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they are both ugly af, also
first ones for sure
Get some Allen Edmonds:
First one without question
sold a litecoin i picked up for $45 back in august for a pair of these , gotten some compliments, dc area
>investing in depreciating assets
its a fuckin shoe you kike. is 900 a lot to you?
>helo Veeky Forums which of the shoe will make girl give me the big possey ??
Flaunting wealth is subhuman behavior.
ofc its a shoe. how much are they worth after youve stuck your shit stained feet in em the first time?
who gives a fuck? My lunch today cost 900 im shitting it out as we speak
yall like my new trainers?
which street would that be on? people havent been respecting the designated streets lately and i dont want no surprises
Watch Earthlings and you'll never buy an animal product again
This desu, they're cheaper than what you're looking at and more or less the staple in American dress shoes.
Get a cheap chinese imitation for $20, nobody will tell the difference unless they bend over to look at your shoes.
So fucking ugly. Don't buy shoes with shiny metal on it man
>its a fuckin shoe you kike
If you're spending over $200 for a shoe, kill yourself.
> OooOoH LoOk aT mE iM rIcH
>not getting her to bend over for a look at you shoes
it's as if you don't even enjoy it when they bow to their superior
why dont you live modestly and buy quality food, those shoes are not gonna get you laid
I know right, Jesus Christ what a tasteless faggot.
Fucking wanker, get some made in the USA New Balance. Vote with your dollars. Also, KYS
those are fucking trash for idiots.
get some Enzo Bonafes or something
Neither because you can get shoes that look literally exactly like those for $50. Only dumb niggers care about brands and spend money on unnecessary status symbols.
Go to Naples and buy them for 30 euros like every sane person does... Obviously they're not the real deal but you burgers wouldn't tell the difference
those are knee-gro shoes
allen edmonds are much better
john lobb if you are a lambo baller
gucci is for niggers and women
>ew user those shoes with idenity are gross buy these cookie cutter soulless loafers with no identifying characterists please blend in with the masses im ugly and want no one to look at me so i buy boring shit
kill yourself