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I want the Chaosfags at GW pushing Chaos on all three franchises to fucking die.
But if Cadia fall, the Imperium fall, and then we have something akin to AoS: 40k Ediion
>and then we have something akin to AoS: 40k Ediion
>primarchs coming back
>implying that's not their plan
40k is all about marines vs chaos space marines, user. Everything else like the necrons or the tyranids is the window dressing.
Yeps and it sounds really shit.
>Even more focus on Muhreens and their Chaos counterpart
>Most iconic IG regiment is squated
>Doomsday scenario that no one can predict what it will end in, but will certainly lead to Chaos being a more prominent threat than say Necrons and Tyranids.
Especially the last one bothers me.
Chaos has always been the primary threat to the galaxy.
>Chaos is the main enemy
Why the fuck does nobody actually remember how 40k started?
Priestly is crying.
The change in necron fluff makes them the primary threat. They've regained most of their tech and power structure from the War in Heavens.
and that's terrible.
No, it doesn't. The Newcrons madness and disunity lowers their threat level.
The Silent King is already in the galaxy and reunifying the necrons.
Lets review the implications.
The Astra Militarum codex says that should Cadia fall, there will be nothing stopping the forces of Chaos from marching straight into the heart of the Imperium, Terra.
Also according to the Black Legion supplement, with the destruction of the Cadian pylons, the Eye of Terror will extend all the way to Terra. Eventually, the whole galaxy will be covered by it.
The galaxy is bloody doomed. Well, more than it already was at any rate.
Not fast enough. Necrons are still fractured and there are Necron Phaerons who hate the guy or want his throne for themselves like Imotekh who is currently rules the mightiest and largest of the awakened dynasties.
Imperium Faction.
Chaos Faction.
Alien Faction.
Free to choose models.
Look in your heart, you know it to be true.
I would say that the Tyranids would be the primary threat to the galaxy. Now I do think that it's stupid of Geedubs to make 3 factions that are all painted as the main enemy of humanity and the galaxy, but to make to make Chaos the sole main threat again would take some serious retconning, that I really don't think that Geedubs is capable of doing competently.
No, because this will advance the plot.
>I would say that the Tyranids would be the primary threat to the galaxy.
And you would be wrong. Chaos has been said to be the greatest threat to mankind and the galaxy since its introduction. Now you are seeing this manifest before your eyes as the plot advances.
Glad the fluff will forcefully dispel whatever delusions the Tyranidfags had about their faction.
Don't say things you know aren't true. Chaos isn't even in the original game.
>mfw they're finally tearing the bandage off and trying to overwrite chambers' gift to the players
Which is not an end to an of itself
The plot is advancing.
It's true doe.
On the bright side, it might mean we actually get some non shit models for the guardsmen.
Chaos isn't even in the original game. The closest thing to a "primary threat to the galaxy" in rogue trader were the hive fleets.
Chaos is more or less contained to a small part of the galaxy, while the Tyranids is an unknown, enormous enemy that with every tendril does far more damage than any of Abaddons Black Crusade.
Now I agree that Chaos should have been the main threat from the beginning, but it simply isn't the case anymore, and as I said before, I don't trust GW to competently make Chaos the main threat while still making IG, Tyranids and Necrons interesting.
Nah, look at their most recent dull attempt at sci-fi humans. I'd rather have Kasrkin.
No, Chaos is the greatest threat to -humanity-.
For example, the Necrons, Tau and Orks are barely at threat from Chaos at all.
While IG have a lot of cool regiments and models, Cadians are pretty good as the "standard" Guard army.
Chaos got mentioned in Rogue Trader. It was officially introduced later as a game faction. And from there onwards, Chaos was the BBEG of the setting.
Tyranids were never billed as the "primary" or greatest threat in any edition
>Chaos got mentioned in Rogue Trader.
no, it got mentioned in later supplementary material after the fact
The hat guys are pretty cool, although the breastplate looks ugly as sin.
See, I prefer the Tempestus by far. However, I think the best option would be to bring the Solar Auxillia models from FW out as the main Guard style.
Chaos has only been hyped up as the be all and end all threat in recent editions, and if you're upset that not everyone is endlessly fellating chaos, blame gw for refusing to make them a credible threat for over a decade
>Chaos is more or less contained to a small part of the galaxy
Chaos is everywhere in the galaxy. From within or without. Humanity's is rotten to the core by Chaos's corruption despite Imperial efforts to combat it.
And Abaddon Black Crusades ravage and destroy thousands of worlds. Also as the End Times approach, psykers are exploding into daemons. A thousand were lost in an instant to Chaos thanks to that. This just the prelude as humanity is reaching the critical point of their psychic evolution.
So get out of here with saying the Hive Fleets did more damage.
(picture related)
Get out.
They have crypteks that can see the future and machines that can snuff out stars at the other end of the galaxy like candles. And a leader that wants to unite them instead of the mad gods of the previous editions. And now they have access to diplomacy.
Everything the other factions can do, the newcrons do it better.
That commissar is pretty good, though.
>Chaos was the BBEG of the setting.
no it wasn't
There was no BBEG of the setting, and the imperium's own people were its greatest threat and the primary reason for its harsh measures.
Read the book, man. It's pretty interesting.
So third edition is a recent edition? Get out of here, newfag.
This this before the door hits you in the back . This quote was featured in every main rulebook since 3th ED as well as the proclamation that Chaos is the greatest and it's got stamina.
> Solar Auxillia
Please no. Even Cadian look far better.
When I said introduced as a game faction, I meant 3th ED.
>They have crypteks that can see the future
With less accuracy than warp seers and the Warp screws their math.
>hat can snuff out stars at the other end of the galaxy like candles.
The Orrey is as much a threat to its users as it is to its victims.
>leader that wants to unite them instead of
He is no longer their leader. Madness and personal ambition sees to the Newcrons being disunited.
Celestine-Helbrecht-Yarrick are on the way, Cadia is fucked but Chaos is triple fucked.
Get on the ZEAL TRAIN faggots, we're gonna skullfuck heretics!
Educate urself my man
>Chaos is everywhere in the galaxy. From within or without. Humanity's is rotten to the core by Chaos's corruption despite Imperial efforts to combat it.
Its primary military might is in the Eye of Terror, which is all things considered a small part.
Also Abaddons Black Crusades haven't been nearly as effective as the Tyranid Hive Fleets.
>When I said introduced as a game faction, I meant 3th ED.
Well you'd still be wrong, because chaos was introduced as a game faction before the end of rogue trader, with white dwarf and the later Realm of Chaos books.
And even ignoring that, 3rd edition's fluff is basically a straight copy of 2nd edition's stuff that they later built on.
posting more pre-chaos fluff because it's cool
Last we see them in 999 41K, they were chasing Ghaz but when he disappeared they smashed into tendrils of Leviathan.
They got struck fighting Tyranids and Helbrecht frustrated with the amounting marine deaths.
>Its primary military might is in the Eye of Terror
And Maelstorm and other strongholds in the galaxy.
>Also Abaddons Black Crusades haven't been nearly as effective as the Tyranid Hive Fleets.
Actually, they were. Tyranids are lucky to break a few hundred imperial wotlds before being stopped. Crusades reap thousands.
Why do you think that the Imperium is ignoring the Tyranid threat to focus on the 13th Black Crusade? (source the recent Deathwatch legend novel).
Tyranids do not have the destructive capability of Chaos.
>The universe will explode if the emperor dies fluff
Carnac, nobody is talking to you.
Yes, that fluff concept has been mentioned.
Yes, they could actually go that way if they're stupid enough to AoS the setting.
We're calling that fundamentally stupid. Furthermore, chaos marines are literally -only- a concern to the three factions I mentioned because of that gibberish.
Fuck off.
And it became a fully fleshed faction in 3th ED which added the quote about Chaos destroying all reality and all life in the galaxy if the Emperor fails.
So 3th ED explained why the emergence of psykers were such a threat and by saying CHAOS.
Nobody is talking to you! Fuck off, if you already know that fluff. The anons I am talking to don't know or ignored that fluff. They don't know that this was introduced early in the setting.
>And it became a fully fleshed faction in 3th ED
are you an idiot?
pretty much everything about chaos is as it was all the way back in
The Crusades very, very really reaps thousands. Mostly they are stopped a Cadia, or quickly hunted down.
Also the Imperium isn't ignoring the Tyranids, but as of now they are somewhat contained, so when Chaos give it their biggest try yet, the Imperium will of course focus on that first. The true theat of the Tyranids is that we have only seen the smallest fraction of them yet.
Sure, they work as the standard if you like mediocre/generic as fuck models. The problem is there really isn't an option to switch to if you don't like the "baby's first soldier" models. You get to choose between Cadians and EXTREMELY dated models.
But not the Chaos exploding the universe if the Emperor dies which was only in the main 3th ED rulebook which established it as the primary thraet to the setting.
>implying Creed and General Sturnn won't push back all of the assaults of Abaddon and reclaim the Cadian Sector
R-Right guys ? ;_;
He's trying to reunite tghem, but without command proocols (those he destroyed himself) there is no way he could succeed. I'd rather believe in Imotech conquering all other dynasties as a wa for crons to reunite.
It's like you think the universe was created in 1998, and everything before that doesn't even exist.
>The Crusades very, very really reaps thousands. Mostly they are stopped a Cadia, or quickly hunted down.
False. The crusades went all over the place and sent the Imperium reeling each time.
>Also the Imperium isn't ignoring the Tyranids
They are. Kryptman gambit bought time but as the storyline progressed, Leviathan broke through and is heading towards Terra despite the efforts of Eldar, Orks, and Imperials to contain it.
Add to that humanity's psyker evolution that's threatening to tear reality asunder.
What other faction can cause thousands of worlds to be lost in span of a few moments?
Of all the recent campaigns Imperium only won in one. Damnos. And it was so stupid and over the top GW still didn't was off all the shit community trown at them for it.
Why was Damnos shitty?
Anyways, the Imperium won in Sanctus Reach and kinda in Shield of Baal.
Wait, when did it leave Ontariums empire? Last time I checked Ghazzy was moving there to merge Ontarius Waagh with his own and have some fun crumping bug gitz.
Ohh...and i forgot the Imperium won in the event excursive campaign book "Blood Oath".
Deathwatch novel. The Tyranids and Orks are spilling out of the sector which mandated the deathwatch to act to stem the tide before the spillage becomes so overwhelming for an Imperium facing the 13th Black Crusade.
What Ghaz did is defeat the Tyranids on the Ork capital world. However, the Hive Fleet responded by sending two more tendrils towards the world.
5 minute mark, some hints
1000 marines legit conquering entire majot tomb world. Not destroying it with great sacrifice and a help from near-omnipotent ally like witht a World Engine. And they didn;t even took much casualities. Oh, and it outeright ignored the fact Ultras didn't recover from the Bloodborn attack that took out 1/3 of their chapter.
And at the crown of this shitfest Marneus Fuckin Calgar lifts a Pylon (ypu know, the SUPER HEAVY gun platform) on his own and somehow fires it at tomb complex. How? Fuck you that's how.
you're just upset that the necrons decisively lost for once
Chaos was always going to be the main bad guy from the moment the Realms of Chaos books were published. This is especially true in 40k where arguably the biggest event in the setting was a result of Chaos and the main faction for Chaos are also Space Marines, the most popular of which are tied to the aforementioned event.
It'd be easy for them to write this as a standstill, Chaos overtakes Cadia but the Imperium controls space. Wrath of Magnus blew up some no name planet and left Fenris damaged, but intact.
Priestly also wrote a decent amount of what sets the stage for Chaos being the main bad guy in 40k. You can't write about the Heresy being the most important event in 40k and go into detail about the Traitor Legions and then try to pretend they're not really important or a threat.
Rogue Trader was a completely different beast and it's somewhat hard to act like it matters when so much of it has been changed with Priestly being present for it.
So the End Times begins?
Be'lakor, Aka HERALD OF THE END TIMES, said that the End Times has begun and that the galaxy will fall to the Chaos Ascendant. And the dude is never wrong when it comes to stuff like this.
I mean he made the same proclamation in fantasy when he crowned Archaon as the Everchosen and acted as HERALD OF THE END TIMES there.
The galaxy is toast.
I like you you casualy sidestep the whole "gw has made chaos look like a joke" that was my entire point. necrons were originaly sold to us as the ultimate cause of every problem in the galaxy and the nids were said to be a threat that dwarfed all others, the phrase "the greatest x" has been used to describe all of the factions in the game save tau.
and grow some thicker skin you goddamn child
>Black Templars+Celestine+Yarrick
Zeal team five is ready to purge.
Well looks like GW vs Blizzard soon will be totally over.
Till he gets crushed by a rock.
>"gw has made chaos look like a joke"
Because that's your opinion and it not based on fact.
In reality, all main rulebooks said that Chaos is the greatest threat and that all xenos threats are nothing compared to it. The word GREATEST (I GOT STAMINA) was used only for Chaos.
Rocks cannot touch shapeless shadowy smoke. Truefax.
>The word GREATEST (I GOT STAMINA) was used only for Chaos.
it actually wasn't, but I'm not in the mood to deal with your weird autism right now
Necrons lost multiple times in the fluff, but wheter it was against a single chapter it was either s minor tomb or with some outside help. Major tombs require something along a full blown crusade. If Ultras attacked Damnos with some twenty regiments of guard, titan demi-legion and few knight households and won through clever tactics I'd took it perfectly fine. Bot no. They attecked alone only with their serf auxiliary and won through plot armour and silly personal heroism which is more of a Space Wolf thing, whether Ultras are supposed to be tactical and methodical no-bullshit combat pragmatists.
I'll take your concession and lack as proof graciously and see you off.
We had morons like you in fantasy threads as well. You will only get gradually BTFO as we get more releases.
Not ulses they are thrown by motherfucking DINOSAURS
>as we get more releases
m8 this conversation was about prior releases
Why are you so obsessed with getting the last word in?
Like how they rewrote the World Engine, they should rewrite Damnos round 2, methinks.
so you mean that the 13 crusades of failbaddon wasn't only recently retconned out? chaos have been jobbing just as hard as any other faction till this recent edition.
you call others newfags yet bring up new releases in lore discussions (forgetting the fact that chaos was always the bigbad of fantasy even in the really early days)
Because the newer releases will be a copypaste of the previous stuff...duuuh. Reaffirming what's been established for years.
>Why are you so obsessed with getting the last word in?
The same reason you are. Now get out. This is MY thread now.
>so you mean that the 13 crusades of failbaddon wasn't only recently retconned out? chaos have been jobbing just as hard as any other faction till this recent edition.
Nice historically revision you got here.
Next you gonna tell me that all Crusades were meant to take Cadia and Terr and they were all stopped by Creed?
>you call others newfags yet bring up new releases in lore discussions (forgetting the fact that chaos was always the bigbad of fantasy even in the really early days)
And so was Chaos always billed as the BBEG the first moment of its introduction. You guys want to rewrite the past but forgetting we got PROOF that you live in a fantasy world.
Be right back. Got fix something.
Is it sad that I like Tempestus Scions more than Cadians? They just feel more baroque and in line with the architecture of the game than standard Cadians IMO
Nope. They look like troops where technology actually advanced instead of using the same tech for 38000 years.
Why can't GW just finally have their stocks die so the company goes belly up and all their IP's are sold on the market to literally anybody, because anybody at this point would do a better job than those fucking monkeys employed by GW.
>our game is failing
>game is too bloated, people don't want any more models!
>profits still not doing well
>tfw GW will never fucking realize that the reason why both WHFB and 40K are dead/dying is because their rules suck complete fucking ass and has nothing to do with the fluff or models, but that they are a game company, and their game is a total piece of shit that will never get fixed or balanced.
I juat started building my cadian army. sign
Has been.
But that campaign ended in a stalemate.
>game is too bloated, people don't want any more models!
That's where you're wrong cunt.
I love the wast majority of new models GW has made, and wish that they would release even more, including plastic Aspect Warriors and Phonix Lords.
What do you think has a good possibility of happening here?
Why are people freaking out? Roughly 120% of the game's playerbase has Marines as a primary or secondary army. GW will never do anything to truly alienate Imperial players.
If the rumors about the new plastic Celestine being released as part of a storyline where she's storming the Cadian Gate are true, even Cadia itself may not stay fallen for long, if a tall.
No, they are better suited to the 40k setting. I'd love GW to commit to some new plastic Guard kits. Having even two or three options for a revamped plastic Cadian look along with Steel Legion and maybe Mordian would be wonderful.
>This is MY thread now.
Carnac you are just the saddest individual.
But i am happy just by having you, user.
>Plastic Solars Auxillia
My dick is ready...
Actually, WHFB sales skyrocketted during the End Times period because the fluff event sparked interest.
They made loads of money.
Storm of Chaos was a fuckup and even still I think GW took parts of it for the End Times.
If GW wanted to move 40k forward a tiny bit before leaving it in stasis again then the Eye of Terror campaign would be fine for that. Off the top of my head the only alternative I can see is them trying to repeat what they currently doing with the Horus Heresy where it's taking years to get to Terra.
>They made loads of money.
You mean people like it when the game they play has a story that actually progresses? You absolute madman!
The financial report that says they sold fantasy stuff more than they did in previous years.
I know, rigjht? If they apply this to 40K, imagine all the income they can generate.