/bgg/ - Friendly Board Games General
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/bgg/ - Friendly Board Games General
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Lots of people hate the "Alpha gamer" thing. The fact that lots of games will have an optimal way to play and thus the most informed player will just tell everyone what to do. If you think you're all on even footing or able to not be dicks, a game like Pandemic (maybe even Legacy), Mechs vs Minions, and Flashpoint Fire Rescue can be really fun. If not, then I recommend more atmosphere story-ish coops like Time Stories, Eldritch Horror, Mansions of Madness, ect. That way the player will get to decide what they want to do rather than what they need to do. My last good examples is Mysterium which mixes that coop basis with a pretty open social deduction game. You'll all discuss with eachother, but it's open to interpretation and thus people will pretty easily let you have your final say.
That's most of the coops I have. I doubt it, but I'm hoping Millennium Blades new coop mode in the expansion turns out good. I need more excuses to pull that out.
Thanks user. Have you ever heard of xenoshyft? It's a coop boardgame that looks interesting.
Kek you really did it
I've been thinking about starting to review board games through a blog to help try and expand the hobby to normmies. What are some things I should do and avoid to not be shit at it?
Oh, phew! Thought for a second there the /fvgt/ had done something to offend you guys, then I looked at the previous thread. Kek.
Don't get so focused on a single thing you don't like that you forget about the rest of the board game.
While the alpha gamer is a huge issue with co-ops I still really like them for people new to the hobby. It gives them a chance to get used to planning ahead a few moves and if things get overwhelming there are other players to step in when needed. In my friend group I'm the most experienced one (not saying much though) and so I normally sit back and let the others talk and figure out what they should do. I'll chime in only if they ask for my opinion or if what they come up with is a really bad idea
Not to dampen your spirits, but if normies can't be bothered to even try a board game that isn't Monopoly or Risk, why would they bother reading a blog about board games they'll never play? And if they do care enough, why wouldn't they go for sites with higher production values or look up a video on Youtube?
If you really want to try and write reviews, perhaps post them over at BoardGameGeek instead. If you want to monetize ads, link it in the review thread. Speaking of which I wonder if there's an aggregate site for board game stuff yet...
Opinions on Concordia?
what is the main difference between the 2 ?
is it big ?
Just make clickbait thumbnails but have thoughtful in-depth analysis in the video
I think that 2 had a better looking map, and the 3rd had everything else - more streamlined rules, balance changes etc. Not sure as I only have the 3rd edition.
I hope it's good because it's my christmas gift
I've heard nothing but good things about it. Had been on my radar but buried under other games I've been getting as of late.
>I've heard nothing but good things about it.
Now you haven't: it's made by CMON, who are infamous for unethical business practices.
What would make for a good in depth analysis: talking about the gameplay, the quality of the pieces, what's good/bad about it, the complexity, etc?
If you have to ask, maybe you're not cut out for this.
My $.02? Have an original point of view. Like the games you like, and hate the games you hate. And then tell us why. Don't be a sperg. Have some personality. Be original.
If you promise to do all that, I'd at least check out your stuff.
>If you have to ask, maybe you're not cut out for this.
No, good educators always seek ways to improve their educating skills which definitely includes feedback from the folks on the receiving end.
> Like the games you like, and hate the games you hate. And then tell us why
I'd fully agree that reviewing games you really like or dislike puts passion into the review, which definitely makes it more interesting to watch. But the 'Tell us why' part is the most important and often the most difficult. It involves having a very good understanding of: game mechanics, theme, depth of play, and replay-ability. It's OK to like something, but if you can't articulate what the game does, how it does it, and whether or not it works well as a whole, it limits the utility of a review. This is why there are so many 'mediocre' reviewers out there. Some have the ability to describe the mechanics and game play, but lack the passion and charisma to present it in an engaging manner. Others have a ton of enthusiasm but lack the skills to present their review in an articulate manner. (This is particularly problematic in game 'play-through' demo videos where the presenters aren't already confident with the rules.)
What's so unethical about their business practices? I have blood rage from them arriving today.
Make sure you show how the game is actually played instead of just talking about it.
what do you mean everything else? everything else looked better?
The sentence continues after the dash user.
Some folks get butt-hurt over CMoN's practice of 'exclusive' content in their board gaming KS offerings. I can see the argument that it's a dis-service, but I wouldn't lose my spaghetti over it either.
Team game list:
> What doesn't count
Games with politics, backstabbing, unknown teams or hidden traitor mechanics, 1vMany.
> Cyclades
2v2, 3v3 or 2v2v2. Symmetric roles.
> StarCraft
Team play variant. Symmetric roles (differen races)
> Captain Sonar
team vs team, different roles
> Space Cadets: Dice Duel
team vs team, different roles
> Code Names
team vs team, party game
> Sails of Glory
technically works with literally any count
> Quartermaster General
Team vs team, n vs m | 1 >= n >= m >= 3
> Last Night on Earth
Usually a 1vMany game but can be played as team vs team with 6 or 4 players (2v4 or 2v2)
> Duel of Ages II
Duel of Ages II should fit the bill pretty well and can work with uneven player numbers if people are willing to manage more characters, has enough strategy and management involved to be considered complicated (highly variable character powers and stats, characters relying on using ranged weapons which need to be picked up and most likely traded) and also scales up to 8 players, 16 with the expansion. I believe it's currently OOP (pretty sure the Master Set is and boy is that an expansion and a half) but I imagine there will be another print run sometime this decade as the designer is working on another expansion
Too lazy to check the counts/verify
> Arena of the Planeswalkers
> Heroscape
FLASHPOINT is a fun, friendly co-op game.
Ah, okay. I'll continue to happily enjoy their games then.
Is heroscape still in print?
/bbg/, I've got a question.
Have you ever looked back on a soured, poorly ended relationship, romantic or simply friendship, and think "The beginning of the end of this was that one time we played [Insert name of board game]."
What was the name of that game for you? Mine was Warrior Nights. I don't think it's coincidence that, of the four people I engaged in that exercise in alienation, I am still friends with exactly none of them.
Probably not
Not really. I had the opposite - before we ended our relationship the time we spent playing board games with my ex was the most pleasant time we spent together.
How the fuck do people play 2p games without a significant other
>How the fuck do people play 2p games without a significant other
Maybe they only have one friend?
What do people think of pic related? I bought it while it was on sale and, while I like it, the friends I played it with think it's dull. Any house rules to spice it up a little? Anyone have any experience with it? Did I make a bad purchase?
Has anyone played the others?
when designing a game. how much can you steal? when is it copyright infringement?
i was thinking about a 1v1v1v1 / 2v2 game with the same mechanics as catacombs.
> Legally
Everything but the artwork and other intellectual property.
> Morally
Change things up a bit or you'll be accused of being a Sirlin.
i mean the base game would still be "flick these pieces" but i was thinking about having everyone have like 20 pieces. ranging from tiny as fuck soldiers and huge as fuck monsters.
maybe even add a wooden tool that you need to use to flick the pieces. so each piece moves about the same distance. and maybe have some units use different wooden tools that have more impact. and thus can go farther.
Should be fine - I mean you're only taking the basic flicking mechanic not stealing the whole game.
If a relationship ended over a board game, that relationship was fatally flawed in the first place.
>How the fuck do people play 2p games without a significant other
I have a significant other who cannot into board gaming. I've gotten her to play Dixit once or twice and have fun, but only when we have company. Sigh... Life is suffering.
The Others 7 Sins I mean.
>"The beginning of the end of this was that one time we played [Insert name of board game]."
>What was the name of that game for you?
Meme related?
>Daedalus Sentence and Galactic Rebellion gettng pretty universal meh to bad reviews
>Coolstuff offering $25 gift cards to anyone who buys a copy
This shit is hilarious.
was the 4th expansion of catan ever brought out in wood?
Got to play Seasons last night. Really fun game I never see anyone talking about, ended up a lot more cut throat than I remember with the cards we ended up drafting.
>How the fuck do people play 2p games without a significant other
I have a Brother who is into a lot of the same stuff. We find time to hang out and play games/watch movies about twice a month and he's part of one of my 2 game groups.
Not even that, they've done collabs with other companies and ducked them, gimme a minute try to find articles
I'm friends with an LCS owner who's always down to play
I'd be interested in seeing some related materials. I know they parted ways with Soda-Pop Minis, but I thought that was over KS exclusives.
How much do the games actually cost?
>Daedalus Sentence
A $120 ($150 game) with 2.5 stars on CSI...
>Galactic Rebellion
Another $120 ($150 game) with a $35 ($45) expansion. At lease that one has 4 stars on CSI.
To rich for my blood without some research. The first one seems like an over priced version of escape games that have been done better for less. The 2nd seems like a TI3 wannabe.
Has anyone played the 2016 doom board game? Is it worth getting?
Not unless you loved Doom 2016 or you NEED all the 1vAll games you can get
$150 MSRP
$120 on CSI
Both are about 5.5 geek rating on BGG. I haven't played either, but after watching play throughs of both.
Daedalus Sentence is relatively mediocre throughout, tiles and their special abilities are only differentiated by their artwork, no symbols or text on them which can get a little confusing between a few that look similar as well as the fact that you have to memorize what they do or just have the rulebook always open. Can get massively chaotic due to multiple spinning rings and location changing things. Overall turns into a bit of a mess.
Galactic Rebellion is an average to slightly above average worker placement/area control game. Everything leading up to the end is good enough to be positive about, but the ending is just absolutely convoluted, enormously long, practically nonsensical, and makes large portions of the game leading up to it practically meaningless.
From what I've seen of plays on them I'd give them a both a 5. Utterly average. Daedelus has a pretty look and premise but doesn't do anything that Room 25 doesn't do better. And Galactic Rebellion's okay gameplay is destroyed by its madman's ending.
Care to elaborate?
Well it has great reviews so it's safe to assume you are just full of it. boardgamegeek.com
It's got great reviews because most board gamers don't know the meaning of restraint
If you have Descent or any of the Doom clones, Doom is redundant
>it doesn't have good reviews because it's good
>no I can't back that up
Is zombicide the base game zombicide season 1? All im seeing are season 2 and 3.
It is good
It's just not outstanding
BGG steers towards the inoffensively good, why do you think Pandemic Legacy is #1
I hate pandemic, especially pandemic legacy.
Which one is that simultaneous action selection viking game where you pillage, and your dudes go to the hospital instead of being killed?
Vikings On Board?
No, you have to go out and collect wood, clay, and honey I think.
What's it like?
Can you give anymore of a description? I'll give it a quick search and see if I can find anything.
nvm it's this bad boy
Careful with the edges, Reaper.
What if you don't have decent or Doom clone games, is it worth getting?
would play it again
Conan is a better 1vAll imo but the board isn't modular as Dooms is
Oh you're absolutely correct, but that was the first crack in the visage where you're forced to look at a person you've known since elementary school and think "This person actually, legitimately thinks they're better than I am and that I should just do whatever they tell me. What the fuck?"
How is fury of dracula? I just picked it up at %20 off at my flgs.
Concordia's good. Simple rules, lot of depth. my only complaint is that it's pretty hard to see how well everyone else is doing. There's a variant in the rules for a mid-game scoring, but I'm not quite sure how that works.
Not comparable
Doom and Conan have no or almost no hidden information and FoD is all about hidden info
I think FoS is too algorithmic once you know what's up but a lot of people either disagree or don't think that's much of a problem
What do you mean algorithmic? Would you recommend it?
Once you figure out what to do the mod game meta game revolves around whether Drac took the optimal action or the slightly less so one
Ask STEEV though I only played it twice desu
They're compatible stand alone sets, you can mix and match whatever you like, including expansions and characters, or you can play with whichever base set you own.
In addition to the miniatures and the scenarios, each season introduces new zombie types and optional rules.
So I'm thinking I should grab some games in post-christmas sales. Here's the games in my collection that I like best, got any recs?
Generally I like Euros and empire-building, though I'm trying to branch out a bit for variety's sake. I hate co-ops where you need to do everything by committee to win, though I haven't played any of the more storygame-ish ones.
Seasons looks interesting, I don't have any card drafting games. A friend has Blood Rage but it isn't super in our circle as Loki feels OP and the game generally swings way too hard in one player's favour. I prefer every game to be close, or at least seem that way until the very endgame.
I've had my eye on Twilight Struggle for awhile but I don't play BattleCON as much as I'd like, as people usually want to do >2 player games. Since TW takes way longer I guess it'd get played even less.
Race/Roll for the Galaxy is another candidate, dunno if it's too similar to the other economy-builders I have though. The fact it's a bit faster is good, I feel like I wouldn't enjoy anything with longer playtimes than Eclipse or Mare Nostrum.
What's stuff with lots of depth but a short playtime? ~60minutes.
So, Veeky Forums, I've got a related question for you. It's almost Christmas and I want to get my flatmate a present. I know he's into board games, we often all play together (there are 5 of us in the flat). Since he's going to play with us anyway and 2 of the guys living in are complete normies, it should be a game with very easy rules and for between 3 to 6 players. Preferably themed around killing each other, due to the normies, but still with sizable part of bulding involved.
I know jack shit about current board games, last time I was "in the topic" was almost a decade ago, so... yeah. Halp!
Smallworld is an aggressive dudes-on-a-map area control with simple rules but enough strategy to make it fun.
Lords of Waterdeep is really fun and isn't as difficult as it looks. I taught and played with a friend of mine who is a huge sports fan but by the end of the game he got into the game and was anxiously pacing around while he waited for his turn
I can't find a season 1 for sale though. What I'm asking is if the base game is considered season 1 or if it's a different box set from the base game?
>post-christmas sales
Fuck I should have waited until after christmas to buy myself board games is what you're saying then?
Polish bootleg version of Talisman, called Sorcery & Sword.
No, really, it's that fucking good. I've managed to get fucking dudebros hooked to it, that's how fucking simple and yet entertaining the game is.
season 1 doesn't say season 1 on the box if that makes any sense, it's just zombicde
See here: coolstuffinc.com
Has anyone played this game? I saw it while I was out today and it looked pretty nice. Any thoughts?
Love that game.
It's a nice chesslike, easy to grasp, fast, fun, and with satisfying depth of play without being overwhelming or arcane. Definitely worth a look if you're into abstracts.
Forbidden Stars is on sale for $50, is it worth it?
It's an interesting faster twist on chess. Gets to the meat of the action quickly and the random loadout each game makes it really replayable. I wouldn't call it the deepest game, but like an abstract strategy should, it rewards planning ahead well.
Definitely. I got it on sale for $65 a while ago and it was worth every penny. One of the few war games that works really well with three players.
Would you say it's worth getting?
Feast for Odin. Roll for the Galaxy is great though. XCOM if you have four consistently, no commitees there.
Through the Ages 2e is both one of the best euros and also one of the best empire building games. It's the opposite of 60 minutes though. All the minutes.
Carcassone is one of my favorites
Scythe is 59.99 at coolstuffinq.com right now. Last time it got into stock sold out in around a day.
you americans and your cheap prices.
I love pandemic
It is $30 which is a kinda high price for a game that mostly acts as a game I play waiting for all my guests to arrive or while winding down. That being said, I do think it has been worth it for me. I have 16 plays logged with it and has only failed to impress 1 of the 7 I have played it with. So yes, I would highly recommend it I suppose. It's a great "anytime, anyone" game and the price does go towards some nice looking components. A playmat quality board and rather thick weighty pieces.
Yeah, or just Zombicide. 2 and 3 are both better though.
Yes, it'll be OOP forever soon so if you don't like it you can sit on it and make a profit down the line.