
pass legal legisalation preventing him from claiming ownership of things that have not been purchased without the proper legal paperwork

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Shoot him, rule it as suicide

Just beat him up and tell him to stop claiming legal ownership or you'll beat him up some more

I claim legal ownership of your fists, you using them is theft.

Throw a net at him

Well we'd just kill him, the power to claim legal ownership of something is only as strong as his ability to litigate against us, which he can't do from six feet under.

What do I care that some pipsqueak claims ownership of everything? I'm a real bad guy! I can steal whatever I want! No, what I REALLY need to do is take care of that dammed Sportacus!

the beatings will continue until legal status improves.

Simple. I would stop the motor of the world.

by just reclaiming it for myself when nobody is watching, duh

Then I am a thief.

I will steal your life.

Now i'm a murderer.

My charlatan character sometimes forges wills and title deeds

Stab him, burn him,heasheasl him, and stab him some more. Then the birdlady would probably cut his dick off for some reason.


I am Sportacus!

No I AM Sportacus!


Just let him build his wall and get it over with.

We bring the villain whose superpower is dispelling the notion people can claim legal ownership of anything.

inform the Commissariate

A gunshot to the head.

Everything is legal for a wizard


Yes i use a character like that. Hes called Lord Mount-Gold.

Change the entire world's economy to Anarcho Communism. How can he take ownership if everyone owns everything equally?

Or just stab him in the face.

He can lawfully claim June as his own, but as soon as it becomes July, I'm shooting him with my naval canon (for self-defense only) for violating the NAP by appropriating the month I own.

Power of friendship and healthy exercise.

Fuck you, guy. I'm I pirate, I do what I want.

Have we got us a map, m8y?

Banish him to a realm where nothing else but him exists. If there's nothing there, he can't claim anything.

Property is predicated on existence, and there is thus no ownership in the Void.

why did this make me laugh so hard

Just hits you like some sort of sidewalk slam, doesn't it?

This OP.
As he would have probably claimed legal ownership of both the gun and the bullet by the time you fired.

Show him my credit card and watch him melt

And? That doesn't mean he can do anything about the fact that the bullet's going to fly through his skull. Just because he legally owns something doesn't mean he can control it

These shitty threads belong in /b/.

If he owns it, he as to maintain it, it's al well and good claiming every single emotion your opponent has, until you start crying in utter fear and shock becasue stella is getting married, and then feeling death because you claimed another dudes sense of pain to bea good person

You missed the point. It will be ruled a suicide as it was His bullet from His gun that killed him. user was agreeing that shooting him would be the best option, because it would be ruled a suicide.

This is literally the worst villain to throw against a party of murderhobos

Trick him into claiming ownership of a document that strips him of all his superpowers and assets.

Legal ownership is a spook

I posted that while assuming the villain could magically own and control everything in an instant. Hence, ruling it as suicide would bypass his control.

This feels like a very jojo-esque ability that would actually be hilarious to face in the proper context. Think about how you would face such an opponent, and under what circumstances. The Fate series has a villain that owned every treasure originally, and another character that transforms any weapon he touches into his own.

How far can he push this ability? If he claims ownership of a paladin's holy symbol, can he cut off his powers? If he claims ownership of a wizard's spellbook, can the wizard still cast spells from it? What do you do when he claims the sorcerer's bloodline and grows dragon wings? What do you do when your summoned creatures no longer obey your commands, your hired muscle turns on you, the dog you've raised since a pup has turned on you.

How does this become enjoyable to face and not just function as "Uh no it doesn't work". Because it's inherently geared to function as that, what caveats would make this function?

>Stand name, [Loads of Money]

You may own my fireball, but it's still going to incinerate you to a greasy smear.

Anarchy. After they are disposed of rebuild society with less shitty IP laws.

I do illegal shit all the time, what's a little theft gonna do?

While everyone expresses their disgust, I'll befriend him and become the only person he can trust. The day he writes me into his will I kill him in his sleep.

Sounds more like a One Piece power. That is, sounds absurdly weak in name, but the character will probably start pulling complete bullshit to the point that "creates string" suddenly becomes "can shoot you like a gun, can fly, can create puppets as strong as himself, can heal grave injuries, can cut people, can control people and can kill everyone in an entire island... with string!"

So, it suddenly goes "oh, yeah, i took property of your skills and can now use them task master style!" or some shit.

the first sentence rhymed so i was grasping futilely for a rhythm. you're a monster for putting me through that personal hell

>How would your party deal with a real villain whose superpower is to instantly claim legal ownership of anything,
so the villian has power over an abstract concept like "property" or "law"?

This villian can be defeated by simply stating that you don't recognize his claim, or that you don't recognize his laws. Laws are an abstract that can vary wildly from place to place, community to community.

So how do I defeat him? bash him over the head and take his shit, if he's unable to protect his stuff then clearly he doesn't deserve to have it. then kill him to make it a proper raid.

>Try to bash stingy over the head
>The baseball bat is his
>It vanishes from your hand and appears in his
>Try to take his shit
>It's still his
>It vanishes from your stash and appears on his home whenever he wills it
>Try to kill him
>You belong to him now
>As his property you are now compelled to obey
>Stingy orders you to walk on his treadmill
>Walk on his treadmill for his amusement until your legs are ripped as fuck
>Stingy declares your gains as his
>He now has amazing as fuck legs
>Stingy declares your life is his
>He now has added your lifespan to your own
>You collapse, with no life of your own
If only you had known the consequences of tour actions.

Depends on what "law" he means.
Does he have power relating to local law?
Kingdomly/National law?
Mortal law?
Does he have power over absolute law, being able to define whether something belongs to him on a metaphysical, absolute sense?

>He now has added your lifespan to his own*

>>Try to bash stingy over the head
>>The baseball bat is his
what part of "ownership is an abstract concept" do you have trouble understanding? If I were to beat your villain to death with a bat it won't matter that it's legally his bat or not, it will still cave his skull in all the same.

It belongs to him in an absolute sense, as does your ass.

>It belongs to him in an absolute sense
again, it doesn't matter, the bat may be his, but that will not change anything, if i hit him with his own bat, the bat will still strike him. So, in what way will his claim of ownership shield him from physical violence? the answer is that it wont and this is a shit-tier villain power.

Technically speaking, possession is a very concrete thing.
If something is YOURS, it means you have the power and ability to do anything you want to it within the limits of human ability.

Natural ownership can be defined differently from abstract ownership, with the latter simply serving to say that somthing is still yours even though you don't presently possess it.

If you're holding the baseball bat in your hands, it's yours.
If you aren't, it's not.

The baseball bat is his, so it's in his hands.

>how do you deal with a villain that owns everything

...Take things from him, kill him, stay away from people who agree with him, stay away from cops.

Shifting goalposts. OP only said legal ownership, Legal ownership means all of jack and shit outside of a court of law
You don't seem to understand how "Legal ownership" works. Literally all his power would do is make it so that whatever the object is would be considered him in a court of law, it wouldn't teleport anything, he can't to anything special with it. It's actually a REALLY shit power since the second you use it too much someone's gonna cave your head in, oh wait, he owns that act too, so it was assisted suicide. WHOOPS

This post is so retarded, it's delicious. It's, like, a crunchy, savory, perfect example of pure stupidity.

It's not just illogical, parts of it are tautologically false. Like, "Red is blue. Therefore, he who can color something blue can color it red." Type retardation.

The thing is, people have had this power. But it often failed them because all that has to happen for it to be destroyed is for people to stop putting up with your shit.

Which a murderhobo would do in approximately 0 seconds. Making this the most hilariously inept villian ever. Especially if they ever found out that any action taken against the smarmy fuck, would count as self inflicted
Or hey, go murder some cops, they were HIS actions legally, HE murdered those cops, even though there's hours of video of you stabbing cops

Demonstrate his craziness to the locals and take his ass to court and sue.

Scratch that- public lynching. With the support of enough people, the law becomes inneffectual

Travel to another universe and bring back his Romanian counterpart, then get popcorn.

You get it.

It's more like, "I control Ki, thereby I can shoot laser beams!" or "I can heal wounds, thereby I can heal from being vaporized. When something is a super power, it becomes malleable by the nature of the genre.

You will feel ashamed of your words & deeds. So proclaims the almighty Stingy of house Lazytown.


Complain that he's ruining our own villainous scheme!

Easy. Try and drink something poisoned. He'll claim it as his and drink it instead.

You'd have to do it before he has claimed more than one life as his. Once he does, he'd just lose that lifespan instead and catch on to your trick.

That doesn't work. He'll die of the poison, and then continue dying of the poison because it hasn't left his body.

Having an unlimited lifespan doesn't protect you from things that cut it short.

But, what if he takes ownership of something that neutralizes the poison?

Have someone become his bitch.

If you don't particularly mind mangling the english language for sake of a better rhythm, replace "I kill him in his sleep." with "while in his sleep he I will kill"

okay well that solves that issue

The law is only a protection if both sides agree to abide by it

That sounds like something one of those sovereign citizen nutbars would say.

>"bad guy" gives out free ice cream
>just wants peace and quiet
>"good" guy is literally named "stingy"
>thinks he owns fucking everything

how can he keep getting away with this

t. Sportaflop

>thinks he owns fucking everything

Taking ownership isn't going to help him.

Honestly, just throw a grenade sans pin at the guy. Or snipe the guy.

Yea we get it asshole, you're not the smart one in this conversation. The assumption is that the ownership becomes absolute to make the villain more interesting

This is a really good idea, his ownership wouldn't affect the outcome. Quickly taking ownership of any kinda shield won't do much good for B L A S T D A M A G E. But then again question remains if he can do anything with the abstract concepts he claims and who exactly enforces violations.

>there are people this stupid on this planet


welcome to capitalism

Why? That discussion clearly steered away from legally owning things to possession because otherwise this thread would boil down to "I use a rock". Legally owning things doesn't matter if there's no one to enforce consequences of what you have. 99% sure everyone in this thread understands that dude, stop being a snowflake.

Anyways regarding my group, the paladin would start praying and consult his order until I throw him a bone of +1 go do your job. The dwarf is a hobo and in his delusion that he has no ownership would get himself killed. The other two would probably try to get employed by the villain

If he believes you're up to something and he sees you hiding something, he's going to automatically claim it as his own.

You could abuse this by pulling the pin out of a grenade and letting him claim it, thus teleporting the grenade into his hand. Or, failing that, you could just throw it at him.

You know what? You wouldn't even have to do that. Just attack from out of range, or sight- Drop a missile on his head or blow him away with artillery. If he can't see it coming, he can't claim it. And even if he does claim the weapon being used to attack him, what's he going to do to stop a missile coming at him out of the sky?

What if he claims the gravity or consistency of whatever is going in his direction.

No, that's not how that works. It'd still be a murder. It doesn't matter who owns the gun, what matters is who pulls the trigger.

>inb4 he claims ownership of your hand
Still murder.

Then, assuming that it's teleported to him, like any object he claims, then he's either thrown to ground at missile force, or blown up.

Just enchant something you know he'd claim ownership over with some kind of lethal curse that causes its owner to die after a day or so and that you can only lose ownership from if its taken by force.

His only way to get rid of the curse would be to get mugged.

Really, the only way to beat him would be to fight him with a master thief at your side.

He would need to be a master of disguise, able to vanish in front if your eyes. He would need to have the ability to be in many places with his many funny faces while in disguise.

Most of the party is Chaotic Stupid, so he'd basically just be any other mook.

It depends on a small detail.
By claiming that something/something's abstract concept is his and his only, can he destroy them effortlessly, like we can destroy an object that we own?
Is he full Envelope Logistics tier?

What if he claims ownership of the concepts of life and death? Of physics?

>creates string" suddenly becomes "can shoot you like a gun, can fly...

Jeez, you'd need to keep a good head on your shoulders to pull that off.

>can he destroy them effortlessly, like we can destroy an object that we own?

I legally own about 100 pounds worth of weights, but that doesn't mean I can effortlessly destroy them. Maybe if I got a hammer and really worked at it, but it's far from effortless.

Wrong, law also requires a sovereign to enforce it over a given jurisdiction. A particular party need not agree to it, so long as the sovereign is able to enforce the law in that jurisdiction.

>t. fags who think ownership extends beyond the continuous use of force

as enforced by whom