Has anyone else been keeping up with D&December?
I keep getting the feeling that Jared is a that guy.
Its honestly embarassing for me to hear how much he keeps saying he plays the same character over and over.
Has anyone else been keeping up with D&December?
I keep getting the feeling that Jared is a that guy.
Its honestly embarassing for me to hear how much he keeps saying he plays the same character over and over.
Other urls found in this thread:
Youtube game reviewer and D&D enthusiast. Name is filename.
He's comfortable playing that character type, and he plays it so often he knows that character through and through.
That's not being a That Guy at all.
But its not a character type. Its the exact same character.
While I agree the fact him literally only playing one character is kinda weird, but from everything else he hardly seems to cause many issues outside of that if you watch him play. As a player he's actually so normal it can get boring, which is unfortunate because his gameplay videos and normal videos are quite humorous. Having one character doesn't make you "that guy" it's just kinda weird.
I havent watched him play at all. Is it not entertaining at all?
From what I gather he DMs more than he plays, but in the series i watched he kind of defaulted to the "straight man" of his group. It's not really his fault as I think his group was a little out there and him being the "normal one" wasn't exactly hurting the group.. It was entertaining, but there's definitely better stuff out there. It's no acquisitions incorporated.
1. He's said numerous times that he was at least 75% a DM in his experiences.
2. He also said that carrying a character through separate adventures was how it was back then. He's played for a while.
He's not the greatest DnD-related channel, but I just might think you're looking too hard for things to bitch about OP.
>back then
He's only 30
>He also said that carrying a character through separate adventures was how it was back then
Every single person Ive ever known who did this was a total cunt and shitty player.
I actually really enjoy his D&D videos and think they are the most enjoyable content he makes
Does he expect to carry on equipment and levels from campaign to campaign?
Then it's not the same character.
>Every single person Ive ever known who did this was a total cunt and shitty player.
Nice opinion, shitty thread confirmed.
He said on numerous occasions that he likes to play that character, but also plays others. He likes to play Warlord in 4e and said that he always picks the Kinda-Warlord whenever he plays Fighter in 5e. He just really likes his kinda-self insert thief guy.
He's pretty much the epitome of one of the three stereotypes of D&D players: The enthusiastic guy that's really into it and basically plays himself.
He's definitely that guy who gets way too proud and excited about things he doesn't realize are either dumb or relatively common. He also bugs me with all the little things he either doesn't know or gets wrong (like assuming that ballistae work the way they do in Warcraft II and not knowing that the things they shoot are called bolts or arrows and not "ballista shots.")
His stories are... okay?
I mean, it's no Counter Monkey, but it at the very least sates me considering Spoony seems to only do video game livestreams now...
>tfw loads of favorite youtubers just do shit streams now.
I hate how this is okay.
>He's only 30
Considering I'm turning 27 in a few days and feel insecure about my age, these words are somewhat comforting.
Youtube isn't exactly stable, what with all the stupid rule changes and algorithm fuckups, while streams pretty well are. It makes sense for someone who is actually trying to make a living to go for the more secure option that has less prepwork involved (No editing or anything like that)
It's hard to say "how people did it in the old days" when you're talking about a game made twenty years before you ever played it.
He's a long shot from a grog or rules authority, but he's a pretty good representaton of what many D&D players are: Enthusiastic, a bit shaky on the rules details but completely unaware of the fact and has probably only ever played D&D.
I don't like D&D, but I like his personality and enthusiasm, so his D&December vids are fun to leave running in the background while doing something else.
>He's not the greatest DnD-related channel
Got any suggestions for better? Jared's one of my current go-to's but there's gotta be something better.
Not him, but I like Spoony's Counter Monkey.
He only uploads videos when all the planets align though.
I dunno shit about Pro-Jared, but if it's the same class, is leveled up identically, and acts the same way regardless of setting and circumstance; then I'd say it's the same character. If not, who cares?
Im 24 and feel insecure about turning 25 in half a year.
And yet when that character died, he took it like a champ. No tantrums, no bargaining. Just "that's the way the cookie crumbles."
I really like ProJared. He's like the Bizzaro Spoony.
Where Spoony is always negative, Jared is happy and positive.
Where Spoony is gloomy and bitter, Jared is happy and upbeat.
Where Spoony's rants would likely send any non-gamers who watch them running for the hills, Jared actually presents roleplaying and gamers in a positive light. He takes the time to talk to people who might never have played an RPG before about what a great hobby it is and how they should give it a try even if it's not something they would normally do.
Where Spoony disappears for months at a time, Jared has a strong work ethic and churns out tons of content on a daily basis.
Spoony had a good run, but he's just not what he used to be.
Jared for official Veeky Forums mascot.
I don't really care about turning 25 next May. I'm more concerned about my complete lack of aspirations to finish my fucking Master's Degree.
I dunno I like Spoony's bitchiness except when he's astronomically wrong about something which is sparing since he spends half an hour looking at the book in front of him cause he forgot what editing is.
Jared is a pretty cool guy though, I wouldn't mind him as Veeky Forumss D&D go to youtube guy. Though i doubt it.
As far as I know most of his videos are about vidya rather than D&D, but you're right. I especially like that he consistently jams out one or two videos a month. The internet has changed, and now that subscribers actually translate into add revenue any decently sized channel has no excuse for an irregular uploading schedule. Even AVGN is becoming less popular because this stuff isn't as acceptable as it was 10 years ago. But it's not all peaches and cream, because the new model has oversaturated the market with Let's Plays of highly varying quality
His episode on 4th edition was nail on the head.
Speaking of not being a rule authority, I'm pretty sure he and/or his DM got the 3.5 rules all wrong in the story from his newest video.
Sometimes he's kind of ballsy in his ignorance of the rules, though. He tried to trick Chris Perkins himself into using flanking rules in 5e.
Spoony is mean, grouchy, and unreliable. I'd hate to have him as a player, and I'd especially hate to have him as a GM.
At the same time, though, he's articulate, he's fairly knowledgeable, and he's actually funny as opposed to just thinking he's funny.
ProJared seems like a nicer person, and as far as I know he honors his commitments to his donors, but he stumbles over his own words, he's bad at choosing topics for discussion, and his jokes fall flat.
So they each have their strengths.
you only feel insecure about your age because you havent accomplished anything yet
go out and do shit nigga
I'm salty that he's got such a hot wife.
He's not that attractive, man.
>He tried to trick Chris Perkins himself into using flanking rules in 5e.
How and when?
>Jared for official Veeky Forums mascot.
But only during the month of December.
During the first session of Dice, Camera, Action, Wizards' answer to Critical Role. He was hoping that he could get advantage on an attack (not just Sneak Attack damage) for having a friend nearby. youtube.com
He doesn't seem like a That Guy. He played pretty okay in that Ravenloft stream and he doesn't freak out too much when his OC Donut Steel dies. In fact, a lot of his stories is about his character dying which is definitely not That Guy behavior.
I'd actually have that rule household in but it'd invalidate some class features even more and kobolds racial thing.
For more tabletop shit, I'm going to shamelessly shill my favourite Veeky Forums related channel TabletopTalk. James (not asian) is mai husbando
Matthew Colville, How to be a Great Game Master / PC, and Web DM are alright. I get good info from them here and there.
Eh, she's got a bit of a man jaw
>pic related
I have a few but they're not the best, if I want to discuss shit I come here so I don't watch their stuff so often.
I mean, there is a DMG option for flanking. but it's not just a "nearby" thing.
I quite like Nerdarchy. They review everything fairly thoroughly and also throw out some good ideas.
I took the idea of a militia of gnomish Ranger Beastmasters mounted on Giant Badgers and incorporated into my characters backstory. (He didn't make the cut but ended up becoming a Druid)
I play D&D on the fly, and I'm 25 but when my mom talks about all the adventures she did back on 1st like a whole other type of rpg.
She's almost 57.
I remain of the opinion that there are no attractive women, only those who know how to use make-up and those who do not.
>Muh bone structure though
Contouring. Unless you're one of those blind people who remembers faces by feeling them, you're not seeing the difference. And even if you are, I guess you don't *see* the difference either.
As much as I like Jared, and as much as I admire him for his desire to do something with his channel and spread his love of DnD with us, I have to agree with you on Diath.
I fail to see how Jared is in any way a That Guy, but something about Diath and his playstyle, from what little I've bothered to watch, just rubs me the wrong way. I can't really judge since I've got minimal tabletop experience, but something always felt... forced about how he plays
pic unrelated
That's probably because ProJared IS a That Guy even in his reviews.
>"I hate Sonic Adventure 2, and you should too!"
>"First, holding down the button to shoot makes a really annoying noise."
>"Also, some of these medal requirements are really hard"
>"And whats with these Chao?"
When you make me start writing arguments in the comment section for why you're wrong about tearing into a game I fucking HATE, then you're a shitter that likes to make contrarian videos. He even opens up with saying that the fanbase is wrong for saying it was the last good sonic game, like it's a challenge.
And that's just -one video- where he's a total asshole.
Frankly, he's shit.
I HATE that he gets to play with Chris Perkins every week.
There there friend, let it all out
Do they stream it? I don't watch much DnD but i'd watch that.
they did, its over now. check the dnd channel on youtube: they have the full thing
I thought that was Viscant before i read the filename.
Best beatdown of LTG ever.
As /b/ has taught me, independently from beauty any male that has a sustancial dick size can get to stay with the best females, best meaning fertility, looks, etc,
Taking on account this, the gentleman must have quite the piece between legs. But of course, this comes from /b/, only a fool would take this theory as fact.
>not liking strong jaws on strong women
Sorry I'm not gay.
I mean you can like what you want. But I like my women looking like women.
Based on my interactions with a teacher that runs the game club at my school, I can say with absolute certainty that Jared is Mormon as FUCK. Their mannerisms and enthusiasm are fucking identical.
>tfw you get coup de graced by a fake pig
>I've never played a living campaign.
How does that relates with my post user?
I dunno, but my teacher's got two kids, he must be doing some dicking right.
Roman ballistae used stones.
Jared thought they fired giant logs.
I fucking lost it at this. "Ballista Bat" was the weirdest "anondoesntunderstandhistorystory" ever.
Nothing against him personally but his D&D videos are fucking boring.
Most of them seem to be shaggy dog stories where nothing entertaining happens at all.
>This is how my thief died. He was outnumbered and captured and none of his party arrived in time to save him. He couldn't escape and was killed. The end.
>A boar once killed my thief character because a mage knocked him out and a boar crit him after.
Compare that to the epic that is The Age of Manure.
watbout ballista bat?
I legit don't know what your going on about.
>Jared for official Veeky Forums mascot.
It should be Matt Colville, but Veeky Forums gets triggered whenever he says something that is not in line with the spillover from /pol/.
to be fair, the manure golem wasn't technically spoony's story
I don't actually mind a pointy jaw or even a somewhat strong one. The issue comes up when the jaw is Olivia Wilde's snow-shovel of a thing that would make the Crimson Chin blush.
If you're just worried about literally any presence of man jaw, you sound like a picky shit who deems anything that isn't a perfect 100% lawless thing downright ugly.
I watch Colville's videos and enjoy them for the most part, yeah, but his overall DMing style doesn't suit me or my group. That said he is excellent for getting ideas from and comparing his style to your own. Also, yeah, he's a typical Californian liberal. That doesn't bug me though. I like that he sees the value is 4e's skill challenges and I like that, for example, if a player is in a duel he'll take a chance and say "You know what. There's just two of you let's make this more interesting and roll initiative every round." That stuff of his is great. I just can't stand the whole "I tell my players I randomly generate loot, oh, lookit that there's an anti-orc arrow in the orc stronghold!" Like, for that sort of thing whenever I place a magic item somewhere I always figure out how the hell it got there in the first place. Or, more importantly, why the hell the orcs would keep that out in the open and not on someone's person. Also, he's pro-fudging and more narrative first, which isn't my cup of tea.
But still, it was devastastating.
I mean whatever floats your boat? But playing the exact same character in everything was what I did when I first discovered D&D as a young'n and had an ideal in my head that I wanted to achieve over and over, but never came to be. It doesn't seem like a healthy way to play.
I know there's people who like to specialize extremely - they get comfortable with one thing and get really good at it - but I've felt it was more tasteful to make completely fresh characters when you're in a new group or a new campaign. It's like starting with a freshly-printed character sheet rather than pulling out one that's been written over and erased uncountable times.
Also with Jared it's not even just D&D it's like every fantasy video game he ever plays he's always the same human thief character and he tries to make it look as much like himself as possible. It's kind of uncomfortably bordering the "self-insert" line.
You don't recognize shitposting when you see it?
News flash.
30 is a long fucking time. Assuming you start gaming at 10, that's twenty YEARS of gaming.
Average women can definitely get by with makeup but there are objectively ugly women
New season in January (Storm King's Thunder)
this is horse shit, two women with zero makeup can be different levels of attractive
>old days can only ever refer to original
ProJared is a fun guy to listen to. Hes not perfect by any means, but hes friendly, and entertaining, and I think his reviews are really fair and thought out.
If anyone is a "that guy" it's Arin from gamegrumps. He plays a hot female that always hits on his wife's character. The chicks name is even Axl Rockinbod or some such bullshit.
It sounds like that's the kind of character that's in a sillier beer and pretzels game, which is probably how they like to play. Nothing wrong with that.
Yeah they all do beer and pretzels style playing.
Yeah I guess that's fair
I fucking hate Arin. He's an annoying prick who thinks he's the best thing on the internet. Fuck him.
Well his persona was EGOraptor.
I miss when he was just a content creator on Newgrounds and actually did things that were funny instead of toilet humor. I hate that fucker for ruining Game Grumps. If it were just Jon and Danny it would be amazing. Ross and Arin sold their souls for youtube bucks and I'm mad because I'd do the same in a heartbeat.
In their defense, aren't most of us selling our soul to someone for money every day when we go to work?
>He plays a hot female that always hits on his wife's character
Whenever he plays vidya and has the option to, he usually plays a female character as well. And he's married. Is this gender dysmorphia, or am I just looking into things way too deeply? Still, it's kind of odd.
Though to be honest, the only kinds of characters I create in such computer games are either "the self-insert" and "the waifu" unless I'm feeling really c>If it were just Jon and Danny it would be amazing.
>If it were just Jon and Danny it would be amazing.
I don't know much about Jon (not a fan to be honest) but it's pretty obvious Danny is a Yesman to Arin.
That really is how things were, almost univerally, when D&D was young. You'd get invited to stuff just because strangers needed your higher level character to help fix a major problem.
I can see this making a lot more sense than earlier incarnations. I mean most people probably did run something like ravenloft. That is in itself a self-contained universe. And as long as your character was made in ravenloft it would make sense that he still exists inside ravenloft somewhere.
>Is this gender dysmorphia?
Usually I refrain from saying anyone's got gender dysphoria when I don't know them, but he's eerily obsessed with playing females.
Every time he gets a gender option in a game he picks female immediately like there's no question.
I remember him describing trans people as something along the lines of "guys who think they're girls but aren't" in an episode of game grumps, so it's possible he has undiagnosed gender dysphoria due to being uneducated on the topic.
It's probably way more likely that I'm being an autistic fucktard who knows way to little about his behaviour to be making broad assessments about his gender identity.
inb4 >
Or he knows its a hot button issue and that playing females in this political climate will get him the audience he wants. Don't forget, he is in the entertainment business.
>"hmm how shall we increase our views Jon? We only got several hundred thousand on the last couple of episodes."
>"Well Arin, how about by vaguely appearing to have gender issues but only specifically during character selection screens?"
>"My god Jon, you're a genius! People love talking about those trans-formers or what ever they are on the world wide web! Let's start immediately."
Do you realise how ridiculous and cynical this is now?
>Or he knows its a hot button issue
Not him but I think he's just retarded. I very well remember something incredibly stupid he said during the Sakura Spirit playthrough that not only served no purpose in being PC but actually upset a lot of fans. The conversation between him and Dan went something like this, when one of the girls started macking on the MC.
>Oh, I get it. She's a tsundere
>What's a tsundere?
>It's kind of creepy. You know, it's a girl who doesn't like you but then she does? It's kinda rapey
Not only is that factually wrong (tsundere's are simply dishonest with their feelings, something that happens all the time IRL) but he brought up rape (the ultimate red button topic for SJWs) and threw it around when there was no need to.
That's accurate, though. The fictional idea of a girl who only acts like she hates you when she secretly likes you is an outlet for rape fantasy. In invites all those unloved neckbeards to imagine that the people who treat them like shit only do so because they're all harboring secret crushes, when in fact they're treating them like shit because they are shit.
Also, Arin is not that good at PR management. If he thought that far ahead about how to present himself, he'd be doing things a lot differently.
>The fictional idea of a girl who only acts like she hates you when she secretly likes you is an outlet for rape fantasy.
I don't have a reaction image for this.