/swg/ - Down with the Empire! edition

Previous thread: Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada Miniatures Games

Fantasy Flight Games’ Star Wars RPG System (EotE/AoR/FaD)

Other Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars Tabletop (Imperial Assault, Star Wars: Destiny and the Star Wars LCG)

Fantasy Flight Games Dice App (Works with X-Wing, Armada, the Star Wars RPG system and Imperial Assault)

Older Star Wars Tabletop (d6, d20/Saga, etc.)

Reference Materials & Misc. Resources

All Canon Novels and Comics (via /co/)

Just What IS Canon Anyways?

The Clone Wars Viewing Guide


Shipfag's hangar


PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: We are Release Day+5 on Rogue One. Please exercise proper spoiler usage when discussing it. That is all, people.

Other urls found in this thread:

geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Galactic Empire&d=v4!e!150:95,168,154,92,155,158:36:21:;51:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;184:-1:-1:-1:;71:18,22,-1:34:17:;28:18:5:1:M.15;239:27:48:31:&sn=Unnamed Squadron

we really need an X-wing cartoon, like the clone wars

based entirely around fighter combat, and with a rouge one tone (but less bleak and more "top gun" minus the gay overtones)

Alright, /swg/. I'm wondering what you guys might think about uh... about the character I have in a game of FFG Star Wars I'm playing in.


So the game my friend is running is ABY 12 and follows Paelleon's Remnant and basically, as part of a MASSIVE PR move (and a way to get a shit ton of territory) the Imperial Remnant is going after a dual sector controlled by noble houses who's main past time is chattel slavery.

This is has several effects: They will show the Galaxy they aren't Palpatine's New Order, they will gain a truck load of new space to work in, and most importantly, the New Republic can't do a damned thing about it.

Anyway. The character I am playing is one Orrel Starthane, a member of the Emperor's Royal Guard, formerly of the Red Guard of the Supreme Chancellor, and before that a member of the Senatorial Guard.

His backstory is simple, he impressed the Supreme Chancellor enough to be inducted from the Senatorial Guard into the Red Guard and then was made into a Royal Guardsman after the Ascension of the Empire.

A friend described the character as an Old SS Trooper, believes the Party Line as Gospel, but also that Politics are For the Emperor.

In fact, Orrel was at the Battle of Endor! Stationed aboard the Majestic (the Emperor's personal Star Destroyer) and during the fight, when retreat was sounded, the captain of the Majestic ordered that they open a channel to the Home One, that perhaps the victorious rebels would be gracious in their surrender.

Unfortunately for the unnamed captain, he did this in the presence of the head of the Royal Guard cadre stationed on the Majestic, and Orrel proceeded to spill the man's entrails on the deck of the Majestic's bridge. "We fight." There was no word of offense from the rest of the bridge crew.

Either way, Orrel bounced from one Imperial Warlord to the Next, trying to find someone that he believed would be worthy of reuniting the Empire, but has so far found them all to be lacking.


>Someone on Tumblr pointed out that the mainline Star Wars movies are stories being recounted, thus the opening crawl, and that Rogue One, since it didn't have an opening crawl, was a story lost to history. The untold story of the unknown heroes.


Starthane had also spent a good portion of the intervening 8 years killing off a select few no name fighter squadron leaders and starship captains of the New Republic, and in fact has a bounty large enough on him that one of the other PCs (a bounty hunter) commented that Starthane's bounty is the kind of score that one can retire off of.

To which Starthane replied to her: Dying is no way to make one's living.

But I digress. Honestly, the character is essentially Barristan Selmy IN SPAAAAACE as a bad ass trooper. It's a knight level game, so he's built to charge into blaster fire and jedi alike and come out for the better.

I just thought I'd ask /swg/ what they though tof the dude.



If anything, I'm hoping we get a new cartoon following Luke and everyone from the period between RotJ and TFA. I know they are deliberately keeping stuff vague for Episode VIII but we seriously need to start exploring that specific era.

If by cartoon, you mean "anime done by the Macross Plus team," then yes. Fuck yes. Sunrise is an acceptable runner-up.

>minus the gay overtones

yeah go full gay

What are some good adventure ideas for squadron-based campaigns?

>Knight level game

Ok that makes more sense. As a starter character Not-Kir Kanos feels a little snowflakey but it could work at higher XP levels.

That would definitely be cool but almost certainly isn't happening as they are gonna slow burn the secrets of that era over the whole trilogy.

My dream shows are:
1) Live action scum and villainy themed show about space trucking or bounty hunting
2) Star Wars Black Lagoon

I've basically resigned myself to the fact that the movies are gonna be great but the other media for nucanon is gonna be mediocre to shit with maybe a few nuggets of greatness. Same as it ever was

>Strike & Fade missions
>convoy hijacking
>run CAP/CAS for ground teams
>hunt down enemy Aces (and maybe cash in bounties)
>defense missions
>armed recon
>starfighter theft
>test out new prototype starfighters
>trenchrun the superweapon of the week

stuff to rip off/get inspired by
>U.N Squadron / Area 88
>Top Gun
>Tie Fighter
>X-Wing Alliance
>Wing Commander
>ALL the Ace Combat (except Assault Horizon, fuck that game)


>down with the empire

Say that again, scum.

Sure would be a shame if you guys bumped into each other flying so close

I think the Bacta War would be pretty cool for a CGI adaptation.


I've come to accept that, for whatever reason, the people of Star Wars don't undersand the concept of reconnaissance or even security cameras. At least in the on-screen portions of the franchise.

There are the security cameras in the DS detention bay (and apparently only there) that Han shoots out in the very first movie and some probe droids in that market where Cassian meets his informant with the most recent movie but that appears to be it. Otherwise people seem to be able to just walk around in or near the most important security installations in the galaxy without being seen unless they mive into an actual person's line of site.

I just remembered the Jedi Tenple had cameras so that's three instances I guess.


meta-reason is that when it was made in the 70s, they only had vague concepts of security cameras, and didnt grasp how prevalent they would become

in-universe reason: cameras are a waste of money, when droids exist

I honestly think he's distinct enough from Kir Kanos to be his own character.

Especially since he missed out on the Clone Emperor's call.

Well, less missed and more flat out ignored, telling the rest of the cadre that the Emperor was dead and that they will find nothing but death with the Clone Emperor.

But if he's a true believer in the party line and feels that "Politics are For the Emperor," wouldn't he be the first guy to jump on that train? It's the literal rebirth of the New Order.

For the curious, this is what they're talking about:

The last one in particular is really good.

I would also love for them to introduce a few new fighters to get fresh blood flowing. Not another TIE offshoot or something-Wing, but honest-to-God fresh designs.

Go on. Step into the escape pod. Quickly.


That's a clever take on it

Well, hence why he went from warlord to warlord. He was looking for a new emperor to serve. The Emperor is Dead, long live the Emperor. In a lot of cases, the warlords he found lacking, he'd leave dead thinking he did the Empire a favor.

Also there's the whole he was tracking down a rebel captain and was too busy smothering the man on his death bed in a hospital on ORD Mantell when all that happened.

("Killing a man that's already dying... was it petty? Was it spiteful? Oh, absolutely. But it was right.")

I like that the rebels did not just go straight alohah snackbar

It was eased into position and then went to push. It was way more believable to me

Man, i loved so much the nods to old canon, that, monkbro, and motherfucking Vader just made the experience such an internal squee fest.

I have seen this several times and always enjoy seeing it again.

The only thing however, is those Star Destroyers at the end, making a fucking 90 degree turn on a fucking dime.

Cameras are either so shitty as to not be worth it, or good enough for scavengers to rip it apart from its blind spot and sell it for scrap. Indoor cameras are basically replaced by droids.

Cameras can be sliced and footage replaced. Mk.1 eyeball is the only thing you can really trust

My brother found rogue one too cheesy, I am horrified but respect his opinion. Some of the deaths were a little over the top (Partly I believe to preserve the Romatic/Heroic nature of the franchise amidst all that grit.) and the speeches were definitely cheesy, plus the Father meeting was a bit Schmaltzy.

>Mk.1 eyeball is the only thing you can really trust

Goddamn right

>Over the top deaths
>cheesy speeches

Sounds like every war movie to me baka fampai

geordanr.github.io/xwing/?f=Galactic Empire&d=v4!e!150:95,168,154,92,155,158:36:21:;51:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;191:19,126,58,14,-1,-1:-1:25:;184:-1:-1:-1:;71:18,22,-1:34:17:;28:18:5:1:M.15;239:27:48:31:&sn=Unnamed Squadron

Rate my epic list

Bombers streak out of the Gozanti and immediately cream any huge ships or large ships around(one automatic hit from guidance chips+two rerolls from Jonus=5 damage per round per bomber on average) while the aces keep the enemy fighters busy. Gozanti is a big target that provides some supporting fire and also has Fleet Officer for focus support.

Rogue Squadron, or a Wraith Squadron type thing would also be dope.

So are the epic expansions for x-wing subjectively good, or should one get armada if they want to blast shit with big ships?

I really like the rebel transport for its fucky support options. But I also unironically fly Porkins, so I don't think my opinion is relevant to any sort of meta.

It can't be easy to hold this thing if the barrels are both supposed to reciprocate.

>mfw Y-Wings saved the entire Rebellion by knocking out a Star Destroyer

I still resent the X-Wing hogging screentime from the workhorse of the Alliance, but at least they gave us that.

I mean, if you only use your second hand to support the blaster for increased accuracy when aiming down the sight for short bursts, you should be fine

>Got a ship battle game
>Got a fighter battle game

I would kill for a DZC style star wars game.

It's still gonna be jerking your hand back and forth.

>yfw Rogue Squadron styled game starring Poe and the Black Squadron.

Please god make this happen


Imperial Assault is cool and all but I want to field AT-ATs on a tabletop.

As if Veeky Forums isn't used to that and/or hasn't built a muscle memory for just that motion

I would want that too...speaking of X-Wings, anyone try out that VR mission for Battlefront where you are in an X-Wing?

Are the Poe Dameron comics any good?

Is Chirrut a temple guardian with a lightsaber pike that has accepted that the jedi order has fallen ?

I want to waifu Karé

>Rogue Squadron
Think bigger, user. Think Ace Combat. Think co-op. Or think XWA. Either works.

I am so hype for that.

But god damn it, it also makes me want a Rogue Squadron game so badly, too.

So I've got my Imperial Remnants game running this wednesday at 3:30 PM EST irc.thisisnotatrueending.com room #Randomremnants

If you want to bully slavers as imperials and mercenaries disguised as other mercenaries you can join in, or even join right now to go over things.

Short-recoil stuff was always a bit fucky and I dunno why you'd bother on something like a blaster unless they 'had to' use some kind of mechanical process and two barrels will up the weight considerably.
Course, wouldn't be the first time a military has adopted something really dumb!

So, I found the stats for this thing, but on the other side of the goddamn book.

BUt it raises as many questions as it answers because it says it's a 500 meter Bulk Transport with Eight Dorsal, Six Port and Six starboard medium turbolasers on top of the 10 quad lasers, per side and if it's 500 meters long those are some fucking huge Quad lasers.

And it mentions a starboard bridge-fin.

Look at this shit.

That's kind of comparable power to give most frigates a bit of a bothering

Do I need to know how to play or anything?

I mean preferably it's FFGSW, I can I guess try to help.

I've never played any RPGs before bruh. I might just watch, see if I can get a feel for it.

I'd prefer a novel series but yeah that too lol.

When will they write the books following Luke's academy

I would KILL for another X-Wing game. But man, an Ace Combat with X-wings would be the shit. And include the Jedi fighters and Naboo fighters too.

We are running a campaign like this. It's fucking baller.

How are the gay overtones?

Doesn't seem to be, yet. Macross tho. Most of the people are females.

Is it a one-of-a-kind-fuck-your-shit-up mobile?

And btw, what do the Zygerrians look like in that book? Kinda pissed they aren't playable.

>Lesbian Fighter Jock Star Wars Series
I'm here for this

>Most of the people are females.
>Starships are usually female by default, too, with the exception of the E-9 Dickboat
Yep, definitely lesbians.

It always bugs me that they wait until AFTER jumping into the system to scramble the pilots. Why not have the pilots podded and the crew already at battle stations before the jump?

>Top gun minus the gay overtones.
What's the point then?

Needs more Volleyball.

are the players female, or the characters?

I can story time some parts, I have detailed session notes. The yuri isn't really apparent in my notes as I am GM, but I remember enough.

They will be... They WILL be.

Males. And I can get them into a volleyball tournament.

We have:

A male Mirialan - Mussan (the hotshot, playboy, wanna be ladies man)
A female Human - Trevine (the bookish, accidentally sultry engineer)
A female Arkanian offshoot - Thurora (who used to fuck her superior officer)
A male Squib - Caem (a rogue and thief who was ditched by the Squib Consortium to the Rebellion cause he was annoying as hell)

Then there's Pixy, the Zeltron who everyone lusts for but can't get.

Cipher, her Zabrak wingman who watches over her like a sister. He is the object of much female desire on base.

Yukat, the Ithorian Quartermaster who wants to bang most of the males around the galaxy.

Crew Chief Lorn Brenko, the Lannic Mechanic, who speaks with a New Yorker accent and hates almost everyone who acts like a hotshot.

Miona, the Songstress Across the Galaxy, who just entered the competition of the same name to bring peace through music.

Medical Officer Colhkar, who IS M*A*S*H

And finally General Vebbar Thalu, the Mon Calamari commander who only staffs his bridge with women. He's Russian sounding.

You can probably guess the PC love interests.

>all these alliyums in the Empire

>Crew Chief Lorn Brenko, the Lannic Mechanic, who speaks with a New Yorker accent and hates almost everyone who acts like a hotshot.

So hes basically Micklin from Black Sheep Squadron?

>Squib Consortium to the Rebellion

Fuckin stoked someone realized. Many internets to you sir.

I meant to aim this at you

Is that from friends like these? How would you rate the adventure?

>a squib too annoying for other squibs


Top tastes in Arkanian Offshoot waifus, though.

>Hey Brenko, hows my X-Wing?
>Yours? Hah, lemme get somethin' straight with you College Boy. This ain't your X-Wing.
>Its MY X-Wing
>And if you bring it back with any dents, I'm gonna put dents in YOU!

Literally session one.

>"Lemme learn you a thing, kid. This is MY Z-95, an' I'm just seein' fit to loans it to ya to shoot down every single xeno hating piece of kriff the Empire parks in your path. And so help me, if you bring this beeeeeYUtiful bird back with so much as a single scratch, I will pretty you up to look just like her, then fix her to look NOTHIN' like you. Capiche?"

Haha, yes!

Okay, I can understand repainting your x-wing minis for customization/battle scars, but do people usually go all war hammer and splice shit together? I came across a guy's blog who did that, and I was a little disgusted by it. However he did have some pretty sweet 3D debris and shit for obstacles, so does that cancel it out?

How much should a crew card cost with the ability "At the end of the combat phase remove 1 stress token"?


>a weapon to surpass metal gear!

I heard some people are shitting on Jyn as a protagonist because she doesn't have much agency in the events of Rogue 1. Are there a ton of war movies where the MC has agency? Isn't the point of war movies generally to show someone who is making their way through events largely out of their control in an effort to make some small difference before the end?

I wish people were this eager to find flimsy pretexts to shit on Marvel movies

Are we doing Metal Gear Star Wars again? Because nobody laughed at my "The survivor will take the title 'Darth,'" Snake Eater gag in the last thread and it made me sad.

I was rather surprised Diego Luna found some balls, and was actually convincing as a Rebel Captain. He's usually a soft spoken timid little mexican guy who flinches if you make arm movements in his direction

didn't know that was a thing

I exist only to hatefuck Abeloth into a submissive, quivering mess.


>that upper cut he does behind him to cut that guy's guts

fuck I didn't catch that, they got rekt

If she had lived it would be a bigger deal

but with her death, I imagine it's fine we've never heard of her until now

Also I just read through all the Darth Vader comics, it was actually pretty good, over the top, but good. I feel a couple things could have been changed to make it better

>space whales? come on m8
>just one deathdroid, and don't make it a C3/R2 parody
>that crazy geonosian robot cloner
>the nutty nature of Vader's "replacements"

Also I think my favorite thing to come out of all this is that the Raiders probably were scared of Obi Wan in EP IV because they thought he was Vader.

>space whales? come on m8

Well there's a multitude of reasons I don't like rebels either (the show or the actual scum themselves)

At least they did the Ahsoka/Vader some justice