I need help, my dudes. Me and some random people I've met on a con are gonna start a VtM campaign soon. Would you please help me with original, fresh, weird, fucked up ideas for a character?
Vampire the Masquerade char concepts
We gonna need more info on what kind of game you´re running and what kind of character you need, and why.
It will probably be either Warsaw in 2016, or 90's LA. I can't provide more detail, my GM is enigmatic. I'm open to ANY character.
I'd love to share one resource, but it's in russian. It's really good though and focuses heavily on VtM. And they have this thing where they post concepts with character sheets every friday, and most of those concepts are great. Anyone interested?
Unfortunately, I kinda speak a little russian, but I can't read russian. ;w; Thanks anyway.
Well, I've offered to admins over there to translate some of it, but it's not gonna happen in the near future. I could write a few words for some of the best concepts if you want. Any idea what you're going for? Male, female, Sabbat or Cama?
>Warsaw in 2016
How political do you want to be?
Just curious
Cammy male. And I'd be much obliged if you would.
I have nothing against being politcal, go on.
> Warsaw 2016
May I ask why my city and current year?
It's my and my GM's city, and, uh, current year.
Jesus, I thought me and only 3 or 4 people in Warsaw still play this system. Unless you're one of them...
Ok, just a couple of words for each of my favourite concepts.
1)"In his right mind". A reporter that tried to repeat Julian Chambers' investigation and checked himself into a mental institution. But when his investigation was over and he found a lot of dirt, it turned out that his paperwork disappeared, his editor moved and nobody in the asylum believed that he was sane. He spent fourteen years there, trying to prove that he's sane. And then a man walked into his room and told him that the last decade and a half were a test.
2)"Pillar of society". You grew up in a small town. Education that's not worth metioning, imposing physique, values, beaten into you by your dad. What's good and what's bad has been decided long before your time. You follow the rules and will do anything to make sure everyone else does the same. Vampirism is just a role that you know you're supposed to fulfil and Camarilla is the family that needs your strong touch. Positive traits: You're always their to help. You will risk everything to protect those that are yours. You don't expect anything for your help, you do it because noone else will. Negative traits:You're rigid. Anything that doesn't fit your way of thinking should be purged. You're vengeful, you're dangerous.
You'll do whatever it takes. You might get saddened by the things that you have to do, but you'll do them. It's all for the greater good.
whats the appeal of VTM? not trying to shit up the thread, honestly curious. my play group has gotten HEAVILY into vtm over the past few months to where all they want to play is vtm and i have no interest playing it, ive tried, but it just seems like a bunch of edgelords, playing the same game but with different characters, every campaign. so really though, like whats the appeal? occams razor? just edge? i dont get it
>he can't understand the appeal of cheesy bullshit
Have you ever seen a horror movie?
Play a pedophile vampire
Just pick a point in David Bowie or Iggy Pop's career, read a bit about it, interpret it into a playable character, and go from there. It's what I do when I can't come up with something.
Have a quick example:
>The Thin White Duke (Malkavian)
Once a wealthy socialite, descended from lesser nobility, years of undeath and the curse of your clan has transformed your character into something quite else. Despite being ever as charismatic as before, and impeccably dressed, he has largely turned away from social life and into his growing isolation. The Duke still clings to a facade of humanity, but he's a hollow, emotionless romantic who despite his best attempts to pass as normal man no longer feels human at all. Social, good with politics and people, struggling to uphold a personal masquerade.
His insanity comes in the form of intense paranoia, which has led to his growing isolation. The voices tells him about how he will be destroyed by obscure magic, and that several important political characters and various powerful mages are out to get him.
He has a growing interest in the occult, and will go to great lengths to get his hands on occult objects and abilities, regardless of if they truly work or not. Even if he can't use it, it's important to keep others from using it against him. Beyond all else, it's the Tremere and other Mages that he truly worries about.
Late Stooges-era Iggy is obviously a cocky and aggressive young Brujah, always looking to start a fight.
It's a narrative driven game with a lot of cool lore and options.
It's as edgy as you want it to be.
An 8th generation Caitiff who is 8th generation simply because he or she has no real idea who his or her sire is, rather than because of diablerie. This can and, canonically, has happened in oWoD.
Your character is also aware of the fact that your sire has given you a year to hide and will be, at the end of the year, hunting you down in order to kill you for sport.
Your sire does this to starve of ennui and because he's a giant prick.
Played that character once. Best part was that the character was also an Anarch, so I had three times the normal number of reasons for the higher powers to hate me:
- No vampire is going to want to believe in a "nautral" Caitiff of that high generation, so they all assumed that I'd found some way to hide diablerie.
- I'm still a Caitiff and all the social problems that come with that.
- And I'm an Anarch, which means that the Camarilla is convinced that I'm just slightly above the Sabbat.
- Special bonus, almost no Anarchs believed me when my generation was revealed and thought that I was some kind of spy.
On the plus side, three blood/turn is sweet, and I was able to flat No Sell a lot of people's attempts to Dominate me, since Dominate just plain doesn't work on a character of lower generation than the attempted Dominator. Generation is the only Background that can't be raised strictly via roleplaying, so it's worth it to grab as much as your Storyteller allows from the get go.
As a favor to the Storyteller, I took no other Backgrounds, even with freebie points (making me a homeless bum), and I also took a 5-point Enemy flaw.
Please note that the aforementioned 7th-generation sire hunting me down for shits and giggles is NOWHERE NEAR powerful enough to represent a 5-point Enemy.
I've played this exact same character, except they were a Gangrel and not an Anarch.
His sire 'raised' him innawoods for a few months before being like "Okay, you need to leave so I can hunt you down and eat you later."
Funnily enough I did up a "genealogy" for my character that had her "ancestry" ultimately being Gangrel, though her immediate sire AND his sire were Gangrel. To whit:
- 1st. Caine, the Dark Father [Cursed by God c. 200,000 BC]
- 2nd. Irad, the Strong [Embraced c. 10,000-20,000 BC]
- 3rd. Ennoia [Gangrel Antediluvian, Embraced c. 8000 BC]
- 4th. Enmerkar [Gangrel Methuselah, Embraced c. 3000 BC]
- 5th. Arieh of Judea [Gangrel ancient, Embraced c. 400 BC]
Here is where the split occurs; Arieh practiced the same bad habit that a lot of Gangrel do; that is, Embracing childer and then abandoning them to the wild with no instruction so that they can prove their worth and ability. This has a high tendency to produce Caitiff. Of course, it's still rare, especially in lower generations, but do it enough times...
- 6th. Caelus Silius Uticensis [Caitiff elder, Embraced c. 100 AD]
- 7th. [Chétif] (real name unknown) [Caitiff elder, Embraced c. 1000 AD]
- 8th. Adrienne [Caitiff neonate, Embraced 1997 AD]
"Chétiff" is just the archaic French origin of the word "Caitiff". Chétiff isn't quite arrogant enough to claim that he's the origin of the word; it's just that that's the name he gives to his prey when hunting them; presumably he uses his real name at other times.
Oh, addendum: my line of thinking was that Arieh is about the level of a 5-point Flaw. So basically SHE was gonna be on the hunt for her Caitiff descendants, not out of sport, but rather because she was told by someone to/decided she needed to clean up after herself.
Oh, also, to further avoid game-breaking I only took Potence and Obfuscate as Disciplines, and not something that could have truly been broken by access to three blood/turn, like Celerity or Thaumaturgy.
Buy (yes buy you cheap fuck) Lore of the Clans, a sourcebook for V20. It's basically all the old clan books in one book and each clan chapter ends with about 10 (sometimes wild) character concepts and ideas.
this game looks so cool
but my main group only plays pathfinder
and my other group also only plays pathfinder
High school student who's sired by an ancient vampire in a subway.
why not an old man sired by a high school Subway employee?
Can you post the link?
It would be super useful for me.
Just pick a clan you like and stick to the stereotype, or if there is one you like mechanically but can't stand fluff why is it deliberately go against type create the antithesis.
Vampire is pretty defined in concept. You can play a character according to what simply given to you with the in universe background without it seeming phoned in. If anything the GM probably appreciate the restraint
Man, I'd like to play some Mage again.
i like the idea of super cheesy bullshit, i know vampire is supposed to be cheesy and meant to be a joke but my play group takes it so fucking seriously like OH MAN THESE MAGES CAN DO EVERYTHING or BRUJAHS ARE THE COOOLEST BECAUSE X AND Y. and it gets really old really fast
i like the idea of narrative driven, i try to do that with all my campaigns, maybe its just the group i am playing with