Roll up a 40k Creature

First come first served...

Could I please get a 1d100?


Rolled 7 (1d100)

Okay, I'll play

Our creature thrives in a dense saturated jungle filled with diverse wildlife.


Could I please get a 1d10?

Rolled 6 (1d10)


Our creature is an Omnivore. It can attack out of hunger, but usually goes after other food sources first. Omnivores generally also show exhibit higher intelligence than other kinds of creatures...

I need another 1d10...

Rolled 6 (1d10)


That is god damn adorable and I don't know why.

Our creature is Allogamous/Autogamous. Reproduction among our creatures involves the usage of sperm to fertilize an egg.

Roll one last 1d10...

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 4 (1d10)


Our creature perceives the world around it through taste. Taste is our creature's primary sense...

Please roll a 1d100...

Rolled 95 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

Is our creature a HAES activist?

Tyranids have interacted with our creature more than any other major species in the galaxy...

Please roll another 1d100...

Rolled 29 (1d100)


Sorry, just passing through and saw OP's tiny picture.

What animal is that? It looks like it's a little bit of everything- is that what Australia have for deer?

Okapi. It's like a miniature jungle giraffe. They're African. Very rare.

For some reason our creatures are largely ignored by other more intelligent species...

Please roll 1d10...

Rolled 4 (1d10)

Our creature IS a HAES activist!

>Okapi. It's like a miniature jungle giraffe. They're African. Very rare.


Our creature has killed and possibly eaten scores of human hunters, guardsman, PDF, or neophytes. Our creature haunts the nightmares of lowly humans...

Please roll a 1d6...

Rolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d6)

So, it's stupidly dangerous, but for some reason largely ignored.

Rolled 4 (1d6)


Our creature is classified as Large. Large creatures are generally, at minimum, twice the size of an average human...

Please roll 1d10...

Rolled 2 (1d10)


Our creature is bipedal...

Please roll a 1d12...

Rolled 7 (1d12)

It's Man.

Our creature is covered in feathers or feather-like growths...

Okay, I'll need someone to roll 11d3...

Rolled 1, 2, 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3 = 21 (11d3)

At last something that's not actually a hungry fat 3rd wave feminist.

Or is it?

Our creature has three notable qualities. The first is its remarkably resilient hide, which give our creature the ability to shrug off small arms fire with relative impunity {Armoured}. The second is its frenzied aggression when agitated, often displaying a tendency to strike out repeatedly and in quick succession at aggressors or irritants{Extra Attack}. Finally, our creature demonstrates astoundingly rapid reflexes, and has been recorded weaving between, through, or out of the way of barrages of heavy fire during confrontations with Imperial forces{Quick Reflexes}...

Please roll 1d10...

I thought they went extinct a few years ago?

Rolled 9 (1d10)

Aren't we supposed to roll some more 3s?

Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d3)

Yes, for Extra attack and Quick Reflexs:

"Roll a single D3 for each additive attribute received. Rolls of 1 apply it once, 2 apply it twice, 3 apply it 3 times"

It doesn't really matter in the context of what we are doing here, but I'll roll it up anyway...



Just roll 20d35...

I'll go in order and cut it off if we go over the point limit...

Rolled 21, 33, 6, 28, 16, 16, 22, 7, 20, 4, 21, 16, 23, 20, 20, 4, 26, 16, 34, 23 = 376 (20d35)

This creature is fucking quick I guess.

Massive ... (-/-/20)

Deadly Attack ... (-/6/8)

Razor Sharp Claws ... (6/7/7)

Gaping Maw ... (-/-/4)

Gaping Maw ... (-/-/4)

Mind Control ... (5/5/5)

{If no doubles:}

Defensive Maneuver ... (3/3/3)


In summation:

Our creature is enormous...

Our creature can unleash a devastating attack...

Our creatures claws are quite large and balefully sharp. More than capable of gutting a man with minimal effort on our creature's part...

Our creature has two dreadful, gaping maws (or one gaping mouth, and a natural tendency towards making maneuvers that maximize its own chances of survival)...

Our creature also has a perturbing ability to manipulate other creatures. Precisely how this is achieved, whether or not the effect is subtle or overt, and what the conditions of this control are, will be left up to your imaginations...


One last question...

What is the name of your creature?

First suggestion to have the support of 3 people, or to have the most votes after half an hour (rolls in the event of tie) wins...

High Gothic: Lacetavia Mensdomita

Low Gothic: Psykerbirds

Feminazian Landwhale.

Pic related

High gothic: Ambulocetus Antimens

Could someone please roll 1d2?

1 = 2 =


Rolled 1 (1d2)

High Gothic: Lacetavia Mensdomita

Low Gothic: Psykerbirds


Rejoice, Metallic/Crystalline Hypno-Owlbear Titan is live...

Thank you for playing, I appreciate you all...