Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

What was the last thing your characters did when they stopped by the town or the city? Did they meet any cuties there? Touch any fluffy tails?

If you want build advice make sure to say what 3pp you can use, if any.

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Other urls found in this thread: Locker

Tell me about moments of horror where you realized your character was in over their head. Those sort of "oh shit" moments where you suddenly realize you underestimated the enemy or that you poked the sleeping bear.

>engaging in romance and other frivolities
>instead of doing what the living cannot and removing Demons

You lack conviction.

None so far. Closest was when my character got temporarily potato'd by a wizard, but he got better and proceeded to utilize the wizard's ass as a temporary scabbard.

When I was playing a skald and it came down to me v. the boss solo. If I ended the rage song, everybody dies.
I crit the gecko-riding goblin with a ranseur, shit was cash

>What was the last thing your characters did when they stopped by the town or the city? Did they meet any cuties there? Touch any fluffy tails?
My character as a routine when he gets to a city.

He goes to a local money lender and gets all the cash he has changed into something portable, save for a small bit (or if there is a bank or group that does business with the bank he actually uses he goes there to make a deposit).

He then goes to satiate his drug addiction (if he ran out on the journey he may even do this before the money).

He then goes to a brothel and hires a prostitute.

He then eats at the best place he can find.

That evening he kills a prostitute, or other woman if a prostitute can not be found.

Finally he goes out at night to hire more prostitutes or go to a fightclub. If that is not available he does drugs and drinks all evening.

>Not bringing a dozen or so young crusaders into the world with your waifu between demon removal quests

You lack responsibility.

user, did you even see his pic, or his "what the living cannot" spiel?

Clearly he's a death-knight of some kind.

>That evening he kills a prostitute

Do death-knights have dead dicks?

their knighthood's pretty dead.

Idk, maybe he can make Dhampir babies

Only if he can get rigor mortis

Thinking about small unit tactics

Troop compositions will always be:

1 reach weapon
1 ranged weapon
1 close weapon + shield

Additional units will be:

1 reach weapon
1 spellcaster
1 close weapon + shield

And so forth

What, you think living a tortuous existence between life and death means you don't have to think about having a family? That you can spend all your free time just sitting in the dark corner of a tavern, looking gloomy? Well, as long as there's magic in the world and you're able to speak complete sentences to a young lady, you're perfectly capable of slaying demons AND being a dad. So get your black-armored behind in gear, meet a nice girl, and get to work on those grandchildren.

DSP pulls a Pathfinder on the Paizo crew. They take Pathfinder and streamline literally everything, with psionics and initiating being the norm.

How blessed would we be if that happened?

Maybe if they bring on some new people, the current DSP crop isn't as strong as the old ones, especially if Forrest jumps ship.

Something's certain to go wrong; pathfinder went wrong, and we don't deserve for it to not go terribly wrong anyways.

This is true, but still

I'd playtest a game wherein psionics and initiating were the law of the land :>

>streamline anything

Okay, follow up here; what devs would you want working on a new version of 3.5?

Somehow I can actually see an Erastilean cleric saying this.

>you're able to speak complete sentences to a young lady

DSP, N. Jolly, Forrest, and some folks from the Legendary Games crew

We met three little girls with superpowers, killed a cosmic horror empowering them, and my PC romanced another PC.

It was fun!

Forrest could do it.

>There are people who can't speak complete sentences to a young lady

Death tends to have strange effects on the mind.

Well I hate initiating, so not very.

Some of DSP does, too! Pretty sure Forrest does, anyway.

Has anybody had a chance of playing the spheresinger? Or crunch the numbers? Is it actually any good aside from giving you bigger options for movement through wanderer's hymn and butterfly?

You know that a level 20 wizard is still way stronger than a level 20 warder or warlord, right?

Why do you hate martials?

Nah, Forrest is just outspoken in her belief that some of the initiators IE Warlord are overpacked with abilities. Initiating itself, it seems, isn't her problem.

Who owns those ears?

>no one's applied to RotJR with a wizard||warder
It's like you hate people hate optimization.

Just came across this: Locker

It's very creepy and cool and I'm definitely putting it into my campaign, but what does it actually do? Is it just a cat that costs 10000 gp?

This is such obvious bait I dont even know what to say.

Bah, there's always one of them-they'll never go to a festival unless you force them, and then they'll just stand around moping, mumbling, never looking anyone in the eye, going on and on about "conviction" and "deathless loyalty". They need to get out, get some fresh air, cut that mangy hair of theirs. If they tried looking less like a soulless abomination, maybe they wouldn't find it so damnably hard to smile and say "hello" to a pretty girl.

Would building a dex Paladin into the new Devoted Muse prestige class be worth doing? Suboptimal is fine, but I don't want to be garbage.

Please, this is what /pfg/ actually believes when someone says they don't like PoW.

Look at what happened to 2hu.

They literally do. Seriously, storm wind came in full force with this shit.

One guy optimized, so they literally bullied him into committing suicide

Who now?


>implying he's dead
>implying anyone takes /pfg/ witch hunts seriously

How much of the criticism has been 'your character can't be good because it's too strong,' and how much has been 'you're hamstringing your chances of getting in by building so far above average'?

He was already dying from heart problems, he probably just ended his own suffering


It's all literally just been bitching because optimization.

I hope for your sake that you're not trying to tell some kind of joke.

That's not Stormwind.

Free 'Immortal' Cat Pet who looks creepy and will get the party at the very least suspicious looks.

Not useful but is a flavor item.

>Free 'Immortal' Cat Pet who looks creepy and will get the party at the very least suspicious looks.

Just garden variety PF faggotry then.

No I just wish that fucker would die.

Or maybe it's that people don't want overoptimized builds or else DMs will stop offering generous chargen rules.

What the shit did he do to you. Really?

>Or maybe it's that people don't want overoptimized builds
That is utterly subjective.

one or two people on here have been completely insane about'im. Like some kind of twisted love.

Why do you keep trying to run this one man witch hunt? seriously, no one bloody cares, your the only one who feels this way, and it makes you look like a lonely salty asshole.

Tell that to the people who keep saying "I could build something better than every RotJR applicant in every aspect."

aka "Someone uses a build/mechanics I don't like"
Like that guy who's obsessed with hunting down 2hu?

Do you think its the same guy as 2hu's witchhunter?

>lonely salty asshole.
My second favorite asshole next to christmas hole.

You mean that one guy who was obviously just trolling?

Erastil please calm down.

You don't seem to understand. I'm happy with the applicants. I would consider exactly 0 of them overoptimized.

There have been multiple claims that a more optimized build is possible. None have been posted, something that I'm fine with.


Erastil is always on, all the time!

>What was the last thing your characters did when they stopped by the town or the city

The same thing he usually does, carefully hid a few grimoires of pact magic and binding around the area with a little spirit bound into them so that they'd only be found by someone desperate or in need. He's got to make sure the art survives him, and people who see the spirits as helpers and saviors are the best to help the art grow and spread.

One of his favorite hiding places is in the basement of a church, since that's where he found his when he got trapped there during an orc attack that collapsed the rest above him.

Perchance, what spirits does he leave information on how to bind?

If /pfg/ doesn't want overoptimized characters, then why is it doing super high PB gestalt with all DSP and Spheres allowed and a six-pack of free feats?

Because nobody feels like putting in the effort to be optimized when they have that many things to play with. We've literally said this every fucking time you bring it up and your autistic mind cannot seem to comprehend it.

>tfw optimized pretty heavy but nobody noticed yet.

Stat me!

as a large/huge rideable mount.

Unspoken social agreements

Similar to 'If a buffet restaurant doesn't want someone to just take a dozen platefuls of the most expensive dish and leave none for the other customers, why don't they impose limits instead of saying 'all you can eat'?'

All the easy ones he knows, and all the safe ones.

This translates to all 1-2nd level spirits and a smattering of higher level ones that aren't evil or have outright evil abilities. So no Ethaniel Midnight, but Catha of Codex is just fine. A lot of his treasure goes into creating the grimoires and he's constantly updating the design to feature more spirits and let the book act as a mentor.

>tfw optimized as hard as you could and it's not even that strong comparatively

Nice pixiv picture OP. Even if you didn't get it from there.

The super high PB and all the toppings are for making our dreams be real.

Was version 1 NToRacle even that strong?

People were telling DHB to kill himself left and right.

Git Gud, you fucking scrub. Jesus Christ kys, nerd!

"It's here to take" doesn't mean "you MUST take it". Just like "please take some candy" does not mean "pour the whole bowl into your bag".

The whole point of allowing all of those things and Gestalt is that it enables you to build around a character concept you like/want without having to minmax or super optimize for said character to do their job efficiently.

Basically, by putting them in a situation of abundance and opportunity, it takes away the pressure and stress to HAVE to make everything super optomized.
Heck, just look at characters like Gallius or Hikari. They are both built around specific concepts using the Gestalt system and a lot of 3pp, yet neither of them is well optimized at all.

Optimizing super hard is like masturbating and tossing your jizz-covered boxers in the laundry.

Your mum knows you've been having a cheeky wank, but she doesn't want to confront you cuz asking if you've been stroking the bologna is awkward.

His entire fucking character is basically "let me jank Diplo as high as possible"

We want the buffet, but we still think it's dickish if someone gets nothing but hugeass plates of the crab legs six times in a row.

You don't need such an extravagant, fat-filled buffet/candy store in the first place.

This. The GM offered something nice, people are taking the nice thing. People could use the gifts given to break the system, but now they've got a broken system.

W-what character do you think I am?

>mfw I just get platefuls of the vegetable lo mein and sweet n' sour chicken



Gestalt increases optimization pressure on everyone who isn't going to be a martial type or a full on control caster. Especially with Path of War involved. It's SUPER fucking easy to fall behind the rest of the party in Gestalt, especially if their concept plays nicer with gestalt than your concept.


It's the concept of "hey, you can have this if you want it, but don't make it worse for everyone else who doesn't", you know?

You'd know that if you actually played in a real game.

I don't know, we'd have to know what their underwear looks like before we can guess.

>he's not kidding. MSG is in fact a taste

If the buffet is big enough, then there's enough for everybody. But if one guy is gonna be the Mt Everest Maker, then everyone has to be or they miss out.

Man, MSG is delicious.

Why do so many people hate MSG?

Having played in a gestalt game with initiators, this is very much the case. The only non-initiating build that held up in combat was a wizard|alchemist due to hard debuffs and control.

Proposed game:
>no fullcasters
>no full manifesters
>no full initiators
>some feattax rules, but my own
>magic item creation changed, no longer requires being a caster, but more limited (craft wondrous got broken up into small categories)
>race list includes Human, Orcs, Half-orcs, Goblinoids as they are all that exist in setting
>outsiders don't exist, replaced them with new stuff
>background skills
>using custom vice rules (acts like corruption but not retarded, tied to character vices)
>major themes:
>body horror
>the long journey
>political & criminal intrigue
>lewds will not be catered to, if you wish to do that you may do that on your own time