I'm gonna run a campaign set in some fantasy version of the middle east, "Arabian nights" it's what is called apparently.
What movies/series/books/animes that could serve as inspiration would you recommend?
Bonus points if it's about thieves.
Arabian nights media suggestions
Dreamwork's Sinbad, the one where Sinbad is voiced by Dicaprio
In terms of books, 1001 Arabian Nights is required reading for that sort of thing.
Al-Qadim 2nd edition
1001 Nights. It's a story of a woman who is to be put to death by her husband tomorrow, so she distracts him with a story for 1001 Nights.
Disney's Aladdin and the film Conan The Barbarian, not because they're good sources but because they're what your players will expect.
As a general guideline
>Black and white morality
>Dangerous treks through the desert
>A sneering vizier scheming for power
>Sorcerers, but no more than one or two. Keep magic rare
>A dangerous djinn who has strict rules about asking for questions/wishes. Best not to be a dick about the wishes though
>Someone gets spat on by a camel
I actually checked the OSR trove but couldn't find it there.
Everything up til 1:13:56
1001 Nights is literally the inspiration for everything 'Arabian Nights'. Aladdin and Sinbad, suggestions in this thread, are stories from 1001 Nights.
You don't want black and white morality, you want legalistic morality. Justifying your actions based off of honor, law, and precedent. People get away with some pretty messed up shit in 1001 Nights, while other people get destroyed for almost no reason.
And crazy hassan.
Damn, I did read a few sandman volumes but stopped. Which issues have arabian stories? All I can remember is the one with marco polo reaching a place where time is distorted.
>magic carpets
>sexy belly dancers
>please sultan or get the neck cut
hey what's up
That's a cute girl kobold.
Can this thread be about kobolds please?
How do kobolds fit into arabian nights settings? Since they're cold-blooded, would they be better suited to be a dominant race?
I have a ton of Al-Qadim stuff. If you keep the thread up until California Noon time, I can upload it.
Incidentally, what is the PDF file size limit?
Bumping for this
Just in case, I'll upload it to the PDF share thread too.
Man, I used to know all the songs by heart in that movie.
Dang. Fingers crossed
What is a good system to run this sort of campaign?
Depends on what you want to get out of it. If you want things to be as actually insane as the tales are, you'd probably want something like fate, because it's all narrative at that point. if you just want some of the aesthetics, then it depends on what type of campaign you want to have.
Check out The Nightmares Underneath. It spends some time outlining this concept.
>You don't want black and white morality, you want legalistic morality. Justifying your actions based off of honor, law, and precedent. People get away with some pretty messed up shit in 1001 Nights, while other people get destroyed for almost no reason.
It's the first time I "got" and understood a Law based society. It's also interesting how they apparently revered scholars and interpreters of the world of God.
Any good?
I have these right now. I'll upload the main ones later.
I'll link the past people too, since someone said they didn't have these
Total of 5 I can upload. The rest are too big for Veeky Forums.
I can sympathize with the person who said they tried to find any of these. I spent a good, long while tracking these down.
Sorry, this is all I have access to on my phone. I'll upload the main stuff when I get access to my laptop.
How well would Al-Qadim go with or fit into an historical fantasy Arabian nights campaign?
Thanks. I'll have a look at these later.
Add the Harry Hausen Sinbad to that too. Its got the Cyclops, a dragon, fucking skeletons. It great shit.
Also try to find some silk road folklore. You got all sorts of horrible shit lurking out in the desert.
The Aladdin cartoon might actually be perfect.
It says it'll expire in two days, so download them while you can. I'll be around later, so tell me if there are any issues.
>Damn, I did read a few sandman volumes but stopped. Which issues have arabian stories? All I can remember is the one with marco polo reaching a place where time is distorted.
I have a one-shot about fantasy Baghdad that I can post later unless somebody beats me to it.
Also, what's that comic about the royal torturer? Lots of great worldbuilding for the taking.
This comic series, dunno if there's an english version. It's actually set on the Ottoman Empire of Suleiman, but most of the adventures and themes can be used if you're just looking for "fantasy arabs".
Alright, thanks.
Thank you so much user!
The caravans one gave me a few ideas already.
A spanish version could work too.
Also read this beauty for some nice middle eastern epic and heroism, in case you and your party gets tired of thieves. It's not arab and 100% based on pre-islamic myth, but so are half of the tales in the One Thousand and One Nights anyways.
It's long as fuck, before attempting to read it all try to get one of the versions that only includes the parts about Rostam and co.
>in case you and your party gets tired of thieves
Hard if it's in the same campaign, since the game premise is robbing from a really wealthy sultan.
But I will check it out if they ask for more games in this setting.
The writer is from Paraguay and used to published in Argentina. Since the crisis its an italian comic, but you shouldn't have problems finding the first hundred in spanish.
I live there, I guess I could even get a physical copy if I look at some used books store
It's likely, yeah. Maybe even in some library, if they also follow the recent fashion of getting comics down there.
>The Thief and the Cobbler
>0 results
I mean, it's right in the title
psst, hey kids... avaxsearch.pro
hey OP, you should also read this
OK here we go!
OP how Arabian are you going to get?
Are your characters going to smoke opium with their dancing boy sex slave before fucking a goat?
>Arabian Nights
But it takes place in China.
Curved swords, head wrappings
Good thing that Arabian Nights is just a retarded english name and the original title makes no reference to Arabia or any geographical place, beyond it's original language.
Not to mention that the "China" of Aladdin has nothing chinese besides the name.
Hope everybody enjoyed it!
>Not to mention that the "China" of Aladdin has nothing chinese besides the name.
That is very true. But it was also a story added by a Frenchman after the fact who claimed he was told the story by a man from Aleppo.
I know this but, considering that the original on hundred nights are just a collection of stories taken from everywhere, that's a minor fault. Specially if we believe him in saying that he heard the tale from a middle easteners, which would put Aladdin not in the original book but in the folklore.
Still a bit sad that it became the most popular one though. Specially since we got the movie and now based Jaffar is a villain for some reason.
Thanks you for storytiming this.
There is always a Sandman sory relevant to any topic.
Thanks a bunch user I loved it!
There's a GURPS Arabian Nights book. Can't upload it here, but it's probably in the general's archive.
If nothing else, you can look at its bibliography.
>T H I C C