Dude shut the fuck up
If you bought at 0.28 you fucked up
It was shilled for months
If you bought at 0.05 or even 0.10 you wouldn't be screaming
$.45 before colossus.
$2 before Great Wall
tfw bought at .04 and .12
I've bought at .14 .16 and .26. This will be a great hold through 2018. Just ride it out man.
just hold it at this point. I've bought at .06 .09 and recently .26.
Aiming long term
easy lad, wait 2 years and retire with lambo
>tfw bought every sub 0.06
hey mate, we got the same story you and me. Hope you hodl with the grip of a one armed jerk addict.
bought at .9 and .11
mfw people actually bought into the shilling on /biz
seriously, congrats on this
Fuck I fell for DGB and now this
None of you tards are buying the dip?
>Most of the volume comes from Asia
>Thinks this is a BIZ meme coin
You could have bought at 5 cents. You can still buy now. Or you can stay poor.
Bought at 9 cents. I actually believe in this product so I think it's a long-term hold.
ill buy at 10cents
lol this coin is barely dipping.
look on the binance charts. its only down -1.3% against ETH, but 17% against BTC. the whole market is pulling back and BTC breathing all the crypto air
chill out and turn your computer off for a few days
i bought at .11 and .26, should i buy more when it dips? shill be biz
reqtards get so triggered when you say not nice things about their coin. i feel so bad for them
How fucking new are you, it barely dipped
>Feels bad for people making more money is 2 weeks than wagecucks do in a year
For real, is this a good investment? Seems pretty promising.
The only coins I have ever believed in have done well so I'm sticking by them abd hodling.
Btc, xmr, vert. now req, ada, verge(.02 cents right now, you don't buy in you'll miss an easy win. John Macfee is shilling that shit right now)
Yes. And it's on sale, so don't be a retard and get in.
half at .11 half at .26
26 because rushed to recoup my losses from weedcoin then lost even more on todays dip
this shit isn't even dipping that much. i bought 10k at .09, i'm forgetting about it for a year. you guys freak out over nothing.
on the other hand, california dismissed my $500 worth of parking tickets so considering that i'm up
this is a good time to dollar cost average before we go to $.50 on the next run.
Please tell me you flipped shares to acquire more. You do this, right Veeky Forums?
>flipped shares
>tfw bought 20k more at .20
>Whales accumulating and hitting stops and shaking off weak hands before going to the colossus moon
Just bought 20k more
Got in @ .22
Same here, set a bunch of limit buys as well, wouldn't be shocked if this goes lower but wouldn't be shocked if it shot back up either.
I hope so too user. Just bought some more at .22. Up to 24.5k. I'm too excited for this, looks like it could hit a dollar before we even see major releases.
>captcha superior house
Riches confirmed. Buy as much as you can.
I don't get this whole thread.... bitcoin pumped 11% and REQ lost 16% BTC ratio value...oh no it is down 5% in USD ratio, when the big boy is pumping....
Its not like every altcoin corrected right now...Veeky Forums classic pajeet thread
they're meme threads user
do you really take this all seriously? we're throwing around fake internet money and it's actually working. If you don't find all this hilarious there's a problem
ofc it is hilarios but i am still so pink right now
if you're pink in REQ you should've bought in earlier m8
the shilling was going on when it was under 5 cents
honestly this coin is due for a major correction. They said big news was coming and instead the news was actually very negative that they can not use ING name anymore with association of the project. The coin then went on a 4-5x run. It probably needs to correct back to .10
>flipped shares
Yes: sell part of your core holdings high, wait for the dip, then buy even more after. Hold onto some so that if it goes up, you're not FOMOing.
bought in at 800 sats, comfy as fuck
the ING thing is just a logo. they still support them in spirit and they have the connections. but if they ICOed they cannot list them as an investor because they only invested in their last project. its not like they ran into some technical issues
>product about to release
come on m8
got in at 24
i'm late but i have stronk hands
What logo are we talking about?
REQ is ICO based, and ICO has a lot of scum.
REQ is also long investing coin
IDK guys
>got in at $0.289 last night
and thats why you do the opposite of whatever Veeky Forums says
>hurr I got in late after literal weeks of shilling
dude this coin was shilled at 4 fucking cents
>bought in at $.12
>enjoyed the gains but know this is a long-term hold
>been waiting for it to crash so I can accumulate more
This is just what I wanted.
>Veeky Forums: HURR DURR ITLL GO TO $1
it will eventually
have some fucking patience