Reckon it will be a fully fleshed out game or one of these new quasi-boardgame sets that's an excuse to bundle up some Wyches?
Gangs of Commorragh
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Please be necromunda 2.0
Probably going to be a board game unless Goodwin has obtained an even greater amount of influence. Somewhat doubt Wyches will be in it since it's more Hellions and Reavers that are associated with gangs, possibly Scourges.
I think there might be some new DE minis as well.
Possible, those could easily be Shadowkin for AoS though.
that would be fuckin sweet
>board game consisting of only DE models
Sounds like a sure fire dud_
Commorragh has a lot of alien beasts, slaves and mercenaries. Everything is welcome there except daemons and psykers, but you can always expect some kabbalite to brek the rules.
It's the perfect place to be able to include anyone into the game.
This is really cool, but I hope it's more like necrumunda than like that assassin or deathwatch boardgame
but with dark eldar.
Eh even if its good ill pass
>but with dark eldar.
Exactly. The more i read about comorragh, the more I wanted to play games centered around that city. I am pretty stoked. My Haemonculus Covens minis will be getting some new playtime, methinks.
They should have done a 'Escape from Commorragh' game. Cast include IG veteran, Space Marine, Tau Fire Warrior, Eldar craftworlder, Ork, and maybe a Chaos Marine? Then the enemies a bunch of DE dudes.
I just want them to be usable.
So many good BL concepts, and instead we get more astartes fight wank.
There's an entire sector of the city that's been sealed off because it's crawling with daemons. There's nothing stopping you from playing there.
Who says this new game doesn't let you do that?
>Who says this new game doesn't let you do that?
Maybe, but the title 'GANGS OF COMMORRAGH' lead me to believe it's some DE vs DE setup, focusing on Hellion gangs and all the speed freaks.
So, you mean the Silver Tower board game in 40k?
Nah. Gangs is fine.
I've always wanted Grand Theft Auto: Commoragh to be a game. This'll do.
>vehicle centric gang warfare comprising entirely of Xenos
And I thought Gorkamorka was dead.
but silver tower is actually good
So is AoS, provided you use the generals handbook as well as the new armies intended for the game instead of the legacy armies
Fuck it. If GW doesn't release more than a boadgame, I'll make a Necromunda/Gorkamorka skirmish game set in Commorragh. With blackjack and hookers and consensual sex in the missionary position
I have a feeling this will be an expanded version of the old arena of blood game from white dwarf.
(probably with some mechanics from gorechosen thrown in because fuck it, gorechosen is fun and works well so why not.)
seems DA hellioms gangs battle minigame
DA? or DE xD
DE soz
kill yourself
I just started a dark eldar army. I can't tell you how mighty is my erection right now.
It'll probably be something like Gorechosen, except with Hellions or Reavers. I can't see the true Eldar successors getting much love from GW, but this hopefully means new models (I actually find that hellions show their age when compared to the rest of the DE line).
Plastic Incubi when GW?
i just want them to give me Vect and the Duke back. Please, Geedubs?
Nope, that's a Tzaangor disc from AoS.
"Gangs of Commorragh"
Breakneck combat in the dark city
gangs of hellions in speed combat minigame
>I wish I could play as a Hellion gang member
Said no one ever.
>Catachan veteran who was part of a special infiltration team
>Black Templar chaplain
>Eldar Banshee
>Ork Kommando
>Some special fire warrior
Could work
I'd love to see some marines without their armour fighting as pit gladiator champions. Not even hating it, they've gone so far that they live for the applause and the constant test of their skills.
I think it would be even funnier with non combattants. Guard training liaison officers, navy captain on a black hole survey mission, judge, hospitaller, chapter serf... They'd still know how to fight since this is 40k, but it would allow for unusual characters and skillsets.
Rogue one:Commorragh.
A warhammer story.
A story like this sounds great I always thought of a situation where a bunch of combatants get captured by DE and get forced to work together.
and that Catachans name
Kurt Plissken
i'd like a more 40k wide gang game ('Ganger'?)
some ability to progess members from juve to vet/crippled wreck would be nice.
Sounds like Necromunda.
>survivors of commorragh
>picking a space marine that isn't CAPTAIN CORTEZ
he's basically the space marine version of straken
I came here to post this. So now that its done, have a smug dr hue
>Not Ethereal Gainz
pretty much but different gangs for different planet types & races: basically Necromunda across the the entire 40k universe in genral but the imperium in particular.
So killteam with progression rules?
I'm betting on Lady Malys.
>gangs of hellions in speed combat minigame
Ugh that sounds shit.
Fuck these edgelord Dark Eldar Faggots and their players, give us Necromunda.
I do.
I'll get my glowsticks and my gasmask out for this.
Thought I might post this here as I'm having little luck in the general. Hoping for fellow true kin lovers here!
Were Wytches overpowered in 6th? I mean, how come their special weapons got downgraded from fun little bits to re-rolling 1s?
Can you make Wytches work nowadays?
>how come their special weapons got downgraded from fun little bits to re-rolling 1s?
GW a shit at game design.
>Can you make Wytches work nowadays?
With a little luck, yes. But every other option is far superior.
>I wish I could play as a Hellion gang member
>Said no one ever.
Are you kidding? I've been working on a "you're all Dark Eldar vat-born, who have just escaped from/murdered your master, wat do?" game for ages.