Anyone on biz go to U of T? Do you know if there is any interest in crypto there? A community maybe?
Anyone from University of Toronto?
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i go to mcmaster user
Is there much of a crypto community there? Do you know anyone else there on biz or just in crypto?
If you can walk and talk, you can go to Brock
If you can walk faster, you go to McMaster
Waterloo warrior here. Home of ethereum messiah vitalik buterin
York ma nigga
If you can hold a fork, you can go to York
Didn't realise so many people around me were on biz. What are the crypto communities in your school like? Formal or informal
UofT my nigga, no community that I know of.
UofT mustardrace reporting in
>tfw cashed out in 2014 now a nocoiner
how much monero do i need to stick it in her pooper?
300k in LINK
stc rep...
Waterloo crypto community reporting in. Based on our analysis you should buy Ripple
Is there a crypto club or something at UW?? Goose reporting in
Dalhousie crypto community here. Buy Modum my nigga
my nigger wats good.
B town here, not s college person tho. I’m a weed guy.
Is Canada nice?
Should i ditch the US for it?
>Went to McMaster and Queens.
>Ditched my 110k in OSAP and went overseas.
>7 years pass by
>debt is "forgiven" without a single cent paid.
>Make 150k/yr overseas
>500k USD in crypto
>credit still probably in shambles in Toronto.
kek. tfw i know y'all won't make it like I did.
from mcmaster i have yet to meet another person who does crypto
yeah, because you guys are poor af. McMaster girls are shit too. UWO tho, wow.
UTM fag here
I hate school
so where are you now?
Nice try user, you'll rat me out to OSAP (who can't do anything anyway, kek).
Sick fucks. Imagine someone turning your mom's corpse into that.
ew your clearly a gook since waterloo is 90% asians
also what do you guys all do for money/ whats your crypto portfolio
ive maxed out my TFSA from co-ops in the states and trade options on questrade, also do CFD on most cryptos through thinkbrokers
>living in ontario in the year 2017
lmao @ you're life
McGill fag here
We have a crypto club
Bitcoin airdrop 2015:
Isnt admitting to being at the UofT synonymous to admitting to being a pajeet?
UofA here.
PhD candidate at UofT St. George here.
Laurier here
>mfw I hear nerdy kids bragging about having bought 0.1 BTC in the summer
>mfw they think they're hot shit with their $1000 profit
Fuck BBA kids