Magic Cards That Lost Value

I like the idea of owning stuff that used to be valuable and isn't anymore. What MTG cards lost the most value over the years? I know back when I started playing magic Call of the Herb was a big winner, like 20$ for its time, now it's worth next to nothing. Anything else lost tons of value? What's been horribly outclassed or overprinted or banned or otherwise made worthless?

Other urls found in this thread:

Savanna Lions
Anything reprinted from P3K

Fires of motherfucking Yavimaya son!

Also pain lands



Goblin Rabblemaster exploded up to about $20 when KTK first came out, stayed around $15 for the entirety of its Standard run, and can now be purchased anywhere from 80 cents to $2

To be fair to that user. They did get really cheap post-lorwyn pre-modern.

Ernham Djinn

I was still playing kitchen table magic during odyssey. Why was this $20? Was it just the efficiency of getting two 3/3 bodies form one card and not a ton of mana? Was there some sort of combo?

It was used in Standard. Prior to mythics, the cost of the set was spread across most of the Standard-playable rares (Especially the lands) instead of held up in the planeswalker slot.

>Call of the Herb

That doesn't really explain why this one was 20 though. What made it so good that was worth that much.

How about these?

Skaab Ruinator
Den Protector
Deathmist Raptor
Huntmaster of the Fells
Falkenwrath Aristocrat
Mishra's Factory
Royal Assassin
Lord of the Pit
Strip Mine
Thundermaw Hellkite
Silverblade Paladin
Sol Ring
Dragonskull Summit and the other taplands.

Remember when this was a thing?

Well, now it's not.

What a shame.

It went in every green deck at the time. Fires, wake, madness, all of them.

This was like the old-school version of siege rhino, it just werked in so many ways.

Didn't you know? Back then the Cilantro token is the main finisher of the game.

And nothing of value was lost.


>This was a high-value card at the time Force of Will was 5$.
We were so young. So naive.

Skullclamps were $20 a pop before the Great Shatterstorm

ITT: Cards that rotated out of standard

This, with a small side of "got banned in modern"

How did they seriously print this card? I assume this was supposed to be a fixed Lotus? I get that this new "card advantage" concept makes it more balanced by losing you some cards, but discarding EVERYTHING means you can't even use the mana! What a stupid card.


Card is crazy good in storm decks. Whenever you cast a spell that will draw/tutor/cast from graveyard you can simply activate LED(s) to get free mana on top of that. It even triggers cards like infernal tutor. It's THAT good.

Without LED Legacy wouldn't have storm in it. The card can be abused so many ways it makes a lot of deck viable and even tier 1 by times.

It was printed about a decade before ITutor, storm, belcher, dredge, and everything else it enables. Nobody even realized it worked with those cards until maybe a year or two after they were released. Wizards most likely forgot it existed and it's proliferation started the downward spiral of Wizards deciding to ignore legacy forever.

I still use these cards time to time. For fun, obviously.

His point was that when it was printed and even several years after it was useless. It coincidently happened to gain relevance later. It's terrible design philosophy.

I've really enjoyed the diverse 50 shades of goldfish in 2016 and the viability of the control archetype.

what the... do you also let people fuck your wife?

>I like the idea of owning stuff that used to be valuable and isn't anymore.
Just play Standard.


Death rite shaman

Didn't take long for this baby to fall flat.



Newlamog was 50 bucks and Nu-Kozy was 30. I remember selling Archangel of Tithes for 30 bucks as well. All the DtK "commands" we're 20+. Fulmator mage, spellskite and eye of ugin were 60.

This happens more often than you think.

infinite power

I miss this card. I do think it looks much better in the old border though

Frost Titan. All of the titans, really.

Has been literally cut in half because of MMA. I hope it doesn't drop below $100 or dare I say it less than $80, the price of a card's equivalent weight in gold.

>MFW I got a playset of these years ago for 2 quid per

I've wanted the swords in varying degrees since they were printed. I don't play much now so I don't care as much, but I'd still probably buy playsets of them if they weren't as expensive.

Yea, the synergy LED had with cards printed before and during Mirage was nonexistent
You could basically LED for like.. activated abilities like firebreathing, and then... reanimate something you pitched via LED?

It was a joke card that people tore up when they unpacked them, if I'm not mistaken

Splinter twin
also, Birthing Pod and Dig Through Time are criminally cheap due to bans.
Exalted Angel used to be a wad. Baneslayer too. Griselbrand. Dark Confidant and vendilion clique maintain some price, but a shadow of their former worth. Sword to Plowshares and Sol Ring before Commander printed them to oblivion. Plenty of planeswalkers drop after rotation.

Not me. I pulled two of those out of packs at the time and traded them for a Mana Drain.

Phyrexian Negator

Fuck you.

What lost the most value when Chronicles came out? I know that was a big shitstorm because a lot of stuff lost value, but most of the cards other than Blood Moon (Which was a junk rare that went in some sideboards at the time) most of the set kinda sucks. Anyone know the details on the Chronicles debacle?

No, LED already worked with draw sevens like timetwister and wheel of fortune

drastic overprinting

AFAIK the only chronicles card with value is Blood Moon

>Phyrexian Negator

This one hurts a lot. I remember trading for one, and it turned out to be complete shit. I mean, come on, how cool is it to get a turn 1 5/5 off of a dark rit.

Even in casual it sucked, not surprised the price has tanked

Are you figuring in USD? Because all of those prices are way above what they actually were. Most of the commands were never anywhere near $20. The only ones that got above $10 at any point were Atarka's and Kolaghan's commands. Newlamog peaked at $30, Kozy and Tithes were $20, and those modern cards peaked at $40.

>Obliterator is floating around $30
Fucking why, I've never seen it played anywhere

Casual appeal, the vain hope that someday it will be broken in Modern.

Sideboard in Pox but that shouldn't push it up to where it is now. I think it's a case of Glimpse the Unthinkable syndrome.

It's one of the ultimate black timmy cards from that era with Phyrexian branding, so I can see the appeal, even if it's a huge Path/Plowshares target

>the vain hope that someday it will be broken in Modern
I'm down with the idea that it's casual appeal. But there's no way this thing is going to get busted in Modern. They'll actually have to give us something on the same level as Cabal Coffers or Lake of the Dead and even then those cards aren't great.

You could look at a card like Glimpse the Unthinkable and see that it has casual appeal and that one day, something will be printed that will make it good. Like Death's Shadow, one day it will get there, and it did. But Obliterator is just forever going to be useless.

Because at the time when LED was printed the way you casted spells was totally different to how you cast spells these days. You could announce the spell, put it on the stack, then activate LED during the "pay costs" part of casting a spell after some rules changes. Now you can only activate LED anytime you could play an instant and not as a mana source.

Not just casual appeal only but for a while there were some earlier Modern lists using Phyrexian Obliterator to fight(usually Dromoka's Command) a creature and opponent controlled(using a Forbidden Orchard to give them a creature if they didn't have any) and then making them sacrifice all their shit. But other than that it sees sideboard play in Legacy and is only from one printing set so far.

>>the vain hope that someday it will be broken in Modern

If they reprinted dark ritual it'd see play. But that'd never happen, obviously.

Oh, my bad, canada money. Typically our Magic cards are 25-50% more expensive.

Honestly? Nothing much, just some particular Legends at the time and City of Brass.

Seriously? All that shitstorm and creation of that retarded "reserve list" over a couple legends and city of brass?

Side note: if they really wanted to, they could just print stuff brokener than anything on reserve list, like Mox Pearl that taps for WW instead of just W or Thunder Spirit as a 3/2 instead of a 2/2, just saying. If I were John The Gathering I'd totally do that even if I have to ban a bunch of it from standard.

Except they can't. The RL prevents them from making exact, functional, and strictly superior reprints.

Though honestly, there is nothing realisticly holding them back. Wotc has gotten so big over the last couple of years (an entire building at PAX fucking Prime for multiple years), they could survive or even win the supposed lawsuit


>Mold Demon is on the Reserve List
Vanilla 6/6 that makes you sac 2 swamps when it comes into play
>Rune-Scarred Demon
Flying 6/6 that lets you search up any card when it enters the battlefield. Superior to Mold demon in every way. Don't say it's not strictly better because Mold Demon is hit by Hurricane or Plummet, realistically no one is going to want Mold Demon over Rune-Scarred because Mold Demon doesn't die to Plummet.

Let's look at Mercenaries. That's on the reserve List too. It's a White 3/3 for 4 mana with a drawback. Now go on Gatherwer and look up Seraph of the Sword. Seraph is better in every way, seriously.

How about comparing Morinfen with Bloodgift Demon? If you're paying life for your large flying creature why not draw some cards while you do it?

Compare Zephid to Sphinx of Jwar Isle. Both are 6-mana flyers with Shroud, but Zephid is a 3/4 and Sphinx is a 5/5 that lets you look at top card of your library.

No, they print stuff strictly better than Reserve List cards all the time and nobody gives a shit. They can make strictly better cards if they want. Nothing's stopping them.

I have a foil Eye of Ugin that I misplaced, and only found it again just after the ban.

Not really. At the time of that card's printing, there weren't an insane amount of T0 wins plaguing the game, and creatures weren't as big of a deal, so having a few 5/5 beatsticks was all you needed so long as you had means of evasion.

Force of Will was literally made to counter T0/T1 win decks, at the time the main combo being Channel Fireball.

I mean, it's a pretty fucking good 4 drop creature. Can't think of many others that are better without the assistance of other cards.

The thing is Timmy as fuck, but as far as Timmy cards go, it's one of the best for it's CMC.

And outside of Channel Fireball, there wasn't much else around. Which is why I stated not an insane amount of T0 wins.

There's a difference between printing strictly better versions of cards that are way below the curve on power (especially since creatures are allowed to be much more powerful now than they were in early magic), and printing strictly better versions of -literally the best cards ever printed- (moxen, etc)

They specifically want to avoid having to ban things from Standard, to say nothing of printing things they know they would absolutely have to ban in virtually every format, which would be obligatory for something like that pearl example. You could mitigate it by printing it in a supplemental set like commander or conspiracy, which keeps it out of Standard and Modern to begin with, but now you've just gone and made some of the most iconic cards worthless.