princess from a dreadful curse, who even now is teetering on the edge of death
Is that even a fucking question? Have you seen the animation, for fucks sake?
>when you hire a fairy to "legally" steal you a sole Wish scroll from the king's royal wizard that was meant to save a princess from a dreadful curse
[not that user]
What's this animation called?
Secret of the Kells
fucking underrated
If you've just look above your own post, you would notice
I was referring to the female soldier.
Eagle Ordinary. She's a Valhallan whose family has a history of dying in an increasingly spectacular manner. Imagine Lieutenant Dan + 40K + fire + sexual appeal. Have the full panel.
Yes... yes what? Da is literally one of few things I can read in cyrilic
"Witness me"?
I'd insist I only accept gifts in the form of currency, forcing the fairy to put a cash value to the favor they owe me. It'd be awkward enough the fairy would almost certainly never bother me again and on top of that I'd make a few copper for nothing.
I'm surprised we only got two responses along these lines.
Yes!!! Great!
This picture makes my pee-pee tingly and I don't know why.
because you're a pedo
I want to have sex with her chestnut
Im sorry i thought she was a fairy not a dickass genie.
They're not fucking Kender.
>inb4 she thinks turning us into fey is a favor
>inb4 we don't want to go back to normal after it happens due to fey thought patterns
Can she enchant anything, or give any party member(s) some power(s)?
Otherwise, I'm ambivalent and take what I can get. If she fucks shit up for us, I try my damnedest to ruin her day again.
Cake doughnut with sprinkles.
I know how you fae work.
You're following us around, trying to trick us about a favor you owe us that none of us remember so that we pick some inane thing for you to do, and suddenly, we all owe you a favor, each, because you did us a favor.
Thanks. Not sure how I feel about everything else shown, but she looks cute.
The white haired girl is one of the protagonists from Secret of the Kells.
Looks like it's animated pretty well; highly stylized aesthetic. The one song I heard from it was very good. I couldn't comment on its general quality.
Oops. That's a cover. Here's the actual song as it happens in the movie: youtube.com