Amazon will likely adopt IOTA in 2018

Amazon will likely adopt IOTA in 2018
>user how does it feel to know that you can literally buy your retirement right now for 3-4$ and instead you continue believing FUD ?

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So what stopes me from spamming translations on iota when it has 0 fees?

Holy shit, shes really head of design for IoT at Amazon...?

Not buying your bags, Joanna

>thinking some fat derp woman with retard glasses has anything legitimate to say
The absolute state of this place...

Sounds like shes a bagholder

>yfw the head of IoT innovation at Amazon is a bagholder and starts shilling Iota

Best timeline

just forget it dude lol you're obsolete technology
>just crawl back in your blockchain hole and pretend to be happy again.

shes also an "activist" so likely the diversity hire that sits in the corner

That style of glasses frames is the female equivalent of a fedora. Her opinion doesn’t matter.

Bro read her title.

>the asolute state of this bozo...

>you're obsolete technology

At least that 'obsolete technology' actually works and isn't centralized

Nice arguments there can't think with those bags over your head huh

>former CCO of IBM

No thanks. Keep your bags

5000 trillion coins

>w-we are no b-blockchain technology. W-we have an superior non-working entangle thingy. Please buy!

"Proud lesbian"

...omfg. Yeah I'm sure she earned her spot for sure.


>outdated tech that used mostly for tax/money laundering and dark web drug trafficking
>works miracle all right with 7 transactions per second and 2MB mempool
>forks every year into dozen of useless shitcoins and totally not centrilized but owned by china that burns shitton of coal daily into the air just to sustain it

>hyphenated last name
>that hair coloring
IOTA the virtue signal coin confirmed

>that bio
>that pic



It says things of internet in her bio. Of course shes a bag holder

Kek, with that face Im not surprised

It says head of IoT at Amazon user, doesnt mean shes a bagholder.

Although it would be great if she was

I dont even need to look at this fat bitch;s LinkedIn to know she should have nothing to do with IOT
fucking bullshit world fucking bullshit employers

Do it. Because every time you spam you confirm other transactions. You have to do PoW to spend. The more you spam the faster the network becomes.

>not current

>current head of IoT at Amazon
>not former

I see your point, user...

don't even bother talking to /pol cavemen

I don't think she would even know of IOTA if she wasn't.

Look at her, does she look like she would know if she didn't work at Amazon?

This board is /pol/ get the fuck out nigger

Nobody ever said BTC was good (and there are a lot of other blockchain based cryptos that function better than it so focusing on BTC is being intellectually dishonest), but at least it doesn't stop working completely for days at a time

You do realize someone did this continuously and it stopped people's actual transactions from actually going through, right?

what's wrong, sad you aren't white?

>the absolute state of iota holders
these faggots should be purged

I love Joanna but that bit there, "hurr it's not a blockchain" probably is a turn off to her.

>forks every year into dozen of useless shitcoins and totally not centrilized but owned by china that burns shitton of coal daily into the air just to sustain it
This is a lie.
Everyone knows that china has mining facilities built into hydro-electric damns.

Yea go ahead tell me how clean and futuristic your blockchain technology is sister fucking /pol brainlets

>caring about the environment

>not caring for world future trends like a fucking /pol streetshitting pajeet


Well it's IoT, what did you expect.

Hahahahahahahahaah stay classy /pol

>sister fucking
don't call people muslim. thanks

>bought IOTA under $2
>sold IOTA at $4.7

Dumped my bags on you FOMO homos.



iota is in beta bro

youre comparing apples and oranges

Yea that dude is definitely a faggot in gravy


IoT director of fucking Amazon

Owning Iota "bags"

Bro this is best timeline of all possible timeline type shit

She doesn’t have an alibi.
Plus she is a fat woman in tech with colored hair. She got to where she is by rubbing her smelly vagina on office furniture until they promoted her just to leave them alone.

Arguing with an IOTA bagholder is like arguing with someone that has down syndrome. Facts are ineffective

What the average IOTA bag holder looks like. If you didn’t sell at 5 you are fucked.

> bagholders claim "iota is in beta" when it doesn't work
> but...Amazon will adopt it in 2018
> and Coinbase too


kill me

I'm proud of you user

>people actually believe this

lol when it all gets funneled into a centralized "coordinator" since they dont know how to deal with double spending

Hey now I actually think energy-efficient cryptos will be a big thing long-term, it's just that IOTA sucks and its energy efficiency will be irrelevant if it doesn't even fucking work

Its under development since the demand for it 10xed in a week

God so much hate for Iota, cant everyone just try to make $$ together

>coin in development for 2 years that promises to be able to scale well because "muh tangle"
>doesnt scale well at all and network goes down all the time


>cant everyone just try to make $$ together

You only say that because you're in it so more people buying in nets you more. Just be honest you don't give a shit about other people making it (I don't either this place is about 95% terrible retards)

And who the fuck are you? I’d rather listen to the head of design at Amazon than some fucking nobody’s FUD.

Ideally we all make money together, its the people shilling shitcoin pnd's that should be hung from the rafters.

I just want people to believe in this tech as much as I do because our collective willpower could moon anything to No. 1, but yea maybe im just biased.

Whats your recommended coin? Im recommding Iota, Ada, Fct and Rcn right now

>I just want people to believe in this tech as much as I do

Thing is I don't believe in it at all

>Whats your recommended coin?

Absolutely nothing. Hold BTC until a true gamechanger in the currency space shows up

>not available on Polo
into the trash it goes

Well I respect your opinion, but BTC is clearly not the best crypto out there.

BTC is centralized, serves only one purpose (self recording ledger) and the miners will cannibalize themselves by charging higher fees as BTC increases in value.

ETH's smart contract platform is an innovation but theyre having scalability issues.

A diverse blockchain that can utilize dapps with capabilities of scaling is what is needed, but BTC is best safeguard for money now during initial normie phase.

I believe that 10% of portfolio should be invested in disruptive techs and the one thats most disruptive to blockchain is Directed Acyclic Graph tech. The most well connected via corporate networking is Iota

That is why I personally recommend holding some to fellow traders here. Id recommend 7% Iota, 3% Byteball

Sure, just like Netflix was going to adopt Sia and Riot was going to adopt Digibyte.

Say hi to nelson bitch

MicroSoft and Bill Gates has endorsed IOTA.

Nepotism. Hop on board faggot.

listen, idiots
can we keep to business and investment
keep your loooking-down-instead-of-up (((racism))) on that board please

Richard Spencer is a zionist CIA faggot, and so is Jared Taylor. If you want to truly understand the nature of the dilemma, listen to some E. Michal Jones before you become an unwitting stooge of the uberjuden distractory DnC methodologies.